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Joe Bauer

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    Monterey Peninsula, California
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    Justice For JFK
    Calm, peaceful, quiet nature. Ocean beaches. Human kindness.

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  1. Someday, somehow, someone is going to come up with the funds for a highly reputable facial recognition company to do a thorough analysis of the faces in Dealey Plaza on 11, 22, 1963 and I believe there will be some bomb shell matches to various nefarious figures that will blow our collective research socks off. I believe FRT is now so advanced ( IDing gait!) it could even make a positive ID on the suited Tramp man ( Allegedly Lansdale ) even without the full face visible. Facial Recognition technology is so advanced now it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise. Also the Oswald leaflet passing photos in New Orleans where I believe Oswald's immediate supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository building "William Shelley " is shown standing with Oswald and his crew there.
  2. Makes sense to me. Carolyn seemed more content to just move non.
  3. Trying to label or frame 20 year old Crook as of any traditional political persuasion or ideology is a ridiculous waste of time and frankly stupid. Liberal? Conservative? Independent? Republican? Democrat? Oh please! He was simply an extremely psychologically and socially damaged young man. Even he could not intelligently explain any coherent political beliefs and ideologies he adhered to. Surely however, Crook was a product of years of oppressive crushing bullying ( daily according to fellow students ) in his crucial self-esteem formative years A sad, lonely, depressed, angry, confused and unfulfilled lost soul who found some belonging identity solace via at least one guns glorifying group site in the sick anti-social escapist world of the internet. Again, from other students who saw this for years, Crook was a poster boy for the typical anti-social outcast. Unusually quiet. Sitting and eating alone. No extra-curricular activities like sports, music, language, etc. No girl friends? One time gun shooting group interest where he was rejected for his lack of skills? This scenario is one I witnessed myself in secondary school. A certain number of these boys who were regularly taunted and made fun of, especially in the presence of girls, seemed to me to begin exhibiting passive aggressive behavior traits as they endured their humiliation for years. You could see and maybe even feel the rage just under their embarrassed bitch slapped facial expressions. An expression of this rage would be wearing aggressive gun violence glorifying t-shirts and military fatigue type clothing like Crook did. Meant to send a threatening message to anyone messing with him? Seems most of the young man mass shooting types in America are all evolved from this same anti-social anger emotionally damaged cloth. Crook was clearly of this genre. Shooting at Trump was his ultimate wanton chaos act of built-up rage retribution against a world he blamed for his personal pain and suffering...imo anyways.
  4. Pat, how much time elapsed between the snipers first seeing Crook on the roof and then taking action with shots? With binoculars or their rifle scopes, it seems they could clearly see Crooks had a high powered rifle and was dressed in what looked like military fatigues? If that sight didn't alarm them what would? They had enough time to call their superiors ( before the shooting ) to get some type of orders. That took more than 30 seconds I am sure. The video posted earlier showed a young red bearded Trump hat wearing man who said he was trying to get security men to at least look at what they were seeing regards the rifle holding Crook crawling around on the warehouse roof just 50 feet from them! 3 to 4 minutes of seeing Crook before he started shooting seems like plenty of time to get security personnel running to his location. Ah, memories of Dealey Plaza. Two to three bystanders on the sidewalks underneath the Texas School Book Depository building stated they saw a man ( or two? ) in the open windows holding rifles. Minutes before JFK even arrived. And not one official security person saw this?
  5. What? What an oxymoron. I don't think there is such a contradictory mind set person.
  6. Yes, quite a coincidence. Sadly, times have changed so much since your childhood Vince. Kids today have so much angry rhetoric energy all around them now. It's everywhere. TV, radio, internet. When I was young no one was absorbed with their I-Phones 24 hours a day. Seeing constant negative energy and angry news. We walked everywhere. We talked to each other. We went to movies and hamburger joints. We played pick up sports in open playgrounds after school and on weekends. I would practice shooting my basketball at city and schoolyard courts. We had crushes. We looked for part time jobs. We couldn't wait to get our first junky car. All obtainable with any full time job ( I could afford all these things working as a dishwasher! ) as the cost of rents and other basics was not criminally out of reach like today. Popular radio played music in my childhood was almost always about innocent crushes and romance. I am saying with all honesty...by and large, times were MUCH better for America's youth before the computer and cell phone world of today.
  7. Some thoughts regards the shooting and the shooter: This 20 year young man used the same type of gun 17 year young Kyle Rittenhouse used to kill two Wisconsin protesters and wound another...an AR-15 automatic rifle ... correct? Rittenhouse acquired his AR-15 illegally. Letting another person purchase it as he was too young to do this. Then, he transported this illegally obtained gun across state lines which is another law-breaking violation. He then openly carries and displays the loaded rifle right into the protest crowd and just feet away from the protesters and even the police, who see him with the rifle and do nothing regards getting him out of the high tension protest zone? Then, when a few of the protesters see this high powered gun holding kid, they get angry and attempt to grab the gun and in this confrontational struggle this childish minded Trump inspired patriot wanna-be 17 year old blows them away? He showed no sign of physical harm after the incident. Incredibly, juries let this young killer go free!? He acquired his weapon illegally. He transpoted it over two state lines illegally. He openly carries the gun within feet of the already worked up protesters, the police don't even pull him back, then he blows away two men, one of which was only armed with a skateboard? Question, where and how did this young Crooks fellow acquire his AR-15? The issue of the ease to acquire such dangerous non-hunting, killing only rifles will again become a super-hot issue now for the rest of the campaign. I read that Trump's ear might have been nicked by a small piece of shattered glass when a bullet hit the plexiglass shield/teleprompter surrounding him and not an actual bullet. 130 yards is almost 400 feet away. That's almost 120 feet farther away JFK was to the TXSBD 6th floor window when he was bullseye head shot hit on 11,22,1963. Isn't an AR-15 the last gun one would choose to hit such a far-away target? This was not a scoped gun was it? This young man was simply suicidally disturbed. As horrible as this act was isn't it time to stop the violence suggesting rhetoric...more on Trump's side than the Dems for sure in my opinion. Treason trials, January 6th..."hang Mike Pence!" Etc, etc.? Nut case Marjorie Taylor Greene actually said this yesterday to the press: Someone just tried to ASSASSINATE President Trump,” the statement begins. “The DEMOCRATS and the MEDIA are to blame for every drop of blood spilled today,” it continues. Greene then adds, “For years and years, they’ve demonized him and his supporters. Today, someone finally tried to take out the leader of our America First and the greatest President of all time. Watch the video, President Trump said “FIGHT,” SO WE WILL!!” If that isn't the most outrageously irresponsible, further violence gas lighting craziness words to say at a time like this...what is? Greene is a congressperson. Hard to believe. Did Greene and her crowd say much about one of their own nut case base beating Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul bloody after breaking into the SF home? Of course she didn't. I hope the majority of Americans finally say it's time to stop the 24/7 inflaming rhetoric being repeated everywhere in the media. Right wing radio. right wing TV and internet much more so than from the left. Listen to the dozens of right wing radio propogandists some time. Talk about threat and retribution promoting. Alex Jones type stuff. The Trump era has been one of extreme hate, anger and rage inflaming. Of demonizing liberals and Democrats. Of threatening retribution as soon as their leader is re-elected. This is all a Trump anger energy thing imo. I really think Trump has taken the nation into a kind of Post Traumatic Stress breakdown state of mind. Constantly feeding hate, anger, rage and fear into the social consciousness has created a nationwide exhaustion unlike anything I've ever seen. Maybe now our people will finally say..."enough!" Enough of the "fight" "fight" "fight" ( "if you don't fight you won't have a nation anymore" ) and retribution talk.
  8. Just some thoughts. I think just the fact that Oswald put himself on the line and went ahead and talked to this intellectual Jesuit group took some courage and strength of will. I think LO knew he was speaking to some very highly educated men and yet felt he still had something worthy to share despite his lack of such credentials. How well and/or poorly he and his talk was received is another matter although important as well. Lee Oswald was obviously a very emotionally injured young man. His entire childhood through adolescence was deeply scarred by extreme unstableness and parental neglect. No protective and guiding father at all and even worse, stuck under the control of an oppressively awful and self-obsessed mother who herself was an unstable psychological mess. His ENTIRE childhood! Many people who have such an emotional needs starved childhood like Oswald's likely end up living with major depression, frustrations and general unhappiness the rest of their adult lives. Hence, a much more prevalent rate of adult anger issues, cynicism about the world, general unhappiness, alcohol and other addictions, stunted personal social growth and job and education achievement, broken marriages, suicides ... you name it. And how does someone from such a neglected fatherless upbringing become a good and stable father themselves when he has children? Not as likely as those coming from much more nurturing and healthy minded childhoods. It's a hugely experienced problem in poor income level American history. Yet, despite all this, Oswald was clearly gifted with a noticeable in-born curious intelligence and showed promise in this way despite his neglected life growing up. He read a lot. On his own volition. Scattered reading with no loving and wise and practical direction. He eventually taught himself another language. A difficult one. Try that challenge. Lee Oswald also had an amazingly strong self-will to do as much as he did after such a neglectful childhood and escaping the depressing clutches of his oppressive mother. Marines joining, successfully completing military duty school, world travel and actually making it in Soviet Russia? Making friends there. Wooing and winning the affections of the prettiest girl in Minsk? Fathering a child with her. Not bad for a kid from his world. Much has been written about Oswald's early age anger issues. In New York where his nutty mother took him to live in a cramped apartment in a poor part of town with resentful relatives ( what an awful living situation ) he would brazenly skip school and ride the trains and go to places like the zoo, all by himself. Doing that in a dangerous big city took some strong willed young guts. And who could blame someone his age and living in such a miserable resentful host situation wanting to escape from it all? Those adventurous trips on those trains was the young Oswald's own form of depression escaping therapy. Young Lee was having anger and depression issues beyond normal teen rebellion ones. Hello! He even pulled a small knife on his mother's relatives when they talked down to him once too often. Luckily, that was the worst of that extreme acting out. Young Lee didn't have but a few friends growing up. Changing schools so often is a problem. And who would want to bring a friend home to meet "his" mother? He is often bullied. He does his best to fight back but being small in stature gets him beaten pretty badly. He has no father to seek some protective and empathetic support after coming home bruised and humiliated. He is poor. Very poor. Still, he picks up what little jobs he can. He somehow joins the local Junior Civil Air Patrol youth group whose leader is a convicted child ( boys ) molester David Ferrie. He reads and reads. The local library is his sanctuary. These sad truths about the neglected childhood Oswald are common in this country through the decades. I mention them ( and yet mixed with some remarkable inner strength survival abilities and drives ) only to preface my take on Oswald as a young man on up to his murder at the age of just 24 at the hands of a sleazy bully strip tease owner right inside the Dallas Police Department building on November 24,1963. Despite what L.O. had achieved in his short 24 year long life he was clearly an extremely frustrated, angry and PTSD afflicted young man. He could hardly find the most lowest minimum wage paying jobs. He never even learned to drive a car! Oswald had no practical skills when it came to making a living and barely being able to put a roof over his little family. Too often, out of pity, he and Marina and their baby had to take charity from others just for the basics. This humiliated and frustrated Oswald even more. Near the end he was losing his wife and children from his life for good. He knew this. He just couldn't seem to get it together to provide a better life for them. I think Oswald hit bottom emotionally when he finally realized he was losing Marina for good. She had had enough. She didn't know how, but she knew she had to get away from Lee permanently. When Oswald was able to sit down and share intellectual thoughts with others like George De Mohrenschildt and a little bit with Michael Paine ( so rare ) he was described as extremely poorly informed academically by them, although GM did say he saw innate intelligence in Oswald. I am capsulizing ( in an admittedly simplistic way ) Oswald's real life here from his birth to his death to try to explain and maybe understand his erratic and desperate behavior in his last days. Had Oswald completely broken down mentally and emotionally by 11,22,1963? Perhaps doing something even he knew was suicidal? His emotional development important years throughout his entire childhood were so neglectful and bad one must consider he was prime candidate for extreme anti-social behavior as a PTSD effected adult. And losing Marina and his kids could have been the final blow. Whether Oswald was a patsy or not...he "was" emotionally damaged enough ( and family loss desperate enough ) to do something enraged like killing Tippit... imo anyways.
  9. Oswald was eliminated before he even left the Dallas PD building and in less than 48 hours after they picked him up. An impossibly improbable yet perfect solution to the Oswald problem. Great job there Dallas PD, Chief Jesse Curry and Captain Will Fritz. You both ignored multiple highly concerned warnings from your own staffs to not move Oswald except unannounced and under cover of darkness. Those two should have been awarded medals for the greatest security failure in American history behind only the JFK one. Medals for epic irresponsible negligence and ignorance, and in the minds of millions of shocked Americans who actually watched strip joint owner Jack Ruby shoot Oswald ... disturbingly and extremely suspicious, maybe even to a purposeful degree? Where was the court case charging the Dallas PD with extreme negligence resulting in the death of an untried suspect in their custody. The most threatened criminal suspect in American history.
  10. Hoover and LBJ had the goods on JFK. The Mafia had the goods on Hoover. Probably on JFK as well with Judyth Exner. JFK and RFK had the goods on LBJ. Dulles had the goods on ... take a ticket and stand in line. E. Howard Hunt had the goods on Nixon. Others had the goods on Hunt. Mahue had the goods on Nixon and Donald Nixon and who knows who else. Nutty, eccentric extreme right-wing Howard Hughes was a CIA front and behind who knows what. Texas oil Hunt, Murchison, Byrd ( richest men on Earth at the time ) funded the craziest most extreme right wing JFK hating organizations - JBS, Minutemen. Murchison's El Charro resort in La Jolla, CA catered to Hoover, Mafia and who knows who else in the dark world of corruption. Commie threat obsessed fanatic JFK and RFK hating General Ed Walker was one of their puppets. Ed Clark had the goods on everything Texas. What a GD Machiavellian crazy corrupt cesspool/circus! "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
  11. The above quote sounds like something JFK would think and say imo.
  12. These polls showing a tighter race than the 6% point Trump advantage leading ones are missing a grave point. That is that the huge money Trump/Repub machine is making sure the most important states that were lost by no more than 20,000 votes and which gave Biden the electoral vote in 2020 will "not" be lost again. Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan ... I have heard interviews of Repub campaign officials in which they state they are doing whatever it takes to swing those states and their electors back to Trump this November. They aren't concerned with winning the popular vote. Same old tactic the Repubs used to take the Presidency in 2,000 and 2016. Gore beat Bush with the popular vote and Hillary beat Trump in the popular vote...by 3 million! But winning the popular vote meant nothing as the Repubs won the electoral vote game those years. They KNOW how to win this game.
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