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Ken Davies

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About Ken Davies

  • Birthday 07/31/1952

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    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Egyptology, historical mysteries, The Little Big Horn battle, The JFK and RFK murders, family law, criminal law.

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  1. Well said Roger. My Canadian family drove from Ontario to Southern California in March 1968. Bobby announced his run for the presidency on our way there. I was a very enthused 15 year old. We got tickets to the Carol Burnett show, and she answered questions from my mother and cousin on air at the start of the show. We were told that the tv episode would be shown on a certain date. We stopped at a mom and pop hotel on route 66 in Texas on our drive home, and asked the bewildered owners (lovely people ) if we could watch the Carol Burnett show on the television in their lobby. They said yes, and we all huddled around the tv. LBJ came on announcing that he would not run. Carol's show was not on because of that. On that fateful day in June, 1968, l stayed up to watch the California results. I was elated that Bobby won, and amazed that Drysdale set a new shutout record. It was well past midnight here, when I went to bed. I was devastated by the news the next morning and spent most of the day glued to the tv. Bobby was a politician, a man, like no other. His death was the loss of hope for the future, even for this 15 year old Canadian. I wrote my law school admissions essay on the impact Bobby had on me. We may never see another like him in our time. R.I.P.
  2. Actually, the story was that he was fishing in Northern Michigan, and he then traveled to a small airfield in Southern Ontario. (This makes no sense. My home is less than 2 miles from Northern Michigan, as the crow flies. Never heard of anyone fishing in that area in late November. Also there was a Norad air base close by, which surely he could have commandeered a plane from rather than traveling hundreds of miles to Southern Ontario.) The man who fire bombed Tokyo told a whopper of a fish story, and no one called him out on it !
  3. To me, this looks like a Grey alien, with large black eyes.
  4. The photos remind me of the Steve McQueen movie, The Blob.
  5. Charles, l cannot see the men, let alone goggles or blue police uniforms.
  6. Even if Arnold S was flying it, as in True Lies!
  7. There are many theories on this case. Would the average person consider them to be far fetched? Would the average assassination researcher/ buff consider them to be far fetched? What about the average scientist or criminal investigator? I find many theories to be far fetched based on 50 plus years of reading , critical analysis, and common sense. (eg. the defective AR-15, Greer shooting JFK, a person hiding in the trunk shooting JFK, Jackie shooting him, and various religious groups plotting the hit). It seems clear that other people/ agencies were using the Lee Harvey Oswald name / identity (or a slight variant of it) at various times and in different places. It seems clear that various alphabet soup agencies had connections to Oswald. It seems clear that those at the top of the CIA, as well as the military strongly disagreed with (hated is perhaps a better word) JFK and his policies. It seems clear that LBJ ' political life was saved by JFK's death. The war in Vietnam was also "saved" and millions were subsequently killed. It seems clear that the mob ( pick your favourite James Cagney name ) could not control the autopsy, Warren Report, MSM coverage, and control of records for 60 years. Theories dealing with any of the above,either alone, or in any combination may have credibility.
  8. "Wait until November until you shoot him down." Strange comment indeed, since the election was not in Nov. 1963.
  9. What did Napoleon post? Is he a member of the history forum?
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