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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. In the two photos, there appears to me to be a slight discrepancy. In the photo showing the Stemmons sign, the girl with the headscarf is to the West of the three girls. In the lower photo, the girl with the scarf is to the East. How and when did they change positions? In the Stemmons photo could there be two other girls to the west, hidden by the sign. Just askin'
  2. Surely the height, in relation to the chart, depends on where the camera is and the height of the centre of the lens. If for example, the lens centre is at chin height and the subject is 2 Feet from the chart, then the height shown will be different to that if the camera lens is at forehead height. I always understood that when police line-up photos were taken the subject was back against the chart wall, and the camera was set so the centre of the lens was at the same height as the middle of the subjects face, to avoid any confusion.
  3. Exactly, Jeffrey. How many of the SS men who "kidnapped" the President's body, against the law, were charged with so doing?
  4. Joe, unfortunately, according to the Lone nutter brigade, you can't trust anything that the doctors at Parkland said, as they were even unable to place a gunshot wound in the right place.
  5. I agree with your comments, Steve. After JFK was murdered, Jackie became the ex President's wife, with no special privileges. The excuse that she had to leave with Johnson is a non-sequitor. It was just an excuse to get the body out of the grasp of the Texas authorities. IMO. The only job for the SS men, at that time, was to get the new President out of Dallas, pronto. Nothing else.
  6. Michael, this was posted several years ago on this forum, by Malcolm Ward Re Tidy Laundromat. I believe the Penningtons saw Oswald at the Tidy Lady Laundromat in the 12:50's before one o'clock. Most people will only accept a one Oswald involvment and will forced to choose between the modes of potential transporation. It fits well with me with two Oswalds, in all the modes of transportation, with one setting the other one up...then, and the days and weeks prior which are so well documented. Source: http://groups.google...a0abee?lnk=raot The Tidy Lady Laundromat was located on Davis Street as well. Source: http://www.jfkassass...p?topic=5830.24 The light-colored Rambler station wagon that was seen with someone who was practically a double for Lee Harvey Oswald passed under the triple-underpass at 12:40 P.M. A few blocks beyond that overpass is the Commerce Street Viaduct, leading directly into Oak Cliff. It is practically certain that after the Rambler with an unknown driver and a “Oswald impostor” left the Depository it crossed the viaduct, and after turning left on Sylvan Street drove 12 blocks further going south on Davis St. Three blocks away was the Tidy Lady Launderette. The drive from the Texas School Book Depository, would have taken 7 or 8 minutes. It is at the launderette where the car stopped. It would have been within a minute or so of 12:47 P.M. The Tidy Lady (1227 Davis) was at the corner of Davis St and North Clinton St. There were only two people in the laundromat, at that time John Wesley and Oda Pennington. The car with the two fugitives parked on the east side of North Clinton St., by the side door of the laundromat. The young man who exited the car passed the laundromat and then turned around and entered, making a beeline towards the payphone. A brief pause and the Pennington’s heard the caller speaking in Spanish, in the FBI report, the Pennington’s felt that the man acted as if he was in trouble, under the circumstances, the Pennington’s were no doubt, accurate in their were perception. What happened to the driver is not certain but he may have left the scene as soon as he parked the car, which is what the Oswald impostor did as soon as he finished his call. He was last seen walking South on North Clinton St. The car had been abandoned. When the couple were shown a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, they said he “appeared” to be the same person. Just as compelling is how close the laudromat was to Jefferson Street, the location of the Texas Theater, and on the other side of Jefferson St. in the distance was the apartment of Jack Ruby. The Tidy Lady Lauderette on Clinton Street was only five blocks south away from Jefferson Street. paraphrased from pages 831-832 Harvey and Lee - John Armstrong So if you are trying to ascertain if another person was "in play" on Jefferson Street besides Lee Oswald, this scenario definitely seems pertinent. End of account. Yes....End of story? Definitely not. There was also a Clarence Otis Pennington in W. Virginia who was interviewed by the FBI, at this point it is not known whether the individual Oda Pennington was related to Clarence Pennington. However there is a very sophisticated genealogy website and Family organization named Pennington Research Association, that almost without question makes mention of an C.O. Pennigton and “his wife Ida!”......If you surmised that the Pennington’s are interesting you would be right.... Source: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3128&st=150
  7. Tracy, are you incapable of reading what people post? Nobody said that the two guys, whose photo I posted, were twins. I said they were dopplegangers, which means they were "lookalikes". You're the one who is insisting that the two Oswalds must be twins- nobody else. Capisce?
  8. Whether it's likely or not, is immaterial. I posted the photo of the two guys to show that what George said was correct. You are now changing your story to say that they are not identical. Nobody ever said they were. Just because it doesn't agree with your ideas, Tracy, tough.
  9. Don't you know the difference between twin and a doppelgänger, Tracy? Why don't you do us a favour, and stop these stupid comments?
  10. My memory let me down about how the above two guys met. I have retraced my steps and this is the story I remember. http://www.npr.org/2015/04/05/397601823/man-retires-moves-discovers-his-doppelganger Re- Let's get stick to H& L, just ignore the doppleganger effect. I'd rather you not do what you normally do, and try to guess what I and others are going to do. It stinks of arrogance.
  11. Typical answer from you, Tracy. The only thing they changed was the clothing they were wearing. (This, at the request of the newspaper, which took the photograph.) Their hair, beards and specs were their normal accoutrements. The only trickery is in your own mind. Because it goes against your argument that there are doppelgängers for most people in this world, (I myself have a doppleganger, (poor man) who lives about seven miles from me, I have never met him but my friends have often asked what I was doing in his village.)
  12. George, this a photo of two guys who lived in the same town in the U.K. who had no relationship with each other andwho accidentally bumped into each other at a supermarket.
  13. Holland was the Washington representative on the Middle East friends of America Committee. Quote"Historians R.M. Miller, Hugh Wilford, and others have argued that from its early years, AFME was a part of an Arabist propaganda effort within the U.S. "secretly funded and to some extent managed" by the C.I.A., with further funding from the oil consortium, ARAMCO. He was also a writer for the Voice of America. So a completely independent voice, it seems.
  14. "CXuster and Davies never saw Kennedys corps [sic] prior to the arrival of the Kennedy party ... " How could Custer have taken x rays of the President's autopsy before the arrival of the entourage, KK?
  15. I don't think a detail of marines would have been ordered to unload an empty casket, and there is no record a "John Doe" being taken into the morgue at any time, by the Marines. Dennis David timeline. 5 p.m. With Dr Boswell when they heard JFK was to be taken to Bethesda. 5.30p.m. Called to Leadbetter's (Officer of the Day) office (NNMC), where 3 or 4 SS men were in attendance. 6.30p.m. “Telephone call. “Your visitor is on his way. You will need some people to offload” Collected his own duty sailors together, plus others from dental school.and at about 6.40p.m. assembled them outside the morgue at the loading dock. 6.45p.m.. A black hearse drove up to the morgue. He said the passengers were wearing OR (Operating room) smock. Four or five blue suits (Fed Agents) exited the back of the hearse, and watched and supervised whilst the 7or 8 sailors offloaded the casket which was in the hearse. He said it was a simple grey shipping casket. His sailors took the casket into the anteroom directly adjacent to the morgue. He then dismissed his men and went back upstairs to an admin office on the second floor. 7.15p.m. approx he saw motorcade including a grey naval ambulance drive to front of Bethesda Tower. He observed Jackie K R.McNamara et al enter the Bethesda lobby and go directly to the 17th floor suite. 2/2.30a.m. Saw several corpsmen in snack bar and much discussion about two caskets being brought into Bethesda., and even rumors of a brain being brought into the hospital. Next day, asked Boswell which casket the President had been in and Boswell said “You ought to know: you were there.” [Implication, to him, was JFK was in grey shipping casket.]
  16. Could be, Don. As well as getting the make and caliber wrong, another mistake Weitzman made was to identify the scope as a 2.5 Weaver scope which subsequently became one of Japanese manufacture, which was 4 power. This is what was printed in bold white on the top of the scope on the MC. 4 x 18 coated Ordinance Optics Inc Hollywood, California 010 Japan. OSC Some mistakes to make for a man who knew about rifles.
  17. I remember reading a couple of years ago, that Weitzman's daughter said that her dad privately maintained till his death that it was a Mauser he found in the TSDB. Unfortunately I don't remember where I read it. Anybody else ever see the comment?
  18. I understand from another forum that sadly Bernice Moore passed away 13th March. Sad news. She was a great researcher and person.
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