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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I would more trust Landis's earliest recollection account of finding a "fragment" versus his decades later recounting that is was a "bullet."
  2. Yes, some agents certainly did feel anger towards JFK regards his almost blatant philandering. Yet, I always believed Abraham Bolden's claim that more agents felt an even deeper hatred for JFK for his stance on race. I also always felt that Clint Hill had fallen in love with Jackie Kennedy. He spent years with her and the two Kennedy children. Probably hundreds of times in such close proximity that he would play with the children as intimately as their father. And Hill himself shared other physically close experiences, such as sitting with and right next to Jackie in the backseat of a car and smoking cigarettes together. Sharing thoughts and humorous asides. Close enough to smell Jackie's perfume? Hearing Jackie's incredible sexy breathy "Oh Mr. Hill" perhaps hundreds of times over that three year period? Sorry, but I could not have spent so much physically close time like that with a world class beauty such as Jackie K. ( and with her husband not around ) in her physical beauty prime age of 31 to 34 without falling for her myself. And add to that living an incredibly exciting lifestyle for Hill at the same time. Traveling first class to exotic locations all over the world. Being just feet behind Jackie continuously at major social functions. Feeling protective for her at all times. Kind of like the Kevin Costner type character in the film "The Body Guard?" Falling for his beautiful and young security charge "Whitney Houston?" I think it was very psychologically possible that Hill might very well have fallen not just "in love" with Jackie but also fallen "out of love" with his legal wife and the entire "Plainsville" life he shared with her after living this other viscerally and mentally exciting life for years around Jackie K. There is a video of an interview of Hill to discuss his book "Jackie Kennedy And Me" by a very well known internet You Tube personality Patrick Bet-David. The first thing Bet-David said to Hill to start the interview was "It sounds like you were in love with Jackie Kennedy" referring to Hill's book. Hill stammered and only said a weakly expressed "no" in response. Hasn't it been written that Hill went into deep, almost clinical depression after 11,22,1963 accompanied by a serious long term alcohol abuse affliction? At one point even considering suicide? He didn't do well in his marriage during his battle with depression and he and his wife eventually divorced. I have always sensed that Hill's post 11,22,1963 sadness and depression was as much about losing his exhilarating close presence life around Jackie K. and the deeper than professional affection he felt for her as much as any remorse about his failure to reach JFK in time to prevent the third fatal shot. Not one other person who also saw the JFK blood and gore up close ( hundreds of people ) ever expressed anything close to the deep depression remorse and guilt Hill professed he felt after JFK's death. With a possible exception of Kenny O'Donnell and his drinking? You'd think that SS agents Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman would have also felt at least some significant guilt and remorse and bad dream PTSD after they too saw JFK blown into a bloody mess right before their very eyes just feet away?
  3. Hemming? What a blowhard. Yet much of what he bragged about...was true! The challenge with him and his claims was trying to determine which ones "were" true. Did he really interact with Oswald when they were both stationed at Atsugi in Japan? Pat, you actually had an off-stage conversation with Parkland/Trauma Room 1 physician Dr. Robert McClelland? What did you make of him and his views on what he saw and felt regards his practically hands-on close attending to JFK ( 18 inches from the back of JFK's head ) and similar proximity to Oswald as he lay dying in the ER ( or surgery room ) at Parkland on 11/24,1963? In your opinion...was Dr. McClelland a person of high integrity and honesty? If you disagree about any part of his presentation claims at the conference you were both attending could you briefly explain why you felt so?
  4. I would think a woman car buying customer would pick that car color more than a man. It's very feminine. I picture a very pretty woman owning and driving this car. Not a macho man. Especially a Texas macho man. Same with a Dallas cop. Jack Ruby, Crafard even Oswald himself would look...well...out of place driving a car that color. Same with a "pink" color car. Didn't Ruby stripper "Jada" drive a pink Caddie? And a convertible at that? ### Correction. Carousel Club stripper "Jada" did indeed drive a Caddie convertible. However, it was "white" in color.
  5. I don't know whether my little story is even worth sharing but: 15 to 20 years ago I was in a grocery store parking lot recycling redemption line. They used to have these back then, however, the stores all got together and got our California state representatives to dump them. It was a great way for homeless people to make a few cash dollars from doing real work, picking up recycled cans and plastic bottles off the streets and in parks and such. I wasn't homeless but hurting financially enough myself I also did this. I'd make from $10 to $15 a week. Most of us ( including myself ) looked like the three Dealey Plaza tramps. One mid-day I was in line and had about 10 plastic trash bag holding people behind me. Incredibly, in our common bond brotherly bantering someone brought up the JFKA and how it was a conspiracy! First and only time I ever heard such talk. Right up my alley. A fellow younger than me ( with a clean and trimmed beard and more traveling, free spirit hippie looking than homeless ) and with a girlfriend volunteered the following recollection: Can't remember the exact details but the general gist of his proclamation was that his father was in some way connected to Bethesda Naval Hospital. I believe in pathology. He said his dad was very surprised he wasn't called to perform or help perform some aspect of JFK's autopsy. And his dad was very suspicious when Commander Humes was selected for this assignment especially because his father felt he ( the father ) was much more qualified than Humes. I was the only person in that line that knew anything about this fellow's recollection story in a true historical sense way. I think I may even have asked him a follow up question or two. I have long ago forgotten what my questions to him were. And once you got your recycle monies you skedaddled on your way. No sticking around for small talk with the left over desperate looking guys and gals most of which were missing most of their teeth and looking sleeping outdoors weathered and exhausted.
  6. 33:42 NOW PLAYING Uncut Interview - JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr. Robert McClelland Doctor McClelland states the hole in the back of JFK's skull was at least 5 inches in diameter and he saw significant brain tissue falling out of it onto the table. Dr. McClelland was the only doctor who was at the head of the exam table and he was just 18 inches from the back of JFK's head. He stated that Jackie Kennedy actually handed one of the doctors a chunk of JFK's brain matter that she had been holding in her hand since grabbing it from off the top of the limo trunk when she crawled out from the back seat to retrieve it. Please be sure to watch the entire interview and especially the very last two or three minutes as McClelland expresses his believe that JFK was hit in the left front of the head...not the back. McClelland also responded to the gun shot wounded Lee Oswald soon after his arrival to Parkland the morning of 11,24,1963. I wish his interviewer had asked him if he remembered Dr. Charles Crenshaw in the surgery room attending to Oswald. Dr. Crenshaw who was well known of course for his claim that Lyndon Baines Johnson himself had called and was directed to Crenshaw and asked how the alleged gunman was doing. And told Crenshaw there was a man in the room who LBJ said was there to get a death bed confession out of Oswald.
  7. Whether nurse Hall was mostly in the hallway versus right inside the small and super cramped Trauma Room 1 while JFK was being worked on there, I believe she was asked to help guide, push or pull the stretcher JFK was on into Trauma Room 1. While doing so she would have had a close up look at JFK and if near the top of the stretcher, a decent view of the back of his head. This woman had "6 years of full-time duty" in the Parkland ER Department before she transferred to the outpatient clinic for two years until 11,22,1963. 6 years! She would have been well known to that entire nursing staff there and surely well respected. ER nurse is a tough job. There is always a higher burn out rate in that department due to the almost daily gory injury, life and death stress one sees and experiences there versus almost every other department in the hospital. For nurse Hall to make it 6 years there was something.
  8. Vince P. Did Kinney ever talk about any of his Secret Service agents feeling any animosity toward JFK because of his perceived more sympathetic stance on the issue of segregation and black citizen equal rights? The September 30th/October 1st 1962 Oxford Mississippi University integration incident ( The Battle Of Oxford ) received massive news coverage and millions of Americans reviled JFK and RFK for taking the response path they did. They even had extreme right wing JBS retired Army General Edwin Walker arrested and placed in a mental ward for weeks due to his instigation of the violence there. Abe Bolden told us that we were never informed of the deep animosity toward JFK by many of the SS agents who were segregationist sympathetic on a personal level.
  9. Can we at least dispense of this childish notion that the totally corrupted LBJ's number one trusted political sycophant Connolly wasn't corrupted himself? Al Capone wouldn't choose a law abiding boy scout leader to be his closest Capo.
  10. Even Landis and his co-writer and publisher know that nothing will come of his bomb shell revelation declaration, except hugely increased book sales. He and they know his shocking claims cannot be seriously proven or disproven at this late date. In a strict United States constitution law respecting and abiding world, if Landis's confession could be proven to be true, he should be arrested. Purposely withholding the fuller factual truth of his JFKA evidence tampering actions in a capital murder case through "decades" of highest level time, effort and huge expense government criminal investigations assigned with the sacred task of providing our nation with the full truth about the JFKA could rationally be categorized as a crime. Imo anyways. And by so doing, Landis inherently undermined the integrity of the investigator's work and final guilty party findings and which also denied us all that paramount knowledge.
  12. Connally pardoning Candy Barr? Come on...don't you know that granting pardons is one of the best side-income earning gigs known? And the payoffs are always laundered in a million different ways. Candy Barr was L. A. mobster Mickey Cohen's main squeeze for several years. John Connally above corruption? How about Bill Clinton pardoning Marc Rich? New York Post Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big
  13. One can only wonder how much more of a thorough, experienced and professional autopsy Earl Rose would have performed on JFK versus James Humes. American forensic pathologist, professor of medicine, and lecturer of law Rose was the medical examiner for Dallas County, Texas, at the time of the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. Rose had performed hundreds if not thousands of autopsies, including surely many hundreds of gunshot victims and many of those being head shot victims. Ever read Humes responses to the various JFKA investigation committees questions about his personal hands-on experience autopsying gunshot victims? Ha. Just two that he could clearly remember. In Hawaii when he was stationed there? He then mumbles vaguely about "maybe" doing a few more in his San Diego duty. Humes knew he was out of his league in this specific area of head gunshot wound examination. Of course he asked for back up assistance. Hence the emergency call to Pierre Finck? And wasn't Finck an Army man? Kind of embarrassing a Navy man having to call for help from an Army man? Regardless, Dallas was much more quality experienced and staffed to have done a better autopsy on JFK. Meanwhile, back at Bethesda, Finck helped, but Humes was the main man. Heck, he didn't even make sure JFK's brain was weighed upon removal and had no clue as to why?
  14. I cannot not rule out Nurse Phyliss Hall being "in the hallway" outside of Trauma Room 1 versus her staying in that room once JFK was wheeled in. I do believe though that she did help steer the cart carrying JFK into Trauma Room 1. While doing so she quite probably saw JFK's head wound, thus being able to describe it. Did she also see a bullet on the cart as she was helping steer it into Trauma Room 1? That is a rational question. And I could imagine Nurse Hall staying around in the outer hallway instead of immediately running back to her outpatient post. There must have been a common feeling of "maybe I can be of help here" since so many anxious security people and employees were running around and obviously in a state of hyper-concerned anxiety and maybe even some confused shock to boot. And Nurse Hall had more hands-on ER nurse experience ( 6 years! ) than all three of the nurses who were in the actual Trauma Rooms and who testified to the Warren Commission.
  15. Anyone else feel that this is all just a book deal "cashing in" effort by Landis before it's too late for him to do so? And his story had to have a big "smoking gun" hook to make it worth buying, hence his claims of finding a bullet on the back seat back and his placing this on one of the stretchers at Parkland? I don't buy the story myself.
  16. Just read the Warren Commission testimony of the three main nurses present when JFK was brought to and treated in the ER Trauma Room 1 at Parkland that day. Doris Nelson supervisor of the ER nursing department. Not present in Trauma Room 1 that much according to her testimony. Nurse Diana Bowron, 22 year old nurse from England who just starting working at Parkland in August of 1963. Ruth Jeanette Standridge. Head nurse of the ER department. Their combined testimonies are interesting. Don't have time right now to copy and past the main points of their testimonies. In one statement however, one of the nurses was asked if any other nurses came into the ER rooms or area. She didn't think so but wasn't absolutely sure. One thing that stood out was Standridge's recollection of her cutting the clothes off of JFK ( his shirt ) just as he was brought in. Earlier in this thread, nurse Thuoy claimed she did this task. Nurse Standridge never mentioned nurse Thuoy even being in the room. Some discrepancy there for sure. Nurse Bowron stated that doctors eventually wheeled Connally out of the ER room and into the elevator down the hall to take Connally to the OR on the second floor. She described Connally's stretcher as a typical one. She said when he was wheeled down to the elevator he was covered by a sheet and had one underneath him as well. He was heavily bleeding the entire time. I believe that once the doctors got Connally off that stretcher and onto an operating table, someone removed the stretcher out of the OR and placed it in the hall outside. And for sure, the blood stained sheets Connally was covered by on his way to the OR were left on the removed stretcher. That is the stretcher the so-called "Magic Bullet" was found on. Can't imagine another bloody sheet stretcher being left in that outside hall OR location just after Connally was taken there.
  17. Talk about a testosterone pumping ride! Look at the " Holy Cr** "expression and crouched grabbing on for dear life posture of the right side running board agent. Did the running board agents have an external safety bar to hang onto during their wild, hair raising 60 to 70 MPH five plus minute ride to Parkland? Otherwise, what in the heck were they holding onto to keep from being blown off? You couldn't PAY ME to stand on just a running board for a ride like that one.
  18. Did Landis ever have any thoughts on the ugly and twisted inner windshield frame indentation? A frame made of solid steel? A bullet sized and deep hole that both limo driver Bill Greer and fellow SS agent passenger Roy Kellerman stated they couldn't remember ever seeing before that day?
  19. Isn't it obvious that Landis is simply trying to cash in on his "right there" JFKA security involvement story before it's too late to do so? He or his publicist or book publisher sure knew how to get national media exposure for his story. The timing of this marketing blitz is another obvious give away. Just two months before a fairly important milestone anniversary of the event which will surely bring forth some JFKA news coverage and articles? And if Landis didn't include some semi-bombshell bonus to the story ( I found a bullet on the top of the rear seat and placed it on JFK's gurney" what would he have?
  20. Nurse Phyliss Hall didn't have to find corroborating witnesses to her presence in the ER area or actually in the Trauma Room 1 where she helped take JFK's stretcher into. Since she never went public with her story, she wasn't confronted by critics and doubters who demanded she provide such. When she did allow herself to be interviewed decades later, I would think she might have provided the name of her friend who worked at the Triage station. Then again, maybe her Triage friend passed away years ago? Or maybe her friend asked not to be identified? I wouldn't expect any of the doctors in that room to have identified "any" of the nurses present. They were 100% mentally engaged ( and in at least some level of shock) in trying to save the life of the savagely injured President of the United States! So, in that frame of reference you wouldn't expect any of the doctors and other specialists in that packed and harried ER room to be able to say who was or "was not" in that room as far as nurses go. And when the JFK security entourage team arrived at the ER parking space they were all in super hyped-up anxiety mode. They still didn't know how threatening the situation was or could be. And when they burst onto the scene and through the doors of the ER department, they were surely just yelling for any personnel they could find to help them get JFK and Connally into treatment. Nurse Hall was standing right there in front of them (in uniform ) when they barged in. Of course they demanded she help them in their frantic efforts. Nurse Hall described how sorry she felt for Jackie K. And she even described the coldness of Dr. Kemp Clark ( she knew him from her years of employment at Parkland ) and how it was upsetting for her to witness Jackie Kennedy being so coldly treated by Clark upon his declaration of her husband's death unless she witnessed it herself...in the room. I don't see how Nurse Hall could describe that scene as detailed as she did without others who were there countering her story if it wasn't true. Others proven to be in the Trauma Room 1 during the JFK treatment could easily have debunked Hall's observation of both Dr. Kemp Clark, his final words to Jackie K. and Jackie K.'s stunned silence response. I wonder if any Warren Commission witnesses described the scene in Trauma Room 1 with a very different take versus Hall's? # - three Parkland nurses did testify to the Warren Commission. Nurse Diana Bowron was in Trauma Room 1 assisting the doctors and did testify to the Warren Commission. Only 22 years of age she had just been hired 3 months previously. Nurse Ruth Jeanette Standridge ( head ER nurse on the floor ) was always in Trauma Room 2 with Governor Connally the entire treatment time until he was taken upstairs to the OR. Nurse Standridge was never in Trauma Room 1. Does anyone believe that 22 year old, 3 month experience Diana Bowron was the only nurse to go into Trauma Room 1 during JFK's presence there? ER Nurse supervisor Doris Nelson was in both Trauma rooms to help set them up for the arrivals of JC and JFK. She was outside Trauma Room 1 and related Jackie Kennedy's sitting in the hall but then walking into the Trauma room to stand at her husband's foot. Doris Nelson gave a written statement for the record regards her actions and observations that day and the following two days. Some interesting points: She revealed there were other nurses and orderlies present in the ER area and even in Trauma Room 1 as she mentioned she ordered them to clean up the room after JFK was removed from it. She also states she instructed the entire ER nursing staff to not discuss the doings of that day in any way to the press. Hence, Phyllis Hall would have certainly known about this order as well. Doris Nelson statement: ACTIVITIES OF DORIS NELSON, R.N., BEGINNING 12:00 NOON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963. "At approximately 12 ;00 Noon I returned from lunch, and proceeded to check the various areas in the Emergency Room, At approximately 12:33 P.M. I answered the phone which was ringing in the Major Surgery Nurses' Station. Mrs. Bartlett, the telephone operator, informed me that the President had been shot, and was being brought to the hospital. I told her to "stop kidding me". She said "I am not . I have the police dispatcher on the line ." I thanked her and immediately hung up the phone. I asked Dr . Dulaney, the Surgery Resident, to come to Trauma Room # 1, and that I wished to talk with him because I did not wish to alert everyone which might have caused general pandemonium in the Emergency Room. I informed Mrs. ( head nurse ) Standridge, and she told me that Room # 1 was set up so I proceeded into Room # 2, and had opened one bottle of Ringer's Lactate when I heard someone call for carriages . Seconds later, Governor Connally was brought into Room # 2. I opened his shirt and saw that he had received a gunshot wound of the chest. Mrs. Standridge was in the room assisting the doctor so as I walked out of the room to check on the President, he was wheeled into Trauma Room # 1. I checked in the room to determine what type of injury he had sustained and was asked by the Secret Service to screen all personnel at the doorway leading to the trauma rooms. In the meantime, I answered the phone in the Surgery Nurses' Station and Dr . Baxter was on the line . He asked what we wanted. I told him that the President had been shot, and he said "Yes - what else is new?" I said ; "Get down here", and he said ; "I'm on my way." I stood at the doorway with a city policeman and secret service agent, and screened each doctor that went into the area . I offered to get Mrs. Kennedy, who was sitting outside of Trauma Room # 1, a towel, and asked her if she would like to remove her gloves which were saturated with blood. She said "No thank you, I'm alright." On one occasion she got up, and went into the room the President was in. I went in and asked her if she had rather wait outside and she said "no." One of the Secret Service men said to let her stay in the room. She came out shortly thereafter. Several White House aides and secretaries came in and embraced Mrs. Kennedy, and I believe Mrs. Lyndon Johnson was among them. Dr. Kemp Clark arrived. The cardio-verter was carried into the room, and Dr . Jenkins from Anesthesia came with an anesthesia cart . Shortly after Dr . Clark arrived, two priests arrived, and gave the President last rites. Dr. Clark came out of the room and talked briefly with Mrs. Kennedy . Then the priest came out, and I talked with the First Lady also. I was informed by Dr . Clark of the President's expiration. Part 2. "The President's doctor informed me that arrangements had been made to obtain a casket for the body . Shortly afterwards Mr. O'Neal of the O'Neal Ambulance Company arrived with a bronze casket. Miss Hinchliffe came out, and asked for some plastic to put inside the casket . I sent Mrs. Hutton to the 2nd floor to obtain a plastic mattress cover. I went in Trauma Room # 1 to determine that all was in order while Mrs. Ellis stood in the doorway. I asked David Sanders to assist "the nurses" in preparing the President's body before placing it in the casket. I instructed "the nurses and attendants" to clean up the room and mop the floor . After Mr. O'Neal, and some of the boys who work with him, (only one of whose name I knew - Audrey Riker) placed the President in the casket and closed it. Mrs. Kennedy went in and sat in a chair beside it leaning her head on the casket. At approximately 2 :10 P.M the President's body was taken out of the Emergency Room. Mrs. Kennedy was walking beside it . All of the secret service agents left the area. Shortly after they left, Nurse Miss Bowron informed me that she took the President's watch off so the doctor could start an intravenous and that she placed the watch in her pocket and did not think of it until everyone had left. She went out front to find someone and saw Mr. Wright so she gave the watch to him. I gave a blue coat containing a white envelope labeled "cash" found, and a card with the name "Clint Hill" to one of the secret service men. ( Clint Hill's coat? ) When the presidential staff left Mr. Price obtained coffee for us, and we went into my office, drank about two sips, smoked about two puffs from a cigarette. Then I made rounds and informed the registration desk that we were seeing all patients. Mrs. Wright came down shortly after that and I reviewed with her briefly the past experience. I went to coffee with Mrs. Berger. Then I went to the Nursing Service Office and was told that all supervisors were to attend a meeting in Miss Beck's office at 3:30 P.M. I returned to the Emergency Room and asked all personnel on the 7-3 :30 shift to report to my office. Mr. Geilich came in my office while I was talking to them "I asked them not to discuss the past events with anyone" and if any of the nurses were approached by a member of the press that they were to obtain administrative approval before saying anything. I went back upstairs to the Nursing Service Office to attend the meeting. After the meeting, I returned to the Emergency Room, made rounds, and left at approximately 5 :00 P.M . 5 :30 - 10 :00 P.M. ... Certainly there were more nurses in the ER Trauma Room area than just Nelson, Standridge and Bowron. Even if they were just there in case they were needed.
  21. And as far as Nurse Hall sharing her 11,22,1963 story with others I tried to put myself in her shoes. She witnesses something more shocking than anything she has ever seen. Even after 6 years of ER work which surely included many brutal scenes of injury and death. The "President of the United States" laying bloody, brutally savaged and dead right in front of her and the First Lady looking so crushingly traumatized it was ghostly. She still must go back and stay on her shift until 8:PM that night. She comes home emotionally shaken and drained and must tend to her 3 young children. She obviously doesn't want to show too much anxious emotion for their sake. And what does she say to her husband after the kids are in bed? If it were me...it would be impossible to come up with anything but the most shocking general feelings and thoughts. Details would be held back. She needed to process the once in a lifetime experience in her own mind. And she had to get on with her own young caring children life and her job. I would imagine that she also knew she shouldn't talk about what she had witnessed. Especially to the press. And she probably felt she shouldn't gossip about the event with family and friends as well. Hall was raised in a small 1400 population farming town. Good family. Midwestern working class upbringing? Church goers probably? So called conservative values type person. She never tries to seek public attention to her story and herself until 50 years later when she agrees to be interviewed by the 6th Floor historical group. It's not like she sought out the Oprah, Phil Donahue or Jerry Springer TV shows or 60 MINUTES. She never wrote a book or even wrote an article for a national magazine publication. And she even was honest enough to admit she went with her husband to Jack Ruby's Carousel Club to watch the famous Stripper "Candy Barr" whom she described as "beautiful!" You Go Girl!
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