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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Hemmings told Noel Twyman the same story. ("Bloody Treason" Noel Twyman Chapter 28- "Gerald Patrick Hemming and Interpen."
  2. Hi Bob, Feeling fine. Good to hear from you again. Herb Blenner has posted an interesting comment on Duncan's site. "Mr. SPECTER. I have just one other question, Governor. With respect to the films and the slides which you have viewed this morning, had you ever seen those pictures before this morning? Governor CONNALLY. I had seen what purported to be a copy of the film when I was in the hospital in Dallas. I had not seen the slides. Mr. SPECTER. And when do you think you were hit on those slides, Governor, or in what range of slides? Governor CONNALLY. We took - you are talking about the number of the slides? Mr. SPECTER. Yes. Governor CONNALLY. As we looked at them this morning, and as you related the numbers to me, it appeared to me that I was hit in the range between 130 or 131, I don't remember precisely, up to 134, in that bracket. Mr. SPECTER. May I suggest to you that it was 231? Governor CONNALLY. Well, 231 and 234, then. Mr. SPECTER. The series under our numbering system starts with a higher number when the car comes around the turn, so when you come out of the sign, which was - Governor CONNALLY. It was just after we came out of the sign, for whatever that sequence of numbers was, and if it was 200, I correct my testimony. It was 231 to about 234. It was within that range. Governor Connally set a clever trap when he identified frames of the 130's as showing when he was shot. Specter took the bait and suggested 231 as showing the shot. Apparently shaken by his mistake, Specter mindlessly acknowledged that the numbering system starts when the car comes around the turn before leading Connally to relate the time of his wounding to emergence from behind the sign. This turn of the car is not seen in our copy of the Zapruder film. " What happened to the hundred frames?
  3. Maybe you could start the ball rolling, Blair. Who are you and what are your qualifications?
  4. ...I think that [McClelland's drawing] pretty much corresponds to what I said, occipitoparietal. It looks a little further down in the occiput in this picture, I think, but it was pretty far posteriorly because you had to be able to see the cerebellum -- " (Peters, ARRB Parkland doctors interview) Pat, are you saying that the doctors who all said the wound was in the occipitoparietal area of the head were wrong?
  5. Pat Speer "And what about Audrey Bell? Has anyone ever found ANY corroboration she was actually in Emergency Room 1?" What makes you think she was lying, Pat?
  6. "The official autopsy photos of the back of the head show no wound as described by nearly thirty witnesses. Where is the gaping hole, three or more inches in diameter, ragged edged, “the size of a baseball” or “of a small orange”? Saundra Spencer developed autopsy photos of the rear of the head showing a ragged hole. James Sibert, an FBI agent who was an arm’s length away, saw a large bloody cavity AFTER the photos had been taken." And some people still believe that the official autopsy photos are genuine.
  7. Nurse Doris Nelson She was an ER Supervisor in 1963, later became the nursing supervisor of Parkland Hospital. She assisted in treating the President and helped in the preparation of the body for the casket. In the revised addition of High Treason, Harrison Livingstone writes “Nurse Nelson drew a picture of the head wound, mostly in the parietal area, but well towards the rear of the head(parietal/occipital). Her drawing conflicts strongly with the official autopsy photograph. When she saw the picture, she said immediately “It’s not true. There wasn’t even hair back there. It was blown away. All that area was blown out"
  8. PAUL PETERS, MD:"...I noticed that there was a large defect in the occiput...It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal area that there was a large defect." (WC-V6:71) "The X rays of President Kennedy's skull, which we privileged to see later, showed dramatically how large the fragmentation of the skull was and was easily compatible with what Bob saw originally. There was a big hunk of bone sticking up there in the parietal.... I thought just exactly what Bob, did. They were probably making a series of pictures and they had just pulled that flap back up there to cover it up and took a picture of that to show the head with the flap restored, so to speak, for whatever reason. I'm sure there were many other pictures that were made at the same time. ...I think that [McClelland's drawing] pretty much corresponds to what I said, occipitoparietal. It looks a little further down in the occiput in this picture, I think, but it was pretty far posteriorly because you had to be able to see the cerebellum -- " (Peters, ARRB Parkland doctors interview)
  9. No. YOU say he saw the blood and gore in the temple. He said he saw the shot HIT the temple. You are speculating. As I said earlier, he was there, you weren't. Just because you say he was mistaken means chicken s*it. That is just your opinion. I'd rather go with the evidence. Just to repeat what he sadi in 2003 "What we had to say that day is more important than what we might say in an interview 40 years later."
  10. I've mailed AP asking them for the results of their April poll on the assassination. No reply so far.
  11. DVP "And we know that Bill Newman was not describing the "Knoll" as a shooting source. So what difference does it make that Bill never testified?" Complete rubbish. Newman actually said the knoll behind him. Listen carefully to the video, David. DVP "Or did you just feel like the WC was overdue for another jab from a CTer?" What a poor comment. I notice you say nothing about Newman saying that the bullet hit JFK in the temple. Then again, you must be right as you weren't there and he was.
  12. I wonder why as the closest member of the public to the shooting of JFK he was never called to testify by the Warren Commission. Strange that.
  13. No, David, it means only that YOU think he was wrong. As he said in the 2003 interview that the shot that came from behind him was "a bit closer to the picket fence than the TSBD" He also said "What we had to say that day is more important than what we might say in an interview 40 years later." He said in 1963 that the bullet hit JFK in the temple.
  14. "William Newman is on record (within 25 minutes of the assassination) saying that he thought there were TWO shots, with both of those shots coming from "behind" him from the direction of the "garden" behind him, which is not the picket fence area (like it or not). That's what I state he said. Nor is it from the direction of the TSDB. (like it or not) DVB "And do you REALLY think that Bill Newman could physically SEE the bullet (in flight!) as it zoomed into JFK's head (from whatever direction it came from)? Where did I say he saw the bullet? So you think his interview in 2003 was more likley to be correct than the interview on the day of the assassination?
  15. Newman "the gun shot apparently from behind us, hit the President in the side of he temple." Interviewer"Do you think the first gunshot came from behind you too?" Newman "I think it came from the same location er apparently back up on the er..knoll.. I don't know what you call it." ... Interviewer "Do you think the shot came from up on top of the viaduct toward the President. is that correct" Newman "Yes sir, ..No, No,not on the viaduct itself, but on top of the hill or the mound of ground [or] a garden" "The gun shot hit him in the temple." from the hill or mound behind him. Which part of the above, do you not understand, David? Edit spelling.
  16. So you agree with Newman that the shot came from behind him up on the Knoll, and hit him in the temple, David? First video (1.24). Wow!
  17. Mike, it seems appropriate that the original John Mytton's nickname was "Mad Jack"
  18. Thanks, Bernice. Incidentally the link doesn't work for me.
  19. Thanks, Michael, that makes the drawing much clearer. Pity we don't have a photograph.
  20. How did Brennan know that the shooter was about 5"10 tall and 160/170 lbs, when the shooter was on his knees behind the snipers nest?
  21. Could Perry's tracheotomy have been extended at Walter Reed before the grey casket was delivered to Bethesda?
  22. Jim It was made by Witness Productions Inc. for the BBC. Summers was, as Josh said, the producer.
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