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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. William Kent's personnel file. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10291-10022.pdf
  2. Paul, From the Mary Ferrell DB: Referring to projects emanating from Staff D (signals and communications intelligence). Related, in an elastic sense, to CIA foreign intercept and code-breaking activities conducted to collect data for the NSA. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=ZR
  3. Ron and Paul, Bill Simpich has done quite a bit of work on this - https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=PBGREGALE Now if you wanted to dig into CIA proprietaries. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=219718#relPageId=70&search=PBGREGALE
  4. We knew that she was a CIA asset. Gaeton Fonzi believed she sent him on a wild goose chase. Here she is getting approval to meet with the Rome COS William Harvey 7/26/1963. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10120-10418.pdf https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10120-10671.pdf Luce Booth's CIA file - https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10174-10070.pdf
  5. They would use WOFACT during the mid-sixties - https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=WOFACT And the use of WO - https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=WO
  6. David, JFK was GPIDEAL RFK was GPFOCUS This doc covers both. Notice item E. JFK and RFK were supporting JURE and the CIA (KUBARK) was against JURE https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=52659#relPageId=2
  7. Sylvia did say this: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=60438#relPageId=4
  8. Greg, Here's a pretty good write up by Col Jack Hawkins, former project manager for the BOP, to Krulak and the JCS on the autonomous operations/split the regime operation. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=163#relPageId=4 And if you're really bored and need some additional reading, this is the JCS write up of a plan to invade Cuba. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149913#relPageId=2 The JCS still talking about a "contrived indident" in 1963. Think Operation Northwoods." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149830#relPageId=3&search="contrived_incident"
  9. Greg, Not everyone thought well of the Kennedy Brothers: “[Wayne January], I tell you. I was a mercenary pilot, hired by the CIA. I was involved in the Bay of Pigs planning strategy which was operated by the CIA. I was there involved with many of my friends when they died, when Robert Kennedy talked John Kennedy out of sending in the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover after the invasion was launched. Many, many died. Far more than was told. I don’t know all that was going on but I do know that there was an indescribable amount of hurt, anger and embarrassment of those involved in the operation. … They are not only going to kill the President; they are going to kill Robert Kennedy and any other Kennedy that gets into that position. …You will see…They want Robert Kennedy real bad.” - Cuban pilot at Redbird Airport. He [Cuban Pilot] became comfortable with January after working with him over several days of working together and spoke further about his experience. He was particularly outspoken in relating that his friends had died during the Bay of Pigs landings because JFK had not delivered the promised air cover for them. During their conversations, talk of the President coming to Dallas apparently agitated the Cuban, and he related to January that JFK would be killed in revenge for his comrades' deaths. He stated that “they” were also going to kill RFK because he had convinced his brother not to send planes to support the landings at the Bay of Pigs, and because the Kennedy’s were now in the way of efforts to overthrow Castro. January did note to Smith that there was an absolute need to have the aircraft ready to depart on Friday 11/22, and when work had not been completed Thursday, they had worked into the evening to make sure that would happen. Gene Wheaton: "Carl Jenkins was a retired high-level paramilitary specialist for the CIA.....He headed up the largest covert base in Laos during the secret CIA wars over there when the open war was going on in Vietnam.....[Jenkins] invited me to stay in their home.....In 1985 he [Jenkins] became my Washington representative when I took over as Vice President for a cargo airline called National Air.....I was like a brother to Carl.....Carl was the head recruiter and trainer of the Bay of Pigs invasion for the assassins and saboteurs that were going into Cuba for the pre-invasion to lay the groundwork for the Bay of Pigs.....He trained the 17, 18, 19 year old exiles and became their father figure.....Chi Chi Quintero became like a son to Carl.....He [Quintero] and two or three others, Felix Rodriguez, Nestor Pino, all went to Vietnam with him.....Chi Chi was a shooter. He was trained by I.W. Harper.....There was a CIA funded program to assassinate Castro and Carl was in charge of training the Cubans from Miami.....They were the ones that diverted the Castro assassination funds and training for their own agenda to snuff Kennedy.....They had a thing called a triangulation shooting team.....[Describing the Bay of Pigs and JFK backing off the air strike] They were furious and still are to this day.....And there was another clique above them.....they would reminisce about the past and what went wrong and what went right....." David Morales - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nGyIthGwDY Ruben Carbajal talking about a conversation he had David Morales - “Why’d he [JFK] go back on his word? The president gave the okay that you’ll have air support and it was up there and the last five minutes prior to the attack he pulls them out and everybody gets caught down there. Now you know why he had no respect for the Kennedys.” “I was in Dallas when we got that motherf*cker.”
  10. Most of this has been released before. It's always a good read. Mizones is Felix Rodriguez. Gus Villoldo's name has been in the clear for a while. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10102-10005.pdf
  11. Here is a CIA report 11/22/63. They knew that AMSPELL (the DRE) planned news release on Oswald circa 1300 hours on 11/22/63. Copy slotted at 1810, Nov 22 BP. (anyone know what BP stands for?) CIA chose not to notify FBI, SS or State at this time and did nothing to stop the report. Notice that AMSPELL files contained info that LHO turned his passport over the American Consulate in Moscow. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=12191#relPageId=2
  12. Ron, According to the CIA, there were 5 DRE assets that they had contact with and around 30 other active members. The CIA and specifically Ross Crozier had problems "controlling" their actions. The problem really heated up before, during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was a very tense time for the Kennedy Admin. Heck, this was a tense time for the whole world. DRE leadership was promoting the idea that the Russians still had missiles in Cuba. They were talking to NBC, The New York Times, The Today Show, etc. The Kennedy Admin got word to Helms to get these guys under control. The end for Crozier aka "the man in Miami" came when he asked Luis Fernandez-Rocha (AMHINT-53) Juan Salvat and three others to infiltrate Cuba on either Oct 23 or 24 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, ostensibly to report on military intelligence but told them they might have to direct artillery fire! Their Today Show interview on Nov 12 and a newspaper article bought DRE members Fernandez-Rocha and Jose Lasa a face to face meeting with Richard Helms himself on Nov 13, 1962. Nestor Sanchez translated. Sanchez was at the time a special assistant to William Harvey. Sanchez would later be the case officer for Rolando Cubela aka AMLASH-1. The end for Crozier aka "the man in Miami" came when he asked Luis Fernandez-Rocha (AMHINT-53) and Salvat and three others to infiltrate Cuba on either Oct 23-24 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ostensibly to report on military intelligence but told they might have to direct artillery fire. Their Today Show interview on Nov 12 and a newspaper article bought DRE members Fernandez-Rocha and Jose Lasa a face to face meeting with Richard Helms himself on Nov 13, 1962. Nestor Sanchez translated. Helms informed them at this meeting that there would be a change in their contact in Miami. (He would replace Crozier with George Joannides alias Walter Newby). He said that (Joannides) could come directly to him (Helms) if he needed any clarification. Shackley to Fitzgerald. Originated by "Howard" aka George Joannides.
  13. Ron, I'll give you a better response tomorrow, but Joannides was working at JMWAVE as early as June 1962. I'm sure Helms was following JMWAVE's advice on replacing Crozier with Joannides. I believe Joannides reports were copied to Helms. Hence the coverup that continues today.
  14. What we know about Kent: He formed the DRE as a branch of the DR. He placed Ross Crozier as case officer for DRE. While at JMWAVE, Kent ran his own Ops. He would report these to his supervisor David Phiilips. Phillips ran his own Ops out of HQs. Kent played dumb. "Doesn't remember that Crozier handled the DRE" There's some bullshit for you. AMSPELL - "specialized target" (implicit in the name of AMSPELL) Item 2 Salvat has met Oliver Corbuston/William Kent on one or two occasions and knows him as Douglas Gupton per Ross Crozier. Kent was Joannides' supervisor after Crozier was replaced by Joannides. Kent was using the pseudo of Robert Trouchard at this time. His 1963 fitness report was signed by both Kent and Robert Moore as Fred Ingurst. Moore, as DCOS, worked closely with Kent and would often signoff for Shackley. Kent was Chief of the PW branch. Joannides was Deputy Chief of the PW branch during 1963. Joannides was promoted to Chief of the Covert Action branch in April 1964.Kieth Bongirno/Tony Sileo replaced Joannides as case officer. Bruce Vedder(William Kent) still meets with Salvat once or twice a month. Kent as Ops Officer for JMATE/BOP. (Last name on this list) Crozier, Patton and Kent running Ops into Cuba May 1961.Crozier also ran the FORD group. FORD is new from the 12/15 release. Kent undercover in New Orleans in 1967. Keeping an eye on Garrison? New in the 12/15 release is that Kent was "working" for the Christian Fellowship Fund.
  15. Kent was Joannides supervisor in 1963 so he would have had an interest in anything DRE. He and Crozier "founded" the DRE. After Joannides was reassigned, Kent took over as main contact for Salvat, et al.
  16. I love to listen to Malcom and Bart's talks. I learn something new every time. I found the mention of Cal Hicks "being in the basement" with Alpha-66 interesting. "In the basement" is a term used by CIA for an off the books project. Don't ask, don't tell. We know that Hicks was Antonio Veciana's case officer until, reportedly, Oct 1962 give or take. Veciana was moved in the ISR (intelligence source registry) from CIA to Army at this time. Hicks was primarily a PM (Paramilitary) operations officer. He was an early recruit for the BOP/Cuba Project. He would later work for Bill Harvey's TFW and Desmond Fitzgerald's SAS. He worked closely with Guy Vitale and James Pekich. Pekich and John Peters (I'd love to know more about John Peters) were case officers for AMPANIC-7 (Emilio Rivero Caro aka Brand). AMPANIC-7's Havana contact was AMIRE-1/Emilio Rodriguez. We know that Cal Hicks, Jim Pekich and someone using the name of Harold Bishop (additional ref) were working with Jose Pujal/AMCOAX-1 , Alfredo Izaguirre/AMPUG-1, Reinol Gonzalez/AMCALL-1, and Antonio Veciana/AMSHALE-1 on a few operations to assassinate Castro. Bill Simpich writes on these plots - http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=191905 So, who was Harold Bishop? Someone that worked closely with Hicks and Pekich. Transcript of Fonzi-Escalante Interview, Part 1 April-August 1971: "Another anecdote: I don't know what Antonio Veciana has told you but I'm going to tell you what I know. The case, as we call it, From The North Terrace of the Palace. To us it was a puzzle. First of all we arrest on August 8, 1961, a CIA agent named Jose Pujals Maderos/AMCOAX-1). This man had been a very old informant of the CIA in Havana. And after the Bay of Pigs he was enrolled by another CIA agent, Isedro Izzajidre (note: Alfredo Izaguirre/AMPUG-1) on a plot to kill Fidel and Raul Castro...But they both had some differences, and about middle of June, Pujals leaves for the United States. The actions against (Izaguirre), if I don't recall wrong, was on July 22. We arrested the main people in the plot...the CIA radio man Jorge Garcia Rubio...And the main thing was that plot was organized. This plan was also linked with a provocation at the Navy base in Guantanamo. But that's another story...It looked like the end of July...let me give you another detail that I didn't give you before - according to what Pujal Madero/AMCOAX-1 said, that he gets to Miami and has a meeting with Howard Hunt and he travels to Washington and has an interview with someone called Harold Bishop...and he was the person who told him to contact Veciana and Reynold Gonzalez...We don't even have a description of him...but that is a detail so you can bear it in mind...The interesting thing is Bishop and that its not Maurice, it's Harold...And then he (Pujols) comes back to Cuba at the end of July and contacts Veciana and Gonzales and we captured him on August 8th...From August 8th we already know that it was a new plot to kill Fidel, but we didn't know where it was going to be or when or how big it was..." 12/9-10/95, Gaeton Fonzi interview of Fabian Escalante, p. 25.
  17. A partial Org Chart https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=229936#relPageId=2 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57860#relPageId=2&search=jmwave_org chart
  18. Michael, Coup attempt? Can you shed some light on this?
  19. Photo of Villafana and friends before the BOP. Gus Villoldo was instrumental in the capture of Che in Bolivia.
  20. Speaking of the first 72 hours, I would love to see the minutes/notes of this meeting on 11/23 with LBJ and the JCS discussing Cuba. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1235#relPageId=1 Speaking of the JCS. Here's the Projection of US Military strength in RVN from August 30, 1963, to the end of the year. Withdrawal of 276 in November and 724 in December. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=107#relPageId=2
  21. Joe, From this link - Click here to join the call. (Meeting ID: 884 9319 4600.)
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