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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Wow, Matt, this guy was not just a Russian politician or political writer. He was the President of Russia, and Putin's hand picked protege. I'm not sure how their government works, but at the time I thought he was hand picked by Putin as a puppet to maneuver around a 2 term limit, which after a term Putin reassumed power and eventually got rid of the term limits law. But I might be wrong. Now this guy is just another 2 bit xxxxx, and crazy one at that. The Presidency of Dmitry Medvedev began on 8 May 2008, when he became the 3rd President of the Russian Federation. Medvedev was the Head of the Presidential Administration during the 2nd term of Vladimir Putin as president, and the Chairman of Gazprom oil company.
  2. Yes it is. Amy Klobuchar is a centrist who might be too pro defense status quo for me. But there's no doubt, she's very capable. This might not be popular here, but in the 2020 Democrat Presidential debates, she could wipe the floor with Tulsi Gabbard , Kamala Harris or Kirsten Gillebrand. Not that the person winning the debate is necessarily the best candidate. But she would probably be the best women in Congress to argue your case. So this is find!
  3. I like your contributions Simon? or Andrew? Keep it up! I'm going to get a little dark on this. I've had some years to evaluate what I've seen. I think most people here are reasonably well adjusted. How I'm viewing your initial post from the conspiracy side, what I have seen to just some here, is that looking into these sinister forces you mentioned becomes a fixation and an obsession and that can translate to seeing people who don't believe in the JFKA as even scumballs, or one of the enemy, to a point they are part of a conspiracy against them. And gradually more and more people are seen through a binary lens that they are with them or supporting them, or against them, which comes to isolate them, and that gives rise to more and broader conspiracy beliefs to feed a fire to the point that nothing is taken at face value and every notion, every good intention and person is distrusted as part of a grand scheme working against them. Your question involves mental health. I'm only focusing on what I see as the worst mental health problem.
  4. Hmmm! Notice how the right has co opted JFK? Most post war Presidents were NRA members until ironically George HW Bush cancelled his membership. For you conservatives, ideologically JFK has nothing for you! Perhaps the most absurd assertion was someone here posting a comment by JFK about the undesirability of abortion in 1960. So what politician in 1960 is going to come out pro abortion, whether he's a Catholic or not? I'm sorry to bust your bubble but JFK was not a devout Catholic! Such musings about JFK would only come from an early 20 something with no historical context. You could fairly gauge JFK's historical evolution on that matter by the political positions taken by Kennedys in succeeding generations. JFK also wouldn't have seen world climate change as a Gates -Soros scam to make money! JFK would be in touch with science of his day.and if he was a President in the late 70's 80's and 90's , we and the world be a lot further along than we are today, which is really a global crisis!. The matter of climate change and how it's effecting border situations throughout the world, was brought up in passing by James Wilkerson only to your scoffing just last week. I'll give you a further example, there's a massive drought in West Central America, effecting El Salvador Honduras and Nicaragua that's causing people to flee to other parts in Central and Latin America as well as the U.S. I saw the Nicaraguan migration influence in Costa Rica, and the native concern last year. Of course these countries didn't have any hand in this climate change. We can be blamed more than any country in our hemisphere and in the past, the world . I can also tell you with certainty that JFK wouldn't have thought the Covid pandemic was a Faucci- Gates conspiracy with the Chinese either, whether it accidentally got out of the lab or not. JFK would have stood behind the science of his day, and there wouldn't have been near the resistance that there is today. As people at that time, would have been much more concerned at taking precautions to not spread the disease to others than the current edition of lunkhead "experts" that exist today. Most of the guys who believe like you back then were probably from the Deep South. RFK Jr. is cited as a hero to the anti vaxxers and anti Covid vaccine. You can't ignore what he's done for the environment, but this Kennedy family fanboy stuff here on the forum sometimes gets grotesque!. He's just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else, dare say JFK and Bobby as well. And you notice the other Kennedy's haven't fallen in line with his message. I think that the successive generation of Kennedy's don't have as much on the ball which is common in the next generation, and I say that, being from the same generation as we're all baby boomers. JFK would have expanded the safety net which I think would have eventually lead to universal Health Care, which you guys, as conservatives would have opposed, and did in fact oppose. He also was pro labor, though frankly I don't Im not sure as pro labor as some here might portray, nonetheless you as conservatives would have been staunchly opposed, as the conservatives of the day were. One thing we might be able to agree upon since you guys are relatively new world peace advocates, is that the pre Bay of Pigs invasion JFK would have called Putin on his invasion and been a hawk on the current War in Ukraine probably without U.S. boots on the ground, and the post Bay of Pigs JFK would have done everything possible to have avoided Putin's invasion of Ukraine and peace would currently reign. heh heh Outside of that, JFK provides you no quarter! Go find your own real historic conservative heroes from your glory period, like Ronald Reagan, or if from across the pond, PM's Margaret Thatcher, or if you prefer male heroes, John Major! heh heh again!.
  5. Ok, So I was fair, you stand by your allegations, with some new ones. You can always repost it. But Larry is our guy right now. I'm not sure what it serves.
  6. I assume by virtue of the fact we're discussing this, that we've eliminated the idea that Pompeo was Carlson';s source, because in that case he certainly wouldn't have a done a very good job of protecting him, would he have? Dropping his name, saying Pompeo knows and inviting him on the show, as if threatening to out him! Mark Zaid goes back a ways here. Jim Di and Oliver Stone were super pro Putin at the time and defended Putin's taking over Crimea and Jim wrote an article that was sort of a dual villification of Zaid, tying by innuendo Zaid's involvement with Trump's first impeachment trial with his opposition to a new JFKA trial in the early 90's. First he first smeared Zaid for for being part of the whistle blowing of Trump in his first impeachment trial, where Trump was withholding previously authorized military aid to Ukraine,and decided if he has to run contrary to the wishes of Putin, he might as well at least get dirt from Zelensky on his political rival's son, Hunter Biden. Of course Trump was impeached but not convicted because although many Republicans disapproved, they didn't think the crime rose to the level of removal from office. Jim's second smear was because of a conversation Jim had with Zaid's lawyer where he told Jim, that although they did feel there was a JFK conspiracy, there wasn't sufficient evidence back in 1992 to open a new trial on the JFKA, but Jim found out later, he had consulted with Posner. I understand Jim would feel betrayed, but he sort of implied Zaid could have government "deep state" connections. During that thread, a similar piece to what Matthew has brought out about Zaid was used as a scurrilous allegation of Zaid being a pedophile by a poster here who later charged that Hunter Biden and no less than Joe Biden were pedophiles and when asked by the mods here to retract the statement, refused and was kicked out of the forum. When the thread ran out of dirt, it was eventually hijacked and lasted quite awhile when in the end we were making jokes about what happened to Mark Zaid? heh heh
  7. We are one! 200-300 million years ago. But how far China from Australia? Good will to all beings! Pangea We are one! 200-300 million years ago. But how far China from Australia? Good will to all beings.
  8. Grim: the notion that the CIA has done this has only increased their power in the government , because literally we know every President since Kennedy, and we know LBJ knows there was a deep state conspiracy to kill Kennedy.. So what is it Grim? LBJ knew and probably Carter, Reagan, Bush SR. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden all know that the CIA killed Kennedy and better mind their P's and Q's?? BS! There's no foundation for that at all! This is so novice bogus!, and in some cases irresponsible..This is where you sometimes have to parse out words and use critical thinking. Are we simply supposed to be unquestioning and enjoy this because as Trump says "People are talking!!!!" Grim: A huge amount of people now believe the CIA killed Kennedy! Wow, that sounds huge! Grim: Donald Trump's best friend Roger Stone is conspiracy buff #1! I'm surprised Jim Di went for that. Roger Stone is a charlatan. His entire book was based on an alleged conversation that Stone had with Nixon when he was 20 years old, where he said Nixon in so many words said LBJ killed JFK. A conversation that has never been verified by anyone else.. His only other supporting information came through quoting Judith Varyn Baker's book! Stone is currently working off his Presidential pardon by selling Trump figurines!*. Iverson: We have RFK Jr. saying the CIA killed his uncle and maybe the entire Kennedy family! Wrong! There's been much publicized division and opposition within the family to RFK Jr's claims. Which RFK Jr. himself never asserted for 50 years! The Kennedy family publicly was/is in a worthless reinforced LN bubble for 60 years! At one juncture Iverson comes to joke with Grim that there would actually be a document where the CIA says they're going to kill JFK. But somehow never makes the connection that that would make Carlson's claims bogus!,when after all isn't that the reason for their broadcast in the first place? heh heh heh Grim alleges an audiotape where Nixon threatens Helms with the "Bay of Pigs thing". That was not an audio tape! That was an excerpt from H.R.Haldemann's book "Tales of Power." Grim's speculation about who carried out the murder are directly from E.Howard Hunt's near death bed claims. If you believe Hunt. * Stone : https://twitter.com/i/status/1606083258671693824
  9. I know Steve, Look how totally lame and bogus her defense was!
  10. "Trump poured $144 million into his own pockets by doing all his golfing at his own properties, and forcing the Secret Service to keep a $17,000/month villa at Bedminster year-round, just so they could be sure of getting a room when POTUS decided he felt like hitting a little ball around. He just sold his DC Pay To Play Palace for $100 million more than he paid for it. That’s despite the fact he lied about it being profitable, and actually lost $70 million during the four years that Apparently Inebriated Rudy set up shop in the bar every night. (He even had a nameplate made, which he put out on the table for anyone looking to buy access to the president of the United States.) And, of course, there’s the quarter-of-a-billion dollars he raked in for an “Official Election Defense Fund” that doesn’t exist. It was recently revealed that fund paid Melania’s clothing coordinator $60,000 for “strategy.” How could this be allowed in our system of government? Just because there's politically a minority cult of Trump worshipers who would loudly object? And their representatives in Congress were bullied into keeping shut? This went on for years. Apart from any fantasies the Trump cult had. There has to be an overriding authority, and some sense of accountability. That in itself , is worthy of investigation to ensure it never happens again.
  11. In 2021, Matt Taibbi in a Rogan interview praises Seymour Hersch who was most popular investigative journalist of his day for an incident where the CIA approached Hersch to leak files of information to the public of their catching an Israeli spy. Taibbi praises Hersch because Hersh said because he didn't find it, he couldn't accept it, and Taibbi says "Once you start getting handed things, once you cross that line , you've lost, they have you!".. Then a year later Taibbi accepts files from a billionaire and becomes a conduit to us, declining to disclose what the conditions of the employment were and for how much. . He's later questioned about this Twitter Files situation by Krystal Ball, and starts squirming and says in essence, "well you do trust me?". When somebody says that, it's time to run! We don't have to accept any interpretation he says. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said it would be best to just release all the files to the public. But keep in mind, they are "selected" files! and the irony here is Taibbi is concerned about certain government influence on the moderation of content but declines to tell us about the Trump Government's influence or communication with Twitter!, but does disclose Candidate Biden. So now we have Matt Taibbi determining what's good for us to see in the Twitter files! Taibbi's first proclamations start segment start at 3:10. Hypocrisy at 9:41.
  12. Thank you for your detailed answer Larry! You are giving me renewed confidence. Maybe in the way of advice, you're getting a bit in the political weeds with Matt Whitaker, which I sense you want to avoid. He wasn't the final Trump AG, (Thank God! if you knew that story!) but was the interim revenge A.G. picked by Trump among Jeff Session's staff when Sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation. He served for over 3 months as the interim A.G. transition figure between Jeff sessions and William Barr. Trump picked Whitaker because he wouldn't recuse himself in the Mueller investigation. So I do understand that he was going to have a problem getting anything serious done because he was only an interim A.G. Of course when you open up that "Russia Gate" can of worms you're in a real political maelstrom here which in light of the fact that Trump's First Impeachment Trial, (withholding trading arms to Zelensky for dirt on Hunter Biden, which both parties agreed was wrong, but the Republicans disagreed it rose to the level of impeachment) was an almost identical influence peddling crime to Russia Gate, you might wonder why it would still be so controversial? And then you add yet another similar bartering for favorable trade status with no less than the dreaded Chinese and Xi for their dirt on Hunter Biden, according to Josh Bolton in his book. Well you understand what shark infested waters you can get into just mentioning Matt Whitaker. Please take this in the spirit of friendly advice and encouragement to the success of you task. https://www.vox.com/2018/11/13/18087560/matt-whitaker-mueller-trump-sessions
  13. I want to focus on what you said here Larry. We're all hoping for your success. I do find your tone a little sanctimonious. By the confidence in this statement you're obviously assuming there's no reason for us to think you couldn't be fooled, and nothing may come from this, which is comforting. I don't think you have to be a political partisan to question Carlson's motives at all. 1)Do you have any experience watching Carlson's show that you've formed any previous opinion? I won't ask you that opinion. Larry: What I can say is that Tucker's two shows were an important next step to get Congressional attention on the failure of two presidents and the intelligence agencies to comply with the law. 2)You've shared some of this with us, a new committee head coming in that will be more favorable. And we're assuming Tucker's story is critical to changing the equation in the fight to release the remaining files. So am I to assume you believe Tucker's story that there are remaining "smoking gun" files that were never destroyed and Tucker knows of a source who has seen the files and now "believes" that the CIA is behind the murder of JFK? ****** Simon probably shouldn't have used any analogy involving Hitler, as that throws things a bit of whack. But let's try to stick to facts.
  14. By far a greater coverup than Watergate over 30 people have taken the 5th! Roger Stone now earning his pardon by grifting for Trump.
  15. Actually Paul, Rob and Jim Di, I brought this to your attention yesterday. Same appearance, same photo. Sure, this is topical. I just thought I'd share with you Galloway's greatest moment in history! Ben: Nevertheless, "Trust, but verify."Washington is a long knives sort of town. Carlson could have been set up. Or maybe Carlson just made a mistake, and placed faith in the wrong person. Ben: So maybe this might not be the greatest utterance since "Eisenhower's Military industrial Complex" speech? heh heh
  16. But that Campisi is out of New York, Ben right?. This Joe Campisi had an Italian restaurant in Dallas. This article talks of alleged mob ties that i had previously read in JFKA literature was a sure thing. Good Picture! https://www.dallasnews.com/news/curious-texas/2020/09/04/did-campisis-have-ties-to-organized-crime-curious-texas-looks-at-the-history/
  17. Hey you guys on the right, remember how your guts got twisted in knots to see Galloway come before our own Senate and shame them about your beloved Iraq War! Hey good for him, but this was a lot more earthshaking at the time with thousands of lives in the balance! This is priceless! It's really binary thinking. The solid majority in the U.S. don't want goons to stop the certification of their elections by Fascists so now the Fascists and their goons are whining that the vast majority who want the orderly transition of government have thrown in their lots with the National Security State. Boo hoo! Stop whining.because you couldn't get the majority of people to give their rights over to you! Boo hoo again! To most of them the foremost JFKA moment of their lives is when after 1/6, Trump got banned from Twitter! And they're still reeling! That is the peak of their entire political live's emotional arc! That's the greatest extent of political devastation they'll ever experience! Spare us!
  18. Hey I won't address the sort of snideness I heard. But one thing about James, is that I think I know what his interests are.. heh heh But I'm into a lot of the same things! But what I was referring to, over a few posts I've read is that I couldn't find fault in anything he said. That's all
  19. Ben: There is a solution to "labor shortages." It is called higher wages, to being supply and demand back into balance. Labor shortages are measured my the number of available jobs to people who are available to work. and it's been very high right now So we're in a labor shortage. Right? Weren't you're sort of into economics? Do you believe checking labor statistics or is that a conspiracy? Ben: There is a solution to "labor shortages." It is called higher wages I'd like that but the truth is in this recent " labor shortage" they started leveling off before the fed Fed even tightened. You're going to have to starve the work force a lot more before you'll see that kind of service wage growth you project. It would be more proactive to unionize.
  20. No, the same old doctrinaire solutions don't apply in the U.S. Chris, Ben, Same old, same old, you're not in the country and your only lens in evaluating this is the newest headlines you're getting about the borders from right wing media.. I don't think I can fault anything James has said on this forum yet. Re: immigration, in the U.S. We currently have a situation where there's almost 2 workers for every person willing to work. A lot of the low wage jobs, and where you see a lot of hiring signs is in service industry, restaurants, fast food, cleaning hotels, and of course out in the fields. And you see overwhelmingly white people simply won't take those jobs. Sensible immigration is needed but the Republicans brand the Democrats as being for open borders like you Ben and the Democrats brand Republicans for being for closed borders.Both sides know it's false but won't work each other. There are a lot of restaurants, hotels , farms that are small businesses that are struggling to survive.The situation now is stupid, in that people are allowed in the country to wait for the immigration case, and they can't work. Right now, instead of scoring na na na points loading people up to Martha's Vineyard. We need people in the fields. They could be directing people to where the jobs are, on a short term basis, just like in the old bracero programs. . The Fed is on a crusade to strangle the hot economy by raising interest rates to bring down inflation..In normal cycles, their primary aim would be to bring down wage inflation to the working person, but that's not working very well, though inflation has cooled somewhat. They could well force the nation into recession with this draconian series of of interest rates hikes they are doing, but they keep pushing on because the decline in wage inflation hasn't happened, but that's because it appears we're heading to a white collar, not a blue collar recession.Though it's not conclusive we're heading to a recession. The danger is that they can't know the effects of their current policy as it's been front loading and they typically don't see the effect for a year or so after they begin.
  21. It's actually damn cold here too. High of 59! But it was very cool to see 2 conservative icons feeling each other out. My son sent me this.
  22. As I said. I sense a sea change.i think Morley's right. But I noticed it first a couple of weeks ago, a sort of impatience, before the files were to be released and before Carlson. The MSM has decided at this second delay to demand their free speech rights. I'd like to think this is ongoing.
  23. I think Pat's timeline is correct, Reagan reinvigorated the Intelligence state with William Casey But it never really got back to the level of the 50's and 60's, which doesn't mean you shouldn't be vigilant. For those who take comfort in a "deep state". I don't mean to bust the bubble, but I don't think the government can get away with 20% of what they could get away with in the 60's. But I don't claim to be an expert. But they certainly got better technology to track us. That's where some big problems are. Still the IRS has an over 30 year old computer system, which pretty much shows our government priorities. Of course to contrast there will always be Ben who claims the "deep state" are more powerful than ever and then he'll say that the stated 750 billion the pentagon says they spend this year is actually double that, mostly being black budget and some veteran's benefits, he wants to eliminate, that he got from an Indian article he read, I believe. So take it with a grain of salt, the estimate's are all over the place. But it's important to get some perspective, the OMB can't surreptitiously double the Defense budget and hope no one will see it. The heyday of government funding was after the war where the U.S. emerged as the world superpower as result of largely remaining unscathed from WW2, and controlling nearly half the world's resources. And due to higher taxation rates, the size of the government skyrocketed and government department heads became gods within themselves. That condition doesn't exist anymore. Jean Paul, it wouldn't surprise me if Lance would also want the release of files. Yes, Gene, and Truman released that one month after the assassination 12/22/1963, I believe. I've never heard that quote from Gates. That would be very powerful.
  24. I'd say coastal California has more Teslas per capita than any place in the world, and they use to all be very shiny, but now they're a lot of dirty Teslas around and even junkers! Greenwald's relit his hair on fire on twitter again! Hope he's ok! Majority rule's a bitch, ain't it Glenn? Let's move this along. Bring on the hard core nespotism! heh heh
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