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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. Uh-huh. That must be why hardly any serious student of the Kennedy assassination believes your conclusions.
  2. It's also comical you believe the three Tramps aren't actually the men their arrest records say they are.
  3. I'm not saying it should be prohibited. It should just be moved out of the JFK Assassination forum, because the only aspect that bears even a tangential relationship to the subject is the unverified "datebook."
  4. Once again, a series of posts that have no connection whatsoever to the JFK assassination. Will the moderators please intervene?
  5. Yet another un-asked for, lengthy post from Leslie Sharp that has absolutely nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. Will it ever stop?
  6. The Umbrella Man is a normal, everyday, non-conspirator human being named Louis Stephen Witt, and always has been.
  7. So what? Walker communicated with many people who shared his beliefs during this time. Utterly meaningless until authenticated by proper authorities.
  8. And the significance of this is ... what, exactly? Are you implying none of this information had heretofore been known about Walker's activities?
  9. I believe you’re confusing what Hosty did with his interrogation notes with what he did to the note Oswald left at the FBI office, in which he asked Hosty to stop interviewing Marina when he wasn’t home. Hosty’s boss Gordon Shanklin ordered him to destroy the latter, which Hosty then did.
  10. "The way you do it in Canada" ? Take your holier-than-thou, xenophobic nonsense somewhere else.
  11. This is a truly unbelievable rhetorical question by you in light of your numerous "justifications" for who is or is not allowed to study the alleged datebook for themselves...
  12. Is there any actual evidence to support the notion that such a car was parked by the Triple Underpass?
  13. Yes, I know - my comment was directed at Sandy Larsen's apparent attempt to start a debate about Princess Diana's death with Michael Griffith. THAT should be moved to some other area.
  14. It's just non-stop victim mentality from the Coup in Dallas brigade, isn't it? "Acting on behalf of" Jim DiEugenio? On behalf of what? Our top-secret cabal that goes around jealously spying on other Kennedy assassination researchers? Give me a break.
  15. The only "wrench" it has thrown is further polluting a subject already rife with ridiculous theories and evidence-free speculation. Promise?
  16. You can't possibly spend your life being this needlessly litigious all the time, can you?
  17. This thread has no further purpose here. Moderators, please move this baseless conspiracy speculation out of this section of the forum.
  18. Aren't there members of Garrison's staff who are still alive and/or would have had in-person interactions with Ferrie?
  19. Right, like spending the past 20-plus years touting the absolutely laughable and absurd idea that Lee Oswald was part of a secret government doppelganger program along with his imaginary "brother," Harvey, or that virtually every piece of evidence in the Kennedy assassination has been faked or altered .. at least until you need these documents to be authentic to support your beliefs ...
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