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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Mike. the picture in your post 57, appears to have been taken a few seconds before the lower photo in post 54, looking at the various positions of the suited man seen between the motorcycle cop and his wireless aerial.
  2. A sad day. May your soul rest in peace. Jack. Thank you for all your efforts over the years. Condolences to Jack's family,
  3. Thank you for answering the question, David. I asked it because nowhere in your post shown above, did you say your family didn't know the Paines.
  4. David, did any of your family know either of the Paine's?
  5. Doug mentions Bill Ashby in the write up "Researcher Robert P. Smith (as reported by David Lifton in Best Evidence) interviewed a Mr. Bill Ashby, crew leader at the Arlington Glass Company, who told Smith he removed the limousine's windshield in Washington, D.C. on November 27th; this occurred after Roy Kellerman had felt the interior surface earlier that day and determined it to be damaged on the inside, and smooth on the outside. " Just for historical accuracy, Bill Ashby signed the White House log at 11.15 on the 26th November. His name doesn't appear on the 27th.
  6. Quote: Francois Carlier, Jan 5, 2012 "As a sane person who believes that Lee Oswald was the sole assassin" Oxymoronic?
  7. If you insist on being rude and just using surnames, at least get them right. The name is Mitcham. My dad once told me "If you argue with an idiot, there are two idiots." So I'm not arguing any more with an idiot. Thanks Duncan, I think that shows that he's Cinque without trace.
  8. Happy birthday from this side of the pond, Kath.
  9. Daniel, They were not fire extinguishers. They were oxygen bottles
  10. Not quite, Kath. Benedict is supposedly the next to last Pope. The last will be named Peter the Roman, who will lead his sheep through a multitude of problems before the Seven Hills of Rome are destroyed. Not that I want to seem to be a Job's comforter. :roll eyes: p.s. do I count as Irish as I love Guinness?
  11. Not quite, Kath. Benedict is supposedly the next to last Pope. The last will be named Peter the Roman, who will lead his sheep through a multitude of problems before the Seven Hills of Rome are destroyed. Not that I want to seem to be a Job's comforter.
  12. Gil, Because Frazier said he usually left "not later than 7.25" and it "usually" got him there at 7.55, doesn't mean that whatever time he left that he arrived at that time on the 22nd. Isn't that just supposition?
  13. Doorway man's shoulders are roughly in a line of 45 degrees to the vertical. The little triangular shadow just to the right of the shadow of his chin is part of the suit of the man behind, as is the small dark triangle to the right of Doorway man's left arm,and the two white lines are the shirt either side of the tie of the same man. Seems to me that the white blob, which Jim says has been added to hide a face, just below the up stretched arms, is caused by a woman waving a handkerchief in front of the man. None of the body of the black guy in front of doorway man is visible, as only his head is sticking out, so Doorway man's arm cannot be overlapping his body. Just my 2c .
  14. In the late fifties, we, in the R.A.F had access, as fighter radar controllers, to both height and distance radar side by side so there would have been no problem for Oswald, as a radar operator, to know the climb rates of the U2.
  15. David, you have just shown how one cannot trust the Warren Commission Report. O'Donnell stated in his evidence to the Commission that he did not make the decision. But the Warren Commission stated that he did.
  16. David, the black guy's body is behind the corner of the wall with just his head showing. It appears that Lovelady's arm is in front of the guy's body, only because the perspective makes it appear so.
  17. Re the v shaped t shirt, if you enlarge the Altgens photo sufficiently you can see the start of the round neck just before it goes into the v shaped shadow.(To the left of Lovelady's chin as we look at it. ) Unfortunately because of restrictions on this machine, I can't submit an enlargement to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents
  18. More likely that the person whose face was erased from the photo could have been Oswald. Who altered the photo anyway?
  19. "Simmons said he thought it was the motorcycle cop at the left front of the limo who got in the way, and made it appear he was trying to find out what was going on...." This seems to support Greer's comment that he "should have swerved " What else would have caused Greer to want to swerve? Would this seem to confirm that the limo stopped?
  20. "Voltaire once said of Martin Luther that if he hadn't had lived it would have been necessary to invent him;" Sorry to be pedantic, Robert, but Voltaire's quote was "If God had not existed...."
  21. Ray, I agree. Even if Oswald did take his wallet out of his pocket on the pretense of showing him his ID and then shot him instead, it's unrealistic to think that he wouldn't have taken the time to retrieve it. BTW, I don't think Oswald killed Tippit. --Tommy Neither do I, Tom.
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