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Ron Ecker

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About Ron Ecker

  • Birthday 02/08/1942

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    Palatka, FL
  • Interests
    Writing: books (four published), screenplays (two optioned, none yet sold), songs (two recorded), articles on JFK and other subjects (online).

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  1. Exactly. Trump back in power will be Joe Biden's legacy. I hope Biden lives long enough to appreciate it. Or maybe Biden will say the election was stolen. Trump's retribution! But let's look at the bright side. There's still hope. Despite Trump's first-round knockout of Biden in the debate, I understand Biden said something about a rematch in September. If there is one, look for Biden to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!
  2. Biden says that he believes with all his heart and soul that he can do the job. But even if he can (for four more years?), that's not the point. Biden is like a stalker. He just can't understand that he is not wanted.
  3. But the fun is just starting. Biden plans to "debate" again in September. Plenty of time to possibly recover from this, then, wham! another first-round KO.
  4. And it looks like his wife Jill is no help at all. I guess she likes living in the White House.
  5. I think Biden is already showing he's too stubborn or egotistical to step down. He's just like Trump in that respect, it's himself above country. So do they force an incumbent out? Drag him out of the convention kicking (well, I think he's too feeble to kick) and screaming? That will certainly get the TV ratings.
  6. I thought the best line in the debate was when Trump said, "I don't know what he just said and I don't think he does either." One MAGA false claim leading up to the debate was laid to rest, though. Biden was not high on drugs. (At least not the right ones.)
  7. On Parkland doctors waiting to finish off JFK if necessary, whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath?
  8. Being a Floridian, what can I say when my state is represented by Matt Gaetz, Rick Scott, Little Mario Rubio, and (as CNN closed captions would have it) Rhonda Santos? If Florida sinks any lower it'll be underwater. I
  9. It's never too late to make money with a book. I'm trying to thnk of a good one to write myself. Not about JFK, just some kind of dirt in general. I visit the Drudge Report now and then just to see what interesting news links there are to click on. I've noticed that he depends a lot on the Daily Mail, for stories that no one else in the world is covering.
  10. I quit going to the Daily Mail a long time ago because it would make my computer freeze up. Which is ironic, because that Callahan material sounds like some real hot reading. But I'm not taking a chance on the Daily Mail to read it. My computer would either freeze up or melt.
  11. To add to the anguish of Iran's Shiite majority, the helicopter crashed into the Sunni side of the mountain.
  12. It's now being reported that Iran believes that the mountain into which the helicopter crashed was put there by Israel. No such mountain exists on Iranian maps. "Leave it to the Mossad," says the Ayatalloh, "to make a mountain out of molehill."
  13. On Raisi's helicopter crash in Iran, the closed captions on CNN say that it was "a racist helicopter."
  14. A worm ate part of RFK Jr.'s brain. So says RFK Jr. himself. The worm died from the experience. So it's possible that a third party candidate with a worm-eaten brain could tip the 2024 election to Donald Trump. This has all the makings of a great horror movie. R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain
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