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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. The part where she offers the possibility that she (or Lee) may have been a triple agent in the US raises questions re: Angleton.
  2. If accurate and in accurate context, an interesting Marina quotation in the NE article: "Maybe Lee was in the same kind of predicament [as I was] - a double or triple agent - and he did not know who he was really serving [.]"
  3. Robert had a jailhouse conversation with Lee. Nobody imagines those to be "intimate." "Brother, you won't find the truth in there."
  4. Please, somebody, read the book and prove or disprove the following statement: If something exists, there is porn of it.
  5. Yes, some names have been changed, some dialogue recreated, and there is some conflation of characters and minor events. But the story is very real. Conflation of characters and minor events is ahistorical and borders on fictionalization. That's for "inspired by"-type moviemaking. THIS PART DIDN'T HAPPEN.
  6. I'm reading the lengthy Amazon excerpt and...I dunno. That watch better carry a ballistic track back to the grassy knoll, with metallurgical evidence different from CE 399. And it better not have disappeared into some inaccessible vault. Can we find any history on the author's prosecution by the government? Update: not wild about the recreation of Love Field limo seating arrangements, nor the depiction of the assassination itself. Why is the watch evidence of a mercury round, but not JFK's jacket and shirt?
  7. Jerome Corsi, Conspiracy Theorist, Is Subpoenaed in Mueller Investigation https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/us/politics/jerome-corsi-subpoena-mueller-investigation.html
  8. Seen this guy's stuff - he's the equivalent of a Mob televangelist. Note the brand logos on his clothing.
  9. Well, I was glad for an opportunity to find more interesting podcasts in the MWN Archives, and to poke about in Don Jeffries' blog archives. His "Pizzagate" entry (found by accident) was provocative, if adequately researched.
  10. Invite all those witches to be members!
  11. Can we hear more about what two films were spliced, and who has seen them and leaked their existence?
  12. Check the older threads. There may still be one posted. "Pickup" or "Pick-up" might be a good search term.
  13. Alternate title based on the CTKA review: The Godawful Digest: or, How I Made my Auction Spending Back. https://player.fm/series/house-of-mystery-true-crime-history-2427582/the-skorzeny-papers-evidence-for-the-plot-to-kill-jfk-major-ralph-ganis
  14. Note that, at the beginning of this interview, Tosh seems to suggest that the origin of his "abort team" mission was Eugene Dinkin's discovery of an "OAS"-assisted operation launched against JFK. So the assertion that Tosh never quoted published research or was fed (dis)info is somewhat suspect now: See some further statements Tosh made to other researchers on this two-page thread on another forum: https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?943-Tosh-Plumlee&p=124618#post124618
  15. Y'see, Jim, the reason I ask whether "Oswald" (or someone else) could have exited the Croy-Westbrook car in the alley, and then been intercepted by Tippit at the mouth of the alley - instead of while walking along the 10th Street sidewalk - is that it's awfully strange that Tippit pulled over to block the mouth of that alley. Strange especially if there's already a cop car in the alley. The only other thing I can postulate is that Tippit in one car and Croy-Westbrook in another were trailing Oswald at a distance, and at the corner Croy-Westbrook broke away, turned onto Patton and entered the alley, arriving just after Tippit had intercepted "Oswald" at the alley mouth on 10th. But how did the cops in that alley car even know that alley was there? It's really no more than a nameless drive-through between houses that is itself off another, perpendicular, alley. Croy and Westbrook weren't Oak Cliff beat cops. They may have figured that many blocks in Oak Cliff had alleys running the length of the block, separating the house lots on parallel streets - but how to figure a drive-through that would T-bone with 10th Street in that block? There's a lot of police presence around that lousy little drive-through. How did everybody converge on that obscure but fatal spot, and when?
  16. What witnesses do we trust to have been correct in saying was Oswald walking on Tenth St., from the corner and toward the alley? As opposed to having exited the cop car in the alley and then being cut off by Tippit?
  17. Could two cars have been trailing Oswald, at walking speed, from a block away, and one gone off and around the block, into the alley?
  18. If there's a police car (Kroy and Westbrook?) pulled up at the middle of the alley that Tippit pulled up to block the mouth of in order to intercept "Oswald," how did the cops in the alley car know to pull in there?
  19. My thought: If we ignore it, will it crawl back into its hole? Is that working yet? Let me put forth a new conspiracy: I Anon. In I Anon, Trump is secretly working with Obama to keep the AHCA alive, for the benefit of the insurance corporations and the destruction of the working poor. What, that happened?
  20. The Joesten article says things that perhaps needed to be said, and makes important challenges, but it does so with hyperbole, tactlessness, and a naivete about what was at stake for RFK and the Kennedy family. This is more invective than journalism or history, as if Joesten feels RFK is not taking as many risks as Joesten himself is. It's useful. though, for the descriptions of Johnson-did-it sentiments among insiders.
  21. It would be grimly amusing if "Harvey" and "Lee" didn't know each other, and each had one half of those divided dollar bills to make contact with at the theater. But we digress...
  22. with that third long conversation on pdf. Can somebody point me to a link for the JFk/MacArthur conversation transcript .pdf?
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