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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Fascinating. Judyth Campebell Exner was a very interesting person in her own right. Monica Lewinski fell under the same spell Exner did. Willing to have sex with a married president. Presidents that made it happen. Lewinski suffered the same media humiliation as well. I copied this following piece of the article. Interesting reflections on JFK by Judyth Campbell. And by the way, I see "Jack Kennedy" in her boy's face. The eyes, smile, face shape, ears, full head of lighter colored hair. His build and height. I know, he was born after JFK was killed, but he still looks eerily like a young JFK imo. He even resembles John F. Kennedy Jr.! SUBSCRIBE VIEW ARTICLE PAGES She, too, has done her reassessment of his presidency. In the end, she says, it was his character that she came to doubt. Something bred in the bone. "The father [Joseph Kennedy Sr.] really set the pace for the boys. I used to say that the Kennedy men were morally bankrupt. And I still feel that way. It's a rather harsh judgment, but it's what I came to realize about Jack. No one wants to accept it, but there was a very cold inner core to him. He did what was right for Jack. And everybody let him do what was right for Jack. Whatever Jack wanted." She stops to shoo a Persian off the tape recorder. "I don't believe Jack should have been president." Why? "His conduct." Meaning his alleged dalliance with Giancana? His womanizing Mistakes? "It's flaunting who you are and the power. And I think Jack did abuse the power. The C.I.A. did also, by having anything to do with the underworld. I mean, you either set the standards and live by them yourself, or you have no business being there."
  2. I think it is getting more and more difficult to dismiss the UFOs operated by ETs story as a hoax. Too many reputable people world wide have reported eyewitness accounts of not just visual sightings ( including officially documented radar data ) but also incredible movements in air such as split second dead stops, hovering, taking off at incredible speeds from these dead stops to thousands of miles per hour in just seconds. And no sound even when these objects are as close as mere hundreds of feet away? A thought I have often considered is how these ET's apparently don't interact with humans in any humanitarian/concern for our well being way. Total cold emotional disconnect detachment. Almost robotic? When natural disasters or wars take place they obviously can see these, but they just let thousands or even millions of humans die by these without any concerned assisting intervention. Nuclear power plant melt downs? Deadly, torturous viruses killing millions? Droughts, famines, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis. And again, wars and mass torture of other humans by humans ( the holocaust?) It has been reported that sometimes the only message these ET's express to human contactees or abductees is how we are hurting the planet. Like it's the health of the physical planet they are concerned about...and not humans themselves.
  3. As always, very thought provoking. I wonder, when Ruth Paine went on her annual months long summer vacation in 1963 where she visited her sister (in Virginia I believe) and her sister had been reported to be employed in some way with the CIA, it wouldn't be illogical to imagine Ruth Paine asking this sister if she could maybe use her contacts to check into the background of Lee Harvey Oswald? Seriously, Ruth must have mentioned to her sister her growing personal relationship with the Oswald's, especially Marina. Ruth was always interested in Russian and U.S. relations. She studied the Russian language. Tutored others in it. She obviously was taken by Marina and the whole story of Marina and Lee coming right from Russia. Maybe Ruth Paine's sister was able to find some info on Lee? It was when she was on her way back from this summer of 1963 vacation with her children that Ruth stopped in New Orleans to bring Marina and baby June back to her home in Irving...correct? By 11,22,1963, Ruth Paine obviously knew or at least felt Lee Harvey Oswald was something much more than just a no count idle thought loser. On top of her great personal dislike of Lee, she probably sensed he was into some real nefarious political intrigue after finding the draft of the letter he was sending to the Russian Embassy. Even before 11,22,1963, she must have had some suspicious anxiousness about Lee, enhanced by the FBI visits to her home to speak with Marina and even asking her ( Ruth ) if she had any contact info on Lee. I picture Ruth Paine looking at Lee Oswald with big eyed fear/apprehension like Mrs. Kravitz in that old TV "I Dream Of Jeannie." On top of the fascinating contents of Jim Di's essay above, I learned a new word through this - "suzerainty"?
  4. The deeper thought reflective postings such as these in the thread above are well appreciated. This forum is so much more than just a conventional JFK assassination education and debate one.
  5. I love this photo. You get an elightened new perspective of Elm street as it drops down on a much steeper downgrade than almost every other 11,22,1963 Dealey Plaza photo shows. It really drops down a lot. To me, this specific downward dropping dynamic would make it even harder for a rifle shooter from the Depository as far as lining up the head shot because his target is moving not just away from him but also downward. He would have to adjust his scope sight line to accomodate both of these target moving dynamics. Try having your almost a football field distance target move that much while aiming. Getting a perfect bullseye on such a moving 10 inch wide target is an amazing feat imo. Also, the red castle tower looking building seems closer to the scene than photos taken above the Plaza show. I think someone working there could definitely see someone in a window of the Texas School Book Depository building. And remember, the event took place just after noon. The window side of the Depository building is South facing. Which means that the entire face of the depository had the full bright noon time sun illuminating it. I think this is why Arnold Rowland and Carolyn Walthers could so clearly see a rifle holding man ( ot two according to Walthers ) in the open higher floor windows. Let alone Howard Brennan and Amos Euins. Look at all the 1963 and previous year classic cars on the road behind the memorial. Big finned Cadillac, An Olds, a Chevy Corvair, a VW bug. Wish I could go back drive those beauties again. No seat belts?
  6. Pam, I just brought up the house filling light story to my wife. She was open to talking about it which surprised me. I was also surprised at how much she remembered of the event. It was 23 years ago! She remembered most of the details I listed in my orginal post. She acknowledged that the light was so bright, it woke her from her sleep. She agreed that it was a steady light. She remembered the power going out as soon as the light blinked off. We pondered that aspect of the light story. She remarked that our power here on the heavy forested Monterey Peninsula has gone out many times, but we both agreed this was always during heavy wind and rain storms in the Winter. Never on a calm, warm, no wind and still August night. Our circuit breakers didn't switch off. Hence our power automatically blinking back on 5 to 10 minutes later. We didn't have street lights in Pebble at that time. There were no emergency vehicles parked at our location. Everything was perfectly still and quiet during this incident. No traffic came by our house at all. Night time you hardly ever saw a car on the street we lived on, especially after midnight. My wife asked what my brother told me about high voltage lines arcing. How they wouldn't project a steady and non-wavering super bright beam of light directly at or on our home for 3 or more minutes. She remembered me calling the 24 hour Pebble Beach security gate and asking them if they saw anything like we did and how they said no. They were down the road maybe 6/10s of a mile away. No homes between us and this security building, just woods. She remembered our son coming down the stairs the next morning with a good amount of dried blood on his face and the front of his t-shirt and much blood on his pillow too. She agreed that when we checked on our son in his bed right after the light blinked off along with our house electric power, we didn't see any blood on his pillow at that time. And that his nose bleed happened in between the event and him awakening the next morning. And that we couldn't remember him ever having a bloody nose before this one. Is this all just a quirky odd story with a rational "down to Earth" answer as to what created a light that permeated our entire 2,200 square foot two story home and was so bright you had to shield your eyes to look at it? Who knows? However, the reason I will always remember the event story and why I like to re-tell it is because of the reality of these incredibly unusual and never before seen or experienced dynamics: The light was so bright it was hard to keep your eyes open. It was blindingly bright. It wasn't a high voltage line arching. It was steady for 3 or more minutes. No vehicles capable of producing such a light were present anywhere outside. Our power kicked off as soon as the light did. Then blinked back on 5 to 10 minutes later for no explainable reason. My wife to this day acknowledges not just the light event, but how the light was so bright it awakened her. As well as our son's bloody nose, T-shirt and pillow. Her testimony validates my take and memory of the event. She is someone who never even talks about things like UFOs, the JFK assassination or any other unsolved mysteries like these. She is highly intelligent, well educated, HONEST, humble, modest, hardworking, moral, politically concerned ( liberal ), great mom and wife. Always reading, watching as many films as she can, listening to oldies but goodies music, doing part time editing, being there for our children even though they are older. Her acknowledgment of the light story and agreement that it was so blinding light extraordinary even she felt some anxiety over it means everything in terms of my own sense of validation of the event being a true reality.
  7. When extreme weather and climatic conditions created long term droughts over wide geographical areas in the past, the stress impact was great, but relatively not devastating to the degrees we now know they are going to be. It's a matter of simple arithmetic. Our world population has exploded in the last 70 years. The population of Africa was 177 million in 1950, and it grew 7.6 times to more than 1.341 billion in 2020. What was the population in Asia in 1950? In 1950 the population of Asia was 1.4 billion people. The 2020 population of Asia is now 4.5 billion. When hundreds of millions of the world's population at a time are stressed to life and death extremes and mass violent protest and law breaking follows, political structures will devolve into total control police states with basic human rights nonexistent. Every human on Earth will be effected. Every form of human rights based governments will be effected. Mass migration efforts by the poorest and most stressed into safer and more productive nations will grow even worse than we see today. This isn't overly exaggerated fear emotion doomsday paranoia projection thinking anymore. The over population numbers are reality. They speak for themselves. Food and fresh water resources are already stressed. Any number of major natural climate and Earth change events could be the trigger for worst case scenarios. Where this goes with population control decision planning and implemenation is an ominous guess. Basic human rights respecting nations and governments will be tested like they have never been tested before. Hopefully, human ingenuity genius will come forth out of this unprecedented crisis challenge...and prevail enough to keep most of the world from utter human rights abandoning chaos.
  8. I'd say I wasn't sure what I just saw, except that it was probably something physically real. Not a projected holographic image. Would you really think that what my brother witnessed over the base in Morocco he was on guard duty patrolling as an Air Policeman in 1960 was one of our own experiments? He never ever recollected any other similar experience in his 4 year stint in the military. He wasn't looking for such things and never mentioned any others during and/or after his service and the last 60 years. When Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and Barrack Obama are all on national T.V. show video record ( you've seen them on late night talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel ) saying they know secrets they can never talk about or reveal ... what is the first subject of secrets we all think they are talking about? And even "they" have information held back from them. I wonder if the ultimate full knowledge secret holders limited the sharing of these secrets even more with Trump, who many believe might not be mentally balanced enough to keep these secrets secret and/or might use them for political and personal wealth gain?
  9. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about disclosure if indeed there is an Alien ET reality. If it is reality, and all of human kind is made aware of this, I am certain that our sense of our own self-worth and purpose would be forever down graded, hugely so. We would know of higher technology species and their possessing of powers beyond our comprehension. And who do you think would have the controlling upper hand over any relationship we might develop with them? By the way, my wife did see this incredibly bright house filling light, but she saw it through the cracks of her door and probably some of it through a window on the side of our home not directly facing us. And, she observed this for maybe 1 minute versus my observing it for 2 or more minutes before she even woke up. Plus, the second she turned the door knob to open the hallway door, this light blinked off. She never gave the incident near the thought, contemplation and questions I have, starting not long after it happened. I still never remember our son ever having a face, pillow and T-shirt covering bloody nose before or after this event. Pebble Beach is maybe 50 feet above sea level? So it sure wasn't the altitude. I have been going on You Tube to see videos of high voltage electric lines arcing. It's interesting to see them shooting out bright Tesla Coil like charges of visible electricity. But, I haven't found one that emitted a steady super bright glow for 3 minutes straight. The longest time of these crackling, flickering charges was incredibly sporatic and short in duration. No, it wasn't arcing power lines on the street above us casting this powerfully illuminating Hollywood Premier sky lighting light beam onto our home that night.
  10. Regards Bugliosi's dismissing Oswald possibly being a part of any group conspiracy ... "Bugliosi avows that Oswald would’ve been “one of the last people” the CIA or Mob would pick to kill Kennedy." What a laughably stupid proposition by Bugliosi. In reality, Oswald may have been "the perfect person" to pick and set up as the patsy in a high profile political figure assassination lone gunman scenario. In so many highest profile assassinations and attempts to assassinate, a single politically fanatical, frustrated or mentally disturbed patsy is most often picked and groomed to do the actual up close shooting ( a diversionary one? ) and take the fall. Oswald couldn't have been more instantly and perfectly fitting of this profile if he had held a large sign on a pole saying "JFK MUST DIE" while wearing a Castro army cap on his lunch break from work right in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository building for 3 days straight before 11,22,1963. His highly visible and publicized pro-Castro leaflet passing ( and even radio interview ) in downtown New Orleans just months before, his Cuba visa seeking trip to Mexico, his gun packing and Marxist news paper holding backyard photos, his fascination with Communist Russia and learning their language and on and on. And the final and "most important set up" of the perfect patsy? Kill him within hours of his supposed vile and mentally deranged crime. No court trial. Case closed. And get rid of any Oswald connection evidence immediately as FBI agent James Hosty ( author of the book "Assignment Oswald" ) said he did on orders from his superior. "I flushed it down the toilet." And one can reasonably assume other agencies performed similar Oswald evidence destroying as well. Asked years later why he didn't mention this Oswald information evidence destroying action to the Warren Commission in his sworn testimony appearance before them, Hosty said simply ( and smugly - seriously with a smile ) "they didn't ask." !!! Oswald's extremely public antagonistic Castro promoting political activities and actions in hot headed Castro hating New Orleans in the spring and summer of 1963 shout out a contrived double life portrayal. And this very public FPFC promoting effort on Oswald's part was so illogical in it's being undertaken in one of the most hot headed Castro hating locales anywhere except Miami, the equivalent would have been conducting U.S. Marine recruitment sign-ups on the Cal Berkeley campus in 1969. You are then forced to consider and question it's true motivation. Oswald must have known this. It was like begging to be spit upon or dodging a punch in the face. Oswald wasn't so naive and ignorant that he could not see the futility of promoting such activities in N.O. Oswald did many strange illogical things in secrecy. Creating phony IDs, meeting with political activists like Carlos Bringuier, printing up commie sympathizing pamphlets in the same building housing super anti-commie Guy Banister. Taking a 125 mile drive up to Clinton, Louisiana and trying to get a job in the East Louisiana state mental hospital. If you believe even one of the eight or so Clinton resident eyewitnesses who volunteered their seeing either Oswald or someone looking just like Clay Shaw arriving to the voter registration drive event downtown that day. One witness said he approached the Clay Shaw look-alike sitting in the driver's seat of a new black Cadillac parked for hours there obviously waiting for someone, and upon asking the Clay Shaw look-alike where he was from, the driver stated he worked for the International Trade Mart in New Orleans! Oswald was just involved in too many strange activities that made no sense in their stated purposes and goals and that were so contrary to his most pressing immediate need to help his financially struggling family to "not" consider their true agenda as something secretly and importantly nefarious imo. Oswald very seldom did things impulsively it seems. Lots of pre-planning before hand was his MO. His trip to Russia. His efforts to be allowed to stay there. His efforts to leave Russia with his wife and child. His trip to Mexico. His attempt on Walker and his escape and rifle burying plan. Maps, photos, itineraries, financial budgeting, dairy entries, language studying, lots of reading. To say Oswald did the JFK job on a lucky chance whim by being employed on the parade route just when JFK would be driven directly underneath a perfect deserted 6th floor window sniper's perch location does not fit his much more thought out action profile history. Oswald obviously did not want to die in the Texas Schoolbook Depository building that afternoon. He wasn't on a suicide mission. Knowing he wanted to stay alive, he would have planned a much less risky post shooting escape plan if he really was intent in carrying out an act that was this risky. Hundreds of bystanders and a small army of security and press people within yards right below him? Jack Ruby destroyed America's only real chance at knowing the truth about Lee Harvey Oswald. He spared Jackie Kennedy an Oswald trial, proved Jews had guts and did what he thought the Dallas police really wanted to do but couldn't themselves, get this fellow cop killer gone before a trial. And who in their right mind could ever believe that dirt poor childhood, hard scrapple, prison record James Earl Ray could have made an easy escape from prison and ended up with thousands of dollars and flying overseas in a suit and tie right after Memphis in April, 1968 without outside help and planning? Amazing how little effort was truly made to find his enablers. But, again, like Oswald, the official record states racist MLK hating James Earl Ray was simply just another "lone gun" nutcase killer who just got lucky all by himself. ???
  11. One fact to consider regards at least some of the Asian countries low infection and death rates versus the U.S. and probably European countries as well imo is: A sense of social conformity which in a country like Japan is incredibly strong, promoted and almost inbred. To obey the government and not stand out as a rebel is the norm there. Other Asian societies often fear and obey their governments more than we do as well. Unlike America which is and always has been the "Wild West" in this regards. Half our society will very often do the opposite of what the federal government asks or even tells them to do as a matter of rebel pride, principle and tradition it seems. World War II being an exception to that general rule. And perhaps rural poverty and huge differences in daily longer distance travel habits may play a part in infection rates as well? I have wondered why the Covid hasn't exploded on the African continent?
  12. Cross dresser or not, if one believes Hoover did not acknowledge and legally pursue the national Mafia for decades as much as many thought he should have, it's reasonable and even common sense to consider they had "something" on him. Staying free at the Del Charro and getting rigged horse racing insider tips being at least two compromising favors from that stratum I believe he accepted. Minor as they may have been.
  13. Pamela, even though I try to inject a little silly humor in retelling this incredibly bright home illuminating story, it is absolutely true. I remember sending this to George Knapp via his Coast To Coast AM link over 20 years ago. Of course he got back and was quite respectful and non-dismissive regards it's content. I have no idea whether this event involved "alien ETs." I never saw anything that this light was emanating from. I could tell what direction the light was coming in from. On the side of the house where the street was located. However, again, I truly was too cowardly to get up out of my bed, go to the hallway and look out the windows facing this location. Also, when my wife and I looked in on our 12 year old son right after the lights went out, we saw him apparently sleeping soundly, lying on his side facing away from us. I am certain that if his bloody nose event had happened before and/or up to and during the big light show, we would have noticed blood on his pillow at that time. There was a lot of blood on his pillow when we checked his room the next morning. This tells me that his nose bled "after" the bright light event. Just adding to the mystery of it all imo.
  14. He's no Fred Astaire, Tony Montero or James Brown that's for sure. I too thought his dancing was almost laughably uncoordinated to watch. Kind of like what you see some extremely mentally ill street people doing with no music in a crowded public place. Throwing their arms wildly in the air, spinning around spastically, making cross eyed, exaggerated sexual act lip and mouth faces. Jagger would add gritting teeth sexual crotch thrusting and shaking his dinky little butt at the audience as well. If anyone did these moves in any normal public place and situation besides a rock concert stage performance they'd be arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior. And Jagger always looked extremely emaciated and physically unhealthy to me. Like he was long term starved as a child and never recovered. I never understood the sex appeal to women, but I can't speak for them.
  15. Thank you Ray. Yes, my son is interesting. By the way. I forgot to mention in my story how my wife and I of course thought of our children during the first few minutes after this super bright, eye hurting and entire house illuminating light blinked off. With our power knocked out, we found a flashlight and together we walked down to the far end of the upstairs hallway where our children's bedrooms were. One had no windows and the other had one facing the back of our house. We looked in through their doors and saw that they were asleep so we didn't wake them. We remember specifically that our son was turned on his side away from us. The reason being we went over and over this event for days afterwords and how we saw our son when we looked in on him was a clear part of the story we wanted to understand. Another reason I can describe this event with such details and confidently stand by them as accurate even today ( 24 years later ) is I have written and shared this story many, many times since it happened. I can look back at my first sharing ( within weeks of it happening ) and see the same details. My story hasn't changed. The only true "down to Earth" explanation for our bright light experience ( brighter than daylight ) would be a high power line arc. These can be that bright. However, an arc like that would be an uneven flashing/flickering much like a welder's torch would exhibit according to my P G & E brother. The house flooding light my wife and I experienced that August night in 1997 never wavered, never fluctuated, never flickered "at all." It was steady and still for at least 3 minutes or more time. I know this because I had been awakened by it first before my wife. And before she awoke, I had enough time to observe it, run through in my mind all the possible explanations I could imagine it being, listen for any engine noise and then cowardly staying in my bed until my wife was also awakened. And it was also maybe 20 to 30 seconds or more inbetween my wife being first awoken, observing the light herself, calling out "what is that light" and then finally getting up out of her bed and walking to her closed door and opening it. Can high voltage powerlines arc for 3 minutes straight? Perhaps I guess. However, in our case, this common sense explanation isn't so easy for me to accept for the reasons I explained. Like host John Newland says in his "One Step Beyond" TV show episode intros, these unusual story telling eyewitnesses believe their experiences were real and something more than the mundane. They took that ... "One Step Beyond." One Step Beyond - Encounter jhk5862 367K views7 years ago
  16. Pamela, since this thread is still up and you are sharing your own UFO sighting experience, I figure I might as well share the three or 4 stories I know of, even though I have shared them before. I'll keep them short except for an experience that involved not just me personally, but my wife ( the most disinterested person regarding this subject you can imagine ) and my 12 year old son. My brother was an Air Policeman in the Air Force. 4 year enlisted man. His first assignment in 1960 was at a U.S. airbase in Morocco. His second was at Vandenberg on the coast of California next to the town of Santa Maria. While on duty one night at the Morocco base, my brother and his fellow security detail saw red circular lights hovering over the base. They were not thousands of feet in the air. Much lower. He and his fellow APs radioed in this sighting and after a noticeable pause, his superiors responded back with "we have nothing on radar, therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about it." The mind blowing other part of the story as related to my brother by other APs on duty that night was that one of the red circular lights descended to a level just above a few of the bombers on the ground, flew slowly over them, and then shot back up in the sky so fast you could barely see it do this. This brother is now 80. I vouch for his honesty. The other two UFO sighting stories another time. This is the forth one: In 1997 my family and I were renting a home in a community called Pebble Beach, California. This is inbetween the coastal towns of Carmel and Pacific Grove on the central coast of Calif. 125 miles South of San Francisco. This is a very high end community. Home to 6 golf courses, two of which are the world famous Pebble Beach golf course and the Cypress Point golf course. Pebble Beach is an 8 to 10 mile stretch or so of dramatically rugged shoreline and native Monterey Pine tree forest. It is heavily forested. It is not an incorporated city. It is a privately owned property company. Homes are on large lots and often seperated by acres of native Pine forest and shrub land and their golf courses. The home we rented was across the street from a huge undeveloped tract of thick Pine tree forest land. On each side of us were undeveloped Pine tree lots. Our home sat down from the road. Perhaps 30 feet lower as it was built on ground lower than the road. Now, know this about Pebble Beach. It's roads are purposely kept two lane simple. No sidewalks, curbs, no painted stripes or markers. No traffic lights. And NO night street lights anywhere in the entire swath of land. It's all part of keeping the setting country rural. At night, if you go outside and anywhere farther away from your own home, it is "pitch black" outside. The tall trees even keep star or moonlight out. I used to play scare my two kids by turning off our car lights while driving through Pebble at night. You couldn't see twenty feet in front of you. Even I was compelled to turn my lights on after just a few seconds. I am describing this unique darkness situation because it figures prominently in this unusual sighting story. I suppose if you lived way out in the forested boonies of America, you would also experience this rural darkness. It was a late August evening. Kind of warm actually. It's usually cool all the time here. We all went to bed at our regular times. My 10 year old daughter and my 12 year old son probably around 9 to 9:30 pm? My wife and I maybe an hour later? I slept in my own seperate room due to my wife's sleep apnea. All our bedrooms were on the second floor. Still maybe 20 feet lower than the one simple asphalt two lane street that passed by our home left to right above. At about 2 am I was slowly and woozily awakened ( awoken?) I had never been brought out of sleep in the way I was that evening. I had a hard time opening my eyes. My room was filled with a light so bright, I could barely see let alone believe or accept this light as real. I must be dreaming! However, within about 20 to 30 seconds or more, I realized I was totally awake and this light was real! It took me shading my eyes to try to identify this light. I eventually realized this light was flooding in from outside. My bedroom door was open to the upstairs hallway which was lined by nothing but tall windows facing the street above us. This light was coming in from something located there. I thought to myself, there must be a huge emergency vehicle stopped in the street or even on our slight down grade driveway, and shining it's full brightest lights on our house! Either that or someone had parked one of those huge Hollywood sky beam movie premier light contraptions right outside and this was trained directly on our home! I then noticed there was absolutely no sound outside or in my home. No large fire truck or other vehicle engine noise. I started to get anxious and admittedly shaken up at this point, yet, I stayed in my bed. The strangeness of it all kind of froze me, or maybe I was just a coward for not jumping up immediately and running to the upper hallway window bank to see what this blindingly bright light was and where it was coming from? I need to also add...this entire house filling light was not the color of normal lights like emergency vehicle ones. This light reminded me of a welder's torch light. It was a cold white color with maybe a tint of blue to it? No warmth like a normal light with perhaps a slight yellow tint? And, this welder's torch looking light never flickered or wavered. It was steady and still and hard to look at and see through all the time. I also considered that maybe this was one of the high voltage power lines that lined the street above arcing? If you've ever seen this, it is also a cold bluish white color. There was no moist or foggy air that night, very warm and dry. A squirrel climbing up and onto the line could haved caused an arc. However, my brother who worked for Pacific Gas and Electric company for 35 years, said if a squirrel had caused this, it would have been fried within seconds and the arc would have been over that quick as well. Finally, after probably 3 or more minutes of this sun burst bright event, I heard my wife awaken. I heard her call out "what is that light?" This light was so bright, even through her closed to the window lined upper floor hallway door, this light was shining under it enough to wake her! My wife is braver and less insecurely imaginitive than me by an immeasurable degree. Where I was already biting my knuckles and hiding and shaking underneath my blankets when the light woke her, she bounded out of bed and walked straight to her door and as soon as she opened it ... the light went out! What I found reassuring however, was that she fully acknowledged this light, describing it as so bright it was hard to believe. This wasn't just something out of my "Coast To Coast" late night radio talk show paranormal paranoia imagination. Another creepy thing was that all of our electricity went out the second this light blinked off! Our clock radios, our humming refrigerator. Wall light switches didn't work. We talked briefly. Bleary eyed tired and confused we couldn't make heads nor tales of what we just witnessed. About 5 to 10 minutes after our electricity went out, everything blinked back on! I was so curious, that I called the nearest 24 hour manned security gate house about a mile away where traffic into this Pebble Beach private community is monitored and controlled. I asked the guard there if they had seen, heard or experienced anything like we just did. The blinding bright light, the loss of electric power. "No" he answered, "nothing at all." My wife and I just went back to bed. I was relieved that she also saw and acknowledged this event. It validated it's reality. This Spielberg "Close Enounters Of The 3rd Kind" movie strange light story didn't end there however. The next morning, my wife and I got up earlier than our children as usual. It was a Saturday morning. My wife always makes eggs, bacon and toast on the weekends. The warm inviting smell of this was wafting through the lower floor kitchen and living area. I was reading our morning newspaper and my wife was in the kitchen when we heard our son sleepily mumble something as he had just descended the stairs. He was standing still there when we looked up at him. My wife let out a scream! We rushed to our son's side. He looked up at us. His face below his nose was crusted with blood. The front of his T-shirt was one third covered in dried blood! Stunned into silence, our son meekly said " I think I had the worst bloody nose of my life last night." My wife and I looked at each other and my wife just blurted out ... "Honey, I don't remember you 'ever having' a bloody nose before." I couldn't recall him having one in his 12 years either. We went back up the stairs to our son's room and bed and his pillow was also smeared with dried blood. Now, make of this story what you will. I cannot say it is not just a series of coincidental strange happenings all in one night. Or, could our son have been abducted and had an alien ET implant inserted into his brain through his nasal passages? I did not get up to see what was projecting the blinding light upon our house for several minutes that late evening in August, 1997. If I had and saw a hovering aircraft outside our house, I think I might have had a panic attack and suffered from serious PTSD from then on. Maybe it's good I didn't have the ... uh ... cajones to do that. This story is true as I described it. And I think it is a worthy one to share, regardless whether it was no more paranormal than a typical easy to explain but coincidently quirky and odd family experience. And by the way, our blood soaked son is very spiritual and artistic since then . World traveled. Always searching, seeking, creating. Who knows.
  17. The full interview gets deep. Worth watching. The Official Narrative of Tate Murders Doesn't Add Up w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan JRE Clips
  18. Just listened to this Joe Rogan interview of Tom O'Neill. What a rotten, lying, no good SOB scumbag Bugliosi was in real life.
  19. Just coincidence? Is that a common Russian patronym name?
  20. Only 2000+ views? These two with future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas ( who was later forced to resign from the court for ethics violations ) about LBJ aide Walter Jenkins being picked up on "a morals charge" and how LBJ and others could keep this real story from the public of Jenkins disappearing for awhile with the cover story of him being admitted to a hospital on doctors orders for "hypertension" and "nervous exhaustion." I stumbled upon many dozens of these taped LBJ conversations which contain some mind blowing content, much of which reveals the blatant darker side deception character of LBJ and his cohorts. I am re-looking for one I found and posted a few years ago of LBJ on a conference call to his advisor team discussing how to deal with information about LBJ's corrupt business dealings in Texas that was getting exposed and was so worrisome to LBJ he stated he could wind up in jail if this situation got too publicly exposed. The voices on this LBJ/Abe Fortas call are so hushed, you can barely make out much of what they are saying. I think this hushing was purposeful in that Fortas probably knew he was being taped. By the way, Fortas once claimed he resigned from the U.S. Supreme Court to protect fellow Justice William Douglas who was also being investigated for ethics violations. 15:08NOW PLAYING LBJ and Abe Fortas, 10/14/64 3.56p 1 of 2. TheLBJLibrary 2.2K views8 years ago 10:42NOW PLAYING LBJ and Abe Fortas, 10/14/64 3.56p 2 of 2. TheLBJLibrary 1.3K views8 years ago How about this call from LBJ to Alan Dulles where LBJ orders him to serve on the commission to investigate the murder of "our beloved" President JFK? h instead for lbj phone conversation with alan dulles 2:07NOW PLAYING LBJ and Allen Dulles, 11/29/1963. 5:41P. 7.3K views8 years ago TheLBJLibrary Warren Commission: Telephon
  21. CARTOON CAROUSEL The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics
  22. Deleted and copied to place in another more subject appropriate thread to keep the Parallax View thread focus. Not meaning to take away from the importance of the film, but has anyone else noticed a curious visual aspect anomaly regards several ( most ) of the P V's many outdoor scenes? I was born in Spokane. I have lived in Portland, Oregon. I know the U.S. Northwest well enough to know that the weather in Seattle is seldom warm and sunny. I don't know why almost every daytime outdoor scene in this film was depicted in a sunny setting way. I made an unconsciously spontaneous comment to my wife while we watched the film that Seattle sure seemed more warm and sunny in this film than the Seattle that I knew or pictured in my mind. Although, it would have surely been more distracting to the script if most or even half those outdoor scene's were filmed in typical Seattle grey, damp, drizzly or rainy weather I admit.
  23. © 2002 Deseret News WASHINGTON — As another Watergate anniversary arrives — now the 30th — Sen. Bob Bennett again finds himself fielding questions about whether he was the Washington Post's "Deep Throat" informant or involved in the burglary and cover-up that, in the end, toppled Richard Nixon's presidency. "I was not," Bennett reiterates. He adds that former investigators tell him he was the "most-injured innocent person" among Watergate figures — dragged into the nation's biggest political scandal because of eyebrow-raising ties he had with key figures. "It ruined my (public relations) business. It completely changed the course of my career" and evaporated early dreams, Bennett says. But, he says, he might never have become a millionaire — and today a Republican U.S. senator from Utah — if Watergate hadn't forced him into new paths. "I'd probably still be a lobbyist," he said. Bennett's life changed forever 30 years ago Monday, on June 17, 1972, the day GOP operatives were caught breaking into Democratic offices in the Watergate Hotel. He would soon be summoned to testify before investigative committees and would be examined for years by the news media and authors of books about the scandal that took on the hotel's name. "The reason doesn't seem logical now," he says. "But in those paranoid times, it made sense because of ties I had." They include: "I employed Howard Hunt," an ex-CIA agent and architect of the break-in, Bennett says. He adds it's "a near certainty" that Hunt planned Watergate in the offices of Robert Mullen & Co., a public relations and lobbying firm, founded by a press secretary for President Eisenhower, that Bennett had purchased. "Howard worked for me part time, and for the White House part time," Bennett says, adding he didn't know then what Hunt did for the White House. "I had been in the Nixon administration at a relatively high level, and I had a number of contacts at the White House," Bennett says. He had worked in the Transportation Department and also worked for years in Washington as an aide to his father, former Sen. Wallace Bennett, R-Utah. He knew officials in the Nixon administration so well that many thought he was the "Deep Throat" informant that helped Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein crack Watergate cover-ups. "Mullen & Co. was a front for the CIA," Bennett says — adding he didn't know that until after he bought the company and discovered contracts allowing the CIA to use its foreign offices as fronts for its operations. Bennett said that helped fuel speculation either that the CIA was trying to spy on Nixon (which some of his aides claimed) or that Nixon used the CIA for political espionage. Watergate burglars broke into the offices of Lawrence O'Brien, whom Bennett had replaced as the public relations handler for billionaire Howard Hughes. "That coincidence made many reporters say I was someone they better look at closely," Bennett said. Bennett was tied somewhat to recruitment of political spies. Hunt had approached a nephew of Bennett, Robert Fletcher, to work for Nixon's campaign. When he wasn't interested, Fletcher suggested Brigham Young University student Thomas Gregory. Gregory became a GOP spy in Democratic Party offices. He was even asked to help with a break-in by leaving doors unlocked. Gregory was troubled by such requests and came to Bennett for advice. Bennett says he recommended that he quit. Congressional investigators later asked why Bennett had not warned authorities that he was told a break-in might be planned. Bennett said he had consulted with a lawyer who told him he didn't know anything truly concrete, and he thought any break-in may have been prevented when Gregory left. Bennett also acknowledged to investigators that he once agreed to help Watergate figure Charles Colson hire a woman to spy from the inside on the Ed Muskie campaign. However, he said he never actually did it. Bennett was involved in other frowned-upon activities. For example, he lied to the press about whether Mullen & Co. had ties to the CIA. He says his contract required him to deny any such ties. He also acknowledged he once sought information on how much it would cost to bug the office of writer Clifford Irving, who was writing a book about Howard Hughes. Bennett said Hughes officials sought that at a time of high emotion; cooler heads later prevailed, and no bugging occurred. With all that, questions arose for years about whether Bennett was involved in planning Watergate — or was possibly Woodward's source, Deep Throat. Nixon himself once believed Bennett was Deep Throat, according to a book by his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman. Many other Watergate figures also have speculated that Bennett was that informant. Bennett was even quoted by name as a source by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their Watergate book, "All the President's Men." Bennett said, "My standard reply is that if I were Deep Throat, I would have gone on the lecture circuit and gotten rich." Many books speculate that Bennett was in on Watergate planning, but Bennett says investigative committees did not agree — and ruled that he did nothing wrong. He said a top investigator for the Rockefeller Commission's inquiry told him years ago, "We've come upon many innocent people who were hurt by this. But I can't think of anyone who has been more damaged and destroyed than you." Bennett notes that Mullen & Co. was destroyed by Watergate. "I lost all my clients but one," and he realized that dreams of possibly running for the U.S. Senate in Utah in 1976 were dead. Bennett said he ended up working full time for his one remaining client, Howard Hughes, and became a vice president of his Summa Corp. But when Hughes died, he said new corporate officials "fired all the Mormons." Bennett said he was in his late 40s, and no one would hire him. The only work he found was working with start-up or troubled companies. His experience in helping them led him eventually to time-management company Franklin Quest. He helped it grow into a giant, and he became a multimillionaire. "I can see now that wouldn't have happened without Watergate," he said. It also allowed him to build a reputation and wealth that allowed him to run for the Senate in 1992 — when he knew Watergate would be an issue. "Wayne Owens (his opponent) tried his very, very best to make it a campaign issue, but nobody was interested," Bennett said. "Our research at the time showed that it wasn't that people didn't believe what he was saying, it was just that they didn't care," Bennett said. He went on to win that race and subsequently a second term. One day in the Senate, Bennett said he was talking with Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., who as an investigator with the Senate Watergate Committee had once interviewed Bennett for 3 1/2 hours about his role. When Bennett said that, Thompson couldn't remember it. "He said, 'I have absolutely no memory of that. You must have been a minor figure,' " Bennett said. He adds that he hopes and expects that more people will come to the same conclusion. "I don't think that many people care about Watergate anymore. It's been a long time," he said. "I think people will probably quit caring (about anniversaries) once the identity of Deep Throat is finally revealed."
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