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What happened to Fetzer?!?!?

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I don't understand the "staged event" angle used in these claims of false flag operations. Cold-blooded or psychopathic government operatives are perfectly capable of shooting 20 children and teachers in a schoolhouse or 9 people in a churchhouse using a "lone nut" or patsy (just like they're perfectly capable of killing a planeload of innocent people to rub out one particular person). Why in the world would they go to the unbelievably complicated trouble of faking the deaths?

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I don't understand the "staged event" angle used in these claims of false flag operations. Cold-blooded or psychopathic government operatives are perfectly capable of shooting 20 children and teachers in a schoolhouse or 9 people in a churchhouse using a "lone nut" or patsy (just like they're perfectly capable of killing a planeload of innocent people to rub out one particular person). Why in the world would they go to the unbelievably complicated trouble of faking the deaths?

Yes, Ron. I think that all U.S. mass murders are government agents. Don't you?


--Tommy :sun

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I hated receiving all those memes on Facebook about both Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing (and now, unfortunately, a few about Charleston) with photos of people who vaguely (VERY VAGUELY) look like the victims, wherein the person sending them claims they are still living. Disgusting. Hello, people- sometimes a duck is a duck--mass murders, lone nuts, and non-conspiracies do happen. Not everything is a false flag fake conspiracy.

The book that totally debunks the 9/11 truther crap- it will make you cry if you believe that junk:


Edited by Vince Palamara
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I hated receiving all those memes on Facebook about both Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing (and now, unfortunately, a few about Charleston) with photos of people who vaguely (VERY VAGUELY) look like the victims, wherein the person sending them claims they are still living. Disgusting. Hello, people- sometimes a duck is a duck--mass murders, lone nuts, and non-conspiracies do happen. Not everything is a false flag fake conspiracy.

The book that totally debunks the 9/11 truther crap- it will make you cry if you believe that junk:


Oh, please, Vince - Why do you see 1963 but deny 2001? And on the strength of this book?

As I said the last time I criticized this work and one of its authors growled litigiously - Readers, judge for yourself. But do it at the library.

Edited by David Andrews
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For a fellow whose apparent mission in life is to warn the global public about US false flags & black ops, Fetzer has been completely quiet about the biker shootout in Waco, TX a month ago. This journalist has stayed on the story continuously:


Click on the 'All Posts" button to follow his coverage from Day 1.

Many are calling this event a false flag/black op on the Internet. There are many similarities between it & the JFK assassination (attack videos confiscated, unreleased autopsy reports & ballistics evidence, conflicting witness accounts vs. law enforcement accounts, silence from the TX Attorney General, TX Governor & Justice Department about the mass arrests of 190+ persons present at or near the crime scene, etc.).

For Fetzer to ignore this event is strange indeed. Perhaps Dawn nailed it down. It would explain why Fetzer attacked almost everyone involved in research of the JFK assassination except himself.


Edited by Brad Milch
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And yet, incredibly, that book doesn't have a single negative review to date (out of the first 8 reviews). It's got a 4.5-star average rating.

Looks like people still like to read Fetzer's fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and other assorted trash.

(Can anyone, even the CTers at this nearly-all-CT forum at EF, imagine giving that book a perfect 5-star review? It's unfathomable.)

Edited by David Von Pein
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Reading the Amazon blurb for Fetzer's book has confirmed what I already suspected. There were two Paul McCartneys. Didn't a man named Armstrong write a book about it? No, wait, Armstrong walked on the moon. No, wait...

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I don't understand the "staged event" angle used in these claims of false flag operations. Cold-blooded or psychopathic government operatives are perfectly capable of shooting 20 children and teachers in a schoolhouse or 9 people in a churchhouse using a "lone nut" or patsy (just like they're perfectly capable of killing a planeload of innocent people to rub out one particular person). Why in the world would they go to the unbelievably complicated trouble of faking the deaths?

They wouldn't, which is why the stuff Jones and Fetzer are putting out is so crazy. I do believe a lot of terrible things about the powers that be but I don't think the Sandy Hook shooter was a "Patsy" nor was the church shooter. In my opinion.

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Perhaps every single incident is a false flag intervention - then again if the hidden government is so all powerful, and since only people like Jim can reveal it all - why do they feel compelled to keep doing such things? Or do they have to spin a few authors and internet gurus out to reveal it to everyone just to show how powerful and obsessive they are....certainly something to ponder.

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I hated receiving all those memes on Facebook about both Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing (and now, unfortunately, a few about Charleston) with photos of people who vaguely (VERY VAGUELY) look like the victims, wherein the person sending them claims they are still living. Disgusting. Hello, people- sometimes a duck is a duck--mass murders, lone nuts, and non-conspiracies do happen. Not everything is a false flag fake conspiracy.

The book that totally debunks the 9/11 truther crap- it will make you cry if you believe that junk:


Oh, please, Vince - Why do you see 1963 but deny 2001? And on the strength of this book?

As I said the last time I criticized this work and one of its authors growled litigiously - Readers, judge for yourself. But do it at the library.

Vince then tell me how building 7 fell? And how did a tv station in England (not positive of the place) know this would occur and so report before it happened? The evidence for conspiracy on 9-11 is overwhelming.

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I hated receiving all those memes on Facebook about both Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing (and now, unfortunately, a few about Charleston) with photos of people who vaguely (VERY VAGUELY) look like the victims, wherein the person sending them claims they are still living. Disgusting. Hello, people- sometimes a duck is a duck--mass murders, lone nuts, and non-conspiracies do happen. Not everything is a false flag fake conspiracy.

The book that totally debunks the 9/11 truther crap- it will make you cry if you believe that junk:


Oh, please, Vince - Why do you see 1963 but deny 2001? And on the strength of this book?

As I said the last time I criticized this work and one of its authors growled litigiously - Readers, judge for yourself. But do it at the library.

Vince then tell me how building 7 fell? And how did a tv station in England (not positive of the place) know this would occur and so report before it happened? The evidence for conspiracy on 9-11 is overwhelming.

Here's youtube video of the announcement, Dawn.

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