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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. The encyclopedic style and lyrical prose used in Farewell America to summarize American political conditions c. 1963 are a smoke-and-mirrors act in themselves. A kind of seduction for a left-wing audience. That and the elegiac, pseudo-intellectual tone, for instance dragging in Calvin and de Tocqueville, who would be horrified, from their respective pedestals among the Immortals, to learn of an American coup. "Laying it on a bit thick," the English say.
  2. I had thought that the previous reported Marina-Hunt sighting (before Currington) happened after the FBI was through with Marina. Again - explore the back threads.
  3. Steve, check past threads on the Forum. A Hunt-Marina meeting some weeks after the assassination has been discussed here before, as some figure in the Hunt orbit claimed he saw Marina received at Hunt's office. I couldn't tell you if it were true or not, nor speculate on the substance of the meeting.
  4. For devotees, this is what remains of the entire Apaul Corps (Apple Corps - A Paul Corpse) / Rotten Apple series of YouTube videos digested in The Winged Beatle (see post above). Use link below to connect to IamaphoneyHD channel featuring dozens of short films in the series: What's the Kennedy connection? you might well ask. I'd say, Paul Is Dead represents the Beatle will and money to create a conspiracy mythography competing with those in political culture. Perhaps this is part of the method of the White Album, or else the White Album displays the tired abandonment and closure of the method and mythography.
  5. Sandy! Quit while you're ahead, morally. Let all good men desert this thread! Allons, enfants!
  6. "...the four Beatle portraits included with the LP look like items spilled out of an SAS file." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Air_Service They've got a domestic black ops unit as well. Roy, I think the best thing you could do is to not describe the White Album song by song to fit your thesis, but instead write an essay on how the thematics linking the songs across the album supports your thesis. Y'know, I'm listening to downloads of The Beatles in Mono and The Beatles Stereo box set, and I'm wondering if George Martin wasn't sidelined during the White Album because he was responsible for all the previous and awful "Beatles fake stereo" records, in which the music is in the left channel and the vocals are in the right. The stereo mix of the White Album is an improvement over this method, and was done by the engineer and not Martin. It's no wonder that Lennon cried "Back to Mono!" when the stereo mixes were so rigidly unimaginative before the White Album. NB that the White Album becomes self-referential, an ourobourous, courtesy of Harrison: "We all know 'Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da,' But can you tell me, where you are?" -- Savoy Truffle, side 4 It's the bloody Beatles' White Album. Shut up. -- McCartney
  7. Let's all just abandon this thread and let the like-minded individuals play here together. We who disagree on how but not what may go pursue happiness elsewhere. This is the second-hottest topic on the front page, but that's just measuring the energy wasted in wheels spinning in Forward and Reverse, alternately.
  8. I dunno, Ron - not much trust in the French government among the middle class and working poor these days. We should be as brave over here as are the gilets-jaunes: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/24/french-gilets-jaunes-protests-turn-violent-on-the-streets-of-paris https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/03/who-are-the-gilets-jaunes-and-what-do-they-want https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2018/dec/08/gilets-jaunes-protesters-clash-with-police-in-paris-in-pictures A nous la liberte, and all that. Here, too - OK?
  9. Joan Mellen is on Black Op Radio podcast this week: http://blackopradio.com/archives2018.html
  10. I'm unconvinced that the Rometsch dalliance, or Kennedy's general sexual voracity, were motives to replace him with LBJ, who (Rometsch-as-agent aside) was no more dependable in that department. As were any number of period politicians. As I heard someone say regarding Stephen Ward's trial purveying girls in the Profumo affair: "Magicians have been bringing pretty girls onstage for years to distract from the real focus" (paraphrase).
  11. Roy: Check YouTube for (the return of) a series of videos produced by an org called Apaul Corps Ltd. - see logo at start of video clip below. These were an arty Paul Is Dead compendium that was rumored to have been produced as a gag by McCartney himself. There were quite a few, this is the only one left on YT that I can find. It's a digest of the 50-odd shorter films, all of which were spooky good fun, especially late at night: Check YouTube also for podcasts on The Beatles by small-press book authors dealing with political topics. This below has commentary on The Beatles as media revolutionaries and the Counterculture as a political movement, together with occult Beatle connections you may want to take less seriously. Also the influence of avant-garde music on the group, which can be read in other books:
  12. McCartney toyed with the business of government file-keeping on the back cover of the Band on the Run LP.
  13. So sinister is the world that the four Beatle portraits included with the LP look like items spilled out of an SAS file. Consciously or not, the poster is a reflection of the album's contents.
  14. Lennon spoke of the layers of an onion in connection with the song. Glass Onion is a spoof of Beatle fan myth-making. I think when he sings, "I told you 'bout...", that's a contraction, meaning he's speaking for all the Beatles' songwriting.
  15. Idiocy running in the family. Is there good money in idiocy?
  16. Why do you believe the WC, M. Carlier, when even De Gaulle suspected CIA-OAS and Dallas Police Department involvement?
  17. Does Carlier have a theory of events other than the Warren Commission's?
  18. See this here page: https://www.thewhitealbumproject.com/songs/side-one/
  19. Don't forget that these guys are Englishmen to the core. They're more concerned with Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath (later, Enoch Powell) in Old Blighty than they are with Mr. Johnson and Mr. McNamara. When they flew in from Miami Beach, it was on BOAC; "Miami Beach" may have been their misguided stab at making surf-music satire (i. e., wrong state).
  20. I know. A couple of spies, to be certain. But you may be shading LHO over into lone-nut territory. After all - Michael Paine was his friend. Igor Voshinin was his friend. He made some temporary friends in Russia, they say. What were the DeMohrenschildts doing in Dallas before Oswald, anyway? Spying on the White Russian community for...whom?
  21. I could see the DeMohrenschildt-Oswald friendship happening under innocent terms, given a quixotic man-of-the-world type who - if for no other reasons than intellectual curiosity and pity - took a shine to a former defector who was a similar duck out of water in Dallas,. However, I have no belief that GDeM was innocent and uninterested.
  22. It would be interesting to know what evidence or details Ganis is holding, after the poor review of the book on Kennedys and King, and his discursive and uninformative podcast appearance.
  23. Alors, Carlier -- Our kinder, gentler president destroyed a city and many inhabitants to silence his Iran-Contra drug-dealing partner, install a docile successor, and secure the canal. Puts him up there with Leopold of Belgium.
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