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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Is there a photo or layout drawing of the bethesda autopsy room circa 1963 available anywhere?
  2. Good spot about the striped ties, Tom. In the U.K. stripes on ties slope from the left shoulder to the right hip. In the U.S. they slope the opposite way to distinguish from the "regimental" slope of the Brits. I also agree that what we can see are button holes which again are on the left side of the jacket. So i would say that the photo hasn't been flipped.
  3. Robin, just seen what you posted on the JFK Assassination Forum. Thanks for your input and the above.
  4. David, Mrs Markham said that only three shots were fired. Where did the fourth shell come from.
  5. Great scan, Bob. I have been discussing on another forum the fact that I believe you can see the breast pocket in that scan. to the right of the white stripe to the right of the fastened button, there are what appears to be vertical stitches. Above the white horizontal stripe above the fastened button, is narrow red stripe at the top of the pocket exactly where the white vertical stripes "kink". If it is the pocket it detroys the argument that it wasn't the shirt Lovelady wore on 22/11. I wonder if other people agree with my interpretation (or am I starting to suffer from Cinque's disease! )
  6. Hi Ray: I don't have any documentation in front of me at the moment but I am curious as to the source that the "envelope" Bell gave to "plain clothes agents" was of the see through variety. Can you enlighten me? Thanks, Gary Murr Gary, my mistake. The fragments were in a see thru plastic container not a see thru envelope. My bad. You were correct that the fragments were placed into a transparent container, but the container was placed into a small envelope. This is a photo of both the envelope and the container. Look closely at those tiny fragments. Does anyone actually believe that Audrey Bell showed that to DA Wade and a cop and told them that it was a single, whole bullet that came from Connally's gurney?? Quite right, Bob.
  7. Hi Ray: I don't have any documentation in front of me at the moment but I am curious as to the source that the "envelope" Bell gave to "plain clothes agents" was of the see through variety. Can you enlighten me? Thanks, Gary Murr Gary, my mistake. The fragments were in a see thru plastic container not a see thru envelope. My bad.
  8. Bob, the envelope Nolan received was a "small brown envelope" The enverlope, from Bell, to plain clothes agents, containing the fragments was a see thru plastic envelope.
  9. Either way, Randy, it was either a conspiracy if he meant Oswald or a conspiracy if he didn't mesn Oswald. He just knew it was a consspiracy.
  10. Stop it, you swine! I've just spluttered cawfee all over my keyboard,again!
  11. Seems Gary is a bit shy. He was on here after your post, Ian.
  12. Agreed. Incorrect. Lovelady told the FBI he was wearing a short sleeved striped shirt. he was wrong. Incorrect. Other photographs show that "Checkered shirt man's" shirt is open as "doorway man" False deductions from incorrect assumptions. The rest of the post was the usual psychobabble.
  13. Robin, don't you know the above photo, showing the shirt open and the T shirt exposed, has been altered to prove that it wasn't Lovelady?
  14. The rifle in the back yard pictures had a rope sling. mmmm.....
  15. Robin, the blow up of the photo shows without any doubt that doorway man is slanted to his left meaning his left shoulder is at about 30degrees off horizontal.Shows that the idea that the houlder is mssing and that "black tie man" is at the same time in front of and behind doorway man is a load of horse hooey as shown in previous posts when the Buda pest was here.
  16. It seems to have been officially "not there". On whose say so, is a mystery "In April 1961, Essex steamed out of Naval Station Mayport, Florida on a two-week "routine training" cruise, purportedly to support the carrier qualification of a squadron of Navy pilots. Twelve A4D-2 Skyhawks had been loaded aboard, the aircraft, pilots and support crews all from attack squadron VA-34, the Blue Blasters. The A4D-2Ns were armed with 20 mm cannon, and after several days at sea all their identifying markings were crudely obscured with flat gray paint. They began flying mysterious missions day and night with at least one returning bearing battle damage. Not generally known to Essex crew was that they had been tasked to provide air support to CIA-sponsored bombers during the ill-fated Bay of Pigs Invasion. The naval aviation part of the mission was aborted by President Kennedy at the last moment and the Essex crew sworn to secrecy.[1]
  17. <snip> What you don't seem to get, Daniel, is that the recollections of emergency room doctors is not the final say-so in determining cause of death. They observe and make reports. The body is then taken elsewhere and STUDIED by a pathologist, or coroner. It is the pathologist or coroner whose impressions are paramount, both in a court of law and in the field of medicine. <snip> Pat, the doctors weren't trying to ascertain the cause of death. They gave their views on the wounds. Yes they changed their minds after hearing what was said by the Bethesda autopsy, probably because of professional consideration, but that doesn't negate their first opinions.
  18. Why don't you provide a detailed description of your claims for the Forum, Ray? I'm sure others would like to read them as well. Best regards, --Paul Trejo I don't need to Paul. Just compare the photos. What other evidence do you need to show that you were wrong in your assumptions?
  19. Paul, The photos prove that your "battleship" is Cinque. (In more ways than one.)
  20. Paul, your theory is blown out of the water by the photos. For Oswald to have made the cut out photo, he would have to have been psychic. If he indeed did make the cut out photo, as your theory states, then he would have had to have matched a photo that had yet to be taken. Some trick.
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