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Mark Knight

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Everything posted by Mark Knight

  1. Thanks, Dan. The address circled on the RIGHT is the location of the OLD Walter Reed Army Hospital. The address circled on the top left is the OLD Bethesda Naval hospital. It's made more confusing because the OLD Bethesda is NOW called Walter Reed.
  2. I just went to Google Maps, after finding the location of the old Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Curiously, what once was the Bethesda Naval Hospital is now called the Walter Reed Military Medical Center. The OLD Walter reed was located at 6900 Georgia Avenue in DC, which is adjacent to 16th Street NW. And Jones Bridge [two words] Road connects between 16th Street NW and Rockville Pike. The old Bethesda/now Walter Reed is located at 8901 Rockville Pike. The distance is listed as 5.6 miles. Neither Google Maps nor Bing Maps will allow me to copy and paste the image of that route.
  3. I count FIVE CONCURRENT THREADS, all begun by Greg Doudna, addressing the innocence of Ruth Paine in her treatment of Lee Oswald and her associations relating to the JFK assassination. If I was to believe every word uttered in defense of Ruth Paine, it would make Mother Teresa seem like a gutter slut in comparison. I don't personally know Ruth Paine. I have no reason to believe she's guilty as sin of every accusation ever leveled against her. But I also have no reason to believe that she has become the most perfect human who has ever walked the Earth, either. Perhaps we need to start a sub-forum on Ruth Paine...?...
  4. THIS ^^^^^ is the valid counterpoint to the first post. OK, maybe it's impossible, in theory, for a Quaker to actually "hate." Or maybe it isn't. But it's quite obvious, in Ruth Paine's own words, to see that Ruth Payne had the strongest possible dislike for Lee Oswald.
  5. Pat Speer understands how the system works here. The moderators do NOT read every post; we simply can't, and still have a normal life. We try to use our best judgement, based upon the reports we receive, as well as our own reading of the posts we do see. I can't speak for ALL the others, but occasionally we remove some content if we judge it to be offensive. Not always are the removals complete posts; sometimes they are just comments we find unnecessarily provocative, or which contain unwarranted personal attacks. Sometimes we move certain threads to other areas of the forum, such as the pro/anti Trump posts that get moved from the JFK Assassination Discussion Forum. So it's quite possible your post wasn't deleted, but rather moved to a more appropriate area of the Education Forum. A bit of SELF-moderation would, of course, would keep this as a DISCUSSION forum, and not a snake pit of argument and ad hominem attacks, as other forums seem to be. "Check yourself, before you wreck yourself" is a phrase my niece uses a lot. But that's a philosophy we all should apply to our posts here. I've made posts in the past 17 years that I now regret, and I know I'm not the only one. My advice is, if you disagree with something in someone else's post(s), do your best to disagree without being disagreeable. Cite your reasons for disagreement without resorting to personal attacks. If you say something like "Only an idiot would believe that!," you're attacking the intelligence of the other poster, and not their argument itself. [I cite that because it seems to have been a common style of argument used by David Von Pein, who has been banned from the forum for such tactics.] And YES, the Invision software used on this forum is sometimes subject to glitches. I'm not an IT guy, so there are occurrences that occasionally leave me baffles as much as anyone. The moderators try very hard to NOT censor the exchange of ideas, including ideas we may not necessarily agree with. It is the free exchange of ideas that helps us arrive at truth. And certainly, TRUTH must be the goal in our discussion of the JFK assassination.
  6. Unlike some on this forum, I'm not willing to confer sainthood on either Ruth or Michael Paine. But I'm also not ready to issue them horns and pitchforks and pointy tails, either. George Bouhe was collecting information on certain people. Perhaps others in the White Russian community were in on the information gathering. DeMohrenschildt has CIA written all over him, and while he was in Dallas he was part of this group. Ruth Paine was connected in some way to this group as well, with her desire to learn Russian from a native. I think Ruth Paine was USED by the group, perhaps as a way to keep an eye on Marina because, if they knew Marina's background/recent ancestry, red flags would have popped up everywhere for Bouhe and the others. Whether Ruth Paine was used WITTINGLY or UNWITTINGLY seems to be the question we're debating here. And right now, trying to be as objective as I possibly can be, I don't think we can determine whether Ruth Paine was being played, or whether she was in on the game. The data we have available is too contradictory.
  7. I have not seen GASLIT, but I did read G. Gordon Liddy's book, WILL. After reading the book, I do believe he was crazy, as in, capable of committing horrendous acts if he thought that they would further a cause he supported. I'd like to hear Douglas Caddy's take on Liddy.
  8. Amen. It's possible to disagree without resorting to ridicule. I would suggest that ALL members of this forum not only remember this, but practice it.
  9. This thread opens up a lot of interesting areas to discuss regarding both Lee and Marina Oswald, as well as the Paines. If Lee was some sort of intelligence operative, owning a car would mean that he could be tracked via the license plate. Traveling via bus would allow him to be "lost in the crowd," as nobody on a bus remembers EVERYONE else who rode that bus. [Even the supposed witnesses to Lee's alleged bus ride to Mexico don't tell the same story.] Let's entertain one more idea here. Instead of Michael and Ruth Paine being CIA operatives WITH operative knowledge of the assassination plot [as some have suggested], what if they were, indeed very low-level CIA operatives with only "need-to-know" information about the assassination...to the point that they may have been used, but totally in the dark that the assassination was to be the result of the operation they were a part of? Think "compartmentalization." THEN the "We both know who is responsible" comment would indicate that while they weren't privy to the plot, after the fact they could put 2 and 2 together. I believe, based upon circumstantial evidence, that George Bouhe, George deMohrenschildt, and several in the White Russian community were involved in different levels of spying for the US government. And they created the connection between the Oswalds and the Paines. And am I the only one who thinks that George and Jeanne deMohrenschildt playing the "get TF out of Dodge" card IMMEDIATELY prior to the assassination WASN'T merely coincidental? I think that Ruth Paine may have been reporting back to someone on what Marina was saying to her, and to what Lee was doing, those times when she knew where he was. But I don't think the Paines knew the big picture; otherwise, they probably would've refused their roles in keeping tabs on the Oswalds. [And I do believe that Marina, with her relative in Russian intelligence, was Ruth's assignment. By having Marina move in with her, Ruth could keep tabs on who Marina communicated with, particularly who she sent letters to, because I'm convinced that US intelligence wasn't unaware of who Marina's relatives were. They had to be sure that Marina wasn't Russian spy. Ruth was, essentially, her "babysitter."]
  10. The truth is, the ONLY knowledge we have of the interaction between Oswald and Hosty comes from Hosty. One must trust Hosty to NEVER lie or mislead, if we are to believe his reports of his interactions with Oswald are 100% true and not intended to mislead. I'm not sure whether I'm ready to go that far for an FBI agent who destroyed evidence [the Oswald note] after the assassination.
  11. My dad worked for the USPO, the predecessor to the USPS, as well as working for the USPS. He worked there from 1968 until his death in 1991 at age 61. Newspapers were second-class mail in the 1960s. Including November and December of 1963. Ruth Payne did technically violate the law. And Postal Inspectors were NOT known for their senses of humor. I was told that they could legally be more ruthless in an investigation than the FBI.
  12. You just MAY have found the "Rosetta Stone" of film alteration. Some of the witnesses said that the limo slowed/stopped PRIOR to the fatal headshot. If the limo slowed/stopped at approximately Z-310, that would confirm what the witnesses claimed. But since the extant Z-film appears to show no slowing/stop of the limo, that would mean that frame removal may have occurred around this point if the witnesses are correct. I'm not saying that is or isn't the case. I'm saying that would make sense IF it occurred. Would the SS allow the record to show the limo slowed or stopped 3 frames PRIOR to the fatal headshot? That would make Greer appear to be at fault, to some degree or another, in JFK's murder. [No that doesn't make him a knowledgeable accomplice.] It's something worth considering. Chris Davidson, does this pass a plausibility test?
  13. I'm still around, but I post a lot less these days than I used to.
  14. If I recall correctly, the late Tom Purvis owned a 6.5 Carcano rifle, and he produced a similar-looking bullet after passing through a branch of a live oak tree. Complete with some of the lead core being extruded from the base, similarly to CE399. But, as I recall, his bullet lacked the bend that CE399 has.
  15. I believe I recall that the car Ruth Payne owned was a 1956 Chevrolet wagon and not a Rambler. I also believe I recall some research by Walt Brown on a Rambler station wagon. I'm not going to look all this up, but I believe I gave you enough to do a Google Search.
  16. You have the difference right in front of you. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. As I recall, Dallas County Sheriff Bill Decker REFUSED to be involved in security for JFK's visit to Dallas. Not sure how this refusal was allowed to stand...but we saw the results.
  17. As a moderator/administrator, I will once again admonish all participants to refrain from the personal attacks. PERIOD. As a person who has been following the JFK assassination story since it happened [when I was a 9-year old 4th grader], there are certain things about which I have my doubts. Harvey and Lee is one. But I also believe that David Josephs has done a great job highlighting the inconsistencies and anomalies in the purported Oswald trip to Mexico City to show MUCH reasonable doubt that it ever actually occurred. So because I disagree with one aspect of Mr. Josephs ' research, that doesn't mean that I believe that none of his work has value. The truth is, there is enough reasonable doubt in the case against Oswald to warrant examining all of the evidence. And after a thorough examination, some may stand and some may fall. And sometimes we merely disagree on which doubts are reasonable and which are not. But we should do our best to remain civil toward others when addressing them in the forum. And personal attacks are a weak rebuttal, implying that you have exhausted your evidence.
  18. The late Gerry Hemming at one point claimed that he had purchased/offered to purchase Oswald's rifle from him prior to the assassination. I don't recall the details.
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