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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Richard, I have to agree. All those CIA guys were XXXXX. They never told the truth about much of anything. I have seen this before. Helms liked jerking the chains of lots of people, including the interviewer. You can see he is getting satisfaction from this. Helms, like Bill Clinton, was a good 12 year old xxxx. That's a xxxx who denies something, but offers no proof to support this denial except the worthiness of their character. Sorry about about all the XXXX's. Next time I will find a better way to describe a deceptive person.
  2. Sorry Richard, I don't buy it. That's because it's from Leavelle who may have told the truth or not. That may have just been Leavelle's reaction or his reaction because that was the way he was supposed to be. Most DPD officers said what they were supposed to say about the assassination. I do have to agree about police taking care of their own. In the state of KY people have a bad habit of shooting and killing State Troopers. It happens every few years. This goes back to the 50s. I don't know about recent years since I haven't paid attention, but in the past the suspect killer rarely survived his capture. I do recall one case in 1979 where the dad of one of my students killed a trooper and hid out for a year. He was captured in Illinois, not Ky. A KY State Trooper was sent to bring him back to Ky, but he didn't make it. Once again sorry. But, I have read to many DPD and Dallas Sheriff Office people's testimonies to have much faith in anything they might say. I can't think of anything other than more speculation. Someone didn't want to see Oswald killed. IMO, it was the job of Officer McDonald to shoot Oswald with a throw down at the Texas Theater. It could have been the same for Officer Tippit. If you recall the newspaper article that links the two at the Texas Theater. Maybe Tippit was to be killed there to blame Oswald and clear McDonald for shooting Oswald dead. Tippit was killed earlier and couldn't join McDonald at the Texas Theater. Someone gave McDonald an inoperative pistol. My bet is Jack Ruby.
  3. Like almost everything about Oswald and the assassination it's a maybe or maybe not. Paul Brancato 6 6 2019- “Maybe, but it seems everyone is missing my point. Why would Harvey’s deputy have to spell out the exact flight route? Starting point Rome, ending point Dallas. Where is your destination today Mr. Harvey? Why, Dallas Texas, by way of Chicago. Seriously, why does it matter if it’s a direct flight?” Karl Kinkaski 12 21 2019- “Quote Trauma room one, by Charles A. Crenshaw M.D. p. 132 (Time 24.11.1963. Place, Trauma room two, where Crenshaw and others were trying to save Oswalds live.) »I looked up, an took a deep breath. When I did, I spotted a large man across the room, whom I didn’t recognized. HE RESEMLED OLIVER HARDY IN A SCRUB SUIT WITH NO MASK. MOST ARLARMING THERE WAS A PISTOL HANGING FROM HIS BACK POCKET AND IF IT HAD FALLEN TO THE FLOOR IT COULD HAVE DISCHARGED AND KILLED SOMEONE. I never knew how he got into the operating room and who gave him the scrub suit.(...) (Oswald) was fighting for his live, while a pistol packed intruder looked on. I didn’t know what to think, except that we had to get a cap and mask to the son of a bitch before he contaminated the entire room whit bacteria. (…) ...I wanted to throw out his ass of the operating room, but I was afraid that he would shoot me...I handed him the cap and the mask. He put it on without comment.” Someone wanted to make sure Oswald didn't survive.
  4. Steve, These are really interesting. I am aware of material such as this an more. It makes up the basis for why I think as I do. I am a believer in the Harvey and Lee theory. Actually, it is more than a theory. I get into trouble with the Harvey and Lee folks on some on my notions which are different from theirs. Generally, the issue is whether Oswald spoke Russian very poorly or did he speak Russian fluently. Some witnesses say he spoke poorly and others fluently. To me, he difference in language ability doesn't suggest poor or faulty witnesses, but the presence of two Oswalds. This is not in accord with Harvey and Lee theory. They allow only Harvey in Russia. I guess this makes me an outsider these days, but I am not going to change my ideas. It is what makes sense to me. I'm like the Covid 19 virus percentages in KY. 22 deaths per 100,000. That's a percentage chance of not dying of the virus of 99.9998 per cent. Said another way you have a .0002 per cent chance of dying of the virus in KY. Don't get me wrong. People are dying of Covid 19 in KY. It is simply not a pandemic. It is a political pandemic. My support for the theory of Harvey and Lee is similar. About 99.9 percent. John Armstrong and Jim Hargrove have it nailed. Well, except for my exceptions which for the most part are very minor.
  5. David, Thanks on that. I will look into this.
  6. David, Do you have a reference for Bill Harvey being at the death of Oswald in the hospital? If you do would you have any notion of why he was there? Wasn't Harvey in Italy? If Bill Harvey was in the trauma room then that makes a very loose connection, a possible connection, to the Oswald Project at it's very beginning in the mid to late 1940s. I have Elizabeth Bentley pegged as the lady who called in the Tippit phone call doc. There is no evidence to support this under than intuition. Bill Harvey was the principle FBI agent who interviewed her when she turned herself into the FBI. She was the only person who may have had intelligence of this project at it's very inception. The Red Queen was the spy queen of the 1940s. She was running the most important spy networks in regards to the government and particularly the OSS. The OSS was riddled with communists spies and agents at its top levels. That's why Truman shut it down immediately within 10 days. This information about communist spies in the OSS comes from Elizabeth Bentley and Bill Harvey. Can you imagine Trump shutting down the CIA as Truman did the OSS. Could be even do that today? I believe the Oswald Project begins with Allen Dulles before the war is over and Harvey, the immigrant child was part of a group of children from Poland or the Belarus area of Russia, was placed into the hands of the Gardos or someone similar like Louis Weinstock for safe keeping and training. He doesn't show up with Mysterious Marge until 1947. That could leave as many as 4 years living in New York with someone. Dulles and others worked to save immigrants particularly Jewish who were being murdered wholesale by the Germans in Poland and Western Russia (Belarus) during 1941-1943. Here's a major what if for you. What if immigrant Harvey was really from the Belarus area of Russia. He would have been 4 or 5 when sent to Switzerland into the clutches of Allan Dulles. Maybe, it why he was accepted by the Russians. A child wanting to return to his home in Minsk, Belarus. Plus, he had great stuff on the U2.
  7. David, You make a good point. Don't get me wrong but, Detective Leavelle and DPD officers and the County sheriffs testimonies are filled with changed stories and questionable material, IMO. Leavelle was not amongst the good guys. That white suit and white stetson made him stand out next to Oswald and it was easily identified that the man cuffed to him was Oswald in black. His visit to Mary Hollies in January, 1964 (if I'm remembering correctly) is strange. The DPD kills one of it's own just for the purposes of the assassination? It's hard to find evidence of that. Besides, that kind of information in a police department can't and won't be kept secret, IMO. Think of the results of that. Who knows it may have been a common occurence at the DPD over the years?
  8. I don't mind speculation. Half the fun of some comments is speculation. I clearly label mine. I don't hold it against anyone for speculating. But, we do read a lot of speculation passed off as more substantial material. The above quote, although plausible, is simply speculation. You can't prove that so it is speculation.
  9. That's a good question. He didn't. When almost all people tell the story of Oswald and McDonald's confrontation they leave out the interesting part. Oswald punched and knocked McDonald to the floor. And, in him doing that one has to ask the question "If Oswald had the time to knock McDonald to the floor then why didn't he shoot him"? Oh, the gun misfired. That's rich, too. A perfectly operable gun at the Tippit shooting becomes inoperable at the theater. Oswald was considered a dangerous and violent suspect and would have to be to controlled by big professional policeman because of the McDonald event. Look at what is going on in this photo: With these bruisers nearby Oswald was not going to get away with anything.
  10. How about this for a what if? What if this was the way the story was supposed to go? Why would this news story connect Tippit and McDonald? Tippit and McDonald receive a tip that the assassin might have gone into the theater? That's rich. Who would be the informant and why contact Tippit and McDonald? Different officers assigned to different duties and areas. What connects the two? This even leads to crazier thoughts. What if Tippit was killed because he was tasked to kill Oswald and another faction didn't like that idea and killed Tippit. McDonald proceeds with the Oswald assassination plan in the theater with a throw down weapon. This was one provided to him in an inoperable condition so Oswald would not be shot. This inoperable weapon was supplied by the faction that didn't want Oswald killed. Jack Ruby paid heavily for this. Well, IMO there has never been an adequate motive for Tippit being killed. All this is essentially speculation, but that often leads to looking at things differently. A throw down weapon is usually one that is not traceable. But, there are conditions where it is desirable for the weapon to be associated with the suspect. Hello, Backyard Photos.
  11. I could not have said that better. I have always believed that the description of the suspect came from Baker and his third/4th floor encounter. Also, the description of the suspect happens to be the same description in Oswald's record is not a coincidence. There were two Oswalds at the TSBD that day as described by their manner of leaving. The fellow met on the 3rd/4th floor may very well have been the original Lee Harvey Oswlad. And, truly this incident fades away and is replaced by Truly's 2nd floor encounter event. One might even think this description was prepared beforehand to be the suspect's description.
  12. Looks like I may have been right in May. This kind of thing can also be seen in Muchmore, if I am remembering correctly. Muchmore and Moorman have many similarities.
  13. Jackie Kennedy said the motorcycles were continually backfiring. I don't know about firecrackers. I don't think any witnesses actually said they saw one, maybe a couple. They just said they heard something like one. With all that noise how could anyone tell what were a firecrackers or backfires. They happened all along the parade route as the p. limo came to the intersection of Main and Houston, along Houston, and on Elm. Because of hearing 3 shots, that is basically is what most witnesses said. I believe each shooting team was limited to 3 shots. Could be one guy or three. There's a problem with this and 3 shots. The FBI may have coerced or changed testimony to 3 shots in different sequences to confuse the situation as would be normal for witnesses. Did they do this to witness statements? Yes. 3 shots match what one sees in the Zapruder film. Which may have been under production prior to the assassination. Remember what Dino Bruginio, the CIA photo lab wizard, said. Paraphrasing, anything can be done with film. I'm not sure I agree with 17 shots. But, you have laid out your thinking in support of that. That's more than a lot of folks do. And, as you said, "Obviously, I have no proof of the above scenario, but what the hell, there are grown men on this forum legitimately talking about aliens and UFOs..." That's why I don't mind speculating about events from time to time. And, a horror story to some is there is not much evidence to support these speculations. My major contention is that something different happened in Dealey Plaza than what the official story (WC conclusions) says and it is also different to those theorists who use the Zapruder film as a major portion of their theories. Here's what really bothers peope. 105 witnesses say that almost everyone speaking about the assassination is wrong. 105 witnesses say the headshot at Z 313 is fictitious and so on. Nobody will ever be prosecuted in modern times for what happened 57 years ago. Most of the people involved are now gone and the rest will depart shortly, if there is anyone left. What's left? Contradict and expose "lone nutter" theories and conclusions. Most people who read this are not going to change their thinking to something new and radical. They have to much invested in their own reasoning and theories.
  14. Listed below are witnesses who said something different than the official story. The last category is just a sample of the witnesses who said something about the intersection of Elm and Houston streets and in front of the TSBD. See the larger list for more. (100+ witnesses) Witnesses who saw or heard shooting on Main Street 1. Alan Smith- Chicago Tribune article 11 23 63- He claimed he saw the shooting of the President close up at 10 feet away from the shooting on Main Street. 2. Rose Clark- FBI Report- 1 10 64- She was with Jeanette Hooker and Lillian Mooneyham. They were in Judge Henry King’s court room when the motorcade came down Main Street. She heard 3 shots. To see the parade come down Main Street King’s court room must be on the south side. There is a confusion on which court room faces south and where one an watch the parade come down Main Street. 3. Jeanette E. Hooker- 1-8-64- estimated that the presidential limousine was almost to the R L Thornton sign when she heard 3 shots. Almost to the R L Thornton sign means in front of the SW corner of the TSBD 4. Lilian Mooneyham- FBI Report 1 10 64- Mooneyham’s location was confused by either a confused FBI agent or her location was obscured intentionally. Rose Clark said you could see Main Street from Judge King’s court. She said she was with Hooker and Mooneyham. While watching the parade on Main St. she heard 3 shots. At least Jeanette Hooker’s statement said she watched the parade on Main Street before going to another court room. It is more than likely Clark, Hooker, and Mooneyham were in the same courtroom and heard the same thing while the motorcade was on Main Street. 5. Cecil Ault- 11-22-63 FBI report- Watched the parade on Main Street from Judge King’s Court. Then he saw this from Judge King’s room, after the president’s car turned down onto Elm Street he heard 3 loud reports which he immediately recognize as shots from a high powered rifle. The intersection or in front of the TSBD. Judge King’s court room faces south on Main and one cannot see Houston or Elm. You have to move to a room on the west side to see that. Main and Houston Intersection: 1. Jack Faulkner- Sheriff’s Office 11 22 63- He said he was on the corner of Main and Houston. The motorcade passed and a few seconds later he heard 3 shots. Depending on how many seconds this is probably Houston Street or at least in front of the TSBD. Shooting on Houston Street or at the intersection of Elm and Houston. 2. Marie Muchmore- FBI 12 4 63- was standing on the corner of Houston when the motorcade passed by she heard the first shot. 3. Bonnie Ray Williams- Sheriff’s Office on 11-22-63- first said he heard shot when the presidential limo turned onto Houston. Later, he changed that to a turn onto Elm St. and then later changed that. 4. John J. Solon- FBI report 1 8 64. He said he was standing in front of the Old Court House at the intersection of Main and Houston. He said the p. limo slowed down to turn unto Houston street and “and a few moments later, he heard 3 shots…”. How long is a few moments? 5. W. H. Denham- DPD statement 11 22 63- Officer Denhan was at the Northeast corner of the intersection of Main and Houston when the motorcade turned onto Houston Street. The p. limo or motorcade was half way past his position when he heard a shot. Shooting occurs in the intersection of Main and Houston. 6. William Downey- FBI 6 15 64- Downey said he stood at the corner of Houston and Main. Shortly thereafter the motorcade passed the corner where he stood he heard 3 shots. How long is shortly thereafter? At 18 feet per second it takes approximately 11 seconds to traverse Houston Street and another 5 or 6 seconds to pass the TSBD. Elm Street and the intersection of Elm and Houston: 1. Garland Slack- Dallas Sheriff 11 22 63- I was standing on Houston Street, just below the window to Sheriff Decker's office waiting for the parade. I was standing there when the President's car passed and just after they rounded the corner from Houston onto Elm Street, I heard a report and I knew at once it was a high-powered rifle shot. 2. Carolyn Walther- The Warren Report Part 1 CBS Television (25th June, 1967)- The President passed us, and he was smiling, and everybody was waving. Then the last of the cars went by, and I heard the shot. I thought it was a firecracker. This more than likely is in front of the TSBD. Carolyn Walther’s statements are included here due to Pearl Springer’s testimony. 3. Pearl Springer- FBI Report 12 5 63- She was on Houston Street 17 steps from the Elm Street curb. She was with Carolyn Walther. As the motorcade passed and turned to go down Elm Street she heard a shot. 4. Arnold Rowland-Sheriff Office statement- 11-22-63- said as the presidential limousine turned west to head down Elm Street he heard a back fire. 5. Danny Arce- 3-18-64 FBI statement- He said he was standing on the grass in front of the TSBD about 30 ft. from where the president was when shots rang out. He said something different in his in his 11-22-63 statement. He was standing on a corner across the street from 411 Elm Street. He said in a 11-22-63 statement at the Sheriff’s Office he was standing on the corner of Elm and Houston. He heard 3 shots ring out. He was standing near the Dal-Tex on Houston- Altgens 6 photo. 6. Bonnie Ray Williams- Sheriff’s Office on 11-22-63- first said he heard shot when the presidential limo turned onto Houston. Later, he changed that to a turn onto Elm St. and then later changed that. 7. James Crawford- Warren Commission Hearing 4 1 64- - It was after the Secret Service Sedan had gone around the corner (the SS vehicle was on the bumper of the p. limo) that I heard the first report and at that time I thought it was a backfire of a car but, in analyzing the situation, it could not have been a backfire of a car because it would have had to have been the President's car or some car in the cavalcade there. The second shot followed some seconds, a little time elapsed after the first one, and followed very quickly by the third one. 8. Mary Ann Mitchell- FBI report January 18, 1964, WC deposition April 1, 1964. said she and her companion heard a shot as the presidential car passed the curb in front of the TSBD. 9. Malcolm Couch gave an eyewitness report on WFAA radio on the day of the assassination: "Just as the President's car turned the corner, I heard a loud shot that sounded like at first a backfire. And then I heard another one. And then finally a third shot. We naturally took this third shot as a rifle shot because we figured by the third shot that this was not a backfire, that it was not a motorcycle backfiring, but it was actually someone taking a crack at the President. Just as our car rounded the corner we saw the President's car speed off." 10. Robert Jackson- Sheriff’s Office 11 23 66- His vehicle was proceeding north on Houston street when “…and the presidential car had already turned left on Elm Street (off Houston Street) and he heard 3 loud reports…” 11. And, many more saying the same thing about the intersection and front of the TSBD. See the longer list for more. (100+ witnesses) Witnesses Who Heard Shooting When The President Was Turning Into the Intersection Or In Front Of The TSBD (best list).docx Witnesses Who Heard Shooting When The President Was Turning Into the Intersection Or In Front Of The TSBD (best list).pdf
  15. Which Oswald was on the steps and which Oswald was upstairs? Which Oswald was on Elm Street filming the parade according to Martin? 3 Oswalds is way beyond my pay grade. But, there is the problem of the Doorway Man figure. Who is that? It's not Billy Lovelady and whoever it is is covered by a Lovelady face mask. So, the Oswald on the steps must be Harvey who claimed be was outside with Bill Shelley. Lee is supposed to be upstairs at the 6th floor and later is met on the 3rd or 4th floor by Truly and Baker or is it at the 2nd floor break room? So, who is the Oswald figure on Elm Street in front of the TSBD by the trees shown in the Martin film? Anyway you look at it, I can make 3 Oswalds work. The Oswald figure on Elm Street (Martin film) could go over and become Prayer Man before Baker gets there. Or, Harvey (Doorway Man) becomes Prayer Man. It is pretty much certain that two Oswalds left the TSBD by different routes. Some folks argue differently. So, we have to work with two Oswalds. One other comment here. Harvey is a CIA man which most agree on without too much of a problem. Can any CIA agent be trusted to be truthful? I have speculated from time to time there might be more than two Oswalds other than doubles. There is really no good evidence to support the idea.
  16. I am a creature of habit. Dealing with this new format is somewhat annoying. I keep looking for the edit button and push the quote button by habit. Anyway, once the idea of the need for multiple shooting teams is understood then it's hard to continue to think about a lone gunman whose 2nd shot will be less accurate and a 3rd shot more inaccurate than the first and second.
  17. Robert, You bring back not so fond memories. I kept my comments on a L-shaped ambush simple. Actually, the best way to deal with a moving vehicle is with a rocket launcher and machine guns. But, dealing with a single target in a moving vehicle is a much tougher proposition requiring other methods of shooting. Your German diagram is excellent. It stresses the most important part of an ambush. Don't let your people shoot you or you shoot your people.
  18. Couldn't agree more. Just prior is my humble attempt at speculation based on a few known facts. We pretty much agree. I also agree on shooting from the TSBD. According to the witnesses the closest to the Sniper's Nest on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors (11 out of 13) agree that the shooting they heard came from the west or some other place than the Sniper's Nest. Most of the out front and Houston Street witnesses say they didn't see any shooting from there. Trying to analyze the "evidence" whether it is textual or pictorial is a mess due to FBI corruption and the corruption of other authorities. A good example of their "good deeds" is the testimony of 3 women (Rose Clark, Lilliam Mooneyham, and Jeanette Hooker) who watched the parade on Main Street from Judge King's Court Room on the south side of the Court House. Rose Clark said she heard 3 shots while the president was on Main Street. The other two witnesses testimony are confused I think by the FBI as to where they were and what they saw. Rose Clark said she was in Judge King's room with the others. The others say in a confused fashion they were there also. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I haven't been able to find an answer to this issue. Does Judge King's Court Room only face south on Main Street. I believe that is the case because the 3 women mention going to other rooms to see what happened on Houston and Elm. Cecil Ault said he was in Judge King's room, but saw events on Houston and Elm. Is that possible from Judge King's Court Room. If that is true what he saw occurred on Main Street.
  19. I agree Kennedy was not leaving the Main St. to Elm St. area alive. As far as a classic military ambush goes one shouldn't use a crossfire or shooting from the front with shooting from the back. You might shoot your own guy in the heat of the moment. What's best is an L-shaped ambush. The guys on the long part of the L shoot directly to their front. The guys on the short part of the L shoot directly to their front. Folks don't shoot each other that way. If there's not a lot of people, say maybe 3 in the ambush, angles of fire can be used if all positions in the ambush are known. In Dealey Plaza nearly everyone agreed there were 3 shots in two patterns. First there was a shot and a small time later two more close together. The other variation is 3 shots equally spaced. Almost everyone said they heard a firecracker or some noise like a firecracker. Others said they heard backfires. Jackie Kennedy said that the motorbikes were continually backfiring. Others claimed the noise of the parade, sirens, motorbikes, backfiring, crowd cheering, etc. made a tremendous racket. Veterans and Hunters were the ones who usually identified gun fire. So, there are a couple of questions that pop up here. How did people identify gunshots from fire crackers in all that noise? How did they identify backfires from gunshots? That probably occurred when they realized shooting had occurred and the firecrackers or backfires were not that, but shooting. And, what about the shooting sequence differences? Most of the witnesses said one or the other. How can one explain the differences? There's another problem. This ambush had to be done perfectly. The only person to be killed would be the president. This requires a high degree of skill in shooting in the narrow space of a car's interior with folks lined up 3 deep. A serious problem to be considered. So, best way to shoot someone in the back seat is from the front or side. If shooting from the rear then put someone there in front of the president you don't care much about, Senator Yarborough. Sorry, John Connally. Can you imagine what he thought when he replaced Yarborough. If you put all this together you realize you need more than one shooting team and more than one ambush spot. That would insure that Kennedy did not leave Dealey Plaza alive. These teams would consist of 3 shooters and maybe accessories such as communicators or a security guy. Why 3 shooters? 3 shooters match the number of shots. If scopes were used then the possibilities of hitting some one on the second shot decreases for just one shooter. Each shooting team of 3 men would be allowed one shot at one location. This could explain the two shooting patterns as the actions of different shooting teams. Multiple locations would be placed where? Well, what did the witnesses say about where they saw or heard shooting? (This is what the witnesses said and not what I am saying.) There were some that heard 3 shots on Main Street. There were others that said shooting occurred at the intersection of Main and Houston. There are more witnesses that said shooting occurred in the intersection of Elm and Houston and in front of the TSBD than on Elm or Houston. The biggest number said shooting occurred at the Grassy Knoll. If true how many teams would that be? About 4. Could be more, could be less. But, four would match the number of people with Todd Plumlee. He said 20 people. Coincidence or speculation? This is mainly speculation, but it is speculation based on the facts of the assassination.
  20. As the earlier post suggests there may have been tampering or simply film distortion or blemish. Well, more of the same from Hughes: In the Dealey Plaza films and photos one can see all kinds of weird things. And, we have a tendency to anthropomorphize those objects. This looks like a man with a camera or gun. He has sunglasses, a tie, and a dark shirt. But, the image is too big for the window and may be nothing more than a film blemish or distortion. One could go all conspiratorial and say this was put there to show the people in charge of the cover up where the shooting really came from. Or, Not.
  21. Wesley Frazier unconsciously measures the paper bag with his hands. It looks like I may have been right in suggesting a standard 17 or 18 inch paper bag commonly found in stores during that period. Too small for a rifle or curtain rods, but just right for a camera held in a two-handed camera mount. Frazier had no business asking about Oswald's intent, so he got the curtain rods story. Because of Prayer Man in the doorway and the Martin film It could be a camera as Oswald was perhaps told to film the motorcade to keep him on site during the assassination. Problems? Yes. The films are too vague visually to really see what Prayer man has in his hands. The Martin film suggests a camera and flash. Next, if that was a camera where did it go. Did someone like Roy Truly take care of it or someone else. Can Frazier be trusted? Maybe one day he will tell us where Oswald was that day. Out front with Bill Shelley? Way to many ifs to say anything concretely. But, here we can see Frazier unconsciously measuring the bag with his hands.
  22. Looking at Hughes again, I ran across something interesting and made a .gif. Another cut apart policeman? Maybe? Definetly film tapering in Hughes. Can you see the extra film added with all the little x's. Looks like I am wrong on those Xs. I don't know what they are.
  23. There are 8 films that go haywire in that area. Skipped frames and distorted film covers up what really happened there. These films are where I first got the idea to see if there were any witnesses who saw something there or around the TSBD. There are lots. I'm still working on the list and will post the MS Word doc after it is completed. This work contains source references that can easily be checked. The witness statements contain what the witness said and not what I said. If I was to theorize I would say something like there is more to it then shooting at the Elm and Houston intersection. Given time, a good defense lawyer digging into the Warren Commission volumes could have set Oswald free based on the testimony contained there and generally overlooked for 56 years since the WC.
  24. Thanks Chris, Wow! A photo of what could be shooting from Houston street. Elsie Dorman said that she heard shooting coming from the Court Records building. Junior Jarman said much the same as Bonnie Williams and Harold Norman, but he later changed his testimony to say "low and to the left". This could be Dal-Tex or the Court Records Building. Yep. I see the difference in Hughes. Amos Euins is in my witness list. Until recently I had 54 witnesses (with Mark Tyler's list of witnesses I have added more) and now that number has gone to 98. These are witnesses that heard and saw something different than the official story. That particular red x (great graphic) would fit more witnesses than Amos Euins. OBTW, I am a little leery of his testimony, but used it anyway. Once again thanks.
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