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Chuck Schwartz

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Everything posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. When an angry mob trashes the US Capitol and calls out for the murder of the Vice President of the US and the Speaker of the House (and breaks into her office and steals items , such as her computer, from her office), this is not a scrum- it is an insurrection and needs to be put down, in my opiion. If those rioters on 1/6 were mostly black, you would get a much different reaction from the racists and facists that control the republican party today.
  2. In the next to last post in this thread, there is mention of Lafitte...
  3. I believe the CIA (Dulles, Angleton, Tracy Barnes, DAP , E Howard Hunt, Helms, Sturgis, Johannides, William Harvey, Morales) was the architect of the JFKA, not Cuban exiles, who could have had a role to play in the JFKA.
  4. Given "Coup in Dallas", this thread takes on more importance and here is some backround on the attempted DeGaulle assassination..https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/Assassination_of_Charles_de_Gaulle_(Socialism_with_a_Human_Face)
  5. This essay gives some backround on Laffitte...https://visupview.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-lsd-chronicles-george-hunter-white_14.html
  6. It was nice to see respect paid to Mae Brussell. Her essay on the N A Z I connection to the JFK Assassination ties into Coup in Dallas.
  7. From Dylan's Murder Most Foul, "The day that they killed him, someone said to me, "SonThe age of the Antichrist has just only begun"
  8. I saw JFK Revisted: Through the Looking Glass and thought it was very good.
  9. Another recent development of right wing conservatives trying to illegally take over the election process..https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-raided-home-colorado-elections-140023859.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall
  10. Watching Rachel M. she said there was a third person who was rightfully convicted of the Malcolm X killing and he said the other 2 people convicted were innocent, but that there were other likely perpetrators who did the planning for the murder should be arrested. They were not arrested. Also discussed on the Rachel Maddow show was there was a man William Bradley in one of those secret FBI files who could have been the real killer of Malcolm X, but it was implied the reason Wlliam Bradley was never questioned was because he worked for the FBI.
  11. The FBI and NYPD kept evidence secret that would have shown 2 MalcoLm x killers were innocent..https://www.thedailybeast.com/norman-3x-butler-thomas-15x-johnson-to-be-exonerated-in-assassination-of-malcom-x?source=articles&via=rss
  12. "I feel Trump and gang should be in jail for this coup attempt. " - I agree. Case Closed.
  13. David, for various reasons, LBJ wanted to be president. LBJ saw what happened if you went against the high military and intelligence units. So, LBJ made peace with these units and retained his presidency until it was obvious he was not going to be re-elected din 1968.
  14. Good essay, Doug. LeMay was nuts. He wanted to go to war against the soviet union and china. JFK recognized LeMay was insane and the relationship between the 2 was obviousy very bad and, as it turns out, to be lethal. There is a couple of threads on this website about Pash. Linda Minor said this about Pash, "Or have you heard of Pash's subordinate, Col. Willard White, who was married to LBJ's sister Josefa for a number of years?"
  15. Joe, I agree. Relevant to this thread, is this paragraph in the footnotes..In a telephone interview shortly before he died Phillips denied being the mysterious “Maurice Bishop” or knowing Oswald. But he said he knew Gordon McLendon in Washington D.C. during World War II, and then lost track of him and didn’t hook up with him again until he left the CIA.[42] When they reunited, they decided to try to promote the CIA with the suggested TV program, and in 1977 formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO).
  16. Ron, this is from the Kennedys and King website... Born in Paris, Texas, McLendon covered sports events in school, graduated from Kemper Military Academy, was a Skull and Boner at Yale and served as an intelligence officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence during World War II. In 1943 he married Gay Noe, daughter of the former governor of Louisiana. McLendon left Harvard Law School to take over interest in a Texas radio station he purchased with his father.[36] Nicknamed “The Old Scotsman,” McClendon founded the Liberty Radio Network and broadcast major league baseball games over 400 affiliated stations. With Clint Murchison, he broadcast Radio Nord, a pirate radio station off Sweden. In 1947 McLendon founded KLIF (The Mighty 1190) in Oak Cliff, and introduced the Top 40 format that became standard AM radio programming in the 1950s. He is also credited with establishing the first mobile news units in American radio, the first jingles, traffic reports, all news and the “easy listening’ format. McClendon also aired a politically oriented radio show financed by H. L. Hunt called “Life-Line,” which aired conservative anti-communist programs that affected the opinions of many people, including Jack Ruby.[37] Jack Ruby knew McLendon, called his unlisted home phone number on the day of the assassination, visited the KLIF studios, and arranged interviews with Dallas officials for KLIF reporters from the Dallas Police Department. Ruby appeared to pose as a reporter at the Dallas jail, even though most of the Dallas cops knew him as a nightclub owner.[38] The day after the assassination Ruby bought dozens of sandwiches from a deli and delivered some of them to KLIF studios and the rest to the Dallas police, using the sandwiches as an excuse to get into the building and stalk Oswald. After a number of tries, Ruby finally did get close enough to kill Oswald, leaving his dog and a pile of “Life-Line” radio show scripts in his car. The scripts found in his car were on the subject of heroism, and written by Warren H. Carroll, a former CIA propaganda analyst.[39] McClendon was also the first person Ruby asked to see in prison. Ruby told McClendon that he thought his jailers were trying to poison him, and later told the Warren Commission that McLendon was his “kind of intellectual.”[40]
  17. And, this came from the Kennedys and King website...https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/2018/bleau-mechanism/bleau-phillips.pdf
  18. Ron, you would win that bet. This is from Who/What /Where web site..David Phillips even had one friend, Gordon McLendon, in common with Jack Ruby. McLendon, a sometime intelligence officer and Dallas owner of radio stations, had known Phillips since both men were in their teens.
  19. David Atlee Phillips was a close friend of Mclendon. In 1975 McLendon and David Atlee Phillips formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO).
  20. Chris , I agree with you 100%. And , I believe that clown is taking direction from Russia, who wants to create divisions in the US via that rat. (there are new revelations about a trump server connecting to Alpha Bank, owned by russian oligarchs, directly linked to putin( the fbi got papers from an informant, but sat on them and the only person that the barr investigation issued an arrest warrant for was that informant- now that informant is going to talk in order to defend to himself).
  21. I have no sympathy for neo n a z i s who wear tee shirts saying Camp Auschwitz. As far as I am concerned the public will not be safe with these fascists running loose. I heard them chanting hang mike pence. I saw them smashing windows of the US Capitol building. Many said publicly they wanted to kill Nancy Pelosi. These people are criminals and should be treated as such. No sympathy for the devil this time.
  22. We can add W. Whaley to the list of JFKA witnesses who died an unnatural dealth. As Hale Boggs was reported to have said about the Warren Commission 's conclusions- that dog don't hunt. Hale Boggs, who was on the Warren Commission, but publicly disagreed with its conclusions died in an airplane accident.
  23. Ron, General Charles Cabell worked directly for Alan Dulles for 9 yrs. in the CIA . Dulles designed the Big Event, in my opinion. He communicated to Charles Cabell, who commuicated to the Mayor of Dallas at the time of the big event, Earle Cabell, brother of Charles. And the Mayor communicated to the Dallas chief of Police.
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