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Myra Bronstein

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  1. Was just searching for the lyrics: https://www.google.com/amp/s/genius.com/amp/Bob-dylan-murder-most-foul-lyrics
  2. Dylan's comments upon releasing the song are also noteworthy: "Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years.This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you." Stay observant.
  3. The lyrics are incredible. Dylan knows the truth and he states it plainly. Over and over. Furthermore he is well informed on the topic. He is not a dilettante and this is not a superficial song. It's breathtaking. That the greatest US songwriter spoke out on this crime is also breathtaking. Especially given that he has been reluctant in the past to use his songs for political means and be an activist artist. Can't get any more candid and political than this song. It's remarkable. I'm so proud of him.
  4. Just finished watching A Coup in Camelot. It covered some important topics not covered or emphasized elsewhere: the secret service security stripping, body manipulation, autopsy fakery and the abrupt shift from JFK's strategy of peace to all out war within days. The secret service complicity in particular is fresh ground. And you did a great job with your commentary Vince. Thanks for making people aware.
  5. Also, could we please clarify which memo this segment comes from? https://2718f7c0-a-86436885-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/patspeer.com/www2/rare-files/feinman-cbs-documents/Feinmansalanttomc.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7cqGDo15zL5hr2FxhJAqqsVfZYKE21RyJNA2c_p7bm6fI3L5zGa4a6QqaH14_dcJWR3NmRCGMuQ5jAG5vx-dBHx8M_uGPvvf9l-xEdeNuH_M_Gs_QkBzIRwMtWPNEMizO-jtBl-kMQfxKLqu76WVbO5fWLqHcdmeLKdW6_hyGWnTjsJfhKjprLGoNmTyvHJeIAB6UOTqDiYdiNjK0sisdkSnyjAsblShlJnsbHBR2VH04UuBnKxGemM2nlEJ5dRDByR9o0o8&attredirects=0 Is that entire document available?
  6. Does anyone have a copy of this document? "A handwritten note on CBS stationery from Ellen McCloy to Les Midgley, producer of the series, gives the reader a feel for the close relationships between the McCloys and the CBS bunch. The memo reads: "One comment that Dad [emphasis added] made after reading the `rough script' Mr. Salant wanted me to pass on to you. It concerned a sentence (--or two--) that appears on the top of page 5C. . . . Dad said: 1) he had no recollection of the President (LBJ) asking or urging the members of the Warren Commission to act `with speed.' 2) The phrase `In less than a year' again implies that the commission might have acted in haste. Dad suggests that you might say `after 8 1/2 months. . . . ' --Ellen" http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/mediaassassination.html I looked for it at Pat Speer's site (http://www.patspeer.com/rare-files/feinman-cbs-documents) but only see a different hand written CBS document from Ellen McCloy. Thank you.
  7. Thank you for making those CBS memos available Pat, and calling attention to them Jim!
  8. As Charles Burris said, he's "Rather biased." https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/rather-biased/
  9. The media and the Kennedy assassination: the social construction of reality Ross Frank Ralston, Iowa State University "Abstract The research problem was to take a major political event in American history---the John F. Kennedy assassination---explore major media coverage of the event, and then examine media construction of social issues;The assassination of President John F. Kennedy has two official versions in our nation's history. The Warren-Ford-Dulles Commission came to the conclusion that, without assistance, a man in a building shot a man in a car. In 1979, pursuant to post-Watergate cynicism in government, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded there was a conspiracy and a second gunman fired from a different direction. However, high school textbooks have reified only the first version of history---that of a single lone assassin;A content analysis of CBS and Time-Life coverage is made using Lasswell's methodology of surveillance, correlation, and transmission. CBS produced the most television assassination documentaries and Time-Life owned the Zapruder film which was crucial evidence. Of the four perspectives on media coverage (the Fourth Estate, Mirror Approach, Marketing, and Hegemony), only hegemony fits the consistent pattern of the media coverage;Berger and Luckman's (1967) social construction of reality involves reification, legitimization, and institutionalization. As Kuhn (1962) notes in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, normally when the number of anomalies to a theory becomes too great, we are forced to switch to another explanation. However, this did not happen with the Kennedy Assassination. We must ask why. The Fourth Estate would predict the media pursue the story with a check and a balance of government by responsible investigative reporting, as the Marketing Approach would give the consumers what they want. The Mirror Approach is where the media represents a neutral transmission of information while with Hegemony, the major media would dissipate the greatest possible doubt of a conspiracy in order to create the impression that the political structure was secure and legitimate to create an image of the stable institution of government. The study concludes that hegemony best explains media coverage of the event." Recommended Citation Ralston, Ross Frank, "The media and the Kennedy assassination: the social construction of reality " (1999). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. Paper 12478. http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/12478 http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/12478/
  10. Pat I just found your 50th Anniversary media Onslaught material: http://www.patspeer.com/the-onslaught http://www.patspeer.com/the-onslaught-part2 It's excellent. Thank you! If you did additional media analysis I'd love to see it.
  11. So... Does anyone know if Ron Pataky/Dr. A. Ron Pataky is still alive?
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