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Who was Jack Ruby?

Paul Brancato

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7 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Alleged plans of Secret Army Organization in Portugal for post deGaulle takeover in France.  Report #DB-3/655,207. 25th June 1963.  This document ends with comment on Souetre.  "Information from both press and official French sources indicate that the Souetre is the name of a former French army captain who escaped from a detention camp in 1961.


A small note.

Souetre escaped from the Saint Maurice de l'Ardoise prison camp in the late hours of February 18, 1962 and early hours of February 19th.

He married for the second time while he was the prison camp on January 20, 1962. It was quite the scandal at the time.


For the Frenchman flitting back and forth between Mexico and Montreal, I would look at Victor Michael Mertz.

Read up on his connections to the Montreal underworld and Paul Mondolini.

Steve Thomas


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14 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


For the Frenchman flitting back and forth between Mexico and Montreal, I would look at Victor Michael Mertz.

Read up on his connections to the Montreal underworld and Paul Mondolini.

Steve Thomas


Cheers Steve.

There is a chapter on Mertz in Kross' book.  OAS, Heroin smuggler, SDECE agent, links to Lucien Rivard, Paul Mondolini, Christian David, Trafficante, Marcello & maybe Lucien Sarti.

Mertz seems to be a shoe in for Harvey's ZR/RIFLE too.

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2 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Cheers Steve.

There is a chapter on Mertz in Kross' book..., SDECE agent,


Have you ever read Maurice Phillips's blog, "I have some secrets for you"?


Something a poster wrote in a commentary on the blog makes a lot of sense to me.

Anonymous said...

“I think that Michel Mertz is the one person, who, when we learn more about what he was doing in Dallas on 11/22/63, will blow the whole case wide open and reveal JFK's assassins...likely Mertz himself, was one of the assassins. Mertz had Diplomatic Immunity, and this might be why the Justice Department ushered him out of the country within 48 hours of the Kennedy killing. Not that they would ever reveal that there was more than one gunman (Oswald wasn't one of the assassins)”


I would recommend Maurice's book, De Dallas à Montréal: La filière montréalaise dans l'assassinat de JFK, but it's $185.00 in pbk form. (1996).

Steve Thomas

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9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Have you ever read Maurice Phillips's blog, "I have some secrets for you"?


Something a poster wrote in a commentary on the blog makes a lot of sense to me.

Anonymous said...

“I think that Michel Mertz is the one person, who, when we learn more about what he was doing in Dallas on 11/22/63, will blow the whole case wide open and reveal JFK's assassins...likely Mertz himself, was one of the assassins. Mertz had Diplomatic Immunity, and this might be why the Justice Department ushered him out of the country within 48 hours of the Kennedy killing. Not that they would ever reveal that there was more than one gunman (Oswald wasn't one of the assassins)”


I would recommend Maurice's book, De Dallas à Montréal: La filière montréalaise dans l'assassinat de JFK, but it's $185.00 in pbk form. (1996).

Steve Thomas

Since previous posts on the French Connection on this tread, I've found & caught up with Myra Bronstein's thread titled 'Jean Souetre' from back in 2017.  All interesting stuff but I think I'm up to speed on this with Kross' book. 

Cheers for the heads up on 'somesecretsforyou'.  I haven't come across the diplomatic immunity for Mertz before.  That would figure.

As for the Maurice Phillips book $185 I think I'll pass......but worth checking up on other French titles on this subject.....if there are English translations.

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22 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

After Eli and Woodrow comes Izzy.

If brothers Eli and Woodrow are involved as well as Izzy we should consider his brother Dave.   

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3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

I've had some extensive posts on Mertz and Soutre on my blog;  Steve probably remembers them...might be worth taking a look there - we had some good give an takes on it a couple of  years ago.

One of those articles on Larry's blog is in his Archives for December, 2018 here:


Steve Thomas

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:49 AM, Steve Thomas said:

One of those articles on Larry's blog is in his Archives for December, 2018 here:


Steve Thomas

Larry's blog on Jean Rene Soutre seems to demolish any French Connection assassin.  Steve, are you in agreement with that?   The Christian David interviews pointing to Sarti seemed pretty interesting to me.

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In my view the French Connection links have been deliberately muddied up. Christian David’s story is surely a rabbit hole. But just because one lead or another doesn’t pan out, like David, or Souetre, doesn’t mean there is no truth underlying. DeGaulle certainly thought there was. 

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On 8/11/2020 at 10:29 PM, Ron Bulman said:

If brothers Eli and Woodrow are involved as well as Izzy we should consider his brother Dave.   

Dave leads to Jack.

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14 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Larry's blog on Jean Rene Soutre seems to demolish any French Connection assassin.  Steve, are you in agreement with that?   The Christian David interviews pointing to Sarti seemed pretty interesting to me.


This is from an exchange Larry and I had back in 2018:


The way I see it, you've got three tracks to the "French Connection"

1) You've got Steve Rivele and his work with Christian David and Lucien Sarti.

2) You've got Fensterwald and his work on Mertz and Souetre

3) You've got William Reymond and his work on the Three Tramps.

JFK : autopsie d'un crime d'État


He identified Souetre as being one of the shooters using the code name, "Max"


(A tantalizing clue here is that "Maxime" was the radio call sign for the 40/541 parachute unit Souetre commanded in Algeria between 1957 and 1960).


If anything, I'm inclined to go along with Rivele who said in later years that if he were to do it over again, he'd concentrate on Paul Mondolini - drug trafficker out of Montreal (where Mertz was also sent after his double-cross in the Pont-sur-Seine affair and also involved in narcotics trafficking). As I read it, the Americans were tracking Mertz the drug smuggler, but lost him shortly before JFK's assassination. This is what Lamar Waldron says in his Legacy of Secrecy.


The "French did it" is just as bad as people who say, "The CIA did it."

It doesn't' lead anywhere except in circles.


I have some raw notes I've taken on Mondolini. I can post them if you'd like, but they go back about 13 years, and run to about 20 pages.

After his escape from prison camp in February, 1962, Souetre and Mura sent this letter to the prison commandant:

Monsieur. Respectueux des décisions de justice qui ont fait de nous des hommes libres, nous avons jugé de notre devoir de nous soustraire à une mesure incompatible avec notre état d’officier. Nous aurions été indignes de notre uniforme en acceptant de remplacer dans votre camp ceux que la France nous avait donnés pour mission de combattre. Respectueux de nos serments, fidèles aux traditions de notre Arme, convaincus de la justice de notre cause, nous ne pouvions demeurer plus longtemps dans une expectative coupable. Nous sommes persuadés Monsieur qu’il vous est facile de comprendre. Nous en appelons à votre dignité en vous demandant de vous refuser à remplir à l’avenir des fonctions qui déshonorent le Corps de la Police française. Mura et Souètre.”

(Arch. dép. du Gard, CA 1568).


Respectful of the judicial decisions which made us free men, we felt it our duty to avoid a measure incompatible with our position as officers. We would have been unworthy of our uniform by agreeing to replace in your camp those whom France had given us to fight. Respectful of our oaths, faithful to the traditions of our Arms, convinced of the justice of our cause, we could not remain longer in a guilty expectancy. We are convinced Monsieur, that it is easy for you to understand. We appeal to your dignity by asking you to refuse to fulfill in the future, functions that dishonor the French Police Corps. Mura and Souètre."


I just don't think assassins talk like that. I believe that Souetre was a patriot as he understood patriotism to be.

Steve Thomas

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On 8/11/2020 at 10:29 PM, Ron Bulman said:

If brothers Eli and Woodrow are involved as well as Izzy we should consider his brother Dave.   

Brothers Isadore and Dave owned the Enrique Press and Shine shop, two doors down from the Carousel.

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On 8/11/2020 at 10:29 PM, Ron Bulman said:

If brothers Eli and Woodrow are involved as well as Izzy we should consider his brother Dave.   

I guess the cat's out of the bag now.  The indictment was for John Eli Stone, James Woodrow Stone and Isadore Miller.  Isadore and brother Dave ran the Enrique Shine and Press Shop, Three doors from the Carousel.  John Eli Stone received the daily betting lines on multiple sports over the phone at Enrique Shine and Press.  JR of Dallas was observed conducting business with Dave Miller. 


Note the advertising for the Carousel in the front window of the Enrique.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 8/15/2020 at 7:33 PM, Ron Bulman said:

I guess the cat's out of the bag now.  The indictment was for John Eli Stone, James Woodrow Stone and Isadore Miller.  Isadore and brother Dave ran the Enrique Shine and Press Shop, Three doors from the Carousel.  John Eli Stone received the daily betting lines on multiple sports over the phone at Enrique Shine and Press.  JR of Dallas was observed conducting business with Dave Miller. 


Note the advertising for the Carousel in the front window of the Enrique.

We can't consider the Stone's and Miller's without bringing in another of Ruby's associates, Philip Bosco.  Owner of the Bosco gas station where attendants filled the tank, cleaned the window's, checked the oil and tire pressure.  And customers dropped off bets, paid losses, and picked up winnings.  

When called before the Grand Jury in Wichita Falls and asked "Did you ever receiver from John Stone or James Stone or Isadore Miller wager or bet information to be used in the business of gambling?", he pleaded the 5th.  Along with the same for several other questions.  

So, "He was brought before Judge Sarah (T.) Hughes (yes the same one who administered the Oath of office to LBJ) "who exempted him from prosecution and instructed him to return to the Grand Jury room and answer questions. . ."  He took the 5th again.  "Reluctantly , Judge "Hughes scheduled a contempt of court hearing" to placate RFK's prosecutors."

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