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Oswald's Minox camera

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Paul DeBole, J.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science, Lasell College, was interviewed last night on coasttocoastam on the Kennedy assassination and remarked about a Minox camera found by the police among the personal belongings in Oswald’s room after his death. He said in 1963 a Minox was an expensive camera and used primarily to photograph documents.




Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Testimony of FBI agent Vincent Drain


"There was also a story about an alleged Minox camera. I'm well aware of what a Minox camera is because we used them. when we itemized all that material, I don't recall any Minox camera; however, the light meter would be easily mistaken for one by somebody that really didn't know and, at that point in time, I never knew the Dallas Police Department to use them. In fact, I would seriously doubt that the average police officer would have known what one would have looked like. I'm not casting any reflection on them but, one must remember that, back then, those cameras were very expensive. A good one might cost between $500 and $700, something like that. "

Edited by Michael Clark
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Yet another mystery from the assassination of JFK:

Who should one believe? FBI Agent Drain who despite his protestations does seem to be casting reflection on the Dallas Police Department or that Department's property itemization of Oswald's belongings?

Would not the camera have had Minox appearing somewhere on it, making its identification by the Dallas Police easy?


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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16 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Yet another mystery from the assassination of JFK:

Who should one believe? FBI Agent Drain who despite his protestations does seem to be casting reflection on the Dallas Police Department or that Department's property itemization of Oswald's belongings?

Would not the camera have had Minox appearing somewhere on it, making its identification by the Dallas Police easy?



this is from "The Last Investigation", page 10:


[...] in 1979, the FBI released a series of photographs of what appeared to be activity at a military Installation and announced they were taken with a Minox camera that had belonged to Oswald.


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19 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

"There was also a story about an alleged Minox camera. I'm well aware of what a Minox camera is because we used them. when we itemized all that material, I don't recall any Minox camera; however, the light meter would be easily mistaken for one by somebody that really didn't know and, at that point in time, I never knew the Dallas Police Department to use them. In fact, I would seriously doubt that the average police officer would have known what one would have looked like. I'm not casting any reflection on them but, one must remember that, back then, those cameras were very expensive. A good one might cost between $500 and $700, something like that. "

Yes, it is hard to know who to believe. But knowing all that we know up to this point about Oswald, why would he even have a Minox LIGHT METER if that's what the FBI is claiming it was? My father was similar to Oswald - a nobody in this vast world of nobodies. He was a blue-collar dock worker. He'd have the usual stuff among his possessions expected from a nobody dock worker. But a Minox LIGHT METER? In other words, the WC has always claimed Oswald to be an angry run-of-the-mill kind of guy who just decided one day to go up to his place of work and kill the president, and he just so happens to have a spy camera LIGHT METER among his possessions...


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Plus the serial number for his was not part of a batch of cameras sold retail....

And John Armstrong told me the one at the archives was filled with cement... Heavy and stuck shut.

There are many references to the Minox camera in all the alphabetical notebooks at the Dallas archive


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There was a Minox camera found by the Dallas Police, period.

If you have not read Carol Hewett's masterful article on this, then you may be confused.

But there is no doubt that there was and that the FBI did all they could to conceal the fact.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Disagree Jim...

Hill took a Minox camera... It was listed in inventory a number of times

I have and read that article...  There was also undeveloped film....

The FBI claiming they didn't get it is b.s.  as usual.

Or did I misunderstand?

Listed below, 1 Minox camera, check.






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You are correct.


 I made a mistake above and corrected it.

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Drain mentions a Minox camera costing $500 to $700 back in 1963.

That's the equivalent of what ... $3500 to $4,900 today?

Calculation figure chart at end of post. 

How could Oswald ever afford one of these...and one wonders when Oswald and Marina and baby were severely struggling, why wouldn't Oswald perhaps have considered selling the camera to help with the  basics? 

Was this camera perhaps Michael Paine's and he never told the Dallas PD for fear of having much scrutiny on him during this scary investigating time?

I agree with M. Walton's point about the possession of a Minox light meter "alone" raising enough serious questions on it's own.

When I read the rest of the list I find Oswald's other possessions also curious.

A compass, pedometer, binoculars, telescope? 

I would ask Marina Oswald if her husband ever used these items while she was with him?   My imagination pictures Oswald possibly using these items for surveillance. Measuring walking distances and timing such,  binoculars for observing someone from far away.

This agent Drain drops so many highest position names that he says he personally meets and converses with he sounds like  "Super Agent!"

Where ever he goes, he just goes right to the top, including internationally.

He goes right into the Parkland trauma room as if he's higher in authority than the Secret Service.

Generals salute him and cater to his flying needs as if he's Hoover himself.

He's being whisked across the country in F14's? 

My BS Meter is wobbling with this guy.

U.S. Inflation Rate, 1963-2017 ($100)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 3.93% per year. Prices in 2017 are 700.0% higher than prices in 1963.

In other words, $100 in the year 1963 is equivalent to $799.95 in 2017, a difference of $699.95 over 54 years.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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The rumor-mongering about Lee Harvey Oswald on this thread is what is mind-boggling.

First get your facts straight, please.

What CONFIRMATION do we have that Lee Harvey Oswald ever owned a Minox camera?   WHAT??

What contra-evidence is there that the wealthy Michael Paine was the owner of that Minox camera (as he owned three cars and two homes at the time)?

Confirmation first, and speculation second, please.

--Paul Trejo

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On 11/24/2017 at 11:39 AM, James DiEugenio said:

There was a Minox camera found by the Dallas Police, period.

If you have not read Carol Hewett's masterful article on this, then you may be confused.

But there is no doubt that there was and that the FBI did all they could to conceal the fact.


As I showed last year, Carol Hewett is notoriously imprecise in her reporting.  She makes dozens of errors due to sloppy research.

I'm sure she's a competent lawyer, but clearly her heart was never involved in JFK Research, and she dropped out long ago.

So, it's useless to refer to her "article."

There was ALLEGEDLY a Minox camera found by the Dallas Police.   Where?   At Oswald's rooming house, or in the Paine garage?

Get the facts straight.

If at the Paine garage, remember the crucial point -- many of the Paine's goods were also taken away to the Dallas Police Station.

Get the facts straight.  Carol Hewett fails to clarify the basics, and she goes off half-cocked on speculative melodramatics.

--Paul Trejo

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31 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

The rumor-mongering about Lee Harvey Oswald on this thread is what is mind-boggling.

First get your facts straight, please.

What CONFIRMATION do we have that Lee Harvey Oswald ever owned a Minox camera?   WHAT??

What contra-evidence is there that the wealthy Michael Paine was the owner of that Minox camera (as he owned three cars and two homes at the time)?

Confirmation first, and speculation second, please.

--Paul Trejo

That's rich. Paul-"IMHO"-Trejo, the cherry-pickin' prognosticator, is demanding that we deal in "facts"! Lol

Edited by Michael Clark
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