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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. So, the only way Fritz and Curry knew about this Book Depository gun show fact was because Oswald told them of it? Not one of those who were part of it or witnessed it or otherwise knew of it besides Oswald ever volunteered it's occurrence?
  2. The above video is one of the most astounding JFKA related ones ever imo. I've always been suspicious about it's lack of exposure, coverage and discussion in the larger picture of the actual scenario that took place in Dallas just two weeks after the tape was made in Miami. The main stream media in particular. JFK's SS team top to bottom ( almost the same in Miami as Dallas ) had to have been told of Joseph Milteer's JFK killing prediction before Dallas which described in advance the shooting in such incredible detail and uncanny accuracy any police investigation should have gone after Milteer with every ounce of effort they could muster. Milteer should have been one of the top 3 suspects on everyone's radar based on his too accurate taped JFK killing scenario prediction alone. After viewing the above video, I sense that the Miami Police officer in it was deeply affected not just by the fact that JFK was killed exactly how Milteer predicted he would be in Dallas just two weeks after their taping of him, but I believe he was also deeply troubled by the fact that JFK's SS detail and also the Dallas PD and even the FBI did exactly what his police department probably warned them not to do. To leave open windows in Dallas higher storied buildings unchecked or even prohibited and to ignore placing security on building roof tops at the same time. The Miami police knew how rabid the hatred of JFK was in their city with not just hot-headed Cubans but also violent extremist segregationists like Milteer. And one can be sure that the Miami police knew that right wing extremist and segregationist Dallas was as dangerous a place for JFK to visit as Miami was at that time.
  3. Thought I'd bump this older thread which was a very interesting one imo.
  4. I believe LBJ knew full well JFK was going to be taken out...ahead of time. Nixon is on video tape making an ominous inference to LBJ having some part in the JFKA through the mask of an insider joke ... "You know that Lyndon...he never liked to be number two." I have also totally believed Murchison maid Mae Newman's story about the 11, 21, 1963 Murchison meet up where J. Edgar Hoover flew in and was picked up by Newman's fellow Murchison house staff employee Jules Feiffer ( spelling? ) Newman also mentioned the main Murchison family cook by name and recounted one-on-one conversations she had with both her and Feiffer concerning Hoover specifically, with Hoover's name ( and even Hoover's nickname "Bulldog" clearly mentioned that evening. I also believe Newman's recounting of how the caviar and champagne flowed in the Murchison household for a week after JFK's slaughter. And how it seemed to her that she ( Newman ) was the only one grieving for JFK and his family during all that celebrating. Newman choked up a bit and her speech was halted and she glanced away for a second when she recounted the grief she alone felt for JFK. If Newman's story ( and her emotions while sharing it ) in that documentary interview were contrived, the woman missed her calling in the career department. She should have been in British theater. Newman's story and emotional demeanor in sharing it in the TMWKK interview comes across to me as one of the most sincere and honest and least contrived I have seen in this whole affair.
  5. Just listened to the 5 minute long segment of the WTAM radio interview of Landis. Listen to this everybody! Landis says he placed his Presidential limousine found bullet right on the end of the gurney JFK was brought into Parkland hospital Trauma Room 1 on. Next to his feet. While it was in Trauma Room 1. Or, is he saying he placed the bullet next to JFK's bare feet while JFK's body was placed on the exam table? Assuming he placed the bullet on JFK's gurney, soon enough the gurney was taken out of Trauma Room 1 and moved to some other hallway location...correct? No one lifting JFK's body off the gurney onto the exam table or pushing the empty gurney out and farther down the hall noticed a 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch long shiny brass metal bullet right there on it while doing so? Landis clearly waffled when asked whether he believed Oswald was the lone shooter. At first he said yes, then he immediately backed off of his sureness and said he really wasn't sure exactly what happened and even stated he had his own theories as to what happened. Then he quickly changed the subject. That response to the interviewer's question as to whether he "Landis" believed Oswald was the lone shooter, but then immediately backing off of that belief is the bomb shell of the entire interview imo. Landis definitely backed off the Oswald lone gunman finding more than standing by it. I find Landis's obliviousness to the importance of his almost intact bullet as evidence preposterous. If I am Landis, my first thought when finding that bullet would have been to hand it over to my superior agent boss. Knowing immediately that the bullet was an incredibly important piece of evidence. Pocketing it and then haphazardly placing it on JFK's gurney ( while the gurney was in Trauma Room 1 ) seems so ignorantly negligent and irresponsible it's absurd.
  6. "After tomorrow those damn Kennedy's will never embarrass me again. That's no threat, that's a promise." LBJ to his nineteen year long mistress Madeline Brown.
  7. With all the deeply hidden truth secrets uncovered ( and proven to be true ) in the JFKA research effort the last 60 years...nothing would surprise me regards a story like this also being true. McCord did seem to be a person of many faces and agendas different even from the usual suspects like Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, etc.
  8. His honesty and sincerity came through despite his limited vocabulary.
  9. Sir Roger Gilbert Bannister CH CBE FRCP (23 March 1929 – 3 March 2018) was an English neurologist and middle-distance athlete who ran the first sub-4-minute mile.
  10. Viewing many news clips over the years of Frazier when he was 19 and listening to his brief answer speaking during that time frame as well, my first impression of him was that he was almost backwoods illiterate. Not saying this in an insulting or derogatory way. He just came across as someone who may have been raised in a very rural and poor economic level environment. Yet, raised with Christian value honesty and morality good teaching. Buell was just a squirrel hunt'n country boy "kid" when he met Oswald. 19 ? Definitely not sharp and sophisticated enough to be in on something as big as the JFKA. And his smoke spewing, back firing old Buick clunker with missing hubcaps and a battery that died when he'd least expect it to does not sound like the kind of transport a spy team would use in their scheming.
  11. Did Frazier describe his military service in talks or a book? What was his duty classification. How long did he serve and where? Did he like the military and do well in his service time?
  12. Frazier bravely told Will Fritz something close to: "If you hit me we's gonna have one hell of a fight." Now THAT took guts. And it's my understanding the Frazier never once asked for nor ever took one nickel from Oswald during all the times he transported Oswald to and from work. Gas may have been cheap back in those days, but it wasn't free. And it sounds as if penny pincher Oswald never offered one nickel on his own to Frazier to help with gas. And yet, Frazier never once complained to anyone about this, including the rest of his life and giving maybe 100 talks about it. Instead Frazier has always had nothing but good to say about Oswald this entire last sixty years. Frazier about Oswald: Lee was a nice feller. He was quiet. He did like talking about his babies. Lee liked children and they liked him. Lee was a quick learner at work. I liked Lee.
  13. Viggo M. is a favorite of mine. I sure hope he doesn't decide to participate in this JFKA truth muddling and distracting project.
  14. Buell Wesley Frazier in his younger days and a rare pic of him in the army?
  15. Looks somewhat like Banister on the right. However, that was 16 years before 1963. Banister would have looked much younger then versus 1963.
  16. Frazier in the Army? Before 11,22,1963? I thought he was a teenager in November of 1963? Sorry, if Frazier was some deeper intrigue character in this whole affair versus his seemingly innocently kind, nice and generous Mayberry RFD country boy self...the guy is one heck of a great actor.
  17. TC is no longer a daily news person of interest. Ever since Fox News told him to take a hike...his high rating viewership star has faded into relative average commentator obscurity.
  18. Jim Di...did the subject of this Mafia centered JFKA film project ever come up during your sit-down lunch with David Mamet and Oliver Stone? I think I recall you mentioning the JFKA film project "Black Bird" ( which never got green lighted back in 2013) did come up in conversation. A project that was supposedly going to be scripted by Mamet and star Cate Blanchett? With a main plot line that seemed extremely interesting to me. So now we have this less interesting, even weird JFKA film production apparently becoming reality? I am curious how such a weakly proven "Mafia did it" plot line JFKA film project like this one ever got green lighted and huge funding financing (the most since Stone's 1994 JFK?) and with major star participation? Who the heck are the real money power people funding this truth distracting project and are making it happen? The last thing we need in the JFKA truth effort is a major A list star filled film with a plot line based on a long time disputed and fairly disproven guilty party premise. Come on Pacino... wake up.
  19. Just as I stated they would. The Landis one is simply unprovable. The Tucker Carlson big reveal story had legs for two weeks and faded away. Surprised no one is calling out TC for letting go of his block buster claim story as nonchalantly as he has.
  20. Totally agree. Professional image defamers and destroyers consistently use this psychological ploy of planting mental illness labels upon those they want to discredit. Nothing scares half the people more than their fear that "they themselves" maybe so labeled simply for defending targeted subjects or even keeping an open mind regards their integrity. I remember a classic example of this PSYOP tactic being used against Howard Dean in the beginning stages of the 2004 presidential primary campaign. Dean's campaign took a strong 3rd place in the Iowa caucus vote! He was now a legitimately viable rising star in the Democratic primary field! And smart, aggressive and super progressive liberal Dean ( a medical doctor in his private life ) scared the heebie-jeebies out of the corporate 1% / MIC power structure. Seriously scared them. Within just days I saw a national media campaign so widespread, aggressively promoted and blatantly obvious in it's one super exaggerated fear spreading message it was weird, and in my mind suspiciously so. "HOWARD DEAN IS NUTS!" Within three days after Dean's Iowa win, the supermarket magazine/tabloid racks right next to the checkout lines already displayed two of our most well known weekly publications ( "Time" and "Newsweek") with one of them blaring this huge block letter fear title: "DOUBTS ABOUT DEAN" ... with a dark silhouette image of Dean's face broken up into a dozen scattered parts. Really? Dozens of other national publications also immediately jumped on board with this highly exaggerated "DEAN IS NUTS" fear campaign. The massive right wing radio propaganda machine (50 million daily listeners) went so all out in this effort to immediately destroy Howard Dean's unexpected surge to the top tiers of the Democratic Party primary race they turned to creating an illogically frantic over-the-top fear image of Dean. They and the rest of the compromised and controlled national media latched onto Dean's inspired campaign victory speech and turned it into a maniac rant with very calculated editing and manipulation. They called it ..."THE DEAN SCREAM!" They played only the singular rally cry shout out part of Dean's animated campaign speech every chance they could ( many times a day ) and through every venue. With right wing radio propagandist king Rush Limbaugh leading the charge and playing the "DEAN SCREAM" seemingly every hour. "Listen to this lunatic folks" ... "EEYYYAAAGGGHHH!" The "Dean Scream" became a nationally reported joke. This Dean image destruction campaign worked and Dean soon fell out of the primary poll standings. Many voters who veered away from Dean cited some doubts about Dean's mental state which the DEAN SCREAM media campaign had successfully planted in their thoughts. Never had I seen such an immediate all out and hugely financed ( and successful ) PSYOP media campaign to destroy a rising presidential primary candidate who inspired that much fear in the true powers to be. Our own Joseph McBride provides a monumentally important and revealing look at this part of our media corruption, it's history and it's power to change elections and cover up many of our darkest national truths in his tome: "Political Truth - The Media And The Assassination Of President Kennedy." To varying degrees, Prouty, Oliver Stone and his 1994 film JFK have all been targets of this media branch of our secret government...imo anyways. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0 2004: The scream that doomed Howard Dean - YouTube Web2004: The scream that doomed Howard Dean.
  21. The two side by side photos in the upper left do not match.
  22. The side profile of Lansdale in 1964 grabs my attention. In my mind's eye, I could see the Tramp Walk-By fellow having that face. His head shape resembles the Walk-Bye man's. Didn't Prouty say from time to time, that there were certain military and or covert activities he was either involved in or aware of that even he could never fully reveal the details of? For obvious national security reasons?
  23. If you can't see any similarities in the Tramp walk-by photo to other photos of Lansdale as I described, what can one say? I see enough of them to consider it possible it could be Lansdale. However, like I said, only the highest body and walking gate scan technology in the world would be able to definitively prove an ID either way. It's difficult to discuss and debate Prouty with you. You are so invested in such a highly charged daily pounding of Prouty's credibility, character, claims, integrity and motives ( for weeks and months on end ) that to a degree it's sometimes off-putting to even consider doing so. Still, I have to consider your Prouty research facts with a rational open mind. You've definitely revealed many points about Prouty and his statements to give me some pause and fair reasons to look closer at him in that area. However, Prouty's incredibly distinguished, achieving and responsible duty career in the highest levels of military command postings after direct war time duty will always prevent me from considering him and his integrity with anything but the highest regards. If only half of Prouty's JFK related claims are true...they are epically important in understanding and revealing the full JFKA truth.
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