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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. I presume your angst against Fetzer is the popularity he garnered, especially the amount of books the guy had published up to that point including the Assassination Science Series, sounds much like jealously to this old salt... I take some offense to the characterization of your term "...his own 'experts'...". In particular, I, being one of those "experts"... whom spent an entire career in the production, post production film/video composing-editing business... tell us, how many records/cd's do you have to produce in order to become a certified JFK assassination researcher/medical evidence expert, facilitator...? Lest you forget Mantik is ALSO a Ph.D, in Physics as well as that pesky old M.D. in Radiation-Oncology.. I suspect D. Mantik has announced death sentences based on X-rays, Scans, Pet Scans and Mri's for years, its not a pleasant field, I know, I own two of those sentences... he has no obvious reason lie, over-blow or exploit associated assassination evidence and its case evidence... I'm sure the concept of "do no harm" has not escaped him... To bad the same 'do no harm' concept is alien right here on this 'forum', to quote you "PATHETIC" comes to mind...
  2. looks like it is "self" published? Hopefully he'll break even soon, THEN go to Kindle? Books images okay, but the graphics stink re color scheme, etc. Content great!!! I'm glad to see Doug Weldon getting his dues -- Monk, Doug Horne reviews, terrific... Job well done, David...
  3. an absolute embarrassment AND disgrace... as well as the perfect GOP specimen...
  4. ahhhh, "well read." Does that include understanding what one has "read," or is that a given. Because one purchases a $70 microphone, sets up a studio in their closet does NOT make a spiffied up William F. Buckley.... Has Mr. Clark read the 1964 WCReport, to your knowledge?
  5. "Loose Moose" Productions? Now that's a catchy title! LMFAO! So, who is Rob Clarke and what's his listening audience #'s, and should anyone be impressed?
  6. I stand corrected, Agent Blue amongst others, was active back in that day.... Operation Ranch hand 1961-1971...
  7. Hello Len... yes it has been a while -- last time we went round and round you, Tink, Gary Mack and the rest of the *Gang* convinced Rollie Zavada not to debate Lifton and myself... that was a while ago.... sorry about your Grand Dad, bad times for our parents and grand parents, those days.... lots of arrogance around here these days... shame, I doubt either side will make headway... I suspect thats as it should be... and no, just visit Las Vegas on occasion these days, 20 years was enough, like living in av/film set... glad I got a chance to say hello... not doing well these days... take care of yourself bud... --dgh
  8. 'earmarks,' 'so many things' and 'you think'.... brilliant!
  9. and I bet you ponder: *why am I always on the outside looking in, eh?" You should feel blessed that you're even allowed to take those personalities and names in vain. With the exception of Litwin, of course.... Get a life dude....
  10. Poor Lance Payette, your publishing ENVY is sickening... must have been a depressing moment showing back here, especially considering the way you high-tailed it out of here... continue on, wannabe "loon" -- continue on... lmao!
  11. not sure how much is left in the tank, Ron... Happy New Year, my friend...
  12. The below link may alert you to pre Vietnam War activity, prior to 1963... all the names in and at the bottom of the documents should be well known to you... much a do about SEATO (South East Asian Treaty organization). 170-205,000 combat troops contemplated for South Vietnam in 1961... I did a standard Google search concerning my old MAAG-Vietnam unit: (DCS Starcom Station Saigon) ... under the general public's radar? Maybe it will provide some general, Vietnam situ insight of the early 60's? I was in-country when Kennedy was assassinated, 3 weeks prior I was in Saigon (and caught up in) when President Diem and his brother's administration were overthrown and murdered... Interesting times those days to say the least... take a peek... https://books.google.com/books?id=7-tEAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA310&lpg=PA310&dq=dcs+starcom+sta+saigon+vietnam&source=bl&ots=XQGAoObHQO&sig=ACfU3U1JuMbHtfvrSynBBpODjyOSjpLbbw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWrOj3-MX8AhVYHjQIHVFhABsQ6AF6BAghEAM#v=onepage&q=dcs starcom sta saigon vietnam&f=false
  13. Ulrick and yourself are being paged in the lobby, Paul May is on the line.... also: you are not aging well... lmao...
  14. bs.... I'm amazed David had so many friends here, even he'd be surprised...He told me, for a fact, that he "took the assassination case temperature every single day through his contacts via the web, social media or letter or phone... he knew more about the post facts of this case than anyone alive today, bar none! And, no one that contributed to Zapruder Film HOAX was "paid" unless you define pay as flights in and out, some food and lodging and some very entertaining company... Of course DavidL, DavidG and DavidM wished to get some renumeration, every contributor did but, we didn't get a check, only expenses paid... (If ya dug, you'd probably find out DSL negotiated with JFetzer regarding his seminar participation especially after he found out I was videotaping the entire symposium in 2003)... and the same goes for Jack White and John Costella... And Jim Fetzer picked up the tab for it all... and it was his publisher to boot... JFetzer knew, KNEW how to get it done, AND published. I know, I was there, a Contributor to Zapruder Film HOAX... As for David's latest on YouTube, which has been presented here of late: Absolutely nothing new out of all those video pieces strung together. Except it was Lifton who did the compilations. Years ago Jack White flushed most of the very same film/photo topics out 10-15 years ago... I was there, as film/photo moderator at DellaRosa's JFK Assassination Research where most of it appeared on the web for the first time... The topic of LHO cooled, David Lifton, I believe, knew that. And was searching for more Nov 22nd fertile ground -- and what place better than the phot/film record, a topic he was very familiar with and could get a decent hearing anywhere. So test the waters? Any further comments regarding David Lifton's cred's on this subject matter should come from a very astute and knowledgable guy named Doug Horne. He knew Lifton the writer/researcher/author better than most anyone. Even Jim Fetzer could add to this topic. -- David S. Lifton was an author-detective with fangs and a keyboard, Not to mention an all round asshole when things didn't go his way -- and faithful to the JFKA case right up to his death (although that might of changed when Charade was getting becoming iffy of late)... If NOT natural causes that took him perhaps his own hand? Maybe a case of no more funding for books re JFK assassination topics? In the final analysis, it was really all he knew -- MHO of course.... RIP in Peace, Brother you always knew how to put on a great show! --Healy 12-18-2022
  15. This love affair on display here with the Biden(s) is concerning? Despite wrapping it around JFKA document topic(s) -- a media pro would know better, indeed. Where is Mr. Charles-Dunne when we need him?
  16. Is it possible there isn't a Final Charade manuscript? And I'm thinking out loud here... not seeking responses. Everything I ever spoke with David about ended up discussing some facet of Best Evidence, never Charade -- regardless of topic subject. I get the feeling this story has a more tragic ending... than simply David passing... this subject maybe tainted by my current situation but I don't feel so...
  17. My most recent conversation with David Lifton began on Nov 1st, he was glad I queried his email as he had lost my e-mail address. The below is my last communication with DSLifton. In that email exchange: after pleasantries, David wanted to inform me he had moved to Las Vegas and provided me with his new address, I also gave him mine, again... he gave no date when that moved occurred. He knew I had long ties to and lived in East Las Vegas for many years and we had talked a time or two of getting together for a bite to eat... When my current health issues came up during the exchange, it became obvious I won't be travelling to Las Vegas in the future... 11/09/22 - 10:37 PM [...] My best, DSL My Contact Info (now living in Summerlin, suburb of Las Vegas) 8350 W. Desert Inn Rd., Apt 1122 Las Vegas, NV 89117 During our exchange he ask if I had Gary Shaw's email address (which I don't). And, if I was aware of Wallace Milam passing? No, I don't know Milam and, only aware of Shaw's name, the who or what importance escapes me... --dghealy
  18. appropriate for my last post to this forum... Mr. Myers is not a researcher, Mr. Myers is a story teller without credential... Mr. DiEugenio is a historian, researcher AND writer with credentials. -- Get you lies straight, we're forever cleaning up lone nut messes... as for .John, hopefully, I will see that asshole, soon... Peace everyone -- even 'da nutters...
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