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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. A team of CIA agents per the first post went to Italy, took A rifle with them to inspect the factory, then they ran off and left it there, in a corner. Excuse my skepticism. The one that Oswald ordered (not)? It would still supposedly (if he ever ordered it, much less picked it up) be evidence they were taking off to Europe and then leaving behind. Of course they didn't need it as the Warren Omission already had one for the record. Why bother deep sixing or destroying this one? Has anyone ever seen any mention of this trip in the WC Report? For some reason the first time I read the first post in this thread I thought of Bonar Menninger, Mortal Error, The Smoking Gun.
  2. So many books, not just on JFK-RFK-MLK I'd like to have time to read, properly and not just skim, videos to watch. Just started finally on JFK and Vietnam. Survivors Guilt floored me. I'd think this would only supplement it. Survivors Guilt left me suspicious. That Mr. Palamara may have hinted at but left unsaid... That, one of the top two, three (?) SSA's in Dallas knew in advance that at least a security "test" was to happen that day. That they may have participated in the test at the time it happened, others unwittingly. That a high level SSA or two back in Washington may have had knowledge of the test, and participated. Approved by who? That some, knowingly, in advance, compromised the security of the President. Why a test in rabid right wing Dallas of all places?
  3. This was almost funny at first. Something was lost in the translation though. The Corsican CIA hit team supervised by Paul Harvey left the Real assassination weapon, ordered by Jack Ruby and given to Oswald, in a Catholic Church in Italy and given to a museum in 2017? I wasn't trying to be funny if anyone took it that way.
  4. Hunt may have had a personal reason for calling Meyer an SOB. At the same time if memory serves I remember reading somewhere, most likely in Mary's Mosaic, that Meyer could at least at times have a bit of a condescending attitude. I recall an example, an occasion after work or at a dinner party where Meyer had a few drinks, someone said something he disagreed with and he dressed them down quite heartily in front of the crowd.
  5. Kirk, your spoiling the end for me. I was learning more about Bush - Harriman and much more. I've never seen the skull and bones stuff quite that deep or better presented but there's probably a lot I've not seen on it. I've not yet gotten to Satan.
  6. I almost turned this off at eight snipers then a few seconds later again regarding the party at Clint Murchison's. The focus changed and is interesting regarding a bigger picture an hour in.
  7. A post about the film The American Media and the Second Assassination of JFK being shown in London on another thread in conjunction with reading somewhere also in the last couple of weeks that Cord Meyer was the head of Operation Mockingbird at the time of JFK's assassination it jolted my thoughts. I had never considered the role he might have played in the cover up from the perspective of his being in that position. Working for Helms and Angleton (and still loyal to Dulles?) . The former (still bitter?) husband of JFK's last known paramour tells the National press what it should and shouldn't publish about the assassination through personal contact's and his emissaries in the cia. The thought begs a little delving. So I searched the site for him and came up with this 12/5 year old thread. Not long but historically interesting. Started by Mr. Simkin. Commented on by knowledgeable persons. Abandoned, brought back in 09 by Bill Kelly, abandoned again. Hijacked in 12. Interesting to note it was all written before Mary's Mosaic came out. Some of the conclusions/assumptions are questionable in light of it. Though I realize skulley thoroughly destroyed some aspects of the book afterward. Cord wrote a book about himself. He could be worthy of a book by an objective author as well. Perhaps the subject of a dissertation by some young upcoming political science historian?
  8. Mate. I thought it was "only" 200 K not a a full quarter million (how much in todays money, again?). But I don't remember the part about Phillips writing him a check. Something about a bag of cash comes to mind. I'm probably wrong again or it's just my imagination runnin' away with me, again. Pawn does not take out King without assistance of Bishop and Knight.
  9. Thanks for the correction and lead. Phelan was with the Saturday Evening Post magazine (unfamiliar to readers since the (?) 70's), a tool of Operation Mockingbird, so I've read.
  10. Maybe more like planned confusion? Obfuscation? Bishop was Phillips. Phiilips was Barnes. Barnes was Bishop. Bishop was Smith or Jones. Phillips was Bishop?
  11. Just read the text of the interview. I'm enlightened further. Thank you. I recommend reading or listening to the full interview to anyone interested in learning about our history. In terms of "not very honorable reporters" Sheridan is discussed. In one of your books I believe you detail his renting a house to provide food, booze and a daily breakdown of that day's testimony as well as a brief on the next day's, both skewed to his viewpoint, for other out of town reporters. His assistance by man on the spot on 11/22/63 Hugh Aynesworth is neglected for brevity I'd guess. I've never read of JFK's evacuation plan for Vietnam over worries Hanoi would take over before late 1965. Interesting. Any idea where one might actually see the New York Times ad regarding Case Closed that defames Marrs, Stone, Garrison, Groden and Lifton as "guilty of misleading the American public"? That's a interesting sounding historical visual, one that might stimulate readership here and at K & K. Here's a relevant 10 year old thread I found on Sheridan, thanks Mr. Simkin and others.
  12. Kind of like Nagell and possibly others may have used Hidell?
  13. I should probably read the reviews at amazon for perspective before posting but I thought I'd read somewhere (maybe on this site?) that "The Brothers" gives Allen and John Foster at least somewhat of a fawning treatment. Not that this would necessarily preclude it from still being informative.
  14. No, night vision goggles were either not invented back then or at least not available to hunters or the general public otherwise. No, I, as a hunter earlier in life since the age of 14 have never shot at a deer in the dark. That was not an issue in the statements. They say it was after daylight, that is questionable. New England, 6-6:30 AM in November? I was not the 22 year old son of a state trooper (but was of a military veteran) but I was taught to not shoot at anything you could not clearly identify as a deer clearly enough to see where you wanted to place your shot. I think I'll order this in the morning for perspective on Sullivan himself. https://www.amazon.com/Bureau-thirty-years-Hoovers-FBI/dp/0393012360/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499318688&sr=8-1&keywords=the+bureau+my+thirty+year
  15. Suspicion 40 years ago in 1977, never sufficiently answered, worthy of further question. https://isgp-studies.com/miscellaneous/death_list/data/1977_11_Bill_Sullivan_death_FBI_hatchet_man_for_Hoover_suspected_of_JFK_RFK_MLK_assassination_involvement.pdf This is interesting too, even considering the source. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/sullivan.htm It makes me wonder. The 22 year old son of a state trooper went straight to the nearby Chief of Police's house and walked into his bedroom. Chief Gary Young "I woke up to a disturbance in my bedroom, a Young Boy." "saw a motion through my scope, I saw brown, I saw a flicker of white, I'm Not Sure What It Really Was, it moved I squeezed my trigger. Cardinal rule of hunting, you don't shoot without a clear shot you can identify exactly what you are shooting and Where you want to place your shot. 22 year old experienced hunter son of a state trooper would know this. From Hit List, pg. 207 "During the year before the accident I saw about fifteen or twenty deer," he said. "I didn't shoot at any of them because I didn't think it was the right shooting time. I consider myself a sportsman, not a person who goes out to kill as many deer as he can". 587. Further in his statement, "dragged him out of the woods and (then) started CPR, drove to Gary Young's house. I got him out of bed. He made the necessary phone calls. A bit of a caviler end to a brief statement. $500 fine, no hunting license for 10 years. Sullivan, as former chief of Division Five, investigator of the JFK assassination was forced to resign by Hoover. "The main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action program" 'William Sullivan's goal was to testify before the public HSCA hearings and lay his cards on the table, so to speak. (by) 'Veteran CIA officer Leutrell Osbourene, also investigated the matter." "He told his friend Robert Novak, Someday you will read I have been killed in an accident, but don't believe it; I've been murdered" Autopsy says shot in the throat, a lucky accident? The smallest primary target on a human torso. Elsewhere said in the back. To paraphrase another FBI agent, He was a knowledgeable experienced hunter, (not to mention an experienced intelligence operative), who would not have exposed himself that way.
  16. Thank you for qualifying sir. Please continue with elucidation regarding the mock trial. A serious attempt at an approximation of the circumstances by qualified individuals is appreciated by some.
  17. "The power elite learned their lesson" Yes Sir they did. They bought up the rest of the Press. While Operation Mockingbird heavily influenced the National Press most mid and smaller market newspapers and TV stations were owned by local millionaires or less at the time. The bigger MSM picture of today makes me consider how ownership of it all by half a dozen corporations (e.g. Disney) by the .01% of us influences current perceptions/interpretations of previous events.
  18. 6-8 months ago I asked my 24 year old high school teacher daughter if she had ever heard of Kent State. No. Some history is ignored in high school and most college courses. I physically blocked her view of her cell phone to get her to pay attention to parts of this (with my open hand). Neil Young, an illegal at the time Canadian immigrant wrote the song after reading and seeing images in a newspaper, then on TV. Within about 24 hours. It was recorded and on the air within 72 hours. No video or internet support but highly requested from dj's. https://www.bing.com/search?q=crosby+stills+nash+and+young+ohio&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=ad25c23c830e47ec8a6f4fbdd8789d73&sp=-1&pq=crosby+stills+nash+and+young+ohio&sc=10-33&qs=n&sk=&cvid=ad25c23c830e47ec8a6f4fbdd8789d73 Me Lai would probably result in me what or me who?
  19. Paul, Harvey's (no pun intended) wife's statements are interesting. http://jfkfacts.org/cia-widow-denounced-jfk-jackie-and-rfk-then-she-expressed-love-for-a-gangster/
  20. "so mysterious that the CIA would not even acknowledge he existed to the HSCA". So, someone at the HSCA suspected something or they wouldn't have asked the CIA about him? Your words made me think about his "heart attack" happening in 78, while the HSCA was trying to get other people to testify that had heart attacks before they could as well as others from natural causes, accidents, shootings and suicides. They also prompted me to look through NEXUS. Pg. 185. "In 1975 Morales retired (his paperwork suggest that the retirement was "involuntary") and eventually moved his family into a highly secure and remote ranch in southern Arizona. In 1978, he fell ill and died suddenly of a heart attack following a trip to Washington D.C. His lawyer and friend Bob Walton, had asked him why he spent so much money on alarm systems and other home security - was it because his remote home was only 30 miles from the Mexican border? Morales replied, 'I'm not worried about those people. I'm worried about my own'. Morales old colleague and former head of the AMOT's...Tony Sforza , also died of a sudden hear attack some six months after Morales." I forget what page but it also mentions him making statements to others about his personal involvement in the capture of Che. Given his hatred of JFK maybe he was somewhere on site on 11/22.
  21. Mc Adams article does not address the question. Six upper level FBI agents, all with specific connections to the investigation of JFK's assassination died in a six month period (6/77-11/77), all scheduled at the time to testify before the House Sub Committee on Assassinations. Some say seven if you include Regis Kennedy's heart attack in 78 the day before he was to testify. Four heart attacks including him, a fall at home, natural causes after a lengthy illness (what illness?), mistaken for a deer and shot in the throat by an experienced hunter(subject for a different post). This explains it better. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hsca+fbi+agent+deaths&view=detail&mid=715EC49F091324DFEA10715EC49F091324DFEA10&FORM=VIRE The odds of this happening seemed suspicious the first time I read about it. Mathematician Richard Charnin says if 20 agents were called to testify and 5 had heart attacks, two had accidents (for example) those odds would be one in 190 trillion. http://whokilledjfk.net/strange_fbi_deaths.htm If you want to address the odds regarding the bigger picture Mc Adams attempts to address Mr. Charnin does that as well. In a fashion even a non scientist like me can understand. https://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Science-Conspiracy-mathematical-disinformation/dp/1502715996/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498972558&sr=1-6&keywords=richard+charnin
  22. Other than a few quotes I'd never read Chomsky until a few days after this years inauguration. A few weeks after last year's election I started looking for something more informative than what the MSM offered regarding how we had gotten to the point that what happened happened.. I came across Chris Hedges "Unspeakable", a pretty devastating and depressing analysis. Of course I came across Chomsky in my search. On January 20 during the inauguration in an act of frustration and rebellion I ordered three of his books in an effort to find something as far left of the right as I could. I waded through two of the three. He does make one think. My naivety regarding some of the subjects was improved upon. I did come across comments about the JFK assassination which I disagreed with and questioned. This, and I can't find the right word, a feeling of being preached at as opposed to informed of (?) have left me lacking desire to finish the third book. Not to get political here but I ultimately have found some enlightenment in the following books. https://www.amazon.com/Ratf-ked-Your-Doesnt-Count/dp/1631493213/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498877764&sr=1-1&keywords=ratfuked As editor of Salon the author made a big step trying to fill the shoes of founder/former editor David Talbot (Brothers, The Devi's Chessboard). https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Money-History-Billionaires-Radical/dp/0307947904/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498878130&sr=1-1&keywords=dark+money+jane+mayer+paperback New Yorker writer responds to Koch Bros. attack on personal credibility and prior article stunningly. Not just me, 5 stars, Over 1500 reviews. https://www.amazon.com/Captured-Corporate-Infiltration-American-Democracy/dp/1620972077/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498878677&sr=1-1&keywords=captured+sheldon+whitehouse Billionaire 1% owned Corporate Americas takeover via Citizens United explained from the inside of our political system in detail passionately and Patriotically by the eloquent Senator from Rode Island. Highly under read based on the number of reviews. (I've not read NYT/WaPo reviews of it).
  23. http://www.prouty.org/mcadams/ Factoid's, ad hominem attacks. I've made the mistake of trying to present logic to the de frocked professor over on JFK facts more than once. I seriously wonder if he wasn't a paid operative of Operation Mockingbird. I believe it's been noted he was funded in part by one the Koch supported fronts.
  24. Thank you Jim. Not to detract from the focus of the topic of this thread but maybe supplement it, readers interested in "The American Media" might also find this film of interest. https://www.thesearchersfilm.com/ I hope to watch both in the not too distant future.
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