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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Maybe some kind of announcement is due as Cameron has Gone to bury his head in the sand in Dubai. More names are being revealed on various blogs Tom Watson MP has asked a question in the commons and has been promised By Cameron that he will look into it . Will the reveal of JFK's Killers Come in the form of a blog too sensational to be ignored?. The libel laws in UK have prevented this story form being public news Although most is public knowledge . Do we have a right to know?.
  2. It would appear to be old news going back to queen Victoria's era If you google the name of the person in email followed by just Pa all will be revealed . It seems the very elite of British society Were and are involved. From the Kincora debacle to the Cleveland street Scandal. Saville's reference to "bringing half the station down with me" did not I think imply That the officers were involved physically but by thier neglect in not being Able to prosecute because of others "higher up" . I believe the same problems abound in the JFK case in that because of Oswalds Obvious ties to CIA and FBI it was hoped that they would contribute To the cover up fully , When D.A. Wade informed the press that Oswald was "known" to the FBI This could ha e been a bit of inter agency "grassing " rather than a Freudian Slip by Wade
  3. John An old school friend of mine worked on the "Spitting Image" satirical Puppet show he told me to look out for a sketch involving Mick Jagger And whoever else in the sketch it was set in a Gents toilet he would not name Him until the show had been broadcast. The whoever else was the minster I believe you are alluding to. Who did indeed get shifted to Europe rather rapidly. My friend had been given the info from a BBC tech guy he was working with.
  4. Any photograph or movie taken at the corner of Elm and Houston or "the turn" Would have exposed this sooner in a more graphic way !. What bugs me is how did Fate know to remove the frames that would have exposed them? So they hid it where "nobody will actually read it".
  5. Chris Am I to understand from this display that had Towner kept his film Running it would not coincide with the frame numbers of Zapruders And these are the events and their "slippage" ,This is assuming Both cameras were running at their optimum 18.3 frames per second ?.
  6. Mike can you find a picture of Jack Edwin Dougherty before I do?.
  7. Nor is it suspicious that a dark skinned man could stroll upto the Presidential limo off the sidwalk and into the road waving his hands about In Dallas in 1963?. Kellerman looked right at him perhaps he thought He was an autograph hunter?.
  8. Because there is nothing suspicious about a man opening an umbrella on a bright warm sunny day in Dallas and pumping it up and down in the air at the precise moment the President is shot at the precise moment the limousine passes him and his very dry umbrella. Happens all the time
  9. Chris So the distance from the SN to Altgens could be measured accurately Exposing Altgens fluffing of his lines?. Ian
  10. Was the president of the bar assoc. involved in not helping Oswald?. We know he was not representing Oswald is there any information On thier meeting?.
  11. Paul Was Dulles the instigator or the Washington cover? Walker could not have contained the whole operation surely!. This must have been under the watchful eye of intel of all sorts hence the cover up.
  12. Hmmmmm... The results were far from magnificent?. Michael last year was the supposed unveiling it never happened Maybe Greg Burnham may have some gen?.
  13. I am sure some of the conspirators saluted thier chief but gave the bird to JFK!.And some were forced to do the wrong thing against thier personal Principles but good for the collective.
  14. Could you shorten that question Mike ?. Consider this, Oswald had no power over the errors made nor the myriad of coincidences That were required to convince the public he was guilty. It only worked until somebody actually read it!.
  15. Edit typo For density read destiny damn IPhone !.
  16. He reminds me of Carlier ,he has the same density no doubt!.
  17. There is a picture/film of a "kid" outside the TSBD maybe at the corner of Houston and Elm A comment was made that it looks like a young Dubya? Anybody remember this thread? If I recall correctly he was wearing a similar (style) jacket but is shorter than Parking lot TJM?.
  18. Tom I am sorry for the cheap shot this morning. I over reacted to the frustrations involved in this case. Please accept my apologies. Ian
  19. Tom I am trying to Establish the identity if possible of the person wearing distinctive clothes. Other members here have identified certain players along the route or Think they have!.
  20. Ian, Was Truly expecting "Tan Man" to be where he was (on the third or fourth floor) at that time? Probably. It's also possible that he confused "Tan Man" for LHO. --Tommy ;sun But how could that be Tommy as he had just seen "Oswald" on the second floor?.I know they "missed the sixth" but that's a Big leap Tommy!.
  21. Tommy if we could find a better picture of Larry Jones we could do a comparison With Tan man.apparently Mr Truly knew tan man did he also know Larry Jones?. Did Baker feel the need to pull his gun on Tan Man or Was Truly expecting him?.
  22. Paul/Greg Is it Possible that Larry jones was controlled by a "legit" agency all along?. Connecting him with the actual shooting would to my mind put him much closer to the Planners!. If the man in the tan jacket in the film of the car lot turns out to be the Tan jacket man from Truly/Baker then we can safely assume they got away with it..... Until now!.
  23. The notion of a "route" is not a correct one, but officers were assigned to regular patrol areas ("districts") with administrative boundaries that were often crossed for a variety of reasons (e.g., lunch, officer assist, nearby call, etc.). There is a map that is a Commission Exhibit that shows exactly where these were. The patrol district ID number is the same as the radio call number assigned to/used by patrol officers. Their car number did not enter into it since that could conceivably change even on a daily basis if necessary (e.g., car in for repairs, still in use by prior shift, etc.), tho' my experience has been that most professional drivers of any stripe prefer to drive the same, familiar vehicle whenever possible. In Tippit's case that day, he was assigned to District 78 (and used call sign "78") while driving Car #10. But ultimately, the point: what the heck has patrol car #107 got to do with anything? Earlene Roberts never firmly stated that the vehicle number was that except to say, incorrectly, that she had reported the vehicle as #107 and not #207 several months ago. She said that once in her testimony, and also said more than once in the same testimony that the car was #106. The only firm thing she said about the number was that it was NOT #170, which two officers for whom she had "worked for" had driven. So the number of the police car(Roberts) is in dispute or unknownAnd the police car is also in dispute? Ergo there was no car so the number is irrelevant ?. If Ex police car# 107 never left Sulphur Springs Did Mrs Roberts see an actual police car With 2 cops in it?.
  24. Would car #107 have had a regular route along with a regular driver When in commission?.Tippits seemed a regular route to some!.
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