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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Robert Webster... and he was working his angle to also get any info on the economy... that Marina also approached him Was amazing and hard not to see how the KGB would try to get friendlies into our country too.... So.. Any possibility? In this case? {grin} so, who goes to Russia? I believe the one who went was smarter than Lee by quite a bit, was getting info about Russia and working for Angleton via Phillips. Lee punched a sarge, shot himself, got VD.... it is very hard for me to believe the real Lee learning Russian... he was a good old southern boy... maybe Ruby even kept an eye in him... idk So sorry for staying the course... two different people, as I see it ........ Again, photo at bottom middle,1959 passport... last of Lee Oswald I’m aware of....
  2. No matter who I read it seems they can state that it MAY not have been Oswald down there, yet continue the argument as if it HAD to be Oswald... (e.g. the testimony about Oswald pitching a fit at the Cuban Embassy... to get remembered... except - it wasn't Oswald who was in Dallas with 2 Hispanic looking men visiting Odio and tooling around Dallas So your thought may be interesting yet there are numerous people here in the US after 1962 who are aware of his Russian language proficiency.. One also has to wonder how Marina and Marguerite communicated... One spoke no Russian while the other supposedly spoke no English... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11472#relPageId=2&tab=page H&L p.226 Henry Roussell, Jr. served with Harvey Oswald for 3 or 4 months in MACS 9 at Santa Ana (MACS 9) and was one of six Marines who shared a Quonset hut with him in 1958 (while Lee Oswald was still in Japan). A couple of months after Roussell left MACS 9 (on 3/6/59) his aunt, Rosalee Quinn, visited him in Santa Ana. She was a stewardess for Pan American airlines, had taken a Berlitz course in Russian, and was interested in working for the American Embassy in Moscow. Roussell wanted to introduce his aunt to Oswald and thought a meeting would give her a chance to practice speaking Russian. One evening Roussell brought Oswald to a boarding house where his aunt was living, introduced her to Oswald, and then left while Miss Quinn and Oswald went to dinner and later to a movie. After conversing in Russian for several hours she thought Oswald spoke Russian very well for someone who had never attended a formal course in the language. 29 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=448&tab=page) H&L p415 According to Katya Ford it was either George Bouhe or Teofil Meller who found Oswald the job at JCS. After the assassination Peter Paul Gregory told the Secret Service that it was Bouhe who found Oswald the job at JCS. 129 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=437&tab=page) Vada Oswald (Robert Oswald's wife) told her neighbor, Mrs. Penny Pearson, that Lee Harvey Oswald was hired by Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall "because he could speak Russian. "130 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10406#relPageId=236&tab=page) H&L p425-425 The party was attended by Lev Aronson, Thomas and Natalie Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sullivan, George Bouhe, Anna and Teofil Meller, Tatiana Biggers, Samuel Ballen, Lydia Dymitruk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, and Yaeko Okui. Nearly all of these people were either Russian or married to a former Russian national.of Polish decent."..... ----- Natalie Ray, one of the party attendees, said, "Oswald was very proud of the fact that he spoke Russian so well." As a native of Russia Natalie said that she was amazed that he had such a good command of the language.169 Other attendees of the party were equally amazed at his proficiency in the Russian language and discussed their thoughts with the Warren Commission: • Natalie Ray was asked by Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler, "Did he (Oswald) speak to you in Russian?" Mrs. Ray replied, "Yes; just perfect; really surprised me. .... it's just too good speaking Russian for be such a short time, you know .... .l said, 'How come you speak so good Russian? I been here so long and still don't speak very well English."' • George Bouhe was asked by Liebeler, "Did Oswald's command of the Russian language seem to be about what you would expect from him, having been in Russia for that period of time? Would you say it was good?" Bouhe replied, "I would say very good."170 • Mrs. Teofil (Anna) Meller was asked by Liebeler, "Do you think that his command of the Russian language was better than you would expect for the period of time that he had spent in Russia?" Mrs. Meller replied, "Yes; absolutely better than I would expect." • Elena Hall was asked by Liebeler, "In your opinion, Lee did have a good command of the Russian language?" Mrs. Hall replied, "Very good ..... " • Mrs. Dymitruk was asked by Commission attorney Albert Jenner, "He did speak Russian?" Mrs. Dymitruk replied, "Yes; and I was really surprised-in short time, he spoke nicely." • George DeMohrenschildt told Jenner, "He loved to speak Russian ..... he spoke fluent Russian ..... he had a remarkable fluency in Russian ..... he preferred to speak Russian than English any time. He always would switch from English to Russian." • Peter Gregory told Warren Commission Representative Gerald Ford, "I thought that Lee Oswald spoke (Russian) with a Polish accent, that is why I asked him if he was of Polish decent."
  3. HSCA by definition, virtually, is a smoking gun.... lol Brains just don’t fall out... they also don’t lose 30% or more and weight 1500 cc I don’t mean to be so literal... yet The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... which tells us what didn’t happen... the truth remains hidden in plain sight within the stories told... 55 year fencing match
  4. Micah.... Before a conclusion about the size of the hole, some basics about brain removal is needed. Brains don't just fall out, regardless the hole or damage. Brains are attached to the nervous system and skull as well as the circulatory system... These are the steps to remove a brain... Very little offered by the key players from Bethesda is truthful... Until we get to the ARRB
  5. A very good post and only slightly hijacked.. Sorry Bart... Here is the corrected overlay of DP showing what was photographed (or frame grabbed for Bronson/Nix) related to the Ass'n sequence. I also ponder the question... why not take Elm instead of Main? It remains parallel to Main for the same stretch and no turn would have been necessary... Just wondering aloud...
  6. One has to wonder then why he needs Peter Gregory to confirm his abilities.. He never actually USED this recommendation to DO anything... Kinda like LIFE buying Zap's "film" only to lock it away... The son's father teaches Russian and instead he goes to Marina/Ozzie for lessons and discussion... Me thinks there's more to these Gregory's than meets the eye...
  7. If I remember correctly, wasn't it reported that a cream/tan colored station wagon was seen quite often around 4907 Magazine as well as seen with Ruth driving...when it should have been blue? Thanks Steve...
  8. Here's over to the right in the frame, behind the wall were the shadow figure was seen, happens about 2/3 the way thru This one, right Michael? Obviously Chris is talking about someone else... shooting from a different direction
  9. Not hijacking the thread... just clarifying Wanted to say that yes, my map had BRONSON in the wrong place... While there are no photos of him, it is obvious he was standing on a concrete column on the south side of Main. I fixed my map, thanks Robin...
  10. WN, good meeting you .... and thank you by way of confirmation of the thoughts Oswald never "learned" Russian... he spoke it flawlessly and was in fact even said to have been good enough to be an interpreter ... except there is not mention of the Monterey School (at which an old learned French translation - I lived in Monterey a while) nor is there any mention of the schooling for Russian in his Service Record... The "alleged" language disability is a line of thought put forward by those who cannot see how that contradicts his abilities in Russian... or try to avoid attributing the poor English (and lack of any southern accent) to it NOT being the man's 1st language... Marina claimed Ozzie had an accent from the region while articles a plenty have been written about the strange accent... Gary Oldman: Share Tweet Jan 16, 2018 Gary Oldman found mastering president-killer Lee Harvey Oswald’s accent daunting while he was working on Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie Jfk. The Brit, who is winning acclaim and awards for portraying Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour, was so confident he knew what John F. Kennedy’s assassin sounded like, he left the accent until after he’d researched the character’s past – only to discover Oswald sounded nothing like he imagined. “The producers gave me a per diem, an airline ticket and a couple of contacts with addresses and phone numbers… and I became an investigator to find Oswald,” Gary explains. “I was in New Orleans and Dallas. It all felt very shady. “I think I’ve got the accent in the bag, this sort of Southern thing, like Matthew McConaughey, and then I see him (Oswald) speak and he’s got the weirdest accent in the world. He sounded a little like Kermit the Frog!” This is the famous moment when he reacts to being charged for JFK... about a min in... at 22 seconds in he starts talking... would you EVER guess this man spent 21 of his 24 years in the south? And the crazy thing was that at age 12, 13, 14 in NYC having just moved - did not have a "southern" accent at all... http://harveyandlee.net/Comrade/Comrade_boy.html is an article that contrasts Harvey in USSR and Lee here in the USA... We are to remember that Oswald arrives June 13th... within a week he contacts P P Gregory (a Russian speaking Petroleum engineer... hmmmm, where have we heard THAT title before?) in order to have HIM certify his proficiency in Russian... so what I say ??? Oswald and Paul EDIT: IT'S BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT THIS WAS NOT PAUL GREGORY... BUT ALEXANDER ZIGER.. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION AND MISLABELING Turns out his dad, Peter Paul Gregory helped George Kunkel with Marina
  11. I am both suggesting and asking about whether someone with Asperger's and difficulty writing (as is evident in virtually every ENGLISH written document from Ozzie) Would be able to not only learn RUSSIAN but write it with what appears to have been NO ERRORS similar to the English written words... When does this assumption of "Asperger's" give way to a native Russian speaker learning and writing English and the results thereafter? CE3134 below, is by the same Dr. ROME who was reporting on Hemingway's condition when he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic as George Sevier.. and who many feel was involved in changing the man enough to cause him to commit suicide... It wasn’t money or terminal cancer (https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/02/opinion/02hotchner.html) that drove the Nobel Prize winner to kill himself with a double-barreled shotgun, at least according to his friends. Many of them say that it was the FBI that made him paranoid. Hemingway was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in 1960 for growing mental and physical illness. He died that summer. “The Clinic had suggested that Mr. Hemingway register under the alias George Sevier,” a January 13, 1961 letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said. “Mr. Hemingway is now worried about his registering under an assumed name, and is concerned about an FBI investigation.” https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/pdf/WH26_CE_3134.pdf is the report which Dr. ROME sends to the WCR which attempts to state that OSWALD had a specific language disability: Those with Asperger syndrome have some ability with language in its widest sense, hence their huge potential in learning a new language, but have difficulty with abstraction and creativity. Those with dyslexic difficulties tend to find reading and spelling their main area of difficulty, but they are frequently highly creative. http://languageswithoutlimits.co.uk/resources/SfLAutism.pdf In Class Strategies https://www.brighthubeducation.com/teaching-tips-foreign-languages/64308-aspergers-and-learning-languages/ There are some useful strategies and considerations when teaching a language to someone with Asperger's Syndrome. Here are a few suggestions: Find out how they learn best - this information may be in their IEP, or you could talk to the person about their preferred learning styles Concrete examples - you may find that concrete, meaningful, real life examples of language work best, and that abstract or imagination based tasks are much more challenging Role play - this is a handy strategy, providing the young person is able to understand that it is a role play and not a real life event that you are conducting Language in action - show how language is used in a practical way, with language being used in cooking tasks, when reading a magazine, in online activities or in conjunction with other learning (such as games on an interactive whiteboard)
  12. On a semi-serious note - it does appear they are TRYING to be accurate.... Actors portraying DPD cops on television AND in Dealey Plaza
  13. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/39280 These are the JOHN HART ELY Interviews... Zack STOUT is not included... as are the rest of the names ELY mentions which are foreign to him.
  14. "When a blip appeared on his scope" The aviation mechanic is now an air traffic controller at a secret CIA U-2 base? Given the work of John Ely and other "biographers"... we find that there were indeed two separate and distinct sets of people connected to the different LHO's.... the SGT reference remains a mystery to me. This is from Epstein's book... Legend I guess the real question becomes... Which SGT are they talking about - Robert? Lee? Another? Robert E Webster served in the US Navy and worked for RAND.... not a SGT I'd assume.
  15. Thing was, he was a mechanic, not an air traffic controller.... or radar operator... Does one go to Atsugi as a 6741 and not work on the U-2? what did he do there, really...
  16. Edit... I didn’t address the weird related to Robert... could they have used part of his service record and his life’s journey to backstory Harvey? Neither a sgt or really from Ft Worth... yet the Aussie girls claim his nickname was TEX and was from Fort Worth... with his 1959 passport.... lol. Seems just another tie between Robert and the entire charade As MC states... more and more evidence points to Gorsky being correct with Lee leaving the Marines in March 59 after having taken a similar yet time augmented path thru marine service. The bull necked 5’11” 165 Lee was not the man on that ship or in Russia... (the evidence for Lee being in the US during this time is substantial...) The sept/oct 59 trip conflict joins the many location and timing conflicts in H&L’s lives. The evidence for H being on that ship is compelling given the contemporaneous records and the surrounding evidence yet as we saw, the docs suggest 2 different people...
  17. My point is the post and Ozzie’s shadows are converging at much too high and angle verses the rest of the shadows.... They should be almost parallel when in fact they converge even before they reach the white fence... either the shadow from Ozzie or from that post is wrong... Can anyone explain the ghost image insert and why the background of all the byps are skewed? It should be a perfect match The shadow I placed for the post wshould meet with Ozzie’s shadow at the image’s horizon... like the photos posted... the shadow betrays the composite
  18. That’s my point... the shadows do not converge in the opposite direction of the sun, they fall in different directions and merge in the wrong direction.... The late evening shadows shoe this better since the shadows are longer... in the byp, the shadows are not long enough to show convergence... yet parallel shadows cannot cross each other...
  19. Bringing Mr O’Hagan and his original post full circle... sometimes believing one’s own eyes is sufficient We didn’t MAKE the two men appear differently, they just do... if they were the same, the physical makeup of the features would not conflict in every comparison. The 1959 passport photo is the last image of Lee Oswald we have.... Lee in a white jacket holding a rifle and the same man in Russian, 2 years later... thinner and shorter? Below is evidence of the 2 men taking 2 different trips to Europe in Sept/Oct ‘59... As to Marina and her “truthful testimony” related to the BYPs.... the camera is held chest high as one looks down at an inverted image, Marina testifies to this being the only time using a camera... she didn’t or wouldn’t ID the camera she was handed correctly, the 2 magazines represent competing factions and would usually not be subscribed to or read, philosophically, together.... The fact that Det Brown was positioned in the one pose no one sees until 1977, on 11/29/63 is a bit weird, especially since it was Stovall and Roscoe White who had these prints... Finally, if the sun is behind and to the right of the camera, all shadows fall away from the lens and must fall in the same direction.. http://forum.assassinationofjfk.net/index.php/topic/1800-debunking-dartmouth/#entry9397 But the real problem is the ghost image compared to the real.. not sure why it squished.... but there obvious serious problems with those photos
  20. Found this in the recent release https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10419-10076.pdf Ozzie was never more than Private.... Pretty sure Ms Egerter would be VERY interested... Mr. OSWALD. I might say going through boot camp at San Diego, Calif., during the second week of boot training I was selected as the right guide of the platoon which actually was a go-between the drill instructors and the rest of the platoon, and I retained that position all the way through the remainder of the boot camp. On completion of boot camp I was a Pfc. I retained that excuse me, I retained that rank until I went to Miami, Fla., at which time on my departure from Miami, Fla., I received my corporal's stripe, and prior to leaving Korea in April of 1955 I received my sergeant's stripe which was my last stripe that I received in the Marine Corps.
  21. So I am still trying to find a contemporaneous "Summary or Progress" report from October 1963 related to the coverage of the SOVIET EMBASSY (LIMERICK) which identifies OSWALD I posted this before - at the same time the reports on the PHOTOGRAPHIC coverage of the Soviet Embassy/Consulate above are not mentioning the unidentified American, the PHONE TAPS of the lines OSWALD supposedly used (both the Attache and Embassy) only produced 2 LEADS IN SEPT... and neither one was Oswald visiting and/or calling the Soviets. It would seem that LIERODE which had some camera problems was covering a different location. 2566 prints (counted and reviewed - obviously) also do not warrant mention of Oswald or an American.... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4463#relPageId=2&tab=page And here is the report from NOV 14 for OCTOBER 1963: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10211-10140.pdf Over 3000 photos with specific mention of Oct 3,4,5... LIFIRE A joint program with the Mexican security forces. LIFIRE obtained passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck. LIEMPTY Umbrella surveillance project in Mexico City, formerly code-named LIPSTICK. Included a variety of sub-projects under it. LIENVOY CIA telephone tapping program in Mexico City, targeting Cuban and Soviet embassies and run in conjunction with the Mexican DFS. Netted phone calls allegedy of Oswald. See also LIFEAT. This is the LIENVOY Monthly Operational Report for SEPT 1963... https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10211-10113.pdf Of note is mention of no significant ??? contacts and "No problems during the month" Also of some interesting significance is the date, Oct 8, is the first day DAP is running the show on Mexico City's Cuban Desk... and the same day memo about OSWALD's intercepts goes to CIA HQ. We must ask ourselves... if there were intercepts known to the MX station for the Oct 8 Memo, why isn't it also on the contemporaneous summary reports? LIMERICK Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. LICALLA One of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project. LILYRIC was an apartment which provided a view of the back of the Soviet Embassy compound in Mexico City. The other two photo sites were LIMITED and LILYRIC.
  22. Can or should we expect to see mention of OSWALD in the LITEMPO summary reports? It appears they discuss a variety of occurrences worth noting before and after Oswald is supposedly there.... or the assumption that LITEMPO would include Oswald incorrect? https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB204/8.pdf LITEMPO summary report Sept 1963 https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB204/3.pdf LITEMPO summary report Oct 1963
  23. Returning to this subject... Here is the evidence offered in a nutshell. Why didn't anyone ever ask Win Scott of JC King who he was?
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