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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 079/page/n1/mode/2up [...] They made the pics to make things easier if evidence had to be produced to buttress the official investigation of one assassin. They made mistakes in that, perhaps even deliberately. Making them incompatible and showing them privately to many people years ago let the smart money know that everything was in control, and where the plot came from. My family is one of the hundred most powerful in the world, and I can tell you that that is how it works. This country has a long history of faking evidence [...] What is Livingstone talking about here? Why was Livingstone living in an ice shack and complaining about being broke, if his family was "one of the hundred most powerful in the world"?
  2. https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 070/ Harold Weisberg claims in this letter that Humes burning the notes was against the official regulations of the Navy. Can't find anything CTR+F'ing through the 1960 Navy autopsy manual on archive.org. More study is needed.
  3. What is this about the military shooting cows from fighter jets, and the squirrels sabotaging them? Is "laser" combat just a computer test where nothing is actually fired?
  4. Can somebody explain some of this 10/11/1988 letter from Livingstone to Weisberg? https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 054/mode/2up [...] I was often writing in the woods living in a tent or bare shelted without even heat in winter, and certainly no library. I lived in a car for years. [...] Once I went to Dallas and Earl Goz arranged for me to spend the night with a hoody guy who said he was a medical photgrapher at one of the hospitals there. I went home with him and he took out a revolver and put it on the table and sat there all night talking at me. I was dogged tired and very afraid but tried to pretend nothing was wrong. I finally laid down about 4 AM and pretended to sleep. I had no sleep that night. [...] [...] I experienced many threats along the way but it never detered me either. Two weeks ago I was assaulted outside my house and I believe I would have been killed had not my screams for the police brought them. I am badly battered now, and worried that I may have permanent damage to my kidney or back. I was repeatedly kicked as I lay on the ground. He was much bigger than me, and had been sitting outside my house for months. He looked like a cop to me and I felt like I was being surveilled. This had a bad effect on me and came just as one more deal with the book fell through, creating great dispair in me. I left the next day for my cousin's place in Greenwich, where she took care of me. I have no medical care. I've had a lot of violence and threats. Once I was going to speak on the radio in San Francisco and men called the station right up to air time and tried to stop it. We could see them outside with walky talkies all up and down the street. Cubans. They had approached me at a book fair there in the previous days and threatened me. Not long after that a federal employee whom I knew very well tried to blow up my car with me in it. I had worked with him in the Forest Service in Big Sur, and he had been a Navy Seal. That forest was surrounded by a big military reservation and I imagine he was under cover in the FS watching things, as they were conducting laser experiments there, shooting cows from airplanes, etc. The squirrels got them back and undermined their battlefield so badly that it screwed up operations. One could see the writing on the wall in terms of competence, when they couldn't handle that. I have had a terrible year trying to get this book out. I had two acute anxiety blocks today when I couldn't handle things. Groden caused one of them. He really can do nothing to get the book out, so I have to do it all. He has paniced me in the past. Got me into trouble, in fact. But we all have faults. In 1971 my publisher told me "You will never be published again. We can play pretty rough." I never got over it, and they not only prevented me from going on with my career and developing as an author, but they ruined my life. Many things were done to me. I went quite crazy. There were many beatings. Much violence. I thought that had ended when I came here, but now it has started again. I became my own worst enemy too, and it has been a nightmare. I have a three volume work called The Nightmare, which is about all of this, though it is very rough. Since writing the above, I learned that the Canadian publisher I first spoke to about the book in 1982, will publish it as best as they can, by January. When it happens, I'll believe it.
  5. Weisberg's letter response to Livingstone's letter about threats/intimidation/sabotage: https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 053/
  6. Lifton went back and edited some of his old comments, like above.
  7. Livingstone said in a letter to Harold Weisberg dated 7/1/1991 “I have had a total nightmare with many things going on:...”, “...Year after year of hostile action up to and including an attempt to blow up my car by a federal employee whom I worked with. I have lived with fear, often great illness, and terror most of my life” (Harold Weisberg Archive, jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/L Disk/Livingstone Harrison Edward/Item 007).
  8. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/L Disk/Livingstone Harrison Edward States Attorney/Item 12.pdf https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 152/ Weisberg made a list of quotes from Livingstone's letters where he makes statements suggesting he was heavily involved with government authorities. Here's one of the angry letters from Harrison Livingstone saying "I am the police": https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 146/mode/2up And in a letter from Livingstone to Weisberg, he tried accusing David Lifton of being some kind of "agent", adding that Robert Groden also believed that about Lifton: https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 119/mode/2up
  9. From a 8/8/1988 letter by Harrison Livingstone to Harold Weisberg: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/L Disk/Livingstone Harrison Edward/Item 093.pdf (Link 2: https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 049/, link 3: https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 050/) Some very high levels of the Canadian government may be involved in our project, as a full time federal employee has worked full time on our project for months, and the original contact came from someone working for the Prime Minister's Office. I even suspect that the Queen may be involved. Certainly Harvard had a hand in all of this now. They paid for all of my work and got me to write the book, ever since I talked to the doctors in Dallas [notation: "in 1979."] The queen? What is Livingstone talking about here? Right now I'm trying to do a read-through of every document on Harrison Livingstone in the Harold Weisberg Archives.
  10. A really great model would have the option to see them as shirtless and maybe also as skeletons - maybe with the suit "Faded" underneath it.
  11. As we know from the testimony of Parkland doctors Malcolm Perry and William Kemp Clark, there were press conferences at Parkland every day for a few days after the assassination, in addition to the infamous conference on the day. Clark participated in each of these conferences. There are known transcript of the later-day conferences, and news reporting was sparse for some reason. It seems to me that either quotes from the first conference are sometimes wrongly attributed to the later conferences, or for some reason the Parkland doctors used almost identical language in each of their interactions with journalist. In the 2011 ebook edition of the 1991 book Act of Treason by Mark North, we find this reference: New York Times: “Dr. Kemp Clark . . . chief of neurology at Parkland Hospital . . . said that there were two wounds, a traumatic wound in the back of the head and a small entrance wound below the Adam’s apple. . . . The head wound could have been caused by an emerging bullet, Dr. Clark said, or it could have been a tangential wound. He said that the wound was ‘large with a considerable loss of tissue.’”117 [...] Corresponding to that citation, we find: 117 New York Times, 11/24/63, p. 2 Likewise, in Vince Palamara's 2015 book From Parkland to Bethesda, we find: New York Times, 11/24/63---“Dr. Kemp Clark…said that there were two wounds, a traumatic wound in the back of the head and a small entrance wound below the Adam’s apple…He said the [head] wound was ‘large with a considerable loss of tissue’” [...] Here is page 2 of a copy of the 11/24/1963 New York Times: https://i.imgur.com/8cNzBKf.png https://i.imgur.com/sj5h1xw.png The quote in question does not appear. The only two things close are both on page 5. Here they are: https://i.imgur.com/40EWqQo.png https://i.imgur.com/Pi1sfmg.png https://i.imgur.com/nZQTilW.png I also tried searching the keywords on Google, jfk.hood.edu, and newspapers.com, and I cannot find where this exact phrasing was used. So it would seem like the book "Act of Treason" had a wrong reference which was spread.
  12. Oh, and while Francis X. O'Neill claimed to have actually SEEN the dead baby wheeled through the corridor at Bethesda hospital, Lifton said in Best Evidence that he couldn't find any evidence of any such infant death. Edit: O'Neill was almost certainly known to be lying about staying at the autopsy to see the restoration.
  13. Around the time of High Treason 2’s publication, Livingstone was a guest on the Jim Bohannon show on San Diego radio station KSDO. The only known upload on the internet gives no date. Livingstone again claimed that his car was sabotaged (Audio, 44:18 [link 2] [link 3] [link 4]), something which was not discussed in his books: Caller: [...] if you're worried about these men in power that took President Kennedy's life and Jackie ran away from them, wouldn't you be afraid that they would try to assassinate you and to shut you up? Livingstone: I- I had a government job for a brief period of time, and I was almost blown up in my automobile by a federal employee whom I knew quite well. People play rough- Bohannon: -Blown up? Are you talking about a car bomb? Livingstone: No, the car- the- the mechanism of the engine was set to gasoline pouring all over the engine to- to explode. I knew the guy very well- Bohannon: And you know for a fact that a federal employee did it? Was that person- Livingstone: He was a friend of mine- Bohannon: -convicted? Livingstone: - and I- I mean the person that I worked with . Bohannon: Was that person tried and convicted- Livingstone: No, I never said anything about it, be- but the point of this is- Bohannon: Why? Livingstone: The point of this is that people play very rough in this life, lots of people get killed in this United States every year. Several journalists are killed around the world, many journalists are killed every year. Bohannon: Somebody tries to kill you, you know, I- I must say, I’m a little different from you, my tendency would be- Livingstone: Sometimes, the best thing to do- Bohannon: -go to the cops, or, you know, my first gut reaction would be to- Livingstone: I took care of it my way, Jim. I took care of it my way. Bohannon: Which is what? Livingstone: Don’t read anything into that. Bohannon: Well I don't have to, you- Livingstone: Ok, we’re going to the next question- Bohannon: -tell us. Well, lets- well, alright. Livingstone: Go on to the next question. Bohannon: You took care of it your way, you're not going to tell us what that is. Livingstone: I don’t have to. Bohannon: Well, you don’t have to, no. Livingstone: What was the next question? Bohannon: No, you don't have to, that’s very true, sir. [...]
  14. Who can fully believe in a solution to a crime that involves so much trust in authority figures, even with the so-called physical evidence?
  15. Harrisonelivingstone.com is only partially backed up on the wayback machine. Some writings are apparently lost. What ever happened to Livingstone's hard drives? https://web.archive.org/web/20130126082105/http://harrisonelivingstone.com/
  16. Body language is a pseudoscience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUOleAo7lCk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0VQyEY-B2I https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsNLdrTf8YjdtnxXmhx36RHgoHa8wjMM1ftcOUhTy6A/edit
  17. 3 days late, sorry. The Warren Commission did not attempt to make a full list of every person who reportedly witnessed the wounds in Kennedy’s body. Neither would the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Almost none of the Parkland staff, in their Warren Commission testimonies, were asked on the record whether they desired to bring legal representation. Only Dr. Robert Shaw, who treated Governor Connally, was asked on the record in his second testimony on 4/21/1964, “Do you desire an attorney to be with you?”, to which he declined (WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117 [text]). Some of the Parkland staff acknowledged having been questioned by the Secret Service, but the names of the interviewers were never provided (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]). Others from Parkland either didn’t say or weren’t asked about what earlier interviews they may have had with the Secret Service (WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, Dr. Robert McClelland's 3/21/1964 testimony [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]). Some were asked if they had been interviewed by the federal government, to which they replied that they had not (WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]). A few made statements suggesting that they were questioned by a different government entity such as the FBI (WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]), but again, no details were provided. Most of the witnesses did not gave a full list of their interactions with the news media or other private entities. Nurse Diana Bowron acknowledged her appearance in 3 newspaper articles, copies of which became Warren Commission exhibits printed in the volumes (The Observer, 11/23/1963, British nurse there [link]; Daily Mail, 11/23/1963, British girl for Kennedy by Sydney Brennan [link]; The Mirror, 11/23/1963, Thirty minutes Diana will never forget [link]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]). Bowron was asked in her 3/24/1964 testimony “...does that constitute all the stories which appeared about your participation in this event?”, to which she replied “Yes” (WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139 [text]). Indeed, there does not appear to have been any more public information on JFK’s wounds from Nurse Bowron at that time. Dr. Kemp Clark acknowledged participating in five press conferences (WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Clark [text]), and Perry acknowledged participating in at least two conferences (WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]). Perry didn’t mention some of his other interactions with other private entities, such as shown in the 11/24/1963 article in the New York Herald Tribune, A Death in Emergency Room One by Jimmy Breslin (Link [link 2]), or the 11/24/1963 Boston Globe article, Doctor Eating... Then Came Call by Herbert Black (Link). At least 2 other reporters claimed to have interviewed Perry at the time – Connie Kritzberg (JFK: Secrets from the Sixth Floor Window by Connie Kritzberg, 1995; Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Nov. 1999, pp. 10-17, A Personal Story: Report the Death of a President, by Connie Kritzberg [link 2] [link 3]; The Men Who Killed Kennedy, episode 7, The Smoking Guns, 2003, 6:18 [link 2]) and Martin J. Steadman Eve's Magazine, 2013, 50 Years from that Fateful Day in Dallas... by Martin J. Steadman). Kritzberg also claimed to have interviewed Dr. Clark (JFK: Secrets from the Sixth Floor Window by Connie Kritzberg, 1995; Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Nov. 1999, pp. 10-17, A Personal Story: Report the Death of a President, by Connie Kritzberg [link 2] [link 3]; The Men Who Killed Kennedy, episode 7, The Smoking Guns, 2003, 6:18 [link 2]). Dr. Adolph Giesecke was asked in his testimony on 3/25/1964 “Now, you mentioned a few minutes ago that you talked about this matter with a number of people–whom have you talked to, Dr. Giesecke?”, to which he replied “Well, of course, we discussed it with Dr. Jenkins and various members of the anesthesia staff. We have discussed it with--I've forgotten that gentleman's name, but he was from the American Medical Association, as a historian. We discussed it with Dr. Mike Bush, who then reported it in the Anesthesiology Newsletter, which is a publication of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and then discussed it with the Secretary of- may I retract that. That's about it--that's the extent of the discussion, except with other members of the surgical staff and the anesthesia staff and these people”. The news media didn’t appear to have any more information from Giesecke at the time. Dr. Charles Carrico was asked in his 3/30/1964 testimony “Have you been interviewed by the press and, if so, when?”, to which Carrico replied “I think I have talked to the press twice. Mr. Burrus, a reporter for the Dallas Times Herald, talked to me about 5 minutes, probably 3 or 4 days after the President's death, and then a reporter from Time called about 3 or 4 weeks after the President's death, and I talked to him for a very few minutes” (WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366 [text]). No other descriptions from Crarrico seem to have been in the news. Some witnesses acknowledged having a discussion with Arlen Specter some time before they testified on the record (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]). Other Parkland witnesses either weren’t asked, or no reference was given to any such pre-testimony discussion (WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]). Bethesda pathologists Humes, Boswell, and Finck would acknowledge meeting with Arlen Specter prior to testifying (WC Vol. 2, pp. 347-376, Dr. Humes' WC testimony, 3/16/1964 [text]; ARRB MD 28, 1/25/1965 and 2/1/1965 Reports From Dr. Finck to Gen. Blumberg; ARRB MD 26, 8/17/1977 report on 8/16/1977 interview of Dr. J. Thornton Boswell; ARRB MD 30, Finck's HSCA testimony, 3/11/1978 [text] [audio]; Dr. Finck's 3/12/1978 interview by the HSCA [audio]; JAMA, 5/27/1992, Vol 267, No. 20, pp. 2794-2803, At Large With Dennis L. Breo, JFK's death - the plain truth from the MDs who did the autopsy [text]; ARRB deposition of Dr. James Humes, 2/13/1996 [text] [audio, partial]; ARRB deposition of J. Thornton Boswell, 2/26/1996 [text]; Dr. Pierre Finck's ARRB deposition, 5/24/1996 [text]). The pathologists also explained how they only got to a chance to examine the clothing at the time of the Warren Commission (WC Vol. 2, pp. 347-376, Dr. Humes' WC testimony, 3/16/1964 [text]; ARRB MD 28, 1/25/1965 and 2/1/1965 Reports From Dr. Finck to Gen. Blumberg). Specter authored a report on his 3/11/1964 interview of Humes, Boswell, and Admiral Calvin Galloway (Link). No reports were known to have been made describing the Commission’s pre-testimony interviews of Parkland witnesses. Specter did report on his 3/12/1964 interview of two FBI agents who witnessed the autopsy, James Sibert and Francis X. O’Neill (3/12/1964 memo from Specter to J. Lee Rankin, Interview of FBI Agents Present at Autopsy [link 2] [link 3] [link 4]). Neither agent testified. Some of the witnesses acknowledged the issue of whether they detailed their experiences in any other written records besides their hospital reports (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]). Others didn’t acknowledge, or weren’t asked about additional written records (WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]). Some Parkland witnesses were asked whether they had any other information to volunteer (WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 117-129, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]), while others were not (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]). Not only were many of the Parkland staff were questioned on their level of experience with gunshot wounds, but many were asked their opinion on the official story’s very specific hypothetical perimeters, including the feet-per-second speed of the bullet (WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 117-129, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]).
  18. Today I will post my own survey of problems in medical witness wc testimonies.
  19. Also here is study of the Harper fragment's chain of custody: http://www.old.reddit.com/r/JFKeveryday/comments/jz5hvu/small_wounds_in_the_front_of_jfks_head_part_12
  20. The Harper fragment was (much later) recalled to have been found far forward of the limo, though?
  21. The large head wound is an overrated issue compared to some of the other pieces of evidence. Just once I'd like to see a fully-produced documentary on the JFK medical evidence that doesn't bother touching on the large head wound.
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