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Joseph McBride

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    Berkeley, CA
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    History, politics, film

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  1. I think other assassinations or assassination attempts help us understand the JFK assassination by putting it in a wider ideological and practical context. Those threads ought to remain here.
  2. Now they're saying the golf photo was not from Sunday. But the other points stand. Trump's dubious doctor Ronny Jackson put out comments about treating Trump's ear on the plane from an alleged bullet wound. But the medical staff at the hospital have been muzzled. A report said the hospital was on a lockdown plan originally set up by the Secret Service for a Trump visit to the area in 2020. Also, there's a report the hospital staff treated 200 (!) people at the rally, apparently on the scene, for heat problems and so forth. Photos do not show the 15,000 people that the campaign claimed were there. More like 1500-2000.
  3. That's alleged to be a bullet in the photo. A Republican congressman who was a sniper in the military said in a TV interview that it is not a bullet but a vapor trail from a bullet. It is also consistent with a glass fragment.
  4. Newsmax, citing sources in the Pennsylvania State Police, says Trump was not struck in the ear by a bullet but by a glass shard or fragments from a Teleprompter shattered by a bullet. The FBI SAC heading the investigation, when asked if a bullet hit Trump, declined to answer. The medical staff at the hospital have not publicly discussed his injury but have been told to defer questions to the campaign. Trump was not wearing a bandage on his ear while playing golf Sunday but conspicuously wore one at the convention Monday.
  5. Roger Odisio writes, "[Abraham] Zapruder was outside the circle of govt agencies we've been dealing with." However, Mr. Z's son, Henry, worked as a lawyer for the Justice Department at the time of the JFK assassination. Henry was the father of Alexandra Zapruder, who wrote a mendacious book about the Z film.
  6. I bought that issue of LIFE on Tuesday, November 26, at a magazine/newspaper store in downtown Milwaukee. They had several piles of the issue lined up against a wall. I don't know if copies were available for sale on Monday. We soon got our copy in the mail too.
  7. Ted Sorensen said that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the moment in history that John F. Kennedy was elected to handle. The other hero of that crisis was Nikita Khrushchev, who also lost his job as a result. If Kennedy and Khrushchev had not shown restraint and wisdom, we wouldn't be here today.
  8. INTO THE NIGHTMARE: MY SEARCH FOR THE KILLERS OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY AND OFFICER J. D. TIPPIT has never been out of print since it was published in 2013. It can be ordered through Amazon.com or directly through Vervante, the fulfillment house. We regularly get many orders from buyers in the US as well as in other countries.
  9. I am sorry you are having trouble buying INTO THE NIGHTMARE. You can order the paperback through Amazon.com for $48.50, and the fulfillment house, Vervante in Utah, will ship it anywhere. We get many orders from all around the world. Shipping can be costly, but those are postal rates beyond our control. (There is also a Kindle edition, but you say you aren't into Kindle.) You can also order the book directly from the Vervante website. They also are the fulfillment house for my second book on the subject, POLITICAL TRUTH: THE MEDIA AND THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY.
  10. I called Jack Revill to ask for an interview. He was cordial but declined; another frustrating dead end. But he then surprised me by wishing me "good luck" (spoken without apparent irony) with my investigation of the case. Clearly he knew a lot but wouldn't reveal it.
  11. I interviewed Jack Daniels about his film while he was standing on that site. I asked him why the limousine is just a blur when it goes past, and the camera basically loses the occupants. He told me he was not looking through the camera but holding it at chest height and panning it with his body as it passed him and his sons, who are the boys seen waving as the car approaches, seemingly oblvious to what had happened in Dealey Plaza.
  12. "[Kennedy] died because he lost the support of his peers." -- Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, 1980-84, herself assassinated.
  13. A solid, experienced reporter. His book about Ruby is good. His typed notes about his Dallas reporting that weekend are in a Warren volume and are fascinating.
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