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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. If one is looking for shooters in the Dal-Tex building one might go to Altgens 6 and look at this northern 3rd floor window. There is a shadowy figure there and a loose mesh screen with a window completely up. There is a dark object sticking out of the window which appears to be a weapon. Were there any witnesses who said they saw gunmen in the Dal-Tex. I don't recall any. There were more then one who did see gunmen in the TSBD. Since more than one witness saw gunmen in the TSBD that is more than likely the plan. Yes, the conspiracy plan called for a staged gunmen tableau in the 6th floor Sniper's Nest. That was in the official story from the beginning. It didn't matter what the circumstances were the FBI, SS, Dallas authorities, and the WC pushed through the notion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunmen who shot President Kennedy from the SE corner of the 6th floor, the Sniper's Nest. It didn't matter that that's not what some witnesses saw. It didn't matter that Jesse Curry couldn't put Oswald on the 6th floor with a rifle in his hand. It didn't matter that you can not prove in court based on witness testimony than anyone fired a shot from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest. It didn't matter what Howard Brennan said. What mattered is what they said he said. After time had passed what mattered is what the authorities said happened. The Zapruder film and changed testimony in FBI 302s were shear psychological genius. Later, when a witness looked at the Zapruder film and saw his statements recorded by the FBI then that is what must have happened. Any differing memories could be chalked up to memory failure over time. After all there in black and white on the FBI report is what I said and my gosh look at that Zapruder film. It shows what happened where I said it happened. 71 witnesses said the shooting occurred in front of the TSBD. There were probably as many who said "Just after" or "immediately after" the president passed the TSBD. Most were not qualified with a distance from the TSBD. They simply used those words. Easy to put into a 302. It's just 2 words. It changes the meaning for witnesses near the Elm and Houston Street intersection or in front of the TSBD when they heard shots as the President passed by. This is why the first statements of witnesses at the Sheriff's Office and the Dallas Police are probably more truthful than later statements taken by the FBI. The adjustments to the plan took several hours later that day to be spread so that everyone in authority could know what happened. A plan was in preparation and working when the motorcade came down Main Street and turned onto Houston Street and Dealey Plaza. I personally think the assassination was botched and it was a lucky shot (the head shot) that mortally wounded President Kennedy. Although the assassins were elsewhere, the focus was and continued to be on the 6th floor Sniper's Nest and Lee Harvey Oswald.
  2. Howard Brennan on the Retaining Wall Much as been made of where Howard Brennan sat on the retaining wall near the intersection of Elm and Houston, how he was seated, and what he could see and hear. His testimony is variable from one statement to the next. Most people consider Brennan an untruthful man. And, the question was asked “Did The Warren Commission Even Believe Howard Brennan?” Yes. Publicly, they apparently did. They even took his statements further towards propaganda and untruth. Privately, I sure they knew his story had been changed to reflect the official story of the assassination and that his statements were adapted by the FBI and the Warren Commission personnel to reflect the official story. Three films show Howard Baker sitting at a certain place on the retaining wall near the intersection of Elm and Houston. These are the Zapruder film, the Elsie Dorman film, and the Bell film. This is enough evidence that one can’t argue logically that he was seated somewhere else. That is unless you want to argue this fellow, from the Martin film, is Howard Brennan sitting in a different location. It is not a good or reasonable argument. I don’t know who this is and if someone does please inform us. It some films he’s there and in others he is not. The Bell film has both this person and Howard Brennan. I’ve always thought that reasonable questions to ask Howard Brennan are “Did you see the same thing that Toni Glover saw?” or “Did you see the same thing that Tina Towner saw?” He was within about 10 feet of both. And, as you can see in this frame the p. limo is in front of him. What Brennan saw and heard is more important than how he was sitting or in which direction he faced. As you can see from this Bell frame Brennan could simply turn his head and have that “panoramic” view of the motorcade. Z frame 188 shows that he is doing exactly that. However, one must always suspect whatever you see in the Z film. Zapruder said he filmed continuously and filmed the whole motorcade. The longest part of the Zapruder film is missing. This is called the Zapruder Gap, about 20 seconds. How can one trust this film? I have approached the research on Howard Brennan from a narrow point. Where was the p. limo when you heard shots? I think this is a more important question then those that ask from what direction did the shots come or how many shots were there and their sequence. Howard changed his statement on this several times. First, he said the p. limo was about 90 yards or 270 feet away. He then changed that to 30 yards or 90 feet. And, then he said he couldn’t tell, but it was a “short distance” from him. At 90 yards from Brennan the limousine would be about at Z frame 275 or perhaps just a few feet down the street. I chose Z 275 due to its clarity. Here we can see that Kennedy has been shot. That has been apparent since the vehicle came out from behind the Stemmons sign. This scene is coming up on the 2nd or 3rd shot. This 90-yard estimate was apparently not good enough for the FBI because the President had been shot prior to this point. Howard changed his statement. There are a couple of extra things to notice in this frame. Kennedy has his black patch and John Connolly has a flat head. This is Z 95 and Z 188. They show roughly a spot 30 yards or 90 feet from Howard Brennan. Here is where Howard said the p. limo was when he heard shots. The FBI didn’t like this either. That and subsequent frames show the President was not shot here. Howard probably caught it good and had to change his statement to a “short distance” at the WC hearing. The FBI and the WC didn’t like any of his distances. So, we are left with a “short distance” for the distance from Howard Brennan to the p. limo when he heard a shot. I say that short distance was in front of him and in front of the TSBD. Of course, you can’t see that because it is in the Zapruder Gap. Any other film, except Tina Towner, doesn’t show enough detail to see much of anything. Tina Towner is a blatant fraud. At this point, there are 71 witnesses who say that they heard shooting when the p. limo was in front of the TSBD.
  3. Thanks Richard, I couldn't find anything anywhere. Thanks again.
  4. I have been trying to find info on Patsy Paschall. Particularly, what she may have said on the assassination. I can't find any FBI reports, WC testimony, or newspaper articles, etc. Any help or reference would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. Oswald here looks like he still has that pen top in his mouth and is not missing a tooth. You know that pen top that is familiar from the other picture taken that day. Harvey or Lee? That is the question. It struck me that the right hand photo of clowning Oswald isn't very clear. So:
  6. Brennan's Book? No, I was speaking of re-reading his WC testimony and other statements he made to the various authorities, the Dallas authorities and FBI. It's just a notion I can't get out of my head. Was he fighting back with stupidity against the folks such as the FBI and others who wanted him to say things that they could use to frame Oswald.
  7. No kidding here. What other films or photos match the Altgens 6 photo in time and place? Tina Towner? Here's the Towner version: All the other films skip the area of the TSBD or are so far away you really can't make out much. Here's the Hughes film as an example: The Bell film doesn't show much of the doorway. The Martin film skips that area. What's left that's useful? Nothing. The FBI and others just didn't have the films and photos in there possession for a short period of time, one afternoon. They had them for a long period of time.
  8. James, That appears to be the same photo. No way to make a real comparison. I still have to ask the question when was Altgens 6 altered? What bothers me is I have no idea how long it would take an expert photo editor like Altgens to arrange this photo. Could it be just a few minutes? There's a mystery here. I am firmly convinced the photo is altered. The example I gave you can't be real photography. Camera lens just don't work that way.
  9. I have to agree with that surprise. There's a ton of other evidence that is more useful than a bitterly argued Altgens 6. For example there are the BYP's they are the best photos for examples of Oswald being framed. How much evidence is needed to say that Oswald is innocent. One photo? Yes. If the photo in question, Altgens 6, is a fraud then there is a conspiracy to frame Oswald. There was a conspiracy to frame the "correct" story in Dealey Plaza. That correct story was framed that afternoon in the aftermath of a botched assassination. I'm sure a prepared story was there before the assassination. It had to be adjusted and that was done within the first hours by people like Landsdale. So, Altgens 6 was altered to specifications with the first few hours. I don't know who the Doorman figure is. It certainly is not Billy Lovelady. That figure has a Lovelady face mask. I don't think is Oswald either. It is someone who should not have been there. I place one Oswald on the 6th floor and another out in front of the TSBD by the SW corner near the large tree.
  10. James, Ordinarily, I would go along with such as sound, well reasoned answer that you have provided. You have put some work into this. I would like to see the photo published in the afternoon edition of the Racine Journal-Times for comparison purposes. Altgens 6, like Altgens 5, and Altgens 7 are edited photos that do not tell what really happened in Dealey Plaza. They tell the story of the Warren Commission and the Kennedy assassins. So, when was Altgens 6 edited? Here's the best example of magic cameras: The perspective of the Johnson support vehicle is extremely distorted, but the people directly behind are not distorted and are in normal perspective. The Johnson vehicle is not extremely distorted in front of the support vehicle. How do cameras do that? If you will notice that the support vehicle is much larger than Johnson's vehicle. It's like a Humvee. And, of course there is the semi visible shotgun out the car window? Another camera trick?
  11. IMO, that's not quite true. It was sent in an hour to the AP, but not to newspapers all over the world. It's first showing was with Walter Cronkite. They had several hours afterwards to realize there were problems and remake the photo. It didn't go on the air until about 5:35 CST with Uncle Walter. That's time to make a fraud and re-wire it to the AP or whoever several times over. This is what I recall. My memory is not as good as once past. If I am wrong on this, please correct.
  12. Jim, What do you think of the idea that Brennan was not a fool or big time stupid, but this was his way of fighting back against those who wanted him to say things that he knew was untrue. I got this impression on re-reading his testimony and would like to clear that from my mind under good advice.
  13. I think that kind of oak is called a live oak. I has grown quite a bit since '63. I don't know what the smaller tree near Zapruder is called. I was there in 2015. I hope to make another trip this fall and spend more time there. As a dead-headed 21 year old kid in 1969, I was there in a hotel just several blocks or up the street. I was on my way to Ft. Hood and that was all I had on my mind. I wish I had been more aware. Nice photos.
  14. Ron, I watched the video provided by Mr. Stevens. IMO, it provided little that we didn't already know. There is an argument here. Lee Bowers may have had two very fleeting glimpses of the p. limo as it passed the Pergola. You can see those areas in the video. I think Elm Street is to low to be adequately seen from those views. My point in his testimony for the WC is that he was referring to Houston Street, the intersection of Elm and Houston, and in front of the TSBD. You mention the cut off finger of Bowers. Do you think he was tortured by the government? FBI? or CIA? Maybe CIA Cubans or some other bad boys they were using at the time? I would seem to me if the story is true he would shut up and never speak again. Or, on the other hand this could have infuriated him and he was going to tell what he really saw. Hence, he had to be murdered. I believe before he died he said he was run off the road.
  15. Paul, After re-reading Brennan's various statements, I have come to a new conclusion on Brennan. He was resisting what the DPD, Sheriff's Office, and FBI wanted to put in his mouth. Nearly everything he said he screwed up later, or contradicted what he had said at an earlier time. Either he was very (deleted the cuss word here) stupid or something else was going on with him. There are way to many contradictions or just stupid things he said. The red x was where Howard was sitting in 3 films. There's no way he could have seen the east side of the TSBD, windows or fire escape.
  16. Once that idea soaks in then consider: A good question. Why isn't that tree in front of everything Zapruder filmed? This is my last on what Zapruder saw or filmed. The important point you two are trying to bury is that Lee Bowers didn't see the p. limo during the assassination. He heard the shots while the vehicle was turning on to Elm and was hidden by the TSBD.
  17. Richard, I don't believe what you are saying works. Besides this is not about what Zapruder saw, but what Lee Bowers saw. Here's another photo which is from Wilma Bond, no. 4 I believe: There are no bushes between the steps and Zapruder. The two or three men (Emmet Hudson says one other there with him) should be seen in the Zapruder film. Emmet and his buddy are still there is this photo. He's still sitting on the steps in the shade watching events. Other media have them standing and further down the steps. There are no bushes in front or behind them that Zapruder could have filmed. Instead he should have filmed them.
  18. I would think it would be one then the other depending on what part of her act you caught.
  19. Paul, I agree. I'm researching what Howard Brennan said on a narrow point. Where was the p. limo when he heard shots. And, once you cut through what he was saying that was either coerced by the FBI or he was helping with what he thought the FBI wanted to hear you come up with the real answer: A short distance. In other words directly in front of him. In my re-examination of witnesses I've moved from 54 witnesses to 62 that say the p. limo was in the intersection or directly in front of the TSBD. I wonder why Gerald Ford would say that? I am sure that was just a propaganda statement to make the most of what Brennan said. If I can find flaws, a good lawyer would have destroyed Howard Brennan's testimony and made a laughing -stock out of him.
  20. Thanks Joe, Now that is something one would more than likely not forget.
  21. And, she's not the Babushka Lady either. The BB Lady is not in the Zapruder film. You can't turn a blue dress or coat into a tan coat. Nor can you turn blond hair into a patterned scarf of babushka. Be nice to see her film. NOT!!! ain't gong to happen! The Marie Muchmore film has sequences where you can see Zapruder's Lady in Blue morph into the Babushka Lady. I think the Lady in Blue, also seen in other media, was Tammi True. There's no good evidence for this except: Folks have been saying lately photos and films are not good evidentiary material, But, my opinion is that you really can't understand what happened in Dealey Plaza without studying the films and photos.
  22. Thanks Robert, I couldn't agree more, particularly on Hemming. This exception was Holt's video as his farewell death scene or death bed confession. I may not be remembering correctly, but I think he died within a short period of time after the video, I hesitate to say days.
  23. Thanks Richard, Yes. But, there are no bushes in front of the various men on the steps. The bushes or actually trees are along the wall of the Pergola or along the wooden fence. They are not down by the steps.
  24. Mark, If you can't see the tower its a good chance the tower can't see you. Bower said the height of the tower was the same height as the Triple Underpass. I didn't get that, but I would guess he knows more than me. This is the infamous sniper in the bushes down at the underpass whose there and not there. He is way out of position and west from the steps. Notice that there is a bush in front of him and not behind. The guys on the steps don't have bushes in front of them. He has a hat on and it a different hat from the steps guys. Well, it could be a hat. Look at the photo above and notice how far the steps are from the place shown below.
  25. Mark, This is one of the photos I use to show that Dealey Plaza was a far different place than most people suppose. I side with Jack White and Harold Weisberg who say that most if not all of the films and photos in Dealey Plaza have been edited to tell the official story. I don't know of a good reason for the variability of the people shown here. Maybe different teams of editors had a script to show people here, but did it differently. If you look at various films and photos you will see that 2 people are shown here and in others, as in this one, show 3 people. The Zapruder film does not show these people at all. Some say this is because of the camera angle of the Zapruder film. IMO, the Zap camera passes right over this area and should show at least the heads of these people.
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