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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I'd like to note that, as far as I am greatly aware, It has never been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, with any amount of substantial, verified and/or corroborable evidence, that that woman was ever "Oswald's Lover".
  2. My brain can’t help but to wonder that too. I remember Dulles’ words that an agent wouldn’t ever really do that (reveal that they’re agents or whatnot) but I mean it is within the realm of possibility. Not to slam Vince or his findings but Steve you might be on to a possibly logical issue with either the ID of the man by those who interacted with him at the time and/or those of us trying to learn his ID today. Great find regardless Vince.
  3. A masterful rebuttal Barto. Thanks for sharing and educating as always. I swear along with the original thread and Dane’s amazing book, Murphy’s analysis of Lee and the false 2nd Flr encounter is a must read at least once a year for me. So the fine points of that document (Hosty’s note) is Lee went to the 2nd flr. to get a coke to eat with his lunch on the 1st flr. (without ever encountering Baker & Truly) and then went out to watch the presidential parade (please correct me if I’m wrong). That is astounding evidence that only more firmly supports the PM argument. May the focus always be solely that when we examine the highlighted portion by you (Bart) in Hosty’s newly discovered notes.
  4. Anytime Ty. Now those are moreso official documentation than articles but there you go.
  5. The annoying thing is, since we don't have the official documentation concerning his late night polygraph examination, the man could have, many times within these many years that have past, could have told many a researcher what he was literally asked if I am not mistaken....and as far as I am aware, he has not, perhaps he has and we have not seen those documents? Sigh... I find it absolutely typical that Russo and Perry are so close to Buell. It makes perfect sense from a certain perspective. This is the one THE MOST crucial witnesses to Lee's innocence who is still breathing (Paine as well but I digress....and no chance in hell she'll reveal what actually occurred). My opinion is that Buell cannot be one who is simply free to say what he wants about the terribly day in question. One of the biggest bombshells of all would be his confirming (with genuine honesty) his being on that top step with Lee during the shooting.
  6. Here's a couple other gems: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/j-f-k-assassination-records/ http://jfk.hood.edu/index.shtml?browse.php
  7. Yeah thats rather annoying. I would HUMBLY welcome and enjoy ANY rebuttal to your masterwork here Ed. HUGE thanks as always for your insanely informative work.
  8. Well according to McBride and his research, Tippit's father said J.D was looking for Oswald so thats huge. I mean it should be at the very least considered when considering Tippit's murder as a possibility.
  9. Thanks for the amazing response Jake. I'll have to chew all of it slowly later on.
  10. Fantastic research Steve as always. Thanks!
  11. For Mr K! (He can’t receive PM’s) I just wanted to let you know that in your most recent blog post concerning the most recent conferences after action report in Dallas, you mention a CAPA-HQ.org which takes you to a council of Anglican provinces of Africa website 🤣. I believe the proper website is https://capa-us.org 👍🏻. Thank you for all you do regardless.
  12. I too found the stabbing incident fascinating (if true) as I’d never heard of it myself and I’m not familiar with Armstrong ever mentioning it but perhaps he has?
  13. What do you guys think of this article? https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/why-officer-tippit-stopped-his-killer
  14. Dallas Action Episode with Lorenz' daughter: #163~November 22, 2019: "ACTION FIGURE: A Conversation With Monica Perez Jimenez, Daughter Of Assassination Witness Marita Lorenz."
  15. I think he speaks of a tunnel path in Parkland. I believe Doug Horne speaks about this as well.
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