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Was it Lansdale?

Guest Mark Valenti

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Tom, here is a report from Chicago Tribune,26 November 1963, from the 1990 Manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS.



(UPI)- The newspaper

Excelsior said today

Lee Harvey Oswald spent

several days in Mexico

City in late September

calling on consulates

of the Soviet Union and


Excelsior said Oswald

crossed the border at

Laredo,Tex., on Sept,26

and drove to Mexico City,

where he called on the

Consulate general of Cuba

and ask for a transit visit

to Moscow by way of Havana.

The United States Customs

service at Laredo confirmed

the crossing. A spokesman

said "There are records to

establish this." The records

also showed Oswald reentered

United States Oct.3.

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What, then, of the real Lee Harvey Oswald (Marina's husband)? I say he entered Mexico by automobile, as the Mexican border guards said he did.

Paul, I'm not familiar with the Mexican border guards evidence. Could you elaborate?



Sure, Tom.

John Armstrong wrote in his book, Harvey and Lee (2003), in the chapter, "Mexico City - Pandora's Box":

The FM-8, issued at the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans, recorded that Oswald was 23 years old, married, a photographer, resided in New Orleans, and listed his destination as Mexico City. Maydon's supervisor, Raul Luebano, advised, "Our inspector said that his best recollection was that Oswald was traveling with two women and a man in an automobile..."

Also, on 12 March 1964, J. Edgar Hoover sent a cable to the LEGAT, Mexico City. Part of that cable says:

"The mode of travel on FM-11 was shown as 'auto.' As you know it has not been established how Oswald left Mexico on October 3, 1963. Until we can prove Oswald was on a bus, this possibility will always exist that he left by automobile as indicated in Mexican Immigration records."

I'm currently looking for those Mexican immigration records.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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This talkative, outgoing, friendly guy who wanted to share his life story and the best places to stay in Mexico City does not match the Lee Harvey Oswald who was Marina's husband. Do you agree?

Certainly. It was apparently an imposter. And it makes perfect sense that whoever set up the Oswald impersonation in Mexico City, whom you believe to be Morales, would have had an Oswald imposter make a bus trip to get there.

*** The most telling fact is that the Bus Line manifest did not have Lee Harvey Oswald as a passenger.

The passenger list for that trip was confiscated by the Mexican government. The FBI had to use immigration records and a baggage list to ID passengers. One would think a baggage list would be enough, as I assume it would include who the baggage belonged to. But it raises the question of what reason the Mexican government would have to confiscate the passenger list. The only thing I can think of is a request from the U.S. government to suppress the fact that Oswald wasn't really on the bus.

Well, Ron, I do admit that it is at least possible that OSWALD was impersonated on that bus from Laredo to Mexico City -- but I still have strong doubts, as follows.

I begin with the bias of the Warren Commission (after J. Edgar Hoover) that Lee Harvey OSWALD could not have any "accomplices who are still at large."

For that reason, the FBI and the WC had to insist that OSWALD took a bus to Mexico -- no matter what the cost.

OSWALD was only learning to drive, so, the only alternatives were: (i) that OSWALD was the passenger in a car driven by somebody else; and (ii) that OSWALD took the bus.

Now, if OSWALD had a car driver that day, then he had an "accomplice." This theory had to be stomped on, just as the WC and FBI stomped on the testimony of Silvia Duran.

Next, no bus-line passenger list had OSWALD as a passenger. Nothing, not even baggage lists, indicate OSWALD was there.

Next, no bus-line staff remember OSWALD at all. Also, no Mexican passengers remember OSWALD at all.

Albert Osborne, we already noted, said the man sitting next to him could speak English, but had a "dark complexion".

As for the two Australian ladies, their memory should be questioned. Let's briefly review part of Mumford's testimony:

--------- Begin extract of testimony of Patricia Mumford 19 May 1964 ----------------


Mr. BALL. Did he say anything or make any mention of politics?

Miss MUMFORD. No; never.

Mr. BALL. Did he mention anything about communism, socialism, or anything of that sort?

Miss MUMFORD. No; he never said anything about his political views or even mention politics at all.

Mr. BALL. You did see his passport, though?

Miss MUMFORD. Yes.

Mr. BALL. How did he happen to show you this passport?

Miss MUMFORD. Well, I think it was rather to prove that he had been in Russia. I think he was trying to find places that we hadn't been that he had, and he just – in fact, he left us at the seat to go up and take his passport from his traveling bag and bring it down to show us.

Mr. BALL. Had he told you his name before that?

Miss MUMFORD. He never mentioned his name once.

Mr. BALL. He never did?

Miss MUMFORD. He never introduced himself; no.

Mr. BALL. How did you know his name?

Miss MUMFORD. We didn't.

Mr. BALL. Did you notice the name on the passport?

Miss MUMFORD. Well, I didn't; no. Pat says it rang a bell when the rest of the business came up, and we recognized him on television. And she said, when the name came through on the television, it did ring a bell with her, but she said, even then, she couldn't picture that name on the passport.

Mr. BALL. You did see the name on the passport, did you?

Miss MUMFORD. Well, yes, he must have shown it to us. I can't really remember.

Mr. BALL But you didn't remember the name?


Mr. BALL. You made no note of it?


--------- End extract of testimony of Patricia Mumford 19 May 1964 ----------------

Now, IMHO, if an Imposter went about to impersonate somebody, the very first thing he would do is broadcast the NAME of that person he was impersonating. An Imposter would say first and often, to each and all, that "My Name is Lee Harvey OSWALD."

Yet none of these English-speakers heard this man say that. Not one -- even the ladies who spoke with him the most.

Why presume he was an Imposter? It is far more likely that this was a case of mistaken identity.

What reasons did the two ladies from Australia have that this was OSWALD except for what they considered a resemblance with the "thinning, curly, wiry hair?" Only this:

A. This man said he was from Texas, and lived in Ft. Worth.

B. This man said he had been to Japan while in the Marines, and had been to Russia.

C. This man said he studied in Moscow, and faced a lot of red-tape trying to return.

And that's all.

It remains very possible that somebody else from Fort Worth was also in the Marines, also visited Japan, and also visited Russia and had a hard time returning. It remains possible that this person might have resembled Lee Harvey OSWALD. I will give ladies the benefit of the doubt -- the guy must have really looked similar to OSWALD in their memories.

Yet for an Imposter to neglect saying the NAME of the person he was impersonating is, IMHO, simply not plausible.

It is far more likely that Pam Mumford and Pat Winston simply mistook this stranger for OSWALD, but that Hoover and the WC immediately seized upon their word with both hands, furiously, in the interest of National Security. It was mandatory that OSWALD be on a bus -- no matter what, or the "Lone Shooter" theory went out the window.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Why presume he was an Imposter? It is far more likely that this was a case of mistaken identity.

What reasons did the two ladies from Australia have that this was OSWALD except for what they considered a resemblance with the "thinning, curly, wiry hair?" Only this:

A. This man said he was from Texas, and lived in Ft. Worth.

B. This man said he had been to Japan while in the Marines, and had been to Russia.

C. This man said he studied in Moscow, and faced a lot of red-tape trying to return.

And that's all.

It remains very possible that somebody else from Fort Worth was also in the Marines, also visited Japan, and also visited Russia and had a hard time returning. It remains possible that this person might have resembled Lee Harvey OSWALD. I will give ladies the benefit of the doubt -- the guy must have really looked similar to OSWALD in their memories.

Yet for an Imposter to neglect saying the NAME of the person he was impersonating is, IMHO, simply not plausible.

I don't know why an imposter would neglect to say the name. But I also can't chalk this up to simple mistaken identity or to coincidence if the four English-speaking witnesses are to be believed. In addition to what this person told the two women from Australia, he told the McFarlands that he was secretary of the New Orleans branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and was on his way to Cuba to see Castro if he could.

The Marines, Japan, Russia, New Orleans, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. I have a hard time believing in that much coincidence on one bus ride.

Edit: The yellow highlighting is from cutting and pasting the line about the committee. Why it came out yellow I have no idea.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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I don't know why an imposter would neglect to say the name. But I also can't chalk this up to simple mistaken identity or to coincidence if the four English-speaking witnesses are to be believed. In addition to what this person told the two women from Australia, he told the McFarlands that he was secretary of the New Orleans branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and was on his way to Cuba to see Castro if he could.

The Marines, Japan, Russia, New Orleans, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. I have a hard time believing in that much coincidence on one bus ride.

Well, Ron, you said the keywords there: "if the four English-speaking witnesses are to be believed."

We have eliminated Albert Osborne, leaving four English-speaking witnesses: two Australian ladies and the young wife of Dr. John Bryan McFarland who simply echoed her husband nearly twice her age, and the key witness: Dr. McFarland.

Yet I have set the two Australian ladies aside with a plausible case of "mistaken identity," and I will also set aside Mrs. McFarland who seems to say nothing more than, "me too" in the literature. So, it really comes down to the good doctor, IMHO.

Now -- I think we might agree that if this was only a Marine who had been to Japan and Russia, as that man told the two Australian ladies -- that we might have an ordinary coincidence.

However -- once we add New Orleans and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, then we cannot claim a coincidence -- we must absolutely identify Lee Harvey Oswald (or a deliberate Imposter) in this description.

Yet it is odd, IMHO, that this alleged "Oswald" would not tell his name to the two ladies, and would not talk about politics with them at all -- and yet he would blurt his name and his politics to Dr. McFarland -- and nothing else.

So -- I want to explore an alternative. If Dr. McFarland was also a member or a follower of the John Birch Society, then he would have heard a lot about the FPCC, i.e. that it was Communist. By the time the FBI got around to questioning him, he would have heard the full story about Lee Harvey Oswald in the press. The Communist danger of Lee Harvey Oswald would have been impressed upon him by the JBS.

I really want to know the politics of McFarland. We have three key elements in McFarland's Affidavit: (1) OSWALD was from New Orleans; (2) OSWALD was an officer in the FPCC; and (3) OSWALD was on his way to Cuba to meet Castro.

This identification is SOLID -- unless it is perjury. I will suspect this identification of perjury (for the sake of argument).

* Why does McFarland tell a very different story than the two Australian ladies?

* Why would OSWALD talk politics -- very frankly I might add, like boasting, with no sign of secrecy -- with Dr. McFarland and his young wife, but not with the two single ladies from Australia?

* Why would "Oswald" identify himself to McFarland just as Hoover wanted to hear it -- but to nobody else? That makes no sense to me.

In fact, the only thing that "Oswald" was alleged to say to the McFarlands was that: (1) he was from New Orleans; (2) he was an officer in the FPCC; and (3) he was on his way to Cuba to meet Castro.

In other words -- the only conversation "Oswald" had with them was to give a full, complete identification of himself exactly as Hoover wanted to hear -- and little else.

Sorry -- it sounds contrived to me. And yet the entire identification of OSWALD on that bus boils down to one man and his passive wife -- Dr. and Mrs. John Bryan McFarland.

What were McFarland's politics? Was he like the DPD officers who insisted that OSWALD was a Communist and so had to die? Was he trying to please Hoover?

In any case, he truly pleased Hoover -- because upon his sole witness (and against all Mexican records and witnesses) we have the "Lone Nut" OSWALD -- who absolutely, positively rode in a bus and not a car to Mexico City -- just as Hoover wanted it.

Even though we have no bus manifest records! (I personally don't buy the claim that the "Government" confiscated all those records.)

Even though we do have Mexican immigration reports, both coming and going to Mexico City, that suggest OSWALD was actually a passenger in an automobile!

Now if (and only if) McFarland was lying in order to please Hoover and Warren -- then again we have no "Oswald," but now we don't even have an Imposter, but only a case of mistaken identity on the part of the two Australian ladies, and a Big Lie by McFarland and his "me too" wife.

Not even an Imposter now; we have only J. Edgar Hoover's own Big Lie about the "Lone Nut", made plausible by Dr. McFarland and his claim that this FPCC officer on his way to see Fidel Castro would tell a complete stranger, a medical doctor, but nobody else, his full identity and the purpose of his trip.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Now if (and only if) McFarland is lying in order to please Hoover and Warren -- then again we have no "Oswald" nor any "Imposter," but only a case of mistaken identity on the part of the two Australian ladies, and a Big Lie by McFarland.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the government had McFarland lie. Nothing about the U.S.government surprises me. But such out-and-out perjury seems less likely to me than the alternative explanation, which is that there was an Oswald imposter on the bus. Not a very good or well-coached one, perhaps, but an imposter nonetheless, to show that Oswald got to Mexico City with no need of a driver (other than a bus driver). But since neither alternative can be proven, I'll leave it at that.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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What, then, of the real Lee Harvey Oswald (Marina's husband)? I say he entered Mexico by automobile, as the Mexican border guards said he did.

Paul, I'm not familiar with the Mexican border guards evidence. Could you elaborate?



Sure, Tom.

John Armstrong wrote in his book, Harvey and Lee (2003), in the chapter, "Mexico City - Pandora's Box":

The FM-8, issued at the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans, recorded that Oswald was 23 years old, married, a photographer, resided in New Orleans, and listed his destination as Mexico City. Maydon's supervisor, Raul Luebano, advised, "Our inspector said that his best recollection was that Oswald was traveling with two women and a man in an automobile..."

Also, on 12 March 1964, J. Edgar Hoover sent a cable to the LEGAT, Mexico City. Part of that cable says:

"The mode of travel on FM-11 was shown as 'auto.' As you know it has not been established how Oswald left Mexico on October 3, 1963. Until we can prove Oswald was on a bus, this possibility will always exist that he left by automobile as indicated in Mexican Immigration records."

I'm currently looking for those Mexican immigration records.


--Paul Trejo

You will find them all in my Mexico series at CTKA Paul...

You will also learn that the FM-8 was applied for on an FM-5 application.

That it was the impression of Maydon, the inspector, who THINKS he remembers this person with others yet the report only mentions Bill & Elaine Allen

From part 7 in process:

Yet this following CIA report from Oswald’s 201 file appears to be the only one offered which is even close to the names offered: CIA 201 file Vol 3 Folder 8 p147 – the report on STEVE ALLEN BRILL and ELAINE ESTERMAN BRILL did not drive over the boarder but walked across and took a bus to Monterrey and that the difference in the name MUST have been a typographical error

You will also find if you take the time, that the State department's consul in Laredo HARVEY CASH lies to I&NS Kline about what the records even say. He tells them and in turn the FBI that there is no mention of a mode of transportation on the FM-8. The FM-11 created from these FM-8's DOES have him leaving on Oct 3rd by car. The CIA and State Dept kept that info to themselves and put the FBI on the task of creating a travel plan for Oswald out of New Orelans thru Mexico City and back to Dallas... except as I show in the first 4 articles... none of what they did was authentic... it was all created a little at a time and when found to be incorrect, was scrapped.

All the Mexico Evidence was taken "soon after the assassination" by agents of the Mexican President. One Arturo BOSCH created the fake FRONTERA bus manifest in the presence of these workers and the reports to corroborate it are discussed in my work.

The work I've done and will complete with #7 has already been earmarked for a book which already has interest from publishers... the work is all from publically available documents.

Outside of the one visit of a man that Duran and Azcue both say are not Oswald, there is no evidence for the existence of Oswald in Mexico that does not come from a single FBI source at the Gobernacion or the CIA.

The work is available free to everyone, at this point. I've learned so much along the way about this Mexico trip's deception, what happens DURING the visit as told by the CIA is best looked at thru Bill Simpich's work... the lies related to getting and proving Lee Oswald ever went to Mexico (including the lies of MacFarland and the two Aussie girls) are explored more deeply in my work than in any other work available.

Even Lopez stated that the WCR got the travel portion "correct" and the HSCA was not going to look into that aspect of the trip. With the CIA running the HSCA, it's no wonder they took that stance.

I hope you take the time to check it out as it might save you some of the 8 months it has taken me to find, organize and present this information.


David Josephs on the Mexico City Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

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You will find them all [Mexican Immigration records on OSWALD] in my Mexico series at CTKA Paul...

You will also learn that the FM-8 was applied for on an FM-5 application. That it was the impression of Maydon, the inspector, who THINKS he remembers this person with others yet the report only mentions Bill & Elaine Allen

From part 7 in process:[/size]

Yet this following CIA report from Oswald’s 201 file appears to be the only one offered which is even close to the names offered: CIA 201 file Vol 3 Folder 8 p147 – the report on STEVE ALLEN BRILL and ELAINE ESTERMAN BRILL did not drive over the boarder but walked across and took a bus to Monterrey and that the difference in the name MUST have been a typographical error[/size]

You will also find if you take the time, that the State department's consul in Laredo HARVEY CASH lies to I&NS Kline about what the records even say. He tells them and in turn the FBI that there is no mention of a mode of transportation on the FM-8. The FM-11 created from these FM-8's DOES have him leaving on Oct 3rd by car. The CIA and State Dept kept that info to themselves and put the FBI on the task of creating a travel plan for Oswald out of New Orelans thru Mexico City and back to Dallas... except as I show in the first 4 articles... none of what they did was authentic... it was all created a little at a time and when found to be incorrect, was scrapped.[/size]

All the Mexico Evidence was taken "soon after the assassination" by agents of the Mexican President. One Arturo BOSCH created the fake FRONTERA bus manifest in the presence of these workers and the reports to corroborate it are discussed in my work.[/size]

The work I've done and will complete with #7 has already been earmarked for a book which already has interest from publishers... the work is all from publically available documents.[/size]

Outside of the one visit of a man that Duran and Azcue both say are not Oswald, there is no evidence for the existence of Oswald in Mexico that does not come from a single FBI source at the Gobernacion or the CIA.[/size]

The work is available free to everyone, at this point. I've learned so much along the way about this Mexico trip's deception, what happens DURING the visit as told by the CIA is best looked at thru Bill Simpich's work... the lies related to getting and proving Lee Oswald ever went to Mexico (including the lies of MacFarland and the two Aussie girls) are explored more deeply in my work than in any other work available.[/size]

Even Lopez stated that the WCR got the travel portion "correct" and the HSCA was not going to look into that aspect of the trip. With the CIA running the HSCA, it's no wonder they took that stance.[/size]

I hope you take the time to check it out as it might save you some of the 8 months it has taken me to find, organize and present this information.[/size]


David Josephs on the Mexico City Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6[/size]

OK, David, this is interesting. I have a few questions for you:

(1) Is your work not mainly an expansion of John Armstrong's thousand page tome, "HARVEY AND LEE" (2003)?

(2) If so, then do you also include the work done by Bill Simpich in his milestone work, "STATE SECRET" (2014)?

(3) If so, then how do you respond to Simpich's claim that a Mole-Hunt was started by the Tuesday 1 October 1963 Impersonation of Lee Harvey OSWALD in Mexico City?

Because, if the CIA started a Mole-Hunt, then it's certain that the CIA high-command did not know who was Impersonating OSWALD in Mexico City -- although they were pretty sure it was a CIA Officer, or other Intelligence Officer, because the Impersonators really knew what they were doing, that they were being recorded, and who was listening to the wire-taps, and that they would know who KGB Agent Valeriy Kostikov was, and his significance.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - I know you think the CIA mole hunt proves that CIA high command did not know who was impersonating Oswald. It seems logical enough. But it is also possible that the mole hunt itself was a cover for something deeper. One thing that John Newman, a great researcher in this area especially, has shown is that CIA files are multi-leveled. What better way to hide CIA involvement than to leave a paper trail that suggests they did not know what was going on? The mole hunt is simply not conclusive of CIA innocence.

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Paul T. - I know you think the CIA mole hunt proves that CIA high command did not know who was impersonating Oswald. It seems logical enough. But it is also possible that the mole hunt itself was a cover for something deeper. One thing that John Newman, a great researcher in this area especially, has shown is that CIA files are multi-leveled. What better way to hide CIA involvement than to leave a paper trail that suggests they did not know what was going on? The mole hunt is simply not conclusive of CIA innocence.

The issue, Paul B., is when "conspiracy thinking" goes overboard. We should also remember Occam's Razor, because without it, there is literally no end to possible conspiracy theories.

The reason that I accept the Simpich Mole Hunt to be a final, absolute limit of the OSWALD Mexico City episode, is because a CIA Mole Hunt is kept secret even from most career CIA Officers.

Only a tiny handful of CIA high-command even know when a Mole-Hunt is happening, what to speak of its individual rules.

Now, to suppose that a CIA Mole-Hunt was a cover for yet another conspiracy is like putting legs on a snake. It's like gilding a lily. It's superfluous, as it postulates a higher-command even above the CIA high-command.

No -- nobody except the Top Command of the CIA was even supposed to know about any given Mole-Hunt -- nor was anybody in the world ever supposed to find out that a Mole-Hunt had ever occurred -- and that included the US President. A Mole-Hunt -- to work -- must be Top Secret above Top Secret.

So, no, Paul B., I don't recognize any CIA Mole-Hunt that was done to fool future generations, or any other such speculation. Bill Simpich finally and completely cracked the case of the Mexico City episode -- when we trace out all the implications using reason, logic and common sense.

Bill Simpich's eBook, State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City, Double Agents, and the Framing of Lee Oswald (2014), invalidates much of John Newman's work (no matter how great Newman seemed when he was published 20 years ago).

SImpich's eBook also invalidates much of John Armstrong's work (no matter how great Armstrong seemed 10 years ago).

The Mexico City episode as explained by Bill Simpich proves, IMHO, that the CIA high-commanders had no clue who OSWALD's Impersonators were, and they were desperate to find out. (But they did know that it was an inside job by somebody who knew the Mexican Embassy Compound like the back of their hand.)

That is why the CIA confiscated or redacted all of the Embassy Compound's records and photos and transcripts of OSWALD in Mexico City. It was for their super-urgent Mole-Hunt.

Bill Simpich's breakthrough is a paradigm shift in JFK Research. Anybody who hasn't read Bill Simpich yet is simply repeating theories from 10 or 20 years ago, or even longer.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Look at 4:01, you see the same neck scratcher, with a big bald spot on the back of his head. Sorry, Tommy, I want to believe but I don't think so.

We're talking about two different grey-suit-wearing men.

Please watch it again, Bill, starting at 3:50.

At 3:55 Neck Scratcher (Morales?) walks up and stands right behind the guy with the bald spot you're talking about. The guy you're talking about is also wearing a grey suit. The guy you're talking about is wearing glasses and has a bald spot and you can see a few seconds later, after the camera position has changed, that the guy you're talking about is holding a bunch of stuff in his hands..

Both of the men in grey suits can be seen simultaneously at 3:55-3:56 and you can see the bald spot on the guy standing in front of Neck Scratcher (Morales?).

I think the guy who is scratching his neck and standing behind the guy with the bald spot is David Sanchez Morales.

--Tommy :sun

bumped one last time for Bill Simpich


Please see my new post on Morales at the "Who Killed Bobby?" thread.


--Tommy :sun

Interesting note about this video: At 3:19 in the background there's a man that is a dead ringer for Bill Shelley.

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I agree with Harry Dean this far -- OSWALD was driven to Mexico City by Loran Hall and Larry Howard (partly to test out his bogus FPCC credentials, and) partly to obtain $500 in cash from Guy Gabaldon.


Who do you think was the Oswald who took a bus to Mexico City, sitting next to Albert Osborne and talking with two British and two Australian tourists?

Good question, Ron. In my opinion, most of the "sightings" of OSWALD were fictitious boastings by nut-cases. The others were largely cases of mistaken identity.

Take John Howard Bowen (alias Albert Alexander Osborne), for example, a classic pathological xxxx.

How many people enjoyed their "fifteen minutes of fame" which might never come again, just by claiming that this or that look-alike was really OSWALD?

I won't go into "conspiracy" mode when I learn that the bus records fail to register any Lee Harvey Oswald on board.

I won't go into "conspiracy" mode when I learn that some Mexican border guards reported Lee Harvey Oswald entered Mexico as a passenger in a car.

Most of their accounts have problems of exaggeration, mistaken identity or just fiction. We must remember that Lee Harvey OSWALD was the single most famous (infamous) person in the Western world after the death of JFK, for perhaps a solid year.

It's a scenario just begging for nut-cases to come out of the woodwork.


--Paul Trejo

Paul and Ron...

I can understand if you'd prefer to just jockey back and forth without the evidence in front of you... yet if you want to know WHY the FBI created the entire bus trip, and how it was accomplished you might want to read the work which has taken me the last 8 months.... Mexico City Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Do you know who the Lawyer Ochoa was and how he helped the FBI with the Mexican Evidence?

Are you aware of what Arturo Bosch did to the Frontera bus passenger mainfest? (when it was found that a 2pm departure could not get him to connecting buses in time to get back to the TEC for his Oct 3rd appointment... it was dropped and no longer considered evidence of the trip... as it had been for quite some time) They knew who did it and when yet there was no followup to the Mexican President, his staff or Bosch for falsifying evidence... they just found another bus which leaves at 8:30am - Del Norte - while other FBI reports put him on the Anahuac bus line...


Did you know that the Aussie girls and McFarland were not on the bus the FBI claims Oswald was on?

At some point don't you need to actually go to the work and evidence and stop spreading incorrect information about this trip? The documents are part of the paper...

The "Oswald" character is a composite of a number of different passengers a number of different witnesses claimed to have seen...

Yet when you get to the evidence, none of it is true.

There was no "Oswald" on any of these buses... the evidence shows that "LEE, Harvey Oswald" or H.O. LEE is the name on the travel documents. That all the after the fact info created alphabetizes Mr. LEE between N and P, never as Mr. Lee as all the evidence shows.

Reports talk of Lee HENRY Oswald traveling as shown by the Mexican records yet there is not one piece of evidence that uses HENRY...

State Consul Harvey CASH lies to the I&NS about what the evidence handed to him actually says by removing reference to "Vieja en Auto" and letting the FBI and I&NS create a badly pieced together bus trip.


If you can actually read thru the work and still believe that Oswald was on a bus or even in Mexico,

that the FBI bus Oswald is the CIA's embassy Oswald,

or that any of the evidence supporting the FBI's story is authentic, please post it... Nothing I have found to date supports the FBI's version of the story.

No one to date has taken a look at this evidence as I have... it started as a request from Jim D to do a write up when the signature on the Hotel registry and the name on the fake Visa - LEE, HARVEY OSWALD - are written exactly the same way while the signature on the visa itself is "Lee Oswald" (btw - the visa application with Oswald's name, as I posted before, was not a 15 day FM-8 but for a 180 day FM-5) What we learn is that OCHOA has the hotel registry, had already added notes to aid the investigation on the FM-11 and provides copies - NEVER originals - of these pages along with virtually every other piece of Mexican evidence for this falsified bus ride.

Say or feel whatever you want towards me... the evidence is all there and presented for you to decide. So are most of the links to the sources.

Paul - you specifically have a very narrow view of what the evidence shows. More than just Osborne talks about there not being other english speaking people on the bus...

The FBI puts Oswald on the Flecha Rojas bus into Mexico City (and also the Anahuac bus into Mexico City)...

The Flecha Rojas bus leaves Monterrey at 3:30 pm, the DEL NORTE bus leaves Monterrey at 7:30pm

The problem here is that the FBI puts Oswald on a 2pm Flecha Rojas bus leaving Neuvo Laredo and a Flecha Rojas bus leaving Monterrey only 1.5 hours later... it's a 4 hour 135-mile trip from Neuvo Laredo to Monterrey.

And the Aussies put themselves on a Del Norte bus.... the McFarlands are on the bus with the Aussies. Since no Oswald took a bus, what we find is that these two statements are the ONLY EVIDENCE for Oswald having been on a southern traveling bus from Monterrey (I also have the Flecha Rojas passenger manifest from Monterrey showing only passengers who got on in Monterrey (the Aussies).. they of course are not listed... (this is page 2 following the doc below)


McFarland affidavit:

Q. Did you see Oswald speaking to any other persons?

A. Yes. We observed him conversing occasionally with two young Australian women who boarded the bus on the evening of September 26th at Monterrey, Mexico. He also conversed occasionally with an elderly man who sat in the seat next to him for a time...

We spent one day in Monterrey and left by bus at 7:30 p.m. at Monterrey, and it was on that bus that we met Lee Harvey Oswald

Miss MUMFORD. Well, the ticket we had on this deal enabled us only to travel in the States, not in Mexico. So, we bought the ticket on the bus at Laredo and that enabled us to stop off in Monterrey. But the ticket was from Laredo to Mexico City.

Mr. BALL. And from what company did you buy the ticket?

Miss MUMFORD. As far as I can remember, it was a bus company called Transporter del Norte.

Mr. BALL. Now, you got on the bus at Monterrey on the evening of September 26 at 7:30 p.m., you just told me?

Miss MUMFORD. Yes.

Mr. BALL. And what was the company that operated that bus, do you know?

Miss MUMFORD. That was also Transporter del Norte.


Edited by David Josephs
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