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Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of Tippit...

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John Armstrong’s new write-up on the Tippit slaying is now available on HarveyandLee.net.  It shows how Dallas Police Captain W.R. Westbrook was present at the murder, which was part of the setup of “Lee Harvey Oswald,” how Westbrook and reserve Sgt. Kenneth Croy were most likely in car #207 seen and heard by Earlene Roberts at 1026 N. Beckley, and shortly thereafter seen by Virginia Davis at the Tippit murder site.  Many enduring mysteries, such as the multiple wallets, the balcony and main floor arrests of “Oswald” at the theater, and several others are explained in this write-up.  Although the article contains a mixture of facts and informed speculation, it makes sense, at last, of many of the conflicting aspects of Tippit’s murder.  Read it here:



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On 10/6/2018 at 3:59 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

John Armstrong’s new write-up on the Tippit slaying is now available on HarveyandLee.net.  It shows how Dallas Police Captain W.R. Westbrook was present at the murder, which was part of the setup of “Lee Harvey Oswald,” how Westbrook and reserve Sgt. Kenneth Croy were most likely in car #207 seen and heard by Earlene Roberts at 1026 N. Beckley, and shortly thereafter seen by Virginia Davis at the Tippit murder site.  Many enduring mysteries, such as the multiple wallets, the balcony and main floor arrests of “Oswald” at the theater, and several others are explained in this write-up.  Although the article contains a mixture of facts and informed speculation, it makes sense, at last, of many of the conflicting aspects of Tippit’s murder.  Read it here:



Interesting reading. I’m not finished yet, but still have a hunch that there is nothing in it about Westbrook’s background. Is that the case? 

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Just a quick response to David's question.  My impression is that Martino knew of Oswald and that Oswald was going to be a patsy in terms of being associated with Castro - of course Castro was the real patsy - Oswald would have only been one lead towards him.  Martino was aware of Oswald, had observed him leafleting in New Orleans and knew he was in Dallas.  However Martino never exaggerated what he knew of the plot; he only stated nobody was expecting Oswald to actually shoot Kennedy and that the shooting of Tippet and capture of Oswald Oswald  had aborted the full extent of the plan...what that was he never really claimed to know.

Edited by Larry Hancock
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On 10/6/2018 at 5:59 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

John Armstrong’s new write-up on the Tippit slaying is now available on HarveyandLee.net....  Read it here:


Tangential to the above-referenced article: In John Armstrong's hypothesized scenario, why would *both* HARVEY and LEE ever have risked being present, at the same time, in or around the TSBD - especially at the time when JFK was murdered? Considering Armstrong's presentation of evidence that these two people looked alike, at least in the face, would it not have risked exposing the plot if the presence of both individuals had been observed (or had they been apprehended) at the same time - or nearly so - by any or all of TSBD employees, bystanders or DPD personnel?  ML

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47 minutes ago, Mark Lawson said:

Tangential to the above-referenced article: In John Armstrong's hypothesized scenario, why would *both* HARVEY and LEE ever have risked being present, at the same time, in or around the TSBD - especially at the time when JFK was murdered? Considering Armstrong's presentation of evidence that these two people looked alike, at least in the face, would it not have risked exposing the plot if the presence of both individuals had been observed (or had they been apprehended) at the same time - or nearly so - by any or all of TSBD employees, bystanders or DPD personnel?  ML

I think we have learned that the conspirators could make almost anything stick if they wanted to do so. The confusion caused by our twin Ozzies would only help their cause as long as they were never seen in the same place together.

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1 hour ago, Mark Lawson said:

Tangential to the above-referenced article: In John Armstrong's hypothesized scenario, why would *both* HARVEY and LEE ever have risked being present, at the same time, in or around the TSBD - especially at the time when JFK was murdered? Considering Armstrong's presentation of evidence that these two people looked alike, at least in the face, would it not have risked exposing the plot if the presence of both individuals had been observed (or had they been apprehended) at the same time - or nearly so - by any or all of TSBD employees, bystanders or DPD personnel?  ML


55 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

I think we have learned that the conspirators could make almost anything stick if they wanted to do so. The confusion caused by our twin Ozzies would only help their cause as long as they were never seen in the same place together.

The conspirators took the risk of making both Oswalds appear together at the same time as adults in one place: the Texas Theater.  LEE Oswald killed Tippit, as planned, and led police to the theater, also as planned.  When Tippit was killed, HARVEY Oswald was already inside the theater, looking for a contact with the other half of his torn-in-half dollar bill.  HARVEY was instructed to go to the theater so it would appear that he was hiding in the dark from the police, not because there was actually a contact there.  LEE led the chase to HARVEY.

LEE was arrested, or at least detained, in the balcony of the theater and was led out the back door, where he was seen in police custody by Bernard Haire and others.  HARVEY was arrested on the main floor and led out the front door of the theater.  Butch Burroughs told James Douglass that he witnessed the arrest of both Oswalds inside the theater on 11/22/63.  You may find this hard to believe, but he was there, and none of the rest of us were.  The balcony arrest of LEE Oswald is described in at least two Dallas Police reports.

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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On 10/7/2018 at 7:40 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

The conspirators took the risk of making both Oswalds appear together at the same time as adults in one place: the Texas Theater....

That's a good point, Jim - thank you for clarifying.  The newly revised and augmented Armstrong article on Tippit's murder is most interesting and thought-provoking.  It seems bizarre that "two Oswalds" could have been so closely intertwined - and both of themvisible at various times - but then the documented historical record is itself breathtakingly bizarre.  Still studying the evidence and scratching my head.  ML

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As long as this thread is touching on "2 Oswalds" or as author Harold Weisberg wrote in Oswald in New Orleans (1967) "the False Oswald",  check out these photos of Michael Paine that Vince Palamara has posted on his blogspot:   http://vincepalamara.blogspot.com/2015/08/oswalds-friend-michael-paine-oswald.html



Oswald's friend Michael Paine- Oswald double

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The 6'4" Michael Paine would be an interesting stretch as a double for little Harvey...



Here are some other options though: (not sure on the Wayne name)


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Another few strange details with Bowley...

He worked for Ruby for 5-7 years in the 50's.  Ruby may have even bailed him out of Biz trouble

Bowley claims he had to turn Tippit over and that there was little if any blood...  (despite his being shot twice in the chest and once in the right temple)

If Bowley turned him over, Tatum's story of the shooter coming around the BACK of the patrol car to shoot him in the head seems to be in conflict...  how do you shoot someone from front to back in the temple, exiting at the rear back of the head, do so with him face down?

Finally, the strange journey of Bowley, with his 12 year old daughter in the car....  He picks her up at R L Thornton Elementary and is going to meet his wife working at the phone company at Zangs and 9th...

In his 1977 statement, he says he goes north on Marsalis and turns left onto 10th... and that's when he "happens" into the shooting aftermath... except 10th didn't go thru to Beckley or Zangs, 9th does.

Why in the world would he turn on 10th at 1:08pm when one more block and then a left takes him to his wife's door...  this is a map showing the route from the elementary school to 9th and Zangs... w/o the freeways...

Just makes little sense to me...  any help/thoughts is appreciated





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John wrote and revised the following new paragraph yesterday and today for the Tippit Murder page on HarveyandLee.net.  I just put the new paragraph up.  Read the part, especially, about Westbrook's death.

Both Both Capt. Westbrook and Sgt. Croy were interviewed by the WC, but neither man said anything about the 2nd wallet. In March, 1996 FBI agent James Hosty published his book, Assignment: Oswald. For the first time, Hosty described how Capt. Westbrook showed a wallet to fellow police officers at 10th & Patton that contained identification for Lee Harvey Oswald and Alex Hidell. Hosty's book contained photos of the wallet and FBI agent Barrett's first hand account of Westbrook asking him if he knew Lee Harvey Oswald or Alex Hidell. Hosty, however, was unable to explain how Westbrook acquired the wallet nor could he explain what Westbrook did with the wallet after leaving 10th & Patton. Capt. Westbrook never wrote a report about the wallet, never entered the wallet into evidence, was never interviewed by the FBI about the wallet, and never, ever, discussed the wallet with anyone. When JFK researchers first learned about the 2nd Oswald wallet, from Hosty's book in early 1996, they were desperate to interview Westbrook. They soon learned that only a few weeks before Hosty's book was released, Capt Westbook suddenly died on February 21, 1996. After learning of the death of Capt. Westbrook researcher Jones Harris arranged for an interview with the first police officer at 10th & Patton, Sgt. Kenneth Croy. For the first time Sgt. Croy was asked what he knew about the 2nd wallet, and told Harris that an "unknown witness" gave him gave the wallet, which he then gave to Westbrook. It should not surprise anyone to learn there is, and never has been, any evidence to support or verify Croy's claim. Not one witness, not one ambulance driver, not one neighbor, and not one bystander nor anyone else saw a wallet lying on the street, in Tippit's car or anywhere. Ted Calloway arrived before Tippit's body was loaded in the ambulance. Callaway said, "I'll tell you one thing, there was no billfold at that scene. If there was, there would have been too many people who would have seen it." Neither Westbrook, Croy, or anyone told the Warren Commission or the HSCA about the 2nd Oswald wallet that appeared, and then disappeared, at 10th & Patton. Thirty three years later, in 1996, the 2nd wallet was first introduced to the public by former FBI agent James Hosty. Because of their actions and involvement at 10th & Patton, we now know that Westbrook, Croy, and LEE Oswald conspired to murder Officer Tippit, and frame HARVEY Oswald for the crime.

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3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

John wrote and revised the following new paragraph yesterday and today for the Tippit Murder page on HarveyandLee.net.  I just put the new paragraph up.  Read the part, especially, about Westbrook's death.

Both Both Capt. Westbrook and Sgt. Croy were interviewed by the WC, but neither man said anything about the 2nd wallet. In March, 1996 FBI agent James Hosty published his book, Assignment: Oswald. For the first time, Hosty described how Capt. Westbrook showed a wallet to fellow police officers at 10th & Patton that contained identification for Lee Harvey Oswald and Alex Hidell. Hosty's book contained photos of the wallet and FBI agent Barrett's first hand account of Westbrook asking him if he knew Lee Harvey Oswald or Alex Hidell. Hosty, however, was unable to explain how Westbrook acquired the wallet nor could he explain what Westbrook did with the wallet after leaving 10th & Patton. Capt. Westbrook never wrote a report about the wallet, never entered the wallet into evidence, was never interviewed by the FBI about the wallet, and never, ever, discussed the wallet with anyone. When JFK researchers first learned about the 2nd Oswald wallet, from Hosty's book in early 1996, they were desperate to interview Westbrook. They soon learned that only a few weeks before Hosty's book was released, Capt Westbook suddenly died on February 21, 1996. After learning of the death of Capt. Westbrook researcher Jones Harris arranged for an interview with the first police officer at 10th & Patton, Sgt. Kenneth Croy. For the first time Sgt. Croy was asked what he knew about the 2nd wallet, and told Harris that an "unknown witness" gave him gave the wallet, which he then gave to Westbrook. It should not surprise anyone to learn there is, and never has been, any evidence to support or verify Croy's claim. Not one witness, not one ambulance driver, not one neighbor, and not one bystander nor anyone else saw a wallet lying on the street, in Tippit's car or anywhere. Ted Calloway arrived before Tippit's body was loaded in the ambulance. Callaway said, "I'll tell you one thing, there was no billfold at that scene. If there was, there would have been too many people who would have seen it." Neither Westbrook, Croy, or anyone told the Warren Commission or the HSCA about the 2nd Oswald wallet that appeared, and then disappeared, at 10th & Patton. Thirty three years later, in 1996, the 2nd wallet was first introduced to the public by former FBI agent James Hosty. Because of their actions and involvement at 10th & Patton, we now know that Westbrook, Croy, and LEE Oswald conspired to murder Officer Tippit, and frame HARVEY Oswald for the crime.

Following this thread with great interest. The reason I keep asking for more biographical info/research on Westbrook and many other DP is that there is almost nothing in the record. If Westbrook was part of the conspiracy to frame Oswald, and I agree there is good reason to think he was, who were his fellow conspirators? I agree that his later post assassination posting to South VN Police is significant. It’s the lack of background info on Westbrook that is so suspicious. I continue to think that his connection to the likewise little known or understood 488th Reserve Military Intelligence group is a major clue. 

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