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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. There are quite a few past threads here that consider Freeport Sulphur, Clay Shaw, and broader connections. There should also be documents collected at the Mary Farrell Foundation site.
  2. I think the legend is that he put on "his jacket" (so that the white Eisenhower windbreaker could be "found") and "his trousers" (or "pants," depending on the delicacy of the WCR historian). He's photographed being brought in wearing the controversial (Lovelady v. Oswald) nubby, brown-checked shirt, So did he "change his jacket (shirt)" or "put on a jacket"? Or neither?
  3. This is petty but significant: Oswald, staying at the Paine house, didn't even get in a proper morning wash before work on the 22nd, and throughout his day in jail protested that he wasn't allowed a shower. That famous, saggy-necked T-shirt looks like yesterday's model as well. Um, wouldn't you?...
  4. Kudos to the author for paraphrasing the title of John Ford's WW II PT boat movie, They Were Expendable. Doubtless a film Kennedy saw,
  5. What I meant: Since Tippit blocked the alley entrance with his car, was it because the subject that he next talked to through the passenger side window had walked down the alley toward Patton (instead of walking along the Patton sidewalk until Tippit stopped him, as is commonly supposed)? And might that person have walked toward Patton after exiting the police car said to be waiting further up the alley? This puts a new spin on things: subject gets out of one police car in the alley and walks down to Patton, where another police car pulls up at his feet. After a verbal exchange through the car window, the cop gets out and starts to come around the front of the car. That might make a subject carrying a pistol feel like he was being set up. Could the subject have been brought to the alley in one cop car (Westbrook's/Croy's), walked down to Patton Street, and been spooked by another cop car (Tippit's) pulling up and blocking the alley where it met the street? Or, instead, was Tippit directed (by radio?) to pull up and block the alley and confront the subject, who had been ordered to shoot Tippit? Too much police focus on one alley to not make the alley significant to the Tippit killing.
  6. I have a feeling that the story Officer Mensel (sic) told Mrs. Tippit was a lie, and that Tippit was marked for death regardless. Also, since Tippit blocked the alley with his car, did he first observe the person he talked to through the car window exit the alley onto Patton, having been brought there by the alleged Croy/Westbrook car, and dropped off further up the alley?
  7. The bullet was eviscerated? It had its guts torn out? An organic bullet, like a small, flying pet store turtle?
  8. Some opinion on narcotics and post-Vietnam SE Asia fighting: http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/kiss_the_boys_goodbye.htm Opinion, he said.
  9. The question is - where did the mainland China networks and opium resources go after the fall of China? Chiang Kai-Shek may have retained his connections and exploited them, so Anslinger could blame the trade on the Reds. But Chiang couldn't control much of the mainland opium from Formosa. Did the Reds really burn it all, and encourage less lucrative farming?
  10. Who's Dulles looking to? would be a question. That guy below him smacks of the fading past. Thanks for the book.
  11. I believe DP spook is wearing what they used to call a car coat, which meant an overcoat with a shorter length, so you could get into your trouser pockets while driving.
  12. Hunt, at JFKA time, may have been better connected to the Agency through Dulles and other pre-Helms old-schoolers than he was at the time of Watergate, and may have been immune to danger from Morales. This doesn't mean we should believe all points of his "confession," however - or believe any of them, for that matter,.
  13. Hello there! I might be alone, behind widow's peak man (sometimes ID'd as "Lucien Conein"), over on Main Street. Though, y'know, it's hard to spot any of us in the Hughes film... Look at me - I'm six feet ahead of "Gerry Hemming," but Hughes didn't catch us.
  14. See this thread, though I misidentified white trousers guy in it: White trousers guy is also in the Altgens photo taken on Main Street near the Houston corner, and apparently walked across the grass to make it into the Cancellare photo. If you do a search on Cancellare you will find a lot of past discussion on the figures in this photo.
  15. "Potomac Basin Spookwear," that outfit's called. Flew in from a colder climate?
  16. Search the back threads, W. McGeorge B. has been a frequent candidate for suspicion. "McGeorge? What's his sister's name? McMary?" -- Lenny Bruce.
  17. A couple of decades ago, either Time or Newsweek ran a cover story claiming that Oswald's real target was Connally, because of JC's supposed rejection of Oswald's honorable discharge plea. I have no recall of whether a kill list in a little green book was mentioned in that article. In response, critics brought out that Connally was out of office when the Oswald letter was sent. The article was a slightly big deal at the time, then faded from public memory.
  18. I saw it in full speed and quarter-speed, and I stand by what I wrote above. I think he saw or heard something that unsettled him, and it may not have been a gun shot. (He's looking at something in the crowd on Jackie's side of the limo when he clasps his waving hand with the other.) A few seconds later, it was on-with-the-show for our Prez.
  19. Where's the whole AMIPA film, not just the slo-mo clips? The human face and body can be constantly in motion, and one frame or one photo can catch a momentary reaction that reveals psychological or physical distress, yet is out of context to the person's entire demeanor at that moment. Frames and stills can also capture transitional facial expressions that seem expressive of an emotion that did not exist.
  20. There's a slim chance that JFK is reacting to something unpleasant on Main Street in the AMIPA film, but bullet strikes in the back and head are precluded when, after the turn onto Houston, we see JFK lean forward to share a word with Nellie Connally. In the Towner film, we see him move a bit in his seat after the Elm turn, (perhaps also in reaction to something off-putting, like a near miss). All this is a lot of movement, and a lot of stoicism, for a man who took a couple in the head and back two blocks before.
  21. Just to clarify: isn't the establishing quotation in Best's article - points 1. and 2. - from Nicholas Katzenbach's DOJ memo to RFK, not from a CIA document?
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