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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. ---- thanks Jim, glad to hear it continues to help.---- With regards to THE WORKER and a comment that he was reading it all the time.... The BYP show him holding two different papers....the Worker and The Militant which as I understand it would NOT be read by the same person if they held a single belief about Communism. While the Worker started in a more Socialist vein, as I read it, they went more pure Communist as time went on so that by 1963 the two papers represented quite different views. (My personal opinion is that whoever created these photos were showing what types of groups Oswald was infiltrating for the intelligence agencies he "worked" for. The Militant is an international socialist newsweekly connected to the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) The Daily Worker was a newspaper published in New York City by the Communist Party USA In politics, the Daily Worker consistently adhered to a Stalinist party line from the time of Joseph Stalin's rise to power in the Soviet Union.
  2. If you message me with an email address I can send you my spreadsheet in excel or pdf... It starts with Lee's father's death 8/19/39 and traces the two LHO entities.. it is still a work in progress but up to 1963 it's very detailed... I use text from the book as well as the footnoted sources.... This is at 101 San Saba Georgia Bell knows MO as "short, fat" - a practical nurse with ONE son Mr. JENNER - Excuse me, was that 101 San Saba?Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't know nothing about 101 San Saba. From H&L p66-67: The day after the assassination the FBI office in New York City received a telephone call from Mrs. Jack Tippit, of Westport, Connecticut. Mrs. Tippit spoke with FBI Agent James McCarthy and told him about a telephone call she had just received from a woman with a foreign accent. The woman had read an article in the newspaper that identified Mrs. Tippit's husband, Jack, as a relative of slain Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit. The woman told Mrs. Tippit that she was from New York, would not identify herself, and had to come to Westport, CT for the purpose of calling Mrs. Tippit. The woman asked Mrs. Tippit not to say anything to the press about a woman calling as "they" would know who she was and she would be killed. The unidentified woman told Mrs. Tippit, "she knew Oswald's father and uncle who were Hungarians and Communists .... Oswald's father and uncle had lived at 77th and 2nd Avenue in Yorkville, New York City, that while living there they both were unemployed, got their money from the Communists, and spent all their time on Communist activities."
  3. John and I have discussed this possibility... he write in his book: Robert Edward Lee Oswald (father of Lee Harvey Oswald) was the son of William Oswald and Mary Harvey, born on March 4, 1896 in New Orleans. By 1963 brothers Harvey F. Oswald, William Oswald (wife Hazel) and Thomas H. Oswald (wife Adele) were dead. Sisters Alice (nee Mrs. Arthur Preston Barre), Ethel (nee Mrs. Edmond C. Carter) and Hattie (nee Mrs. James Coker) were still living and resided in New Orleans. Robert lived with his parents at 3419 Canal Street until he married Margaret Keating, on November 1, 1920, at age 24 Margaret Keating (her year of birth has also been shown as 1896 making her 24 in 1920....) 120 N Telemachus while LEE and mom live on Exchange... FWIW
  4. How about for this then Mark... As the limo moves away from TOWNER the column in the background gets larger while the rear tire of the limo in the foreground gets smaller.... I added a gif over here as I've run out of room here.... https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?17196-Manipulation-of-TOWNER-film&p=126353#post126353 Both Zapruder and Towner needed "fixing" to account for how badly they represent what actually happened.
  5. Thanks Paul... a real pleasure meeting you as well.. I so enjoy your POV and posts here, keep up your great work, FWIW we were talking about doing another one in SF in the first half of 2020... Maybe explore if that really was SHELLEY in New Orleans as I first expanded upon years ago... Looks like he only owns the one suit...
  6. Sounds good to me Larry.... Maybe an hour on Mexico City and the FBI's con job to protect the CIA's con job?
  7. Virtually every Vallee report tries to differentiate him from Oswald yet put him in a similar light without directly saying so... IMHO. If Chicago and Tampa were Diversions why did the SS destroy those trip reports as well? Between Newman’s newest work and the great things Steve Thomas is doing, ACIS (hope I got that right) and the Lt. Colonels are looking more and more culpable. If Taylor was aware but could not stop it, that might account for his emotions FWIW
  8. Ignorant question.... is an oxymoron like military intelligence.... (I miss George Carlin) Thanks for remaining the curious, interested, amazing contributor you are.... And thanks for your kind words....
  9. Thanks Michael... btw - seeing, sitting with and speaking with Cyril Wecht was amazing. The list of people speaking as well as in the periphery created a very special treat. I recommend getting to at least 1 of these... seeing the names and faces from these internet pages come alive is a bucket list must-do .... being asked to speak at one of these... a dream come true. DJ
  10. To all the people in Dallas at CAPA who went out of their way to mention their time reading and enjoying my work over the years.... THANK YOU!!! the validation of what amounts to now over 20 years of research, writing, making new friends, assisting existing ones as well as being helped by so many of the best, brightest and inquisitive minds here and elsewhere on the 'net has filled me to the brim with confidence, a wonderful warmth and a renewed sense of determination. Having done this work from the beginning for my own understanding, the whipped-cream and cherry is hearing first-hand how some of it helps others on their path. Most sincerely and humbly, DJ
  11. A question.... Dallas Methodist ER off N Beckley and E Colorado is closer than PARKLAND - I mean Parkland is 3 miles, Methodist 2 yet it seems they ALWAYS went to Parkland.. Tippit was moved from Methodist to Parkland for the Autopsy by Rose.... FWIW https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Dealey+Plaza,+Dallas,+TX+75202/Methodist+Dallas+Medical+Center+Emergency+Room,+North+Beckley+Avenue,+Dallas,+TX/@32.7447119,-96.8234696,1935a,35y,38.97t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e9915d508f639:0xcfa47bf25b709fe0!2m2!1d-96.8082993!2d32.7788184!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e997849bae6e9:0xa3e4b6b790f34e91!2m2!1d-96.825309!2d32.7595975!3e0
  12. There MUST be a phone log since it is still a call reaching both ends of the line. But since it appears to be a one way line OUT to the different ER services... the logs would only be at the receiving stations? https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh24/pdf/WH24_CE_2002.pdf page 5 Tim of Shooting 3. A. Patrolmen Willie B. Slack (Attachment 91) Called dispatcher for doctor and ambulance. 1. Dispatcher called O'Neal Funeral Home on "Hot Line" for ambulance. (a) Funeral home logged call at 11 .21 a.m., 4. November 24, 1963 Mrs. CASON. [spelling] F-a-r-r. And he was in charge on that Sunday because we did not have a sergeant there, and he had asked to speak to Farr, and I told him Officer Farr was working channel 2, which is a separate channel that we have, and so he told me, he said, "They just shot Oswald," or "Somebody just shot Oswald," and I told him, "Okay." And placed him on hold and told Farr that he had a red light on 531, and I proceeded to call the ambulance service on the hot line.Mr. HUBERT. Please describe the hot line?Mrs. CASON. The hot line is a straight line from our dispatcher office to the ambulance company which requires no dialing. You just lift it up and it rings from our office to theirs.Mr. HUBERT. So, then, immediately upon getting this information from Slack you passed it on to Farr by word of mouth?Mrs. CASON. I did not tell Officer Farr that Oswald had just been shot. I felt it was more important to get the ambulance and in time they would know soon enough. I told them he had a red light, and I knew Slack would tell him what happened in the basement.Mr. HUBERT. So then you flipped the button for the hot line at O'Neal Funeral Home?Mrs. CASON. Yes; I did.Mr. HUBERT. Did you get it immediately?Mrs. CASON. Yes.
  13. Wouldn't that same line be the cause for the ambulance to have arrived so early at Tippit? Jasper in the ambulance talks of a "Police hot line telephone circuit" FWIW DJ
  14. FWIW Bart et al.... Lic HERNANDEZ OCHOA who is the source ultimately of many of the Mexico Documents is an FBI asset as confirmed by Hoover... I believe all those docs are in the WCDs as I remember all the names I just saw.... but I could be mistaken Thanks again for the work you put into getting these out to us... DJ I write about him in the Mexico series....
  15. PS... With Waldman supposedly handing everything over the night before to the FBI, the SS was a bit late getting going as they first seem to contact KLEINS on Sat late morning. Although we all know that may or may not be true as conflicting reports have DOLAN taking the film as well as NOT taking the film and leaving it with WALDMAN in his safe... Point is, FBI has the ORIGINAL SOURCE DOCS and the source of the source, the film.... and to this day there STILL has not been seen a single FC Carbine bearing any one of the other 99 serial numbers listed.... If it WAS shipped in February... why is it the only one not marked off? {shout out thanks to Armstrong & Gil Jesus} More importantly.... From Nov 22 until the signings of the affidavits... the shipment with C2766 was sent June 18, 1962. Is this yet another C2766... Come to CAPA and find out... DJ
  16. Thanks Vince.... Didn't make sense (but kinda did if you know what I mean) that a Secret Service Agent would be in charge of Klein's that Saturday.... Neither Waldman or Scibor mentions a DAHLQUIST in their testimony and this appears to be the only mention of him.... but I'll keep looking... Take care DJ
  17. After the assassination, Dodd, using CIA sources, helped the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee publish a story that Oswald had been trained at a KGB assassination school in Minsk. At the time, Dodd was on the payroll of the American Security Council, "the leading public group campaigning to use U.S. military force to oust Castro from Cuba, and to escalate the war in Vietnam." http://www.famoustexans.com/leeharveyoswald.htm edit: THIS LINK SEEMS TO HAVE EXPIRED... https://groups.google.com/g/alt.conspiracy.jfk/c/Vtlg6NPbbQQ THE 2ND LINK JUST TAKES YOU TO THE QUOTED MATERIAL IN A POST BY Sam McClung WITH THE SAME LINK AS MY ORIGINAL ONE Seems to me, most all his activities that seemed "intel-like" had the dual purposes of infiltrating the desired groups, yet also incriminate Oswald for his activities and connections... SOMEONE created that Money Order SOMEONE put THAT rifle on the 6th floor SOMEONE made sure we'd only ever see C2766 and not one of the other 99 rifles... So we must ask ourselves, if the idea was to place a rifle into Oswald's hands, why is there not a single report about Oswald and his weapons prior to 11/22?
  18. Additionally, the name LIDO LUCCHESI comes up from Michael WESTRA of KLEINS WESTRA says that Lido and SCIBOR, the General Office Manager are the people to talk to... Anyone know who LIDO LUCCHESI was? 1. [No Title] Record Number: 180-10086-10245 Record Series: NUMBERED FILES Agency: HSCA Agency File No.: 005496 Originator: HSCA From: LUCCHESI, LIDO To: [No To] Date: 02/21/1978 Pages: 1 Subjects: LUCCHESI, LIDO; BALLISTICS; KLEIN'S SPORTING GOODS; BROOKFIELD ZOO; Document Type: OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Restrictions: OPEN IN FULL Current Status: OPEN Date of Last Review: 06/15/1989 Opening Criteria: [empty value] Comments: Box 113.
  19. BTW, Agent "J. GRIMES" is the man who says he received the Money Order from SA PARKER Bottom left on 11/24 - his initials after claiming he put the original in an envelope, sealed it, signed it with PARKER and put it in a safe.
  20. If Vince or anyone can help me out here.... The Secret Service report about KLEINS includes the following paragraph referring to 12:45pm on Saturday 11/23... The only E. DAHLQUIST I could find was in the HSCA name index as an ASAIC,,, In every instance when an agent is being referred to, it says "SAIC" or "Special Agent", or "ASAIC", etc.... but not here. Below this is the page from a Nov 1962 report about a plot to kill JFK .... 4 lines from the bottom is ASAIC DAHLQUIST... Are they saying here an SS agent is running KLEINS that weekend or is there a different Edward DAHLQUIST? Thanks DJ ps... asked "not to discuss the case" suggests to me he was not an agent... FWIW
  21. I read your message and replied... Much of that info is in the Armstrong notebook I reference in my reply. Bottom line though, not one of the other 99 rifles has ever been seen... Century bought 700 of these same EXACT rifles InterArmco also supplied KLEINS with weapons and was basically the CIA with a cutout. SIDEM bid against ADAMS and Interarmco for these rifles... but not one word about them. WALDMAN claimed they removed the remaining stock of CE-139 like rifles from inventory on Monday the 25th... You telling me the FBI was not in a position to get one of these other 99 rifles (or however many were left) ... and/or they realized these rifles were NOT SCOPED... only the 36" TS rifles were for this special. page 7 is the HSCA summary of the SHARP interview... FWIW... Century Arms in Montreal also provided SEAPORT the pistol... which eventually winds up on WESTBROOK's desk... the man in charge of PERSONNEL...
  22. I have been able to find 2 documents showing 4 different serial numbers of the rifles sent to the FBI... C250/CE542 is the most famous as it's the one Frazier testifies about being so identical to CE139 - but we are never told the serial number. Does anyone have information regarding these rifles the FBI somehow secured? Does anyone have information regarding what became of the "LEFTOVER INVENTORY" from the 99 remaining rifles in that lot? Has ANYONE, ANYWHERE ever seen a Fucile Corto rifle with any one of the other 99 serial numbers? They were advertised from April 1963 until Nov 1963...??? If the February 21, 1963 order contained 100 different rifles than those listed on Scibor's master list, how would we know? For to me it sure looks like the space behind these notations is BLANK while the rest of the page has lines and artifacts of copying... Hmmmm.
  23. No worries at all Bob... I found another problem with this version and the copy for the HSCA. Not only is there no bleed-thru on the FBI version.... There is no circled FBI exhibit designation above the TEX in the mail stamp "JCC D-19" Here is yet another COPY yet this too does not have the D-19 yet it appears to have punch marks in areas where there weren't any... The words "Money Order" has all sorts of white spots - same in the "FOR MORE THAN" line just before the THIRTY Dollars... How can the BLACK ARROWS of "PAY TO" and "FROM" be white... yet the bleed thru on the "PAY THIS AMOUNT" box is simply not there... Seems to me the photos of these things were both before and after the punching of the holes... How could the WCD1 FBI version not already have the "D-19" and JCC?? I look forward to your thoughts on this DJ
  24. I'm very interested in your answers Bob.... Especially the Money Order as I have chased that down to being created in Alexandria the night of the 23rd.... There is simply no way any of those images in WCD1 reflect how things actually looked... they all "appear" like reproductions done the exact same way. FWIW - the HSCA writing experts all concluded that since most every item they were given was a COPY and not an original, any and all conclusions are conditional on the impossibility of telling anything specific from COPIES of handwriting.... You'll notice those items which were identified as COPIES: His notes from Russia, Money Order which paid for the rifle, Hotel Register claimed to be signed on first day by Oswald (NOT!) the original copy and copy of carbon of his Cuban application (since he was not there - who filled this out?) and finally the bogus Hunt letter. this is also 15 years later... Let's stick with the Pristine image of the Money Order... the one showing no bleedthru from the back.... Removing those bleedtru initials and making the rest of the image pristine seems improbable at best, impossible most likely. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS (27) With the restrictions and reservations stated in each panel member's final report,* *In particular. members noted that not all documents were available in their original . It is standard practice in the profession of questioned document examination to make definitive conclusions only about documents examined in their original. Thus the panel members gave only tentative opinions for items provided them in some type of facsimile. Limitations on the examination 239 (71) Five items of evidence were not examined in the original, but were copies . Photocopies have several limitations. They do not reproduce all the fine details in handwriting needed in making an examination and comparison. At best, they do not produce as sharp an image as a properly produced photograph, and they lack tonal gradations, a result of the contrasting process of reproduction . In addition, it is possible to incorporate or insert changes and alterations into copies . A method frequently used is to paste together parts of documents to make one fraudulent document, which is then copied. If the first copy can pass inspection, it will be used ; if not, it will be reworked to eliminate all signs of alteration. This amended copy is then recopied for the finished product. This is usually referred to as the "cut and paste" method.. We refer to: Items 18, 29, 39, 40/41, 47... 18. November 15, 1959. Photocopy of handwritten account of interview with Miss Aline Mosby, UPI Reporter 29. March 12, 1963. United States Postal Money Order #2,202,130,462 39. September 27, 1963. Photocopy of a page from a hotel register 40. September 27, 1963. Photographs ... of the original of the visa application, Cuban Consulate, ... 41. September 27, 1963. Photograph of the carbon copy of item 40, shown to the Select Committee staff... 47. November 8, 1963. Photograph of a facsimile copy of a handwritten letter to Mr. Hunt (86) Photographic reproductions could only be compared visually with other photographic reproductions or with original documents. All conclusions based solely upon photographic reproductions are necessarily tentative and inconclusive, since they cannot reveal much about pen pressure and other dynamic qualities of handwriting. Further, they sometimes conceal, rather than reveal, evidence of tracings, alterations, erasures, or obliterated writing.
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