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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Denny, You might be interested in this thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23478-revolt-of-the-colonels/ Steve Thomas
  2. Denny, That would probable be Nancy Perrin Rich. You can see her WC testimony here: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/rich_n.htm I think the Colonel in question is L. Robert Castorr. Steve Thomas
  3. Denny, That would would be Ilya Mamontov. In trying to find an interpreter for Marina Oswald, George Lumpkin of the Dallas Police Department called Jack Crichton. Crichton told him to call Mamontov. Warren Commission Hearings. Vol. XIX p. 106 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43&search=Mamantov#relPageId=114&tab=page Ilya Mamantov identified Jack Crichton as a petroleum independent contractor, “and if I'm not mistaken he is connected with the Army Reserve, Intelligence Service.” Five minutes later, George Lumpkin called Mamantov. Thirty minutes before they called Mamantov however, Mamontov had called the FBI and offered his services because he knew Oswald and “knew of his background here in Dallas.” Mamontov also had intelligence connections. From John Simkin in the Education Forum 1/7/2009 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/6568-jack-alston-crichton/?page=2 In 1963 Crichton was nominated by the Republican Party for the post of Governor of Texas. He joined forces with George H. W. Bush, who was the nominee for the U.S. Senate. As Crichton later recalled, he and Bush "spoke from the same podiums" that year. However, Crichton was defeated by John Connally and he later wrote a book about his failed attempt to become governor, "The Republican-Democrat Political Campaigns: In Texas in 1964". Someday I'm going to buy that book. Steve Thomas
  4. Not exactly an open umbrella, but I have seen pictures of this "heckling" out in front of the Trade mart, where the Joiners, et.al. have duct tape over their mouths. And wouldn't this be ironic... http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/ofstein.htm Mr. OFSTEIN. For the past 2 years I have been with Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall as a cameraman. Mr. JENNER As a cameraman? Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. What was your work immediately prior to that, by whom, were you employed? Mr. OFSTEIN. I was working for Sinclair Refining Co. at a local service station. When George de Mohrenschildt first visited Haiti in 1956, he was working for the Sinclair Oil Company. Department of State Incoming Telegram No. 013865, Dec. 19, 1963, House Select Committee on Assassinations (contained in JFK Document No. 009963) de Mohrenschildt would help Oswald get a job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall in 1962. Wouldn't this be ironic if this is where Ofstein worked? (There was a Sinclair Service Station at 1820 N. Beckley in Dallas). At 12:45 PM on November 22, 1963 Gene Andre Guinn, age 31 of 636 Lacewood was arrested along with the Joiners for picketing at the Dallas Trade Mart. Guinn was a member of the White Indignant Citizens Council. . Guinn was also suspected of printing the “Wanted For Treason” leaflets. DPD Archives Box 7, Folder# 7, Item# 18 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box7.htm According to the Mary Ferrell Chronologies, “Guinn runs for political offices and seems to be a right winger” (He ran for City Council in 1965.) His address would be in Police District 84, which Officer Tippitt had been assigned in the past. This street is near O'Bannon street where Mrs. Stella Jacob lives. She formerly lived at 508 S. Marsalis and she works at the TSBD.” In a handwritten note to the Guinn citation, Ferrell adds, “He owned Sinclair Station, 1820 N. Beckley; member of hate group; did Rockwell's printing?”. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40392&relPageId=183&search=Gene_Guinn Jack Revill wrote a memo to Captain Gannaway about the subversive groups under surveillance prior to Kennedy's visit. Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center : Box 13, Folder 4, Item 52 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/27/2705-002.gif and jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/.../Poster%205.doc “The only demonstrators observed at the DALLAS TRADE MART were members of the INDIGNANT WHITE CITIZENS COUNCIL. Six of those individuals were taken into custody shortly after knowledge of the assassination became known. This step was taken to prevent theses persons from being assaulted by spectators at the scene. The arrested persons of this group are as follows: BOBBY JOINER RAYMOND LEE JOINER GARY DWAYNE JOINER ROY EUGENE JOINER GENE AURORA GUINN WILLIAM L E CUMMINGS” (I have seen his name spelled Gene Andre Guinn, Gene Audra Guinn, and Gene Aurora Guinn). Steve Thomas
  5. Anthony, QJWIN was out of Luxembourg, and Jacques Depret was recruited by Jean-Rene Souetre out of Brussels for the Tschombe affair. Looks like Belgium was a happening place. Steve Thomas
  6. Rockefeller at the 1964 Republican Convention. The video is six minutes long: "You control the audience, and I'll control my speech." https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4583565/rockefeller-64-convention Steve Thomas
  7. Jim, A very good article on the Minutemen by William Turner in a 1967 issue of Ramparts Magazine can be found here: https://www.unz.com/PDF/PERIODICAL/Ramparts-1967jan/71-79/ He references Guy Bannister and anti-Castro Cuban exiles on page 73. Steve Thomas
  8. Robert, You might look at this site. There are several pictures with a bucket at their feet. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-ab&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=KhMhXISaK-XajgTLj7rIDw&q=Secret+Service+Parkland+washing+limo+bucket&oq=Secret+Service+Parkland+washing+limo+bucket&gs_l=img.3...81767.83981..84355...0.0..0.96.568.7......0....1..gws-wiz-img.JHsDXaDEEWQ#imgrc=AJMDnt4NxTYZNM: Steve Thomas
  9. Ron, Hogwash. I've seen him with my own eyes. He came down my chimney and I fed him cookies and hot chocolate. Unfortunately, my signed affidavit is currently in the National Archives and hasn't been released yet for National Security reasons. Steve Thomas
  10. For those interested in this topic, in looking for something else, I ran across this site: Gladio Collection https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/julyseventh/gladio-collection-t606.html?sid=f47d7ca90c421e771982557faeae1e92 From the person who started this archive (name unknown): "I'm building a collection of resources on the paramilitary networks which were setup in mainly NATO countries throughout the cold war. If anyone's interests, or wants to help expand the collection, see : (September 5th and 13th, 2006) http://www.team8plus.org/e107_plugins/f ... p?390.post http://www.team8plus.org/e107_plugins/f ... ?3777.post Many of the article summaries listed have online links to the full articles. Steve Thomas
  11. Roy, Amen. I can't say they were all happy, but they were minding their own business. You could throw in Lillian Spangler, who was just selling tickets to a parrot tourist place. http://flashbackmiami.com/2016/01/06/parrot-jungle/ Steve Thomas
  12. For what it's worth, (or for those who can read Italian), here's a site that has all 12 pages of this filing. https://www.flickr.com/photos/mettacmc/with/45405501734/ I tried to get Google to translate these pages into English, but it responded that they have already been translated! I don't know how to get around that. Steve Thomas
  13. This is the second time in two days that I have encountered the idea that H.L. Hunt fled to Mexico after the assassination of JFK. The other occasion was this passage: Is There Evidence And Links That Implicate H. L. HUNT in the Assassination Of JFK? Ralph Thomas·Monday, August 27, 2018 Posted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/notes/ralph-thomas/is-there-evidence-and-links-that-implicate-h-l-hunt-in-the-assassination-of-jfk/10156538526677350/ “Evidence shows that H. L. HUNT fled from Dallas right after the assassination to a hideout ranch in Mexico. Evidence also indicates that GENERAL EDWIN WALKER had joined him there." "In the new book by JOHN CURINGTON called H.L. Hunt: Motive & Opportunity , CURINGTON confirms a long known rumor that MARINA OSWALD had been delivered to Hunt’s office just days after the assassination. She arrived in a black limousine that had US government tags. What she was doing there is unknown. At this time period, MARINA OSWALD had been under the protective custody of the Secret Service. According to CURINGTON, MARINA OSWALD was in the HUNT offices for some 20 minutes. Since H. L. HUNT had supposed to have been in Mexico, this is somewhat puzzling.” He offers the possibility that H.L. Hunt snuck back to Dallas covertly, or that Marina met with a different member of the Hunt family. Thomas says that, “Researchers Ted Rubinstein, Michael Chambers, Diane Olson Dowd, Jessica Shores, Gaylon Ross, James Hepburn, John Bevilaqua and Dick Russell have added to the building links and evidence found in this material.” Perhaps, Ralph Thomas got this information from James Hepburn. Steve Thomas
  14. https://www.facebook.com/notes/ralph-thomas/is-there-evidence-and-links-that-implicate-h-l-hunt-in-the-assassination-of-jfk/10156538526677350/ "In the new book by JOHN CURINGTON called H.L. Hunt: Motive & Opportunity , CURINGTON confirms a long known rumor that MARINA OSWALD had been delivered to Hunt’s office just days after the assassination. She arrived in a black limousine that had US government tags. What she was doing there is unknown. At this time period, MARINA OSWALD had been under the protective custody of the Secret Service. According to CURINGTON, MARINA OSWALD was in the HUNT offices for some 20 minutes. Since H. L. HUNT had supposed to have been in Mexico, this is somewhat puzzling. However, there is the possability that HUNT could of covertly snuck back to Dallas and into his office or that MARINA OSWALD had a meeting with another HUNT aid. In later material, a letter is exposed written at a later date concerning an interview with MARINA OSWALD. The MARINA OSWALD visit to the HUNT offices just a few days after the assassination is both highly mysterious and highly suspicious as to exactly what was going on and why she was there. " Steve Thomas
  15. David, Thank you. For some reason I got the impression this meeting was the day of the assassination. Larry, I can see Hunt giving out money as a "fall back" to prevent "blow back". Steve Thomas
  16. Larry, I don't often quote Bugliosi, but... Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy https://books.google.com/books?id=q1VJAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1265&dq=Did+Hunt+leave+town+after+JFK%27s+assassination?&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjml8HS7a7fAhXPoYMKHaNHAUQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=Did%20Hunt%20leave%20town%20after%20JFK's%20assassination%3F&f=false Page 1265 I'm sorry, the online version of the book I was looking at does not provide the footnotes for this citation, so I don't know where Bugliosi got that information However... “Welcome Mr. Kennedy to Dallas” by Harry Hurt III Texas Monthly Magazine April, 1981 Pages 246-247 https://books.google.com/books?id=ySwEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA151&dq=%22Paul+Rothermel%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP4Jfz767fAhWJilQKHZyIDvQQ6AEIMjAC#v=onepage&q=%22Paul%20Rothermel%22&f=false (In his article, Hurt does not say that Hunt actually left town). Steve Thomas
  17. Larry, This reference to meeting between Hunt and Marina... Do you know if Curington or this researcher you mentioned say anything about when and where this meeting was supposed to have taken place? The reason I ask is that I don't remember anything about a Hunt/Marina meeting in the testimony of either Marina or Ruth Paine, nor in any Police, FBI or Secret Service reports I can think of. If it's true, it gives me pause about the whole Hunt/Oswald note. Steve Thomas
  18. Larry, I don't know about Hunt leaving town. I've never looked into that. Here is the Spartacus entry for Jack Crichton: https://spartacus-educational.com/MDcrichton.htm (6) Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992) Five hours after the assassination, Ilya Mamantov, who had never met Oswald, received a phone call from Jack Crichton asking him to serve as "interpreter" for the first interrogation of Marina. Crichton was in 1963 the president of Nafco Oil & Gas, Inc., and a former Military Intelligence officer still connected with Army Reserve Intelligence. According to information uncovered by the Garrison investigation, Crichton had been among a small group of Army Intelligence officials who met with H. L. Hunt soon after the assassination. I don't know soon, "soon after" means. That afternoon? The next day? A week afterwards? Steve Thomas
  19. Paul, According to, "Brandy, Our Man in Acapulco:" page 128: “As was common for Brandy, (Brandstetter) he received a fine commendation for his work from his commanding officer, at this time, Colonel George Lumpkin....” Rose at ACSI told Branstetter to go see Crichton about a job. According to this, Lumpkin was Crichton's boss. (As far as local military intelligence matters go anyway). When the police asked Crichton about a Russian interpreter, Crichton told Lumpkin to call Mamantov. Lumpkin and Crichton are linked. Whatever Crichton knew or didn't know, or did or didn't do, Lumpkin more than likely knew about it. I don't know what it is about that first army.mil link . It does that to me too. Just go ahead and push through that. It's got to be something about how their software code is written. P.S. Does anybody know anything about this line in Dick Russell's book, "According to information uncovered by the Garrison investigation, Crichton had been among a small group of Army Intelligence officials who met with H. L. Hunt soon after the assassination." Didn't Hunt leave town right after the assassination? And, who was in this small group of Army intelligence officers? Steve Thomas
  20. Paul, In addition to the cast of characters you mentioned, you might add George Lumpkin, George Whitmeyer and L. Robert Castorr. George Lumpkin: Headquarters Department of the Army 26 July 1967 General Orders No. 33 https://www.apd.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/go6733.pdf Page 5 (Go to: Publications, Army General Orders, Pub/Form Number DAGO 1967-33, Click download.) V. Legion of Merit. By direction of the President...for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service is awarded to... Colonel George L. Lumpkin. Intelligence and Security, United States Army, July, 1960 – June, 1967 Rode in the pilot car with George Whitmeyer and allowed or didn't notice that people had gathered on the railroad overpass. Warren Commission Hearings. Vol. XIX p. 106 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43&search=Mamantov#relPageId=114&tab=page Ilya Mamantov identified Jack Crichton as a petroleum independent contractor, “and if I'm not mistaken he is connected with the Army Reserve, Intelligence Service.” Five minutes later, George Lumpkin called Mamantov. Thirty minutes before they called Mamantov however, he had called the FBI and offered his services because he knew Oswald and “knew of his background here in Dallas.” https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmamantov.htm (2) Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992) "Five hours after the assassination, Ilya Mamantov, who had never met Oswald, received a phone call from Jack Crichton asking him to serve as "interpreter" for the first interrogation of Marina. Crichton was in 1963 the president of Nafco Oil & Gas, Inc., and a former Military Intelligence officer still connected with Army Reserve Intelligence. According to information uncovered by the Garrison investigation, Crichton had been among a small group of Army Intelligence officials who met with H. L. Hunt soon after the assassination." After the assassination, George Lumpkin returned to the TSBD and took command there. DPD Archives Box 14, Folder# 4, Item# 10 page 22. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box14.htm DPD Dispatch tapes http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/index.htm 12:49 PM 15 15's in charge down here. Correction, 5's (Dept. Chief G.L. Lumpkin) in charge. He posted Lieutenant Eric Kaminsky at the front door to take down the ID of anyone leaving. Kaminsky may have taken down Oswald's ID as he was leaving. It was Lumpkin to whom Roy Truly reported that Oswald was "missing". Memorandum by SS Agent Roger Warner and Elmer Moore dated 12/1/63 These became the SS copy of the Dispatch Tapes found in CD 87 beginning on page 636 and running to page 644. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/J%20Disk/Justice%20Department%20of/Justice%20Department%20of%20JFK-King%20Reinvestigation/Item%2005.pdf Page 5. “On November 29, 1960, SA Warner conferred with Chief Lumpkin, Police Department, relative to reports of Police dispatches covering the arrival of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, the subsequent assassination and removal of President Kennedy to Parkland Memorial Hospital. These broadcasts were transmitted on Channel 2 which was an auxiliary channel used by the Police for special occasions. Also Chief Lumpkin provided for transcription on our tape the Police recordings of Channel# 1, the standard Police band which on the date of the Presidential assassination contained the Police broadcasts relative to the capture of Lee Harvey Oswald and the shooting of Police Officer Tippit.” So, George Lumpkin took command of the crime scene, was instrumental in providing a lead that Oswald was "missing", provided the interpreter for Marina Oswald, and had control of the police dispatch tapes Steve Thomas
  21. Paul, You might be interested in this thread: Steve Thomas
  22. Lewis, I think you're right. In the earlier picture (in front of the chain link fence), Bill Bass is in the rear. The two policemen swapped positions as they were crossing the intersection, and Bass, seeing the photographers, cleaned up his act and began to look "smart". The other policeman is Marvin Wise. Here's a couple of pictures from Denis Morrisette: https://jfkinvestigators.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/jfk-investigators-identification-project/ Wise is on the left next to car 59 Here's one with Wise pictured in the inset: I think the tramps case got so muddled is because they were, in fact, arrested twice that afternoon. Once by the Sheriff's Department, and again by the City Police Department. One time they were asleep on sheets of steel on a flatbed and driven to the station by police in different colored uniforms, and the second time they were hauled out of a gondola (coal car) and walked through Dealey Plaza. Steve Thomas
  23. Douglas, I was surprised Mr. Fulsom left off Rose Cheramie. Steve Thomas
  24. Jim, No, I don't think so. I think Warner just messed up and nobody caught it. His Affidavit was done 8 months after his two-page Report of his interview with Little Lynn. If anything, you have to wonder why his two-page Report didn't include the observations he made eight months later. Was his December, 1963 toned down? Or was his August, 1964 Affidavit "embellished"? Steve Thomas
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