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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. If we're going by # of worthless pages... The 26 volumes of deception comes to mind....
  2. Thanks.... I did find this RIF cover page, now we need to find the document... The department of STATE was handling all this - and from studying Mexico City it seems to me that STATE and CIA were on one page while the FBI was on another... Interesting this doc is CIA originated... now let's find it.... not sure why that letter is not it's own CE COLLECTION OF RIF PAGES FROM OSWALD 201 FILE, VOLUME 13
  3. Me too... the only reference to VLADIMIR PETROV in the WCDocs: A Russian defector MAY have reason to slant Oswald towards Russia... There are fairly large reports on this scattered about: the page below this is from the 1st paper DJ
  4. Jim... what is the CE # for that letter from Oswald? Can't seem to put my fingers on it... and I'll take a little time today and see what turns up on Petrov DJ FWIW - when researching the possible source for the rifle Samuel Cummings of INTERARMCO is ex-CIA whose sister married JOHN TOWER.... and was one of 3 companies bidding for the same rifles as Adams (Feldsott)... yet them and Century Int'l Arms (the other massive surplus weapons retailer) were barely investigated... Figuring he could do much of the same on his own, he left the CIA in 1953 and started his own business, International Arms Corporation or Interarmco, in Alexandria, Virginia. The world was flooded with arms after World War Two and the charismatic Cummings used his CIA contacts and arms expertise to build up huge stockpiles and began to sell them to individuals and governments everywhere. His sister married an United States senator from Texas, John Tower which helped to improve his contacts. Through his friends he was awarded contracts to arm the allies of the Americans and British. He didn't downplay his CIA ties, he named one of his companies Cummings Investment Associates And then we have our infamous "less-than-6-degrees-of-separation". Despite there being a number of false leads re: that rifle (Nat Pinkston & H. Holmes come to mind) the FBI settled on FEDLSOTT and Adams... which suggests to me he was probably the only one NOT involved but willing to cooperate... didn't want anyone looking too closely at Interarmco or Century Int'l Arms (C.I.A.) In the summer and fall of 1958, Donald Edward Browder, the ex-Canadian pilot who was reported to be involved with Ruby since the late 1940s, was arrested for smuggling guns to Castro. Browder was later sentenced to three years in prison for this (Scott Malone's memorandum, dated September 19, 1977 in Ruby file, Assassination Archives, Washington DC): “Browder [was] in a US prison serving three years for a conviction of receiving, transporting, and possessing stolen Canadian securities. The securities were stolen from the Brockville Savings and Trust company and two other Canadian financial institutions. While the FBI supplied several reports to the Warren Commission concerning Browder, including his denial about knowing Ruby, they withheld hundreds of reports from Browder's file which illuminated his extensive involvement in gun smuggling to Cuba and the stolen Canadian securities. Both the gun smuggling to Cuba and the stolen Canadian securities were activities controlled by Norman Rothman. Rothman admits to knowing Browder. On July 7, 1961, Browder gave a sworn deposition to the American Surety Company in which he stated that he had obtained the stolen securities he was arrested for ($136,000) from the 26th of July Movement, Fidel Castro's revolutionary group, in exchange for arms during the summer and fall of 1958. Browder stated that he had obtained the weapons from the International Armament Corporation (InterArmco) in Alexandria, Virginia, starting in late May and early June of 1958. Browder was apparently the purchasing agent for the Rothman gun-running operation to Castro's forces. According to a memorandum of a House Un-American Activities Committee investigator, Cubans driving station wagons and small trucks were purchasing automatic weapons from InterArmco at this time with the approval of the CIA. [CIA agent] Frank Sturgis has admitted to being involved with this operation at this same time. Efren Pichardo, associate of Browder, has also admitted to being involved in this operation (he drove a station wagon) at the exact same time with Sturgis. Pichardo was working for Browder at the time. Pichardo also confirmed that many of the weapons were hidden in the marshes of Islmorada, Florida, where Ruby has been identified by independent witnesses as "babysitting" a large arms cache. .... While Browder has ample underworld connections, he is not lacking in intelligence connections either. Browder claims to have known the chief of intelligence for the Mexican Air Force, as well as a Canadian Minister of Defense. His "rap sheet" reveals that although he had numerous arrests, he spent relatively little time behind bars.
  5. Let's add one more piece of evidence which helps illustrate that what was attributed to BECKLEY was BS... On the way back into the US from Mexico a passenger must show evidence of having had a Smallpox Vaccination or be stopped and interred at the Vaccination section and officially/formally vaccinated with documentation. This is what they claim they FOUND when they came back Saturday after taking the TURNER EXH LIST of stuff... Nothing on a STOVALL exhibit comes from Beckley... TURNER does not list a STAMP KIT or VACCINATION and please notice that the STAMP KIT ITSELF does not have the tell-tale initials of the DPD officers assigned to inspect, initial and inventory the items given to the FBI... nor does the VACCINATION have these initials... So we have even more amazing pieces of evidence which magically appear at 1026 N Beckley, on the SECOND DAY of searching an 8x10 room with 1 dresser and no closet. There is an FBI report explaining how there is no DR. A. J. HIDEEL in New Orleans or anywhere for that matter... notice how the signature matches the Lee Oswald signature, especially the small "d" & "l", and the angle of the "H".... The mixture of script and block lettering has also interested me... but that's another conversation To avoid yet another encounter to explain away, the FBI sneaks in a VACCINATION CERTIFICATE signed by Dr. HIDEEL and dated JUNE 8, 1963... better yet, it is said to have been found at Beckley... Now we've seen the photo of the 11/23 "haul" of evidence and in fact, there is no STAMP KIT there or the VACCINATION CERT... This particular inventory sheet was NOT PREPARED BY THE DPD but the FBI. Interesting batch of evidence, no? The sign here says 11/23 from BECKLEY... yet many things are listed from the 11/22 search on the TURNER Exhibit....
  6. Amazing coincidence that he was also an informant for the FBI I mean how lucky can a man get? Mark, can you tell us if you know whether this man is Bill Shelley? Yes, the Misc Manager at the TSBD and Oswald's boss in a few months from these photos Take care DJ
  7. Thanks Bill.... One of my biggest stumbling blocks for ANY American being there is the reaction of AZCUE... According to AMMUG/1, AZCUE should have seen the opportunity in Oswald to turn an American into a double agent... or at the very least question him as an intelligence officer should have.... but no such luck... AZCUE claiming he just runs this crazy man off is terribly hard to accept... when those in his position SHOULD be looking for assets every day... I mean, wasn't that his real job there... to be a spy? DJ Furthermore, why would LITAMIL/7&9 lie about Oswald NOT being there if it was up to them to support the company line? Their reply about Oswald was on the 23rd and 27th of Nov
  8. They seem to all have come from the "findagrave" site... I entered these search terms and all 5 or 6 pages came up first in the images list....https://www.google.com/search?q=Edwin+Ekdahl+Marriage+China&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS820US820&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA2IW1yYboAhXQrJ4KHUVUDioQ_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1920&bih=937 Not sure if you're aware or not, but no divorce papers were ever found in Mass. for Rasmine and Edwin... (see SS report below) "Edwin Ekdahl was a 55-year-old engineer, originally from Boston, who was working for Ebasco Services of New York City.(34) Ekdahl had separated from his wife (Rasmine Ekdahl) a year earlier and was working in New Orleans. The couple had one child, Dewey Ekdahl, who lived with his mother in Boston."
  9. This I believe is Sylvia at an Alpha 66 camp... And 2 men who a number of researchers feel were Leopoldo and Angelo ... Bernardo del Torres and Ed Collins respectively Joan Mellon tells us that Angelo may have been "Angelo Murgado" yet he tells a different story about the initial Odio meeting than the sisters claiming he and Leopoldo drove alone with Oswald already at the Odio's when they arrived.... FWIW
  10. Andrej - the topic is Beckley and your argument, as I've made for many years, is he changed clothes at some point before being arrested.... Mr. BALL. I'm talking about this "O. H. Lee" signature on this document; he signed that on that date?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir.Mr. BALL. Did he give you the money?Mr. BALL. $8? (DJ: Never do get an answer to the "$8?" question, do we?)Mr. BALL. Did you ever know his true name was Lee Harvey Oswald?Mrs. JOHNSON. No; not until we Mr. BALL. On that day?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; the day he rented the room, they sign the register--they sign the register before I accept any money. Mr. BALL. How many tenants did you have in October last year?Mrs. JOHNSON. You know, I'm sorry I didn't bring my register. I couldn't tell you exactly; I imagine I had about 10 or 12. Andrej - this is now APRIL 1964.... She goes on to say how business suffered due to the association with Oswald... yet without the register she cannot NOW SAY that Oswald lived there in Oct/Nov 1963? Mr. BALL. Was it full?Mrs. JOHNSON. No; I don't--I most always have vacancies.Mr. BALL. You do?Mrs. JOHNSON. I have had more even since this happened.Mr. BALL. Oh, you have?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; I have; people are funny about things like that, you know----Mr. BALL. Well, now, you knew Lee Oswald, didn't you?Mrs. JOHNSON. Well, I just knew him when I seen him. I knew him as a renter, that's all.Mr. BALL. Where was he when you first met him, at what place?Mrs. JOHNSON. At my home--I was between serving hours and I come home for relaxation and to kind of help out. I cooperate in keeping the house and seeing after it, too, and I had returned home that afternoon and he seen the room for rent sign--the first time that he came by, I happened to have just rented the last room that one time. Occasionally, I will have them full and then they just go vacant; people just come in and out, stay a week and then are gone, anyway, at that time, I didn't have a room.Mr. BALL. The first time he came to see you?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; that's something about 3 weeks before he came back.Mr. BALL. This was 1026 North Beckley?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes. Mr. BALL. We will make a picture of this and give it back to you.Mrs. JOHNSON. May I have something to erase this November 13, 15--I got that wrong, anyway. I was looking at the calendar and this, I was thinking it was November 13 that he left he left my place on a Wednesday before this assassination on Friday. Looks like 11-18-63 to me, as well as written in one sitting... they didn't have lined paper in 1963? So Andrej... where is NOV 13 and/or 15? btw - what is 3 weeks prior to Oct 14, 1963? weeks leading up to Sept 23, 1963..(4905 Magazine), Sept 30? (WCR says Mexico, while I've been saying Dallas since I discovered that was what the evidence supported) By accident, Mrs. J here confirms there were either 2 men representing themselves as Oswald in 2 different places 3 weeks prior to O.H. LEE being scribbled on a piece of paper FOR ONE WEEK - Andrej... she has a register: "they sign the register before I accept any money." Uh, not so much. And I'm sure if I go back over this whole thread this point has been repeatedly made. the evidence for his LIVING there is terribly thin and self-contradicting... and the POINT I still think, is the ability for this man to move around and be places while most think he's somewhere else.... the more confusion the less chance of anyone accepting a conflicting story. But I have to shout out to those moving this forward and pointing out this sheet of paper... everything remains connected... the man is said to have returned from MEXICO Oct 3rd and is at the PAINE's yet brings nothing for his child from Mexico nor anything else that would suggest ot either Ruth or Marina that he'd been to Mexico - that is until AFTER the 22nd.... of course. Mr. JENNER - When was the first time that you heard, or had any notice of the fact that this man had been in Mexico, or possibly may have been in Mexico?Mrs. PAINE - They are two different questions. I will answer the first one. I heard that he had been in Mexico after the assassination in one of the papers So thank you - Ed especially - for confirming by accident that Oswald was not in Mexico but in Dallas as I suspected.... and he didn't go to Houston but to AUSTIN... before Dallas that is. Mr. BALL. The pistol holster is what they found?Mrs. JOHNSON. Pistol holster is what I'm trying to say.Mr. BALL. They found that after the assassination?Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes sir; I seen the holster.Mr. BALL. Had you ever seen it before?Mrs. JOHNSON. No, sir; he kept that packed away. We never go through people's personal things. I instruct my housekeeper never go through people's personal things. We are not in a position to do that and its rude and we de not Andrej.... how would she knows it was "packed away" if they never go through his things... that's a pure assumption on her part... and as I've shown you repeatedly, the DPD/FBI try to disclaim the physical evidence of the holster - what they are saying basically is that he takes the hidden holster with the pistol in it, takes the pistol out and then LEAVES THE HOLSTER HANGING ON A DOOR? instead of just taking the entire thing... Mr. JOHNSON. Well, they wanted to see the records, and we showed them--the register, I mean--and we showed them the register. And then they searched his room.Mr. BELIN. You showed them the register with this name of O. H. Lee?Mr. JOHNSON. That's right. I keep going back to the Johnson/Roberts testimonies... and then read Ed's work... bottom line Andrej is you must believe EARLENE ROBERTS who Mrs. J hires and fires 3 times. Mrs. JOHNSON. Well, she would just get to being disagreeable with renters and I don't know, she has a lot of handicaps. She has an overweight problem and she has some habits that some people have to understand to tolerate. Mr. BALL. What are they? Mrs. JOHNSON. Talking just sitting down and making up tales, you know, have you ever seen people like that? Just have a creative mind, there's nothing to it, and just make up and keep talking until she just makes a lie out of it. Listen, I'm telling you the truth and this isn't to go any further, understand that? You have to know these things because you are going to question this lady. I will tell you, she's just as intelligent--I think she is a person that doesn't mean to do that but she just does it automatically. It seems as though that she, oh, I don't know, wants to be attractive or something at times. I just don't know; I don't understand it myself. I only wish I did. Rereading the testimonies - where does it say they took anything more than that HOLSTER from that room? =================== I think we both agree that PM is Oswald... yes? (The cookie cutter FBI questionnaire asked whether anyone sees Oswald during the assassination - when you'd be looking at JFK - and of course they all say no.... Ms. Arnold's statement puts him in proximity of the PM spot within minutes of the motorcade.... Hughes showing who Andrej? Who is the person directly behind the black man a step or so lower? And then seconds later the person is where Shelley was in Altgens with PM recessed into the corner... From what I've seen, there is nothing which shows Lovelady's movements across the landing and closer to Frazier who simply does not appear in a pre-motorcade image on those steps... If you choose to make that stand using the Prayerman image... fine... I use BLEDSOE's testimony, the mess that is WHALEY's testimony... and while the interrogation notes mention buses and taxis, we seem to be forgetting Roger Craig's testimony which negates the use of a bus, for that Oswald (not going there here) There is NO CONTENTION by me that his clothes are different... even Oswald doesn't wear a ripped shirt, missing buttons, to work. Yet as I say above - you'll need a whole bunch more evidence supporting Oswald actually living there than Earlene...
  11. The earlier days of the CIA were dominated by OSS Military management. I tend to forget my own words and your great research (truly John, thx for your above and beyond to dig up backing to ur thinking) along with Steve Thomas Et al and the ASCI. There are scores of names in the military who may have been involved which we may never know. I still think we need to first conclude “real” or “part of a CI plan” to CYA in a doppelgänger plan to get better assets into Russia.... pure OSS and the Military... Screams Dulles, Angleton and gang.... Far superior long term planning than most.... “they” do it, we need to fight fire with fire.... May even come out of what the Nazis learned about children... bringing us back to that 1941 report about Marge and Nazis....
  12. Only speculative discussions as to who she might be... And really no idea how to begin... Then again, it would be the perfect place though to hide an agent in plain sight... maybe that's why they've let her spout off all those years...
  13. Thanks for the confidence... the point made here is that the amount of visual information available from the frames we are discussing is painfully short on detail due to its size. I've NEVER argued he didn't change his clothes... just not in the manner we've come to accept these past 50 years.... I'm very confident THAT PM was Oswald. === The point being made is that simply because the DPD says so - doesn't make it true. NOTHING AUTHENTICATES that these items were taken from Beckley... is there? Do you supposed when the FBI talks to Johnson or Roberts they're going to corroborate the DPD or speak against them? The POINT, sir is that the investigation was purposefully vague on these "BECKLEY" items.... and even more vague on OSWALD items... 250 items leave Dallas for FBI DC more than 500 are returned and photographed and returned again to the FBI.... except the FBI added evidence... I'm sure you can find which ones were added and which weren't... Don't you suppose a photograph of a holster hanging on OSWALD's doorknob would go a long way in corroborating the pistol in evidence... And you don't even bother to address his lack of most anything necessary at the PAINE residence... Instead we get this - putting this holster in the same category as the Minox camera.... This even though we obviously have a photo and inventory sheets in triplicate with that holster... DUPLICITY was the name of the game that day and permeated the Evidence... Why again MUST he have lived at Beckley continuously from mid October thru Nov 22?
  14. Makes sense John. I'm fairly sure a trace was never even attempted, or if it was the report related to it is gone and buried.... Does the lack of follow-up mean they thought her serious and buried it or thought the story was about a crackpot caller... ?? From anyone outside the H&L world at the time the call sure would sound like a crank... and only hold any meaning if it had a chance of being true, I'd think.
  15. Here's a couple things about China and Ekdahl.... his coming and going and then being in NY when "they" arrive.... the timeline betrays the lies of John and Robert related to the timeframe with Ekdahl.... where they were and where they lived....
  16. Before I address your non-insult included question to Ed... courage? I'd like you to go to the index for Volume 16, the start of the CE's.... How come only items of paper or documents and photos are attributed TO LEE OSWALD while every item of clothing offered up as his only say that there are a "Man's" item and not specifically Lee Harvey Oswald's? ALL of these items come from BECKLEY... was the FBI not sure if they were Ozzie's? Andrej? CE 133-A-B - Photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle. CE 158 - Man's black trousers. & Why do you suppose so many Exhibits of what are supposedly Oswald's things, missing? 119, 120, 124, 137,138, 148, 149 ====== Now Prayerman.... that you believe there is enough information in the frame(s) offered to distinguish pants color (like some other describing buttons on a lady's coat), I have some food for your thought... The size of the 8mm frame and the size of the Prayerman figure within the frame: Unless I've missed it somewhere, NONE of the details of the person's pants can be distinguished from the information offered. Do you have an image of Prayerman that actually shows "pants" and gives you the impression it is NOT Oswald? If so, please post as that would be the only way you can prove your point.... Why do you specifically call out CE158? or was that Ed? The similarities are a bit frightening, no? Even the squared off shoulders, the tilt of his head, the hairline, how he holds his arms....
  17. John... if you highlight text in a post you will be prompted to "quote" that text so it shows up like yours in the box above... quoting others without this as you've been doing can get very confusing.... highlight and click - really helps the flow. What you say here suggests forethought of intent from a literally scared-to-death woman... whereas that kind of intent feels more planned out than the thoughts of an agitated woman... Can't imagine anyone thinking they could drop a bomb like that on M/M TIPPIT and it not create ripples and consequences - agree? If so, it suggests to me part of a plan - Phillips was a Master at CI in the field, e.g. Alvarado in Mexico. GAUDET may have even been part of the plan but that tangent can be discussed elsewhere... Here we are 60 years later and no closer to the caller or the intent.... hate to say it but it once again feels more like a Rabbit hole from Alice than evidence which would lead to anything concrete.... we ought to remember that killing JFK would provide the communists virtually nothing in terms of a gain while risking heightened retaliation... As weird as it may sound, EKDAHL was married in China, in 1925. a Communist country in the making - and fully Communist by 1949. Like the Russians, the FBI/CIA.ONI/MID/NSA/etc... kept tabs on the Chinese just as closely. Just a few thoughts... DJ
  18. Hey there Larry... and Ed please correct me if wrong here... the doors to his room had keyholes for locks.... it was said by the more current owner Mrs. Hall I believe that he was not provided a key as he had a non-locking room while the basement and 2nd structure had rooms which included locks since they bypassed the main house... At least that's how I read it. and that the room rates where the same either way.... his "receipt" shows $8/wk... the Ad for the room which Roe posted said $7/wk. One would think he had one of the locked rooms if he was there. ... and I think my other point above needs repeating... in true DPD fashion, the photographing of his room AS THEY FOUND IT or as they open drawers and closets to find all this stuff...happens with the same attention to detail as the interrogation ==== The could have had little Studebaker with his months of police photographer work history or anyone with a camera... but all those people were having a late afternoon lunch with all the stenographers who worked at the DPD.... DPD tape recorders where parting gifts, sorry we're done plumb out of 'em here at Homicide....... Take care Larry, DJ
  19. Andrej - if you are aware of the details related to the ITEMS BELONGING TO OSWALD IN EVIDENCE you'd find items from years and years before. You get the impression from Oswald's personal inventory that he DIDN'T keep things forever? Really? It begs a simple question like - if he took the 5' rifle carton with the rifle home with him on the bus (despite all the evidence against any of this happening) wouldn't that box remain a great way to store this rifle as it needs to move from Neely to Irving in Ruth's Station Wagon? Sure seems better than his daughter's blanket. But you see sir, none of this ever happened except for in the legend of Ozzie series on BSTV.... One last thing... the police arrive at the suspect's room, 1026 N BECKLEY we are told, and take most everything without bothering to take a single photo of the room BEFORE removing it all... kinda like the paper bag in the corner drawn into a photo by Studebaker... I mean really? what kind of BS is that for one of the largest police departments in the country? So in terms of REAL EVIDENCE - nothing but the say so of those setting the man up places those items at that address... and the bewildered herds nodding in agreement of be forever hassled by the DPD, the Dallas Sheriff department.... and the US Government/FBI... know the story of LEON YATES do ya?
  20. Thanks Joe... now one step further... in the back of the room I find a man standing just as OSWALD stands in many of the images ... it's not an ID by any means - just suggestive... Tilted head to the left, arms bent and at sides (never straight down), the crossed arms.... the blow-up is from just above the elder CRUZ's photo in the image I posted above. Six degrees of separation
  21. I was under the impression the man on the left was Charles Hall Steele Jr. Please correct me if mistaken... thanks DJ
  22. The photos of Cruz reminded me of someone I had seen in a photo of an ALPHA 66 meeting on Harlendale... Is that him?
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