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Jim Marr's comments on the James Files story: Has any of it been debunked?

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No one that was involved in murdering JFK will admit to it.  No one.  They will never admit it.

Files is a publicity seeker trying to cash in on the JFK assassination.

You see this guy, Harold Doyle, he was one of the "Three Tramps".  He denies being involved.  Evidence shows he was Army Intelligence.  A photograph taken of him at Dealey Plaza shows what looks to be the butt of a rifle in his left lapel.


Marvin Wise, a Dallas police officer, has been interviewed by the FBI twice and by the House Select Committee.  Why?  Because his uniform seemed to be full of roof sand, he did not have police issue shoes, and had cotton in his ear the day of the assassination. He also denies involvement in the JFK assassination even though the evidence points to the contrary.



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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I've never considered myself an expert on ammunition but after writing three books on ammunition performance in the real world and having seen a number of specialized ammo used by the alphabet soup agencies, I've never seen a mercury bullet.

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8 minutes ago, Amadeus Sitchin said:

Why doesn't someone ask James Files?  He claims to have done it.  He's out of prison and maybe would explain it to the forum.  Who knows?  Seriously, does anyone have a way to contact him?  

I think hes still married to the women who wrote his book. Pamela Ray is her name. It would probably easier to track her down and find him. Although if he did join up here it wouldn't be for long. I dont think he likes being confronted about his story. He claims he told Oliver Stone to hit the road. If it is true Stone talked to him I'd be willing to bet it was the other way around 

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2 hours ago, Amadeus Sitchin said:

You know, it might not be as open and shut as you imply.  Just think, if the real shooter was still alive, and that person came forward it would force the government to abandon the lone-nut theory AND LHO as the only shooter.  At this point in time, a person could say they were the shooter ( such as James Files ) and the government could get away with just ignoring him.  

No one will admit that they killed JFK, would you? 

I don't know if the FBI investigated James Files, I would assume they did.  If he was involved he would be dead the minute he got arrested for anything. IMO - "They" would not use low level mafia to do this type of hit.

The bottom line is, if there is a conspiracy, it would mean that there was a coup d'etat.  Why? The place was chosen, the assassins where in place ahead of time, the limo slowed down, the security of the motorcade was stripped, The autopsy was irregular, there was a coverup.

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3 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

No one will admit that they killed JFK, would you? 

I don't know if the FBI investigated James Files, I would assume they did.  If he was involved he would be dead the minute he got arrested for anything. IMO - "They" would not use low level mafia to do this type of hit.

The bottom line is, if there is a conspiracy, it would mean that there was a coup d'etat.  Why? The place was chosen, the assassins where in place ahead of time, the limo slowed down, the security of the motorcade was stripped, The autopsy was irregular, there was a coverup.

Exactly. I dont understand how people can say the mafia did it. Everything that happened after the shooting was more important than the shooting itself. The mafia couldn't have pulled off any of it.

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1 minute ago, John Kozlowski said:

Exactly. I dont understand how people can say the mafia did it. Everything that happened after the shooting was more important than the shooting itself. The mafia couldn't have pulled off any of it.

Yep, Mafia members are not smart and there is no way they could have covered it up.  Besides, if the mafia did "it" . The mafiosos that where involved would have been killed by the FBI within days.

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47 minutes ago, John Kozlowski said:

Exactly. I dont understand how people can say the mafia did it. Everything that happened after the shooting was more important than the shooting itself. The mafia couldn't have pulled off any of it.

Everything that happened after the shooting was just as important as it, but wouldn't have been necessary without it.  But the mafia couldn't have pulled off it by themselves, much less the coverup.  They didn't control the Main Stream Media or Bethesda.  

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23 minutes ago, Amadeus Sitchin said:

The FBI did investigate Files and they found him not credible.  It's interesting that while behind bars, he was yacking it up about killing John Kennedy.  The moment he got released from prison, he's off the grid.  No more talk.  No interviews.  No book deals.  Just laying low.  But you can buy his artwork on eBay.

He has been silent for a while. Just the same old interview making the rounds for years. I believe he started telling his story in the mid 90s. Some off the wall tv station was showing his interview in 2014 saying it was new but it definitely wasn't  

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He was shot repeatedly with a rifle. Why bother to use something so exotic that might complicate the Oswald story. Performance expectation doesn't sound like actual results. Again a rifle jhp will do what you want it to do. If you want a round that will come apart radially use a Glaser Safety Slug.

I was Norfolk Navy base years ago when the Marine Corp Special Ops showed me rounds that would defeat armored vehicles when fired from a handgun and a 12 gauge slug that would penetrate armored limo's of the day. When I was the training Sgt at SWAT in Detroit we had the THV round in 9MM. I put it thru 38 layers of kevlar out of our pistols.

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