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Why I am leaving the forum

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20 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:



With all due respect ......People???


You mean ....... like a conspiracy???


Like ... (gasp) ... me and ... (gulp) ... George Soros???

--  Tommy  :sun

Tommy, I think it's interesting that this is where you first unthinkably hijack this post and turn it to petty insults. Which is in part, what Paul's complaint is about. This behavior is so compulsive, you're obviously not even aware of it. I'm not sure what your real point is here, but I think you are aware that Ray is only using the word "people" to among those people, politely not specifically say "Tommy".

With all due restraint Tommy,   I don't pretend to have a finger on the pulse of everyone here, but outside of  Sandy, I'm not sure the posters here were jumping for joy at your return from your sabbatical. And  faced with the possibility, many think the prospect of seeing Tommy G. here and not David J. here is a real raw deal.



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21 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Hello all,

when I first joined the forum I found it a pretty decent place to share and to learn. In the years since Simkin's departure it has changed into something I don't recognize. I don't claim perfection my part. I've grown frustrated with two posters here but have continued to try to engage them in fruitful discussions. Both are tireless in promulgating their theories and dissing others. It's not fun anymore. There are many still here, posting occasionally, who I respect for their knowledge. But they have become largely silenced by the din of personal attacks. David Joseph's, whose two Oswald theory I don't agree with, is nevertheless one of the best researchers here. He has apparently been kicked off the site without explanation. Don Jefferies had his post erased, and when I posted asking why it was greeted with little interest, and again no explanation. 



Just wanted to say thank you to all the kind words of support I've received over the past week...

I don't think you need to leave to make a statement Paul....  There are other places to play... Without losing contact here.... I've been on this forum since 04 if not earlier.... The trolls come and go.... Sadly the moderation rules have not adapted to technique, a deceitful style wins over vulgar substance.

I simply wanted to say that the 2 Oswalds expanded, is Armstrong. All John.....  I spent almost 2 years in discussion with John and am happy to say his and my thoughts continue to produce interesting break-thrus.   Anyone who wants my side by side sheet on where H&L were over the years please feel free to ask....   The conflicts jump out at you....

Luckily I have the time and resources to work on the JFK case daily.  Documents appear to support my idea that Ozzie was never there and the FBI was CYA for their $200 a month asset....

Chris' work is really amazing btw.  When it can be translated into digestible pieces, even better... I hope to help with that....

If we didn't have to deal with A little yapping bouncy dog nipping at our heels, it would make things more enjoyable



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I do share with Tommy a certain aspect that I may not be well loved because I'm telling people something they don't want to hear. As i wrote to Paul, We're living in the most politically active time since the 60's which  I find  exciting and I'm very disappointed at how nobody wants to mention the elephant in the room. Which are Trump, the Repubs, the Demos but mostly, the entire political system.

It really is so relevant to the 60's. And i understand some people just don't want to talk politics, because maybe they never have. But it will affect your future. So I've backed off a little because I think this forum has passed up a chance to be more relevant.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing (but xxxxx other websites and create mischief.)

P.S. xxxxx = trxxl, really?

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Paul, your initial departure considering post has inspired us all to contemplate what is good and worthy and important about the forum ( in this case your input ) and how we should from time to time stop and acknowledge and appreciate such.

We have all benefited. 


Edited by Joe Bauer
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To everyone - I didn’t expect the response here, the many shows of support, and the ensuing discussion. Nevertheless I’m very gratified. I have decided not to leave, but please don’t thank me for this, or think I was fishing for support. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

To everyone - I didn’t expect the response here, the many shows of support, and the ensuing discussion. Nevertheless I’m very gratified. I have decided not to leave, but please don’t thank me for this, or think I was fishing for support. 


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Good  Paul. 

And please take my advice about putting certain people on ignore.


 I enjoy this forum a lot more now that I did that.

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14 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Just wanted to say thank you to all the kind words of support I've received over the past week...

I don't think you need to leave to make a statement Paul....  There are other places to play... Without losing contact here.... I've been on this forum since 04 if not earlier.... The trolls come and go.... Sadly the moderation rules have not adapted to technique, a deceitful style wins over vulgar substance.

I simply wanted to say that the 2 Oswalds expanded, is Armstrong. All John.....  I spent almost 2 years in discussion with John and am happy to say his and my thoughts continue to produce interesting break-thrus.   Anyone who wants my side by side sheet on where H&L were over the years please feel free to ask....   The conflicts jump out at you....

Luckily I have the time and resources to work on the JFK case daily.  Documents appear to support my idea that Ozzie was never there and the FBI was CYA for their $200 a month asset....

Chris' work is really amazing btw.  When it can be translated into digestible pieces, even better... I hope to help with that....

If we didn't have to deal with A little yapping bouncy dog nipping at our heels, it would make things more enjoyable



"When it can be translated into digestible pieces"  Like when a Falcon hit's say a Pigeon?  Can you translate for him or at least ask him to explain in simple minded terms, for those of us so afflicted? 

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On 3/18/2018 at 12:40 PM, Paul Brancato said:

To everyone - I didn’t expect the response here, the many shows of support, and the ensuing discussion. Nevertheless I’m very gratified. I have decided not to leave, but please don’t thank me for this, or think I was fishing for support. 

This forum for me  is, after all is said and done,  purely recreational, like reading Talbot, Douglas, DiEugenio, Armstrong, Newman, etc.   Do I really want to  drop in and read a bunch of personal attacks and petty bickering?...., not really.    In the last analysis,  if I wanted to subject myself to a lot of negativity and personal insults,  I'd be a counter-protestor at a Trump/NRA rally,  not a member of this forum.  So let's hope that this Ignore Function works as described and makes participation in this virtual space a more enjoyable and stimulating experience..

Edited by Dan Doyle
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I’ll take a try.... 

see it as reverse engineering.  Math follows rules, so to make adjustments and come to the correct speed numbers so that frame numbers match locations.  The change from z168-171 to z161-166 is a giant clue, and hidden from the public for decades.

Position A makes little sense to have even been brought up unless the limo passed thru that spot.  Except getting the limo from there to z133 in the middle of the street required a splice....

The limo appears to move at a constant rate.  X number of frames for movement between X number of frame locations.  1 foot per frame, or very close to that, and the limo appears smooth...

Erase what you think of the film from your mind.  Frame numbers have no relationship to the extent film. Start fresh with the surveys from Nov and Dec.   what the revised CE884 does is make it impossible to recreate the movements of the limo except for specific snapshots in time, frames... but the relationship of those frames do not match what we see...  where things are supposed to be, aren’t... as Tom Wilson famously mentioned so long ago.

The current math being done is to uncover how the relationship to Station C was established and why Position A lays between this turn at C and z133/161.  If the limo turned wide and slowed, it took time which moves the frame counter well past 133 coming out of that turn...

Pos A is 5’3” off the path from C to z166 which creates the 100 foot distance... we sssume the FBI uses geometry, right angle triangles and their special properties.  The Math proves how the end result of the FBI changes are not physically possible and in turn the zfilm is not physically possible.  Frames and distances cannot be as presented.  Frame numbers are arbitrary with 312 chosen purposefully...

156+156+156...   156+156= 312 + 156 = 468 + 1 second of film, 18 frames = 486   No surprise we have a splice and pivotal event at these two locations.    Everything is made to occur in that second 156 frames.... which could have been 409 48fps frames....

The math removes the second shot from 313 and a final shot at 345 down by the stairs....

Not a perfect explanation, but a start....



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On 3/18/2018 at 10:38 PM, Ron Bulman said:

"When it can be translated into digestible pieces"  Like when a Falcon hit's say a Pigeon?  Can you translate for him or at least ask him to explain in simple minded terms, for those of us so afflicted? 


I like the image you invoke, convoke, or conjure up. 

A falcon hitting a pigeon at eighty miles an hour.  Snatchin' chunks out of thin air.

(Great stuff; Laughing Out Loud)

--  TG  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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10 hours ago, David Josephs said:

I’ll take a try.... 

see it as reverse engineering.  Math follows rules, so to make adjustments and come to the correct speed numbers so that frame numbers match locations.  The change from z168-171 to z161-166 is a giant clue, and hidden from the public for decades.

Position A makes little sense to have even been brought up unless the limo passed thru that spot.  Except getting the limo from there to z133 in the middle of the street required a splice....

The limo appears to move at a constant rate.  X number of frames for movement between X number of frame locations.  1 foot per frame, or very close to that, and the limo appears smooth...

Erase what you think of the film from your mind.  Frame numbers have no relationship to the extent film. Start fresh with the surveys from Nov and Dec.   what the revised CE884 does is make it impossible to recreate the movements of the limo except for specific snapshots in time, frames... but the relationship of those frames do not match what we see...  where things are supposed to be, aren’t... as Tom Wilson famously mentioned so long ago.

The current math being done is to uncover how the relationship to Station C was established and why Position A lays between this turn at C and z133/161.  If the limo turned wide and slowed, it took time which moves the frame counter well past 133 coming out of that turn...

Pos A is 5’3” off the path from C to z166 which creates the 100 foot distance... we sssume the FBI uses geometry, right angle triangles and their special properties.  The Math proves how the end result of the FBI changes are not physically possible and in turn the zfilm is not physically possible.  Frames and distances cannot be as presented.  Frame numbers are arbitrary with 312 chosen purposefully...

156+156+156...   156+156= 312 + 156 = 468 + 1 second of film, 18 frames = 486   No surprise we have a splice and pivotal event at these two locations.    Everything is made to occur in that second 156 frames.... which could have been 409 48fps frames....

The math removes the second shot from 313 and a final shot at 345 down by the stairs....

Not a perfect explanation, but a start....



Thank you David.  This does help and it got me to go back and do two things.  One, trying to read deeper on Chris Davidson's Swan Song, Math Rules thread which is now missing the great majority of his pictures and the diagram I remember.  It is long and deep as well.  Second I went back and looked at some of the frames you refer to.  I thought I had looked at the film frame by frame some years back but I never studied them closely.  For example, most are probably familiar with this but I don't remember the jump from frame 132 to 133.  The motorcycle cop doesn't move for almost 30 frames prior to 132 then Bam in 133 there's JFK's limo almost exactly where he was.  I never noticed this watching it either.  Basic stuff to most I guess.

These are the slides I'm looking at, are they reliable?  BTW, hard to relate to stations and positions without that (those?) diagrams.




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Yes... Good source...

Here's a better view of those frames... And why it was a splice and not a stop and start...

Zapruder also said he filmed the limo turning the corner....


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To accept a stop.start we have to accept the camera stopped on a frame line and started up with no bleed or delay...

So much for an unaltered original...

Edited by David Josephs
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