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Revolt of the Colonels?

Steve Thomas

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Somewhere back in 1990's (I read in the 2000's) Marina said "follow the money".  Hmm.  John Foster and Allen Dulles climbed the Wall Street ladder representing the Rockefellers Nazi interests among others.

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I always thought it curious that a group of five high ranking AF Officers met with JEH in his office exactly one week before the assassination. The names are in his daily appt. book which is online somewhere (maybe in FBI's archive online?).

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  • 5 months later...
On 2/12/2017 at 1:16 PM, Steve Thomas said:

Over the years, a number of groups, or at least rogue elements of those groups have been floated as suspects in the assassination of JFK. These have included the CIA, the mob, the right wing, etc. However, I believe that there was another group of people who seem to appear in key circumstances associated with this event; and these are colonels in the U.S. Army Reserves,


Lieutenant Colonel George B. Church, Jr.


Affidavit of George B. Church


p. 115


The following affidavit was executed by George B. Church, Jr., on June 27, 1964.



I, George B. Church, Jr., 2427 Sunset Drive, Tampa 9, Florida, being duly sworn say :


1.”I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army and am now a Junior High School teacher in Tampa. I am attending the University of Florida this summer.

  1. My wife and I traveled to Europe on the S.S. Marion Lykes which departed New Orleans, Louisiana for LeHavre, France, on or about September 20, 1959. This vessel was a freighter with accommodations for 12 passengers assigned two to a room. On this particular trip, there were but four passengers aboard. One of them was Lee Harvey Oswald, who shared a state room with an individual named Billy Joe Lord. The trip from New Orleans, Louisiana, terminated at LeHavre, France. The entire trip was approximately 16 days.”



Whitmeyer, Frances Raby was born February 21, 1922 and passed away April 4, 2009. Frances was born in Athens, Alabama to S.W. and Donna Raby. She graduated from Alabama Women's College in Athens. She moved to New Orleans and worked for the Lykes Steamship Co. and also for the City of New Orleans helping to translate French law into English. She later married George Whitmeyer and they moved to Germany where he was stationed after the war.




Steve Thomas

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Steve - is Frances Raby Whitmeyer related to this story othe than working for the steamship company in New Orleans and being married to Whitmeyer? Remind me - was Whitmeyer a far right Dallas based retired Army Colonel who was in the motorcade?

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32 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Steve - is Frances Raby Whitmeyer related to this story othe than working for the steamship company in New Orleans and being married to Whitmeyer? Remind me - was Whitmeyer a far right Dallas based retired Army Colonel who was in the motorcade?


"is Frances Raby Whitmeyer related to this story other than working for the steamship company in New Orleans and being married to Whitmeyer?"


No, other than the fact that according to Mary Ferrell's database, " In 1963, his wife Frances Raby Whitmeyer had a gift shop in Trade Mart. There was a rumor that FBI set up command post in her shop on 11/22/63".  https://www.maryferrell.org/php/marysdb.php?id=10103


"was Whitmeyer a far right Dallas based retired Army Colonel who was in the motorcade?"


I can't say he was "far right", but yes, he rode in the pilot cat with Lumpkin, and Det's Senkel and Turner. Senkel was one of the Detectives dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley.

Lumpkin and Whitmeyer were both in army intelligence.

I believe at this time that Senkel was the officer whose name Fritz couldn't remember, who told Fritz out in the hallway before he even went in the room to interrogate Oswald for the first time, that Oswald lived on Beckley. I think Senkel got that information from Lumpkin and Whitmeyer, and that's why he was dispatched there. When the Detectives got there, they wanted to know if Harvey Lee Oswald lived there.


PS: It's the steamship company that caught my attention. I asked myself the question, why would a guy from Florida be taking a steamer out of New Orleans to sail to France. Why wouldn't he just sail out of Florida?

I was just reading this morning that the Lykes Steamship company was the largest shipper of beef to Batista's Cuba before Castro took over.


Steve Thomas


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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve, saw this and thought of this thread. :-)

Page 3
Review of Hemming File at FBI 11/14/77
FBI informant supplied following information on Hemming on September 30, 1963 in Miami.
June 6, 1963 - Miami Beach- HEMMING visited CARLOS PRIO· SOCARRAS, 5070 Alton Road, Miami Beach, former President of Cuba. Prio to support a military training camp. 
July 3 1963 - Left for Dallas, Texas to confer with GENERAL  EDWIN A. WALKER who did not wish to get involved with Cuban affairs. Also conferred with LESTER R. LOGUE, Dallas. Logue did not wish to participate with Hemming for fear of offending U.S. government officials. Did promise to put him in contact with some soon-to-be promoted Colonel and Major in the Army Reserve.
August 6, 1963 - Miami - visited by FRANK NELSON of New York City representing a friend who was interested in buying PT boats for shipment to an African country. Nelson and Hemming visited boatyards in Miami.
FBI informant supplied following information on Hemming on June 21, 1963. June 19, 1963, a.m. -Miami- HEMMING and DICK WATLEY met with MIKE MORINO at Trio Diner.Wanted to know Morino and were planning to rob him of arms Morino kept at 2954 Southwest 16th Terrace, Miami and at Morino's home in Hialeah, Florida. June 19, 1963, p.m. - Hemming on raid of residence of CARLOS ZARRAGA for part of Morino's supply of arms. Returned ZARRAGA'S arms and proceeded to Marino's house. U.S. Customs had confiscated  arms.
FBI report to U.S. Customs Deputy Commissioner from J. Edgar Hoover, dated June 21, 1963 - relates that on June 18, 1963, in Miami, STURGIS and HEMMING took RICHARD LAUCHLI of Collinsville, Illinois around Miami. LAUCHLI (LOCKLEY phoenic) has a carload of automatic weapons and is a regional director of the "MINUTEMEN". 
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33 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

Steve, saw this and thought of this thread. :-)

Page 3
Review of Hemming File at FBI 11/14/77
FBI informant supplied following information on Hemming on September 30, 1963 in Miami.
June 6, 1963 - Miami Beach- HEMMING visited CARLOS PRIO· SOCARRAS, 5070 Alton Road, Miami Beach, former President of Cuba. Prio to support a military training camp. 
July 3 1963 - Left for Dallas, Texas to confer with GENERAL  EDWIN A. WALKER who did not wish to get involved with Cuban affairs. Also conferred with LESTER R. LOGUE, Dallas. Logue did not wish to participate with Hemming for fear of offending U.S. government officials. Did promise to put him in contact with some soon-to-be promoted Colonel and Major in the Army Reserve.
August 6, 1963 - Miami - visited by FRANK NELSON of New York City representing a friend who was interested in buying PT boats for shipment to an African country. Nelson and Hemming visited boatyards in Miami.
FBI informant supplied following information on Hemming on June 21, 1963. June 19, 1963, a.m. -Miami- HEMMING and DICK WATLEY met with MIKE MORINO at Trio Diner.Wanted to know Morino and were planning to rob him of arms Morino kept at 2954 Southwest 16th Terrace, Miami and at Morino's home in Hialeah, Florida. June 19, 1963, p.m. - Hemming on raid of residence of CARLOS ZARRAGA for part of Morino's supply of arms. Returned ZARRAGA'S arms and proceeded to Marino's house. U.S. Customs had confiscated  arms.
FBI report to U.S. Customs Deputy Commissioner from J. Edgar Hoover, dated June 21, 1963 - relates that on June 18, 1963, in Miami, STURGIS and HEMMING took RICHARD LAUCHLI of Collinsville, Illinois around Miami. LAUCHLI (LOCKLEY phoenic) has a carload of automatic weapons and is a regional director of the "MINUTEMEN". 

Wonder who the 'soon to be promoted Colonel and Major in the Army Reserve' might be.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Wonder who the 'soon to be promoted Colonel and Major in the Army Reserve' might be.



You might want to take a look at page 3 of this document:


It says that Hemming met with a colonel and a major.


If I were a betting man, I'd say that a good bet for the colonel would be L. Robert Castorr.

The Mexia Daily News from Mexia, Texas · Page 1

November 7, 1957


(L. Robert Castorr) “Mr. Castorr. who is now a- colonel in the Active Reserve serving as inspector and advisor to the 90th Division in Texas...”


He would be linked to a gun running scheme to Cuba with Nancy Perrin Rich and Jack Ruby.

See the WC testimony of Nancy Perrin Rich



Steve Thomas


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Steve, I'd bet you are right. Castorr and his wife socialized H.L. Hunt, Gen. Walker, Robert Morris, and Lt. George Butler (the guy the HSCA believed let Rudy in to shoot LHO).

Logue was friends with fellow oil geologist George de Mohrenschildt. So, there's one (two?) degree of separation between Hemming, Hall, Howard, Walker, Martino, Vidal, Hargraves, etc and LHO.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/12/2017 at 1:16 PM, Steve Thomas said:

Over the years, a number of groups, or at least rogue elements of those groups have been floated as suspects in the assassination of JFK. These have included the CIA, the mob, the right wing, etc. However, I believe that there was another group of people who seem to appear in key circumstances associated with this event; and these are colonels in the U.S. Army Reserves, and more specifically the intelligence services of that military mileau. 

These Reservists include among others:

Jack A. Crichton,

George L. Whitmeyer,

George Lumpkin

,Lester Logue.

L. Robert Castorr.

Colonel Frank M. (Maryan) "Brandy" Brandstetter

Colonel George B. Church, Jr. (spent 16 days at sea with Oswald in 1959)


Colonel Max Clark



Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; he was that way, you know. Now, Max Clark naturally was not afraid of him because Max Clark himself is an athlete, an ex-colonel in the Air Force, I think. He just disliked him, and he said to hell with that fellow, because Lee was rude to him.”




Mr. CLARK - We first became aware of Oswald when we noticed in the newspaper in Fort Worth that Lee Oswald, a defector, had returned to Fort Worth with this Russian wife and very shortly after, I noticed it in the paper, possibly the same week, my wife received a phone call from Oswald stating that he was there and he understood she spoke Russian and her name had been given to him as a person speaking Russian from someone from the Texas Employment Commission and she said well, that that was true, that she had spoke some Russian and I was at my office and we would either call - or we would call him that weekend...”


"Max Clark, employed by Convair, a Division of General Dynamics Corporation, as a Supervisor of Industrial Security and Investigation, requiring access to classified matter up to and including Top Secret."


Steve Thomas


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to Eric Green


Civil Defense Emergency Operations Center (EOC)



Statement by Colonel John W. Mayo, Chairman of City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Commission at the Dedication of the Emergency Operations Center at Fair Park.




Notice the top right hand corner: the letterhead is also by Boise Smith, WRR transmitter building.

(attachment deleted}

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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From Bill Kelly's blog




Colonels at Dealey Plaza



Colonels are the highest ranking officers on the battlefield – what the snipers call a HPT – High Priority Target – guys who take their insignia off before going out in the open. They are the - Go To guys the Generals personally give instructions and orders and they’re the ones responsible for seeing those orders are carried out.


On the chess board the Colonels are Bishops, Rooks and Knights and capable of maneuvering and striking from different directions and distances.


There were three colonels at the Alamo – Colonel William Barrett Travis, Colonel Jim Bowie and Colonel David Crockett. 


And there were a number of Army and Air Force Colonels directly involved in JFK Assassination – “boots on the ground – in the field" and at the command centers. I intend to get photos and the official files and develop dossiers on each of these men and would appreciate anything you can add to the record.


Not yet arranged in any particular order:


-       Col. Walter Higgins – Aide to Gen. Krulak and author of the Higgins Memo, considered by some to be the single most significant “Smoking Document” among the JFK assassination records and the subject of a number of FOIA requests and an ongoing AARC civil suit. 



-          Lt. Col. William B. Rose – chief of the Army Intelligence Reserve Branch Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence (ACSI USAR) – Pentagon, where most of the field reports end up, especially those of:



-          Col. Frank M. “Brandy” Brandstetter – Texan manager of the Havana Hilton when Castro made it his early residence.



-          Col. Sam Kail – US Embassy Havana, ACSI USAR, who met with deMohrenschildt,



-          Col. Jack Crichton MI, USAR 488th MID, who ran the Command and Control center at the Civil Defense Shelter, Dallas State Fairgrounds, and arranged for investigative translators, 



-          Col. Lawrence Orlov –  Was with deMohrenschildt when they first sought out Oswald and vistited him, RIF 104-10431-10034 



-          Col. James “J.D.” Wilmeth – U.S. Army - Arlington Texas officer who visited Marina at Ruth Paine’s house a few days before the assassination,  



-          Col. Fletcher Prouty, DOD-CIA liaison officer at the Pentagon, friend of Gen. Krulak.



-          Col. Jose Rivera USAR- Betheda, Md.   medical officer with foreknowledge of Oswald and assassination, who worked on special research project at Fort Deitrick, Md. 



-          Col. William “Bill” Amos USAF knew Gen. Joseph J. Cappucci - who expressed personal knowledge of an LBJ backed conspiracy to kill JFK, 



           Col. Philip J. Corso – Asst chief of USA Foreign Technology Division 1961 – who knew Sen. Kenneth Keating (R. NY)  and shared U2 photos of Soviet missiles in Cuba,JFKCountercoup2: Col. Philip J. Corso and Sen. Kenneth Keating (Rep. NY) / JFKCountercoup2: UFOs at Dealey Plaza


-          Col. John “Rowlins” Roselli – Civilian made Mafia boss attached to CIA case officer William Harvey during training of  Cubans at JMWAVE,  



-          Col. Erickson Nichols – the USAF embassy military officer who Frank Sturgis reported to at the US Embassy Havana;  JFKCountercoup2: Frank Sturgis - Run By US Military not CIA /  Warrior: Frank Sturgis---The CIA's #1 Assassin-Spy, Who Nearly Killed Castro ... - Jim Hunt, Bob Risch - Google Books  / FRANK STURGIS as an Agent of Cuban Government 1959


-  Lt. Col. George  L. Whitmeyer – (USA Reserve) – Commanding officer of the Nothern District of Texas – occupant of the Pilot Car in the Motorcade driven by Capt. Lumpkin of both Dallas Police Department and US Army Intelligence - http://spartacuseducational.com/JFK488mid.htm


-          Col. Robert Ellis Jones – 112th Military Intelligence Group, Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, contacted the FBI and told them Oswald’s MI file, which was later destroyed,  indicated he used the alias A. J. Hidell   [ http://www.jfklancer.com/RobertJones.html ] Obituary of Col Robert Ellis Jones. http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10534-col-robert-e-jones-passed-away/


Jim Loving: From the obit:"upon completion he was assigned to Special Warfare Directorate, Office of the Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of the Army at the Pentagon 1962-1964, then to the Joints Chiefs of Staff J3, actively engaged in planning and operations of the Vietnam Conflict."


-          Lt. Col. Fons – Deputy Chief of Staff - 4th Army Headquarters – Ft. Sam Houston, Tx - http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2013/07/pd-scott-on-strikeforce-memo.html


-          Lt. Col. Yuriy Ivanovich Moskalevskiy


-          Col. Boris T. Pash – Led ALSOS mission,


-          Col. George Stanton Dorman – LeMay’s aide, whose wife worked at the White House and was there at the time of the assassination, and son who witnessed the burial  of JFK and toured Gen. LeMay’s control and command plane.  http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2012/02/col-george-stanton-dorman.html  /  http://jfkfacts.org/assassination/a-note-on-curtis-lemays-actions-on-nov-22/


-          Col. Ralph Steakley – With Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Cuban Missile Crisis - - Founded the Joint Reconnaissance Center at Pentagon -http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB398/ / https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/docs/v44i4a09p_0009.htm


-          Col. Sheffield M. Edwards – CIA – Project Bluebird - http://spartacus-
educational.com/JFKedwardsS.htm /http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/manchurian/marks2.htmM.

[ From Joan Mellen's "Our Man in Haiti" -]

- Col. Roy I. Batterton, Jr. - US Naval Mission - Haiti - George deMohrenschildt wrote to him from Dallas 


- Col. Howard Burris USAF - Native Texan, LBJ's Military aide - met with deMohrenschilt in DC in late April 1963 

- Lt. Col. O'Wighton Delk Simpson - USAF Intel officer associated with Burris employed by Martin-Marietta in 1963 AFIO.  Bagman?  Son saw "assassination money."

- Lt. Col. William Corson USMC - wrote early history of American intelligence.

-  Col. Samuel Goodhue Kail - Military attache to Cuba June 3, 1958 - January 4, 1961 - case officer handled Antonio Veciana, associate of David Atlee Phillips.

Col. Edward Lansdale - CIA psych and special warfare specialist under Air Force cover. May have stayed in Fort Worth on JFK's last might there and photographed at Dealey Plaza after the assassination.

- Col. Roth -  Operatios Branch, Military Intel Requests info

- Col. Reinhard - debriefed on May 8

- Col. Albro - debriefed on May 8

- Lt. Col. Rene Leon - Involved in August 1963 invasion of Haiti that included Loren Hall and Robert Emmett Johnson

- Colonel George de Lannurien - French chief of CI - Counter Intelligence SDECE - in NYC (p.161)

- Col. Lawrence Orlov - Visited Oswald with deMohrenschildt and played handball with J. Walton Moore of the CIA Dallas Domestic Contacts Division 

- Col. William Bishop – Expressed secret knowledge of the assassination

- Col.  Boris T Pash – OSS officer in Europe and with CIA.


-        -  Alexander Haig - staff officer in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCSOPS) at the Pentagon (1962–64.


Bill Simpich said...No one has done this. The CIA has been done over and over again. Isn't it intriguing that the CIA documents are far more available than those of the military? How many books on military intelligence are out there compared to the CIA? Food for thought. Great project Bill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bumping this for Steve.... et al...

Seems the ACSI was somewhat involved with at least 2 of the defectors on the list from Otto which included Oswald, Webster and these 2....

That appeared to me a bit too close to home to ignore...



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