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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, (Probable teenager) John T. Martin from Minnesota filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963, the same day that 16-year-old Jim Doyle shot the very same Oswald leafletting incident (at which Oswald, Bringuier, Cruz. and one other anti-Castro Cuban were arrested for "disturbing the peace.") This August 9 incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafletting activity in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16 (which was filmed by a TV station), during which Oswald had Charles Steele (and perhaps an unknown Hispanic-looking guy) as a paid helper, and nobody was arrested. Thanks for asking! --Tommy PS Could someone please post a "link" to the John T. Martin August 8, 1963, New Orleans film here? I mean, which is actually watchable? Thanks! I believe the same scar (over Morales' left eye) is visible in the photo in the lower left corner , below: --Tommy
  2. Chris, (Probable teenager) John T. Martin from Minnesota filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963, the same day that 14-year-old Jim Doyle shot the very same Oswald leafletting incident (at which Oswald, Bringuier, Cruz. and one other anti-Castro Cuban were arrested for "disturbing the peace.") This August 9 incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafletting activity in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16 (which was filmed by a TV station), during which Oswald had Charles Steele (and perhaps an unknown Hispanic-looking guy) as a paid helper, and nobody was arrested. Thanks for asking! --Tommy PS Could someone please post a "link" to the John T. Martin August 8, 1963, New Orleans film here? I mean, which is actually watchable? Thanks!
  3. Chris, John T. Martin filmed Oswald while visiting New Orleans on August 9, 1963. Fourteen-year-old Jim Doyle shot this same leafleting incident in the 700 block of Canal Street (at which Oswald was arrested for "disturbing the peace"). This incident is not to be confused with Oswald's leafleting activity in front of the International Trade Mart exactly one week later on August 16, during which Oswald, Charles Steele, and an unknown Hispanic-looking guy passed out flyers for about twenty minutes and nobody was arrested. Thanks for asking! --Tommy
  4. Thanks for the support, Paul B. ! Bear in mind that we're talking about two different Oswald leafletting incidents which happened one week apart in New Orleans in August, 1963. My "David Morales" was caught on film at the first one (August 9; the one at which Oswald and Bringuier were arrested at), and Martin Blank's "Bill Shelley" (or perhaps Gordon Novell??) was caught on film at the second one (August 16; in front of the Trade Mart). Interesting stuff indeed... --Tommy
  5. Is that a scar above his left eye? --Tommy In this photo, there's a nick visible on the lower edge of his left eyebrow, and it think you can (barely) make out a scar going up his forehead a bit, and at a 45 degree angle, from that point. Could it be an old high school football injury? --Tommy PS Why is this important? Because I think I've located grey-suited Morales monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in the Jim Doyle film. And because, according to Richard Billings, someone told Jim Garrison (Bringuier? Cruz? Jim Doyle?) that a dark guy in a grey suit was watching Oswald closely that day, and that this guy had a one-inch scar above his left eyebrow. See my long earlier post (#14), above, for the Jim Doyle clip and for a link to Billing's notes on "the Spanish trace," aka "the shepherd."
  6. Is that a scar above his left eye? --Tommy
  7. I see him too. There's nothing we can tell with that, even if we "knew" what "monkey" looked like from the rear. The other guy, at least gives us a few seconds and a full frontal. It could be Morales but... Chris, Thanks for the feedback. Question: Would you agree with me that "Neck Scratcher" (at 3:55 in the video) is pretty darn "dark-complected"? Or do you think it's impossible to say? --Tommy
  8. Dark-complected, athletically-built (a football star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge, but I think he might be visible (wearing a grey suit and standing with his back to the camera) in the crowd in front of the TSBD several minutes after the assassination. Regardless, I do believe Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans in August, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 16-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. If anyone is interested, I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck the whole time, and watches Oswald (wearing his placard on his chest) walk past him to Morales' left. This short Morales-and-Oswald scene starts at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: . Interestingly, Garrison "investigator" Richard Billing wrote about a gray suit-wearing "Spanish trace / shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm trying to determine if Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow. Final thought: I don't want to sound politically-incorrect here but I gotta say that any dark-complected man (Morales was so dark that his colleagues referred to him as "El Indio") wearing a business suit in the southern cities of New Orleans and Dallas (in hot, muggy August in New Orleans!) in 1963 would have stuck out like a sore thumb as not being from those uhh.. racist areas. So, who is this guy or should I say, "who are these guys, in the photos I'm talking about, anyway?" --Tommy bumped
  9. Thanks, Chris. Good point. FWIW, Oswald's putative lawyer, Dean Andrews, said he saw Oswald leafleting near his (Andrew's) building and asked him what the heck he was doing and Oswald told him he (Oswald) was being paid $25 to do it. But's that's not why I spent so much time writing my last post on this David Morales thread, so I guess I'll have to "bump" it -- with the friendly reminder that what I'm talking about doesn't start until 3:55 in the youtube video... Hopefully, someone will respond (either positively or negatively) to what I was trying to point out. (Several months ago, none other than Bill Simpich took a look at it but mistook the white, suit-wearing guy (with the big package and the baldspot) for the guy I'm talking about. Bummer. The guy I'm talking about walks into the scene from the left at 3:55 and scratches the back of his neck the whole time. Oh well, at least I tried. LOL --Tommy
  10. Dark-complected, athletically-built (a football star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge, but I think he might be visible (wearing a grey suit and standing with his back to the camera) in the crowd in front of the TSBD several minutes after the assassination. I believe Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans in August, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 16-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck the whole time (to hide the fact that he was "packing" from the camera?), and watches Oswald (wearing his placard on his chest) walk past him to Morales' left. This short Morales-and-Oswald scene starts at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: . Interestingly, Garrison "investigator" Richard Billing wrote about a gray suit-wearing "Spanish trace / shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm trying to determine if Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow. [...] --Tommy
  11. The interesting thing, Tommy, is that almost none of this comes from my imagination ... [...] Well, Paul. Of course not. In My Humble Opinion, of course. Just some of it. I love the way you spin it weave it all together! It makes me want to run out and buy some Huggies. --Tommy
  12. Well, Tommy, I don't know enough about Buddy Walthers to start accusing him. I'm willing to GUESS, but I don't know for sure, yet. I feel confident that there never were "six or seven metal filing cabinets" in Ruth Paine's garage that contained names of Cuban Sympathizers. My confidence comes from the FACT that nobody else saw them. Nobody photographed them. Nobody logged them. There is no official paperwork on them. There are semi-official REPETITIONS of what Buddy Walther's said -- but no official paperwork on them. OK. Why do I say EXAGGERATE? Because Ruth Paine said that the DPD took from her garage on 11/22/1963: "two boxes of Folk Dance records, two boxes of her college papers; one box of Oswald's FPCC fliers; and one box containing a 35mm projector." That's six boxes. So, it seems to me that Buddy Walthers quickly glanced at this "Communist" material -- because every gun-totin' WASP cop knows that a Yankee Quaker is a "Communist," by definition. So Buddy glances at Oswald's FPCC fliers. OK, that's Cuba material. PROOF that they're all a bunch of Communists! Then Buddy looks at Ruth Paine's college papers. Sociology. Political Science. Words he could never understand. PROOF that they're all a bunch of Communists! Then Buddy looks at Ruth's Folk Dance records. Oh my, a Russian Folk Dance! PROOF that they're all a bunch of Communists! To make himself out to be somebody important at the DPD headquarters, Buddy Walthers boasts about what he found at Ruth Paine's garage -- "Well, you know, I found six or seven boxes full of Communist and Cuba material!" "Wow, Buddy! You're the man! You probably busted a Communist cell wide open right here in Dallas! Gather 'round fellas, listen to this!" "Well, you know, I need to look at it again, but I'm pretty sure it was six or seven metal filing cabinets full of Communist papers, with names of Cuba sympathizers, and so forth." "Wow, Buddy! You cracked the case! Hey, everybody! Listen to what Buddy found!" In the meantime, the Secret Service is logging two boxes of Folk Dance records, two boxes of college papers, one box of Oswald's FPCC fliers, and one box with a 35mm projector. I don't need to accuse Buddy Walthers of lying. Exaggeration is enough for a WASP cop in 1963. Of course, the JFK Killers did try to frame a COMMUNIST FPCC Director for the JFK murder. Reports went out of Dallas to all quarters, including to the FBI, with certainties that LHO was a COMMUNIST FPCC Director from New Orleans. Was Buddy Walthers involved with these people? I don't know yet. Regards, --Paul Trejo Well, Paul, I think you have an over-active imagination. You should look into screen writing for daytime soap operas. In My Humble Opinion, of course. --Tommy
  13. Again, my hear-say is documented hear-say where yours is typically made up of whole cloth, In Your not-so-Humble Opinion, as it were. Are you suggesting this is not what Buddy Walthers reported in his Supplementary Investigation Report to Fritz on Nov. 22? Have you read that report? Well, Chris, it's very clear that Buddy Walthers told a lot of people what he thought he saw at Ruth Paine's house -- but the main problem is that nobody else ever saw it. Nobody. Doesn't that bother you one little bit? Buddy can say anything he wants -- and he can write anything he wants -- and other people can repeat what Buddy said -- but just ask one other person if they ever actually saw a "set of metal filling cabinets" with names of Cuban sympathizers in them -- and what do you find? NOTHING! Not even one single photograph of this "set of metal filing cabinets!" Something; anything; to suggest that Buddy Walthers didn't just exaggerate his findings at Ruth Paines house. What the Warren Commission did list in its official report was a box of FPCC fliers that Lee Harvey Oswald still had -- some evidently stamped with Guy Banister's address in New Orleans -- 544 Camp Street. Maybe this is what Buddy Walthers was referring to? If not, then where in the world is this "set of metal filing cabinets?" Common sense tells us that Buddy was exaggerating. Also, common sense suggests that Buddy knew something of Guy Banister's operation in New Orleans -- because Guy Banister himself did personally possess in his offices in New Orleans a "set of metal filing cabinets" containing, among other things, names of Cuban sympathizers. What was Buddy Walthers HOLDING BACK? That's what I want to know. Regards, --Paul Trejo Well, Paul, why would Walthers "exaggerate" about that? Wouldn't it have made more sense for him not to mention the file cabinets at all, and to make sure that they just "went missing"? Is your using the word "exaggerating" here a a word-twisting synonym for "lying"? Isn't that what you really want to say? "Lying"? Or do you "now" think that whoever wrote the report was uhh... "exaggerating" in order to make Walthers look "bad" ? Or do you "now" think that it was just a stupid, misguided attempt by the person who wrote the report to make Oswald look "worse" than he really "was"? --Tommy
  14. No. An "exposure time" or "shutter speed" of 1/40 sec. is pretty slow. IMHO, the car would be blurry as hell. --Tommy PS Nice find (by whomever) of the flying fragment which is visible to the right of the lady on the grass.
  15. No. An "exposure time" or "shutter speed" of 1/40 sec. is pretty slow. IMHO, the car would be blurry as hell. --Tommy
  16. The questionable subtext being "those who were manipulating Oswald" killed Kennedy. How do we know Allen Dulles wasn't framed in the patsy chain in the top perps' contingency planning? Oswald-to-Paine-to-Bancroft-to-Dulles is a bit obvious, innit? LBJ and Dulles were keen operatives of the Lone Nut cover-up perhaps because they both knew they'd been spared the fall guy jacket. The Oswald-to-Paine-to-Bancroft-to-Dulles is very little -- it's very weak. Oswald/Paine was in the 1960's. Bancroft/Dulles was in the 1950's. But more than time, it's really silly to link Ruth Paine with her step-mother's girlfriend, and claim to have a solid link! While I agree fully that LBJ, Dulles, Hoover and Warren were the masterminds of the JFK Coverup -- there is a benign explanation -- namely, exactly what they told us -- National Security. It is a weak link to jump to the conclusion that BECAUSE they covered up the JFK murder, that THEREFORE they must have killed JFK. Too much weak logic. In fact, General Walker killed JFK. General Walker was a minor king in Dallas. General Walker could get away with anything in Dallas. And he did. The reason that LHO was selected as the Patsy, was precisely because LHO tried to kill Walker back in April 1963. There is finally a full-length book on this topic (after half a century) entitled, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015) by Dr. Jeffrey Caufield. Regards, --Paul Trejo Any relation to Holden Caulfield? --Tommy
  17. Read your Bible, Tommy. --Paul But darling, your long, never-ending, ten-in-a-row, pedantic posts ARE my Bible, darling. Now go ahead and turn the other cheek, darling! Yes! Yes! --Tommy
  18. Mark, I think you're probably right. Never heard about the lesbian film collection, though. Can you please post some frames from it? Thanks, --Tommy No, that's incorrect, actually. The so-called "Love Letters" are really only about Christian love. Ruth Paine was and remains a Quaker Charity Lady. HOWEVER -- the famous William Manchester, in his re-write of the Warren Commission that he created for the Kennedy family in his famous book, Death of a President (1967) did insinuate that Ruth Paine's interest in Marina Oswald was lesbian. Manchester didn't openly accuse Ruth of being a lesbian -- he only insinuated it. These insinuations were based on closing statements in two of Ruth Paine's letters to Marina, i.e. she closed with "an embrace" and with "a kiss." Anybody who knows the New Testament (admittedly a rare knowledge today) knows that the Apostle Paul would sometimes end his letters with "an embrace" and a "holy kiss". Also, in one of Marina's letters to Ruth, she did use the phrase, "I love you," however, this was in the context of Marina Oswald very worried that Lee Harvey Oswald was threatening to send her back to the USSR with her children -- and without him. Marina didn't want to go back to the USSR. She would rather stay in the USA as a single-parent, and she was very worried during this period from March 1963 through August 1963. There was nothing erotic in any of this. Ruth Paine tried to think of ways to defend Marina Oswald -- for example, she researched the large Russian Community in New York City, in which Russians could find good jobs there without knowing any English at all. Ruth wanted to pursue this for Marina, even though Marina would live in New York while Ruth Paine would live in Texas. There was nothing erotic in the letters. There was only a Christian concern regarding a human rights need. There was also a cultural mismatch between the Russian Marina Oswald and the American Ruth Paine, and their attempt to find common ground. Christianity was the only common ground they could find. The language about "love" was Christian, not eroticism. The dirty minds of William Manchester and his readers are the only so-called "evidence" that anybody has regarding claims of a lesbian relationship between Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine. In the insinuations of William Manchester, Lee Harvey Oswald was driven insanely jealous by this alleged lesbian relationship between Ruth Paine and his wife -- and that's why he killed JFK. I don't think I've ever read a more fictional account of the JFK murder than that, and I've read plenty. Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, I love you even though you're wrong about Ruth Paine and, and, ... well, you bore me to tears, darling. --Tommy
  19. Mark, I think you're probably right. Never heard about the lesbian film collection, though. Can you please post some frames from it? Thanks, --Tommy
  20. Given that Julian Buznedo Castellanos had been a prizefighter in Cuba, and the fact that in his photograph with Ferrie he appears to be short and muscular, I wonder if he could have been the short Mexican-looking guy who accompanied Oswald to Dean Andrew's office and whom Andrews said looked like he could go "fist city"? --Tommy
  21. How about to make it look like Carlos Marcello was behind the assassination? --Tommy Oh, I see what you're saying: That the plotters called a lawyer who was known to be an associate of Marcello (Andrews). I've been over the New Orleans evidence in deep detail, and I think it's unlikely that Andrews was brought in in this way, for some of the reasons I stated in 2012. Stephen, Thanks for the feedback. The only other thing I can think of (at the moment) is that Andrews fabricated the story. --Tommy
  22. Everything in the world looks different when viewed not only from behind, but also from a different angle. --Tommy
  23. Interesting. How could he be inducted then? --Tommy
  24. How about to make it look like Carlos Marcello was behind the assassination? --Tommy
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