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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. okay, because you don't understand something, don't tell me what I am saying..or arguing. let me dumb it down and sterilize it for you so you can understand. point one. A number of its own members have stated since the late 60's early 70's that they thought the WCR wasn't conclusive in precluding a conspiracy..( or for you a PLOT ) as well as the SBT and other issues. This also includes non WCR members such as Lyndon " Kiss me I'm Bribable" Johnson aka Lynda B and Jessie Curry, DPD Clown Car Driver. This "special guest star" list of "officials" who didn't buy it is a long one. point two. because the french president aka cheese loving surrender man says Ford agreed with this, " Oswald didn't act alone/we fudged it/there was a plot" doesn't make it fresh. It's the same old cheesburger but this time Ford is the bacon. Have they re-invented the hamburger because they added bacon? no. point three the "core" of this story is " IT WAS A PLOT". this equals OLD NEWS. Everybody knows this. The French Prime minister is awful late in volunteering this non news and because it's Ford, while that may be a novel element to the story, the core "IT WAS A SETUP" is still old news. I know this is terribly exciting for you this third hand old NEWS ...here...I'll give you some news that isn't third hand: IT WAS A PLOT! here is another example...THE MOON IS NOT MADE OF CHEESE!!. Just because it's Ford, doesn't make it new. Just because it's the first time you have heard of it, doesn't make it new. Drinking and driving kills people every year... If Rob Ford of Toronto (the crack smoking clown mayor ) comes out and says this, it is not new or "news". we all know this already. it is made news because a crack smoking drunk driving mayor says it. there is a thing called "context" and without it, you run the risk of living a sad and confused life. or, like a dog, you get excited every time your owner comes home because while you recognise your owner, it is novel to you again. everyone knows there was a "plot" to kill Kennedy beacuse he is dead...old news. Move on and prosper. Something being plotis not the same as the fact that someone thinks it was a plot. The length of your explanation should give you a hint that you shouldn't have called this old news. We didn't know what Ford said. Period. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... i will return to this response when I have trouble getting to sleep. BREAKING NEWS! My grocer just told me there was a plot to kill Kennedy and he heard it from President Ford...or was it mayor Ford? this is news! Hey Blair, when did you first hear that Ford agreed that it was a conspiracy?
  2. Says it all. ""We were preparing for trial and if the witness couldn't provide anything we could use against Oswald, it wasn't important." There you have it folks, straight from the horses mouth. Wade certainly taught his men well.
  3. Gary has replied to my similar query on another forum about Tague getting a ticket. With his permission, I show his reply. " As for Jim Tague, neither I nor The Sixth Floor Museum have any control or leverage with the city of Dallas, which is solely responsible for the 50th event in Dealey Plaza. In fact, until the city finalizes its security plans, the Museum does not know how soon after the event ends when it can open for visitors. Besides, what makes Jim Tague so special over anyone else - witnesses included - who would like to attend the 50th but cannot?" Seems it has nothing to do with him.
  4. He also said he saw the limo stop but not for how long, because he was distracted..
  5. David, if you can't see my argument, it's no use trying to explain it.
  6. I touched on this topic in answering Question #33. It was very likely Howard L. Brennan who provided the description broadcast on the DPD radio at 12:45. But even if it wasn't--so what? In fact, I've always kind of liked the idea that maybe it WASN'T Brennan who was responsible for that APB broadcast. Because in that case, as I mentioned before in Question 33, it means that there was yet another (unidentified) person in Dealey Plaza who described the sixth-floor TSBD assassin virtually the same way that Howard Brennan did. Here's the verbatim words that were broadcast over the Dallas Police radio at 12:45 PM CST on November 22, 1963, just fifteen minutes after President Kennedy was shot: "Attention all squads. The suspect from Elm and Houston is reported to be an unknown white male about thirty, slender build, 5 feet 10 inches tall, 165 pounds, armed with what is thought to be a 30-30 rifle. No further description at this time, or information. 12:45." Let's compare that description with what Howard Brennan wrote in his 11/22/63 affidavit: "He was a white man in his early 30's, slender, nice looking, slender and would weigh about 165 to 175 pounds." Notice any similarities? Of course, the part about the suspect being armed with a "30-30 rifle" probably didn't come from Brennan, because Brennan didn't know guns at all. So that part of the 12:45 DPD broadcast must have come from a different source entirely. But the description of the assassin is identical to the way Brennan himself described the assassin just a short time later on November 22nd in his Sheriff's Department affidavit. Brennan according to his own words described the shooter thus. ""While I was waiting for the policeman to return, I looked around again at the scene. The chaos and anguish of a few minutes earlier had subdued. There was no one still sitting on the ground and the noise and confusion had begun to settle. A curious, almost eerie quiet had descended over the area. Shortly after we got to the front steps of the building a plain clothes policeman came out of the door.[5] He asked me what I had seen and I told him. I gave him a description of the man I had seen on the sixth floor with the rifle. “He was a young man about 25 to 35 years old. He seemed to be of average height, not over six feet and he had dark hair that was beginning to recede.” He went to a police car that was parked nearby and broadcast the description I had given him. I learned later that this was the first description broadcast to all units of the Dallas Police Department and may have led Officer J. D. Tippit to stop Lee Harvey Oswald. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/history/the_deed/brennan/brennan_book.html The description on the Police tapes describe the shooter as follows: "White male, approximately thirty, slender build, height five ten, weighs one sixty-five," How does "He was a young man about 25 to 35 years old.He seemd to be of average height, not over six feet and had dark hair beginning to recede" morph into"White male, approximately thirty, slender build, height five feet ten, weighs one sixty five" ?
  7. Paul, I think you will find the episodes available on you tube. "The men who killed Kennedy- The guilty men" .
  8. Hi Chris. Sorry I have no idea what the model was. I also have only ever seen the chain attached to a camera, but maybe there some that don't and the chain attaches to the camera case instead. Maybe I should have added "IMO" to my statement that the chain is "always attached to the camera".
  9. [deleted] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray, Is the camera still inside the case, or is the case empty? It looks like the measuring chain is connected to the near end of the case. --Tommy Tommy, I don't wish to be unkind, but in both of my above posts, I said under the case. With a Minox, the chain is attached to the camera thru' the end of the camera case. It is never attached to the camera case itself. Ray, Well, I don't mean to be unkind either, but I did edit my post before you posted this. (See post # 4.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fast-forwarding to the present, here's an even newer comment!: I think you're mistaking the graphic design of that part of the linoleum floor for the camera body. And here's a new question, too!: If, as you say, the chain is always connected to the camera, then what's the star-shaped piece of metal on the end of the case for? Thank you, --Tommy If you think the camera under the case is the design of the lino, that's your choice. I can't agree as if I did it would make us both wrong.
  10. [deleted] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray, Is the camera still inside the case, or is the case empty? It looks like the measuring chain is connected to the near end of the case. --Tommy Tommy, I don't wish to be unkind, but in both of my above posts, I said under the case. With a Minox, the chain is attached to the camera thru' the end of the camera case. It is never attached to the camera case itself.
  11. Sorry, Robert, I should have made myself more clear. Yes, the camera is inside the yellow circle, lying directly under the empty case and lying in the same direction as the case with just the narrow silver base of the camera showing. Also shown is the camera chain which is always attached to the camera, both as a safety chain and to be used to measure the distance of an object from the lens.
  12. The following photo of the equipment removed from Ruth Paine's garage shows a Minox camera under the empty case. The chain that is always attached to the camera for measuring purposes is also to be seen. Looks like the FBI were telling Porkies! (again) [/url]
  13. I bet Mytton is cursing himself for passing the email on. He obviously couldn't wait to pass the info on but forgot to look at the consequences.
  14. According to a posting on Duncan's forum, Ray Carroll has "been banned" form this forum. In view of his recent posts, I can understand why.
  15. Bob, strange that Admiral Burkely was never called to testify by the Warren Commission or the HSCA. "In 1976, Burkley's lawyer William Illig contacted Richard Sprague of the HSCA, saying that his client had information that "others besides Oswald must have participated." Sprague was ousted days later, and the reconstituted HSCA and its medical panel never took Burkley's testimony. " I think we know why.
  16. A speculation: Was it a radio, or was it a hidden flechette device? DCM was in the best position to fire a flechette against Kennedys neck. He was IN the street nearly in front of him...the second, Kennedy was hit in the neck DCMs right Hand was on his belt buckle...a belt buckle flechette device?...a flechette shot from a belt buckle?...why not...Umbrella Man could have been just a agent of distraction... KK Seems to be a walkie talkie in this frame, Karl[/url]
  17. Bill, you say Oswald "didn't buy the coke yet'. Is there any reason why he could not have bought it befor he came to the entrance. What proof have you that he hadn't "bought it yet"?
  18. We could explain Ray but you would not understand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZXsxTjjPPE You don't even know How to spell Your own name Go back to the river of no return Perhaps you should come back on Christmas Eve, but this time without your pretentious rubbish.
  19. Could somebody explain why this c̶r̶a̶p̶ topic is in the JFK assassination Forum? Can't the moderators move it to the Fiction Forum where it belongs?
  20. Another very interesting quote from Baker, Ray. Do you know when that interview took place? It is presented in the context of evidence for the HSCA, but I did not see a date for the quotes. Richard, the quote is from http://www.jfk-online.com/bowles6.html on Dave Rietzes' site. Sorry, no further info, but thought it was of interest. The Kennedy Assassination Tapes A Rebuttal to the Acoustical Evidence Theory by James C. Bowles
  21. Interesting excerpt from Dave Rietzes site (from another forum) Officer "E" .......Though I didn't see exactly where the shots came from, I knew in my own mind they probably came from the corner building as the sound was right and because of the pigeons. So I headed there, got off my motor and entered the building (the Texas School Book Depository). It took a while because of the crowd; they had started moving in every direction. The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside and met me at the door and went in with me. Shortly after I entered the building I confronted Oswald. The man who identified himself as the superintendent said that Oswald was all right, that he was employed there. We left Oswald there, and the supervisor showed me the way upstairs. We couldn't get anyone to send the freight elevator down. In giving the place a quick check, I found nothing that seemed out of the ordinary, so I started back to see what had happened. Not knowing for sure what had happened, I was limited in what I could legally do......" http://www.jfk-online.com/bowles6.html
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