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Chuck Schwartz

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Everything posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. David, in case you have not read any of Mae Brussell, here is an essay she wrote in 1984..http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae Brussell Articles/National Socialist Connection to JFK Assass.html/ Mae was on Pacifica radio (in the 1970's and 1980's) giving her analysis of the JFKA . I was born in 1951.
  2. JMWave was created by and run by the CIA. So, when you say JFK ' s killers were directed from JMWave, you are saying the shooters were from the CIA. Here is little piece on JM Wave from Wikipedia, " "The station's activities reached their peak in late 1962 and early 1963 around the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under Ted Shackley's leadership from 1962 to 1965, JMWAVE grew to be the largest CIA station in the world outside of the organization's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with 300 to 400 professional operatives (possibly including about 100 based in Cuba) as well as an estimated 15,000 anti-Castro Cuban exiles on its payroll. The CIA was one of Miami's largest employers during this period. Exiles were trained in commando tactics, espionage and seamanship and the station supported numerous exile raids on Cuba.[2][3][10] The main front company for JMWAVE was "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc." In addition, about 300 to 400 other front companies were created throughout South Florida with a large range of "safe houses", cover businesses and other properties. With an annual budget of approx. US$50 million (in 1960s dollars; US$50 million in 1962 dollars are worth US$403 million in 2017 dollars (PPP)[11]), the station had a major impact on the economy of South Florida, creating a local economic boom - particularly in the real estate, banking and certain manufacturing sectors. It also operated a fleet of aircraft and boats - this has been described as the third largest navy in the Caribbean at the time after the main US and Cuban navies. JMWAVE's activities were so widespread that they became an open secret amongst local Florida government and law enforcement agencies.[2][3] ""
  3. Evan menions JM Wave, which had about 300 to 400 people in it at the time of the Big Event. Here is a brief description of JM Wave from Wikipedia. "The station's activities reached their peak in late 1962 and early 1963 around the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under Ted Shackley's leadership from 1962 to 1965, JMWAVE grew to be the largest CIA station in the world outside of the organization's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with 300 to 400 professional operatives (possibly including about 100 based in Cuba) as well as an estimated 15,000 anti-Castro Cuban exiles on its payroll. The CIA was one of Miami's largest employers during this period. Exiles were trained in commando tactics, espionage and seamanship and the station supported numerous exile raids on Cuba.[2][3][10] The main front company for JMWAVE was "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc." In addition, about 300 to 400 other front companies were created throughout South Florida with a large range of "safe houses", cover businesses and other properties. With an annual budget of approx. US$50 million (in 1960s dollars; US$50 million in 1962 dollars are worth US$403 million in 2017 dollars (PPP)[11]), the station had a major impact on the economy of South Florida, creating a local economic boom - particularly in the real estate, banking and certain manufacturing sectors. It also operated a fleet of aircraft and boats - this has been described as the third largest navy in the Caribbean at the time after the main US and Cuban navies. JMWAVE's activities were so widespread that they became an open secret amongst local Florida government and law enforcement agencies.[2][3] "
  4. This is from Wikipediia ( in regards to the LeMay quote about bombing the North Vietnamese back to the Stone Age)" In his 1965 autobiography (co-written with MacKinlay Kantor), LeMay is quoted as saying his response to North Vietnam would be to demand that "they've got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression, or we're going to bomb them back into the Stone Age. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces".[48] LeMay subsequently rejected misquotes of the famous "Stone Age" quote.[49] Later, in a Washington Post interview LeMay said that "I never said we should bomb them back to the Stone Age. I said we had the capability to do it. I want to save lives on both sides".[50] Etymologyst Barry Popik cites multiple sources (including interviews with LeMay) for various versions of both quotes from LeMay.[51] Nevertheless, the "should" quote remained part of the LeMay legend, and remains widely attributed to him ever after.[49][52]"
  5. Benjamin, there is now a labor shortage in China and US companies are re- sourcing back to the US (and to Mexico). Here is a partial explanation of why there is a labor shortage in China...https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57154574
  6. Leslie, when Tracy Barnes left the CIA , he went to work at Yale, which is about a half hour to hour ride from Bridgeport, Ct.- probably does not mean much in the grand scheme.
  7. Jonathan, I believe the work that Chris D. has been doing here is corraborating evidence that the zapruder film has been altered. Here is a more detailed analysis....https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-107-douglas-horne-on-the-zapruder-film-alteration-debate/
  8. Joe, Dino Brugioni saw the original Zapruder film. The zapruder film we are seeing now, has been altered, per Dino. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dino_Brugioni
  9. Leslie, I found it interesting that Thomas Eli Davis died an unnatural death - in 1973 while trying to commit a theft, he accidently burned himself to dealth. And, he placed an ad in the Los Angeles Times in June 1963 for men who had military experience .
  10. And O stands for Otto Skorenzy ( I believe) , who got the schematics for Dealey Plaza delivered to him in Madrid, by Thomas Eli Davis, if I understand the " Coup in Dallas" correctly.
  11. I like what Corsi wrote" In a review of Mantik’s book, Douglas Horne notes that Mantik’s analysis of the JFK X-rays confirms Horne’s analysis in Chapter 13 of Inside the Assassinations Review Board. Both Horne and Mantik agree three headshots hit JFK: a shot low in the posterior skull, from the rear (probably fired from the second-floor window of the Dal-Tex building), blowing out the “head flap” on JFK’s that the Zapruder film shows prominently. an almost simultaneous shot from the right front (probably fired from well down the grassy knoll, near where the triple overpass meets the knoll); and a third almost simultaneous shot from the right front (fired from near the corner of the grassy knoll stockade fence), hitting JFK above and slightly behind the right ear. In his review of Mantik’s book, Horne comments that Mantik’s book, “backstopped by extraordinary detail and footnoting, and by brilliant clarifying illustrations, is the “final word” on the JFK headshots. “Dr. Mantik brings his expertise as an M.D.—a radiation oncologist quite familiar with and qualified to read skull X-rays—and as a physicist to this extensive, illustrated monograph.” Horne added that equally important is that “Mantik’s conclusions about the three headshots, and the alteration of the extant skull X-rays, prove there was a massive U.S. government cover-up regarding how JFK was killed.”"
  12. Here is Ruby's testioony. He mentions the Free Cuba incident (and a phone call to McClendon (DAP's friend who owns a radio station))...https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/ruby_j1.htm
  13. I agree that the Warren commission was not an investigation. I think of it as more like a cover up ( of who really killed JFK).
  14. I agree, Benjamin. And, Oswald, besides telling everyone he was a patsy, made these denials, https://www.nytimes.com/1997/11/21/us/interrogator-s-notes-say-oswald-denied-assassination-role.html. to the Dallas Police.
  15. Didn't DAP say that those trained to assassinate Castro were re-directed to assassinate JFK?
  16. David B., did you learn anything more on the conection between Skorenzy and Alaph 66/ JMWAVE , if any?
  17. When Helms died, J. Morley wrote this essay on Helms...https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2002/11/the-nasty-career-of-cia-director-richard-helms.html
  18. Per " Coup in Dallas (page 43)", "on May 23, 1963 Guerin-Serac .. met with CIA officials in Lisbon Portugal... Helms identified the purpose of the meeting...was to enlist the CIA in OAS efforts to assassinate.. DeGaulle."
  19. HIs CIA handler told him him to do so. (after reading " Oswald and the CIA " by John Newman , I believe LHO was being handled by the CIA) The Warren Commission was a coverup up of the murder of JFK. Dulles and McClone drove this coverup. Hoover followed their orders. I believe in Nantik's interpretation of the autopsy records.
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