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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Lawford played a sailor in the 1943 film "Sherlock Holmes Faces Death." And the same in the 1943 MGM film "Girl Crazy." Lawford's life's story is kind of like some of the roles he has played. A suave but financially desperate rogue who may have come from money at some point...and is always on the lookout to find that rich heiress to marry?
  2. Haven't seen the Good film. Would like to know however, how and where from did Ruth Paine get money to pay her rent and living expenses during her time in Irving? Or, did her and Michael own that house outright or were they making mortgage payments? How much did Michael Paine give Ruth monthly all that time when they were separated? I heard Michael Paine received family income from an endowment? Did Ruth as well? She didn't work all those years, did she? And who funded her later travels to Central America? I know Ruth worked later as a child psychologist in Florida when she moved there. Maybe even a school principal for a time? Michael Paine's family was wealthy. Wasn't Ruth's as well? How much has Ruth touched on her personal feelings toward Marina Oswald? Especially from the time of the JFK event and Marina being separated from her and even when Marina became involved with Priscilla MacMillan? It seemed Ruth was hurt by Marina's fairly hard and cold cut off of her. Any mention of this in the Good film? It appeared that Marina appreciated all that RP had done for her, but never really liked her personally. Thoughts?
  3. We knew the woman DLI student fairly well. This was in the 1990's. I admit I didn't know exactly how long her immersion stint there was. Yet, I do remember well her ( or her husband ) stating that she couldn't see her husband and their two young boys while she was in the immersion. Maybe this was a later year "mini" immersion program as one of you stated? Things were always changing at the DLI over the years from the 1950's through today.
  4. So, do you feel certain it was a suicide even with Dr. Noguchi's findings?
  5. Now, DK is a whole new ball game. She commits suicide just after putting in a massive effort to investigate the JFK/Jack Ruby affair? She tells others she has explosive information regards the case. She also tells her two close confidants ( her hair dressers) she is fearing for her life? Either you believe DK's hairdresser Marc Sinclaire's detailed description of the death scene ( he was the first to discover her body) or you don't. He describes a scene so staged it is irrationally preposterous to believe otherwise. I choose to believe Kilgallen hair dresser Marc Sinclaire.
  6. In the MM house photo to the right of MM's facial shot there is a back side view of a figure of a woman standing looking at MM's home The figure looks to be super imposed. Odd. Weirdly, the woman figure looks remarkably like the famous backside view photo of the "Babuska Lady" we all know in Dealey Plaza. Same shape, legs apart stance, head dress and long coat.
  7. We can all agree the MM story is not worthy of discussing in the JFK Assassination Research, Education And Debate Forum. This isn't the MM Research and Education Forum. From time to time however, JFK's personal life does come into the forum debates. I do find such JFK actions worthy of at least some consideration when people like Angleton, Ben Bradlee, Hoover, Hunt and William Harvey ( CIA station chief in Rome ) are mentioned in such cases as Mary Meyer, Exner, Ellen Rometsch etc. No one is trying to sully or demean MM, JFK from what I see here. The angst this subject creates on the forum is enough for me to steer away from it however.
  8. Prouty's extremely high military career positions and assignment duties make his dismissing a tenuous take. You don't achieve what Prouty achieved in the military without being taken seriously by your superiors throughout your decades long career. There is so much that Prouty relates that is factually true and important and that only someone of Prouty's high position background and stature could know and verify. When you are on a first name basis with high rank generals like Victor Krulak and so many others...you know a little more about deep info facts than 99% of others...imo.
  9. I would want to know who had the motive and means to blackmail JFK. You really think Hoover didn't know about Judyth Exner? And sorry Ron, I usually don't disagree with you on anything "but" in this case I do. And Peter Lawford was a pimp in the Sinatra world. And even married JFK's sister. JB; MM's super sultry "Happy Birthday Mr. President" song for JFK on his birthday just seems preposterous in the context that this was just some innocent playful Hollywood gag to liven up the party. Angie Dickenson admitted bedding JFK. Many other glamour celebrity women as well. Mary Meyer...and on and on...so why does the idea that MM did the same seem so impossible?
  10. There is no debate that JFK and probably RFK slept with Marilyn Monroe. Is there any provable connection with this fact and with her death to JFK's assassination? If Monroe wasn't at times involved with highest rank mob figures ( even just innocently and sexually ) and surely bugged by them or Hoover's FBI it would be a lot easier to say no . Like Judyth Exner's sexual trysts with JFK...you have to consider these darker side encounters between JFK and bugged women to wonder who was behind their set up actions. Hoover seems to be a constant in this area.
  11. Morrow focuses on LBJ primarily. A general take is that LBJ was much, much more corrupt and ruthless than our official history books and our mainstream media ever come close to acknowledging. Murderously corrupt? Morrow and I totally believe so. LBJ's closeness to Hoover and the CIA was such that he was the antithesis to JFK in this regards. Quite the power trio of like minded, agenda minded, JFK threatened minded entities.
  12. Again I mention the "found on a stretcher" aspect to the CE 399 bullet provenance. If Doctors Robert Shaw and Charles Gregory were 3 hour hand to body tending to Connally and neither they nor their assistants ever saw the thigh plopping out CE 399 bullet, then at what point in the transportation of Connally from the limo to surgery did the bullet plop out? Wouldn't have Connally's non-removed pants have held the bullet until they were removed? Shaw says he was only told about the bullet 10 days after his surgery on Connally. The provenance of CE 399 is as suspicious as it's condition.
  13. Wonder how the true identity of the Babushka Lady could never be discovered. You'd think "someone" would have recognized her.
  14. CE 856. Doesn't that bullet say it all?
  15. MIND BLOWING. "Everything we trained for." Trump's phony Capital police tweet came after 3+ hours of watching them be pummeled? Watching someone get beaten for 3+ hours and then saying...okay boys, you can let up "now?"
  16. Lansdale grief stricken over JFK'S murder? Sorry, but I don't believe that for one minute. Didn't JFK prevent Lansdale from being appointed to a position Lansdale seriously wanted?
  17. I never saw this post until now. I will immediately go back and change the title as I too admire Rob Reiner. Years late I know. Sorry about not seeing your post until now.
  18. Yes, Total immersion. Back in the 1990's we befriended a military family here. The wife was the student. There was a period of time where she had to stay on the DLI campus for 12 to 16 weeks straight to have 24/7 immersion where all she could speak and converse was Spanish. Couldn't even live with her family off base that entire time.
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