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Where is the exit?

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17 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Sandy Larsen on 8/9/2018:

<quote on, emphasis in the original>

My hypothesis is that, when the limo was behind the Stemmons sign in the Z film, a gunman shot a rifle from one of the 6th floor windows located near the south-west corner. Maybe Kennedy looked down for a moment. Either of these two things would cause the bullet to hit near the EOP at an obtuse angle. Obtuse hits are more likely than straight-on hits to deflect. In any case, the bullet did not penetrate the skull but rather tunneled under the skin and skidded along the back of the skull.

At some point the bullet breaks up and the fragments travel down through the neck. (One of the technicians stated that he saw fragments in the neck. And now that x-ray is missing.) The largest fragment has more momentum than the others (as dictated by a law of physics) and travels further down the neck, and toward the front of the neck.

That bullet fragment continues down and hits one of the cervical vertebrae. A couple shards of bone break away at high velocity, the larger of which is sent out the the front of the neck. Along the way it goes through and damages the trachea. The smaller shard  shoots up and stops to the right side of the larynx, causing contusion and hematoma there.

Meanwhile the bullet fragment continues down and fractures the transverse process of T1. The fragment then penetrates the pleural lining and apex of the right lung, thus bruising the apex and collapsing the lung (pneumothorax). It then travels down past the soft tissue of the lung, which is why it can’t be seen on the chest x-ray.

<quote off>



You claimed that I recently posted my "Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory." I said that I did no such thing. In response you pasted the above quote from something I wrote five days ago. Please note that it says nothing about a "disappearing skull fragment" whatsoever.

But whatever Cliff. I have nothing more to say to you. Because IMO you cannot be reasoned with. Also, I fear that we might be violating a forum rule.

So please refrain from addressing me further and I will do likewise.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



You claimed that I recently posted my "Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory." I said that I did no such thing. In response you pasted the above quote from something I wrote five days ago. Please note that it says nothing about a "disappearing skull fragment" whatsoever.

You wrote:

A couple shards of bone break away at high velocity, the larger of which is sent out the the front of the neck. Along the way it goes through and damages the trachea. The smaller shard  shoots up and stops to the right side of the larynx, causing contusion and hematoma there. <q/>

The "smaller shard" magically disappeared.

When people make up stuff about the JFK assassination I feel it's my civic duty to push back.

It's nothing personal, Sonny.  It's strictly business.




Edited by Cliff Varnell
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21 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:
2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You claimed that I recently posted my "Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory." I said that I did no such thing. In response you pasted the above quote from something I wrote five days ago. Please note that it says nothing about a "disappearing skull fragment" whatsoever.

You wrote:

A couple shards of bone break away at high velocity, the larger of which is sent out the the front of the neck. Along the way it goes through and damages the trachea. The smaller shard  shoots up and stops to the right side of the larynx, causing contusion and hematoma there. <q/>

The "smaller shard" magically disappeared.


Where did I say anything about a disappearing skull fragment?


21 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

When people make up stuff about the JFK assassination I feel it's my civic duty to push back.


Are you calling me a l.i.a.r?  Hypothesizing is not the same thing as "making stuff up." (Which in this context means telling falsehoods.)

Now kindly quit taunting me. We are done here.

(My questions here are rhetorical, just in case that is not obvious.)


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23 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Where did I say anything about a disappearing skull fragment?

The smaller shard  shoots up and stops to the right side of the larynx, causing contusion and hematoma there.

But there was no bone shard on the x-ray.  It disappeared.

This whole scenario is a joke.  Pet Theorists always seize on one Lone Nut talking point and then try to spin it in a CT context.

Tink Thompsom started this JFKA Parlor Game garbage when he threw pixie dust over the T3 back wound/throat entrance in SSID.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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10 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Hi Michael,

I would like for you to draw an oblong circle in a piece of paper, quarter that circle and show me how an entry in the right temple area of that oblong circle will exit the right rear area of that oblong circle if the shot came from somewhere from the front right.  If you look at the Zapruder film, his head was slumped to the left.  Besides that, there is photographic and film evidence that shows two gunmen in the pergola shooting at the limo.  You can see the gunmen in the Mary Moreman Photo and in the nix film.  He got shot from the right and the bullet exited the top of his head.

Keyvan, please explain how a shot, or shots, from the pergola, travelling downwards towards the car, could exit the top of the President's head.

As far as the autopsy photo are concerned can you tell me how  the blacked out area in this photo came about?


Edited by Ray Mitcham
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7 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Keyvan, please explain how a shot, or shots, from the pergola, travelling downwards towards the car, could exit the top of the President's head.

As far as the autopsy photo are concerned can you tell me how  the blacked out area in this photo came about?



Here is another autopsy photograph with another angle of JFK's back of the head.

There you can see the shot of entry above the ear.  The medical examiner's hand is covering the top of his head, where the bullet exited.  JFK's head was tilted to the left when he got hit.  The bullet entered his skull at an angle and exited his skull at a slight upward angle, not a 90-degree angle as you propose if he had an exit hole in the back.


There is no blacked out area in the back of JFK's head in the autopsy picture.  It is darker than the other areas, but that I would attribute to the angle. What you would be stating is that his complete back of his head is gone.  He has a full head of hair in the back.


Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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That's not a photo.  It has been taken as a photo and for years gave people false information about the assassination.  This is a line drawing from a lady named (or not named) Ida Dox.  It is very realistically done and with photgraphic enhancements it looks just like a photo.

James DiEugenio   

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What the HSCA did with the Ida Dox drawings was a disgrace.

BTW, I hope everyone knows, that is not her real name.

Would  you call this, "protecting the guilty"?

John Butler   

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Will I go to heaven if I do as David Von Pein says and just accept the SBT truth?

The HSCA is just a reiteration of the Warren Commission and really not worth wasting any time on.  The autopsy information fails when confronted with the information from Parkland Hospital.  That's why I don't want to get into SBT discussions.  The Warren Commission, the HSCA, and the autopsy report are for the most part fiction.

I understand that the judge at the Garrison / Shaw trial would not let it be introduced as evidence.

Is Ida Dox a man? 

You can't prove in court anyone fired a rifle from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest so why discuss shooting form the TSBD at all unless it is from some location other than the 4th through 6th floor areas on the east side of the building.

Edited August 6 by John Butler

James DiEugenio   

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One of the judges in the New Orleans circuit would not let the Commission be entered as evidence in court.  In fact, he giggled when Shaw's lawyers tried to do so.

No she is not a man, but that is not her real name.

The HSCA data and raw information is much better than the Warren Commission.  Which is why it was classified.  The interviews by the HSCA, and by the ARRB under Jeremy Gunn and Doug Horne, the sum total of that evidence contains a quantum leap in this case. I could not have written what I did in The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today without that declassification and investigatory process.  To me it was a continuation and extension in detail of what Finck said under oath at the Shaw trial.

Edited by John Butler
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58 minutes ago, John Butler said:


That's not a photo.  It has been taken as a photo and for years gave people false information about the assassination.  This is a line drawing from a lady named (or not named) Ida Dox.  It is very realistically done and with photgraphic enhancements it looks just like a photo.

James DiEugenio   

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What the HSCA did with the Ida Dox drawings was a disgrace.

BTW, I hope everyone knows, that is not her real name.

Would  you call this, "protecting the guilty"?

John Butler   

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Will I go to heaven if I do as David Von Pein says and just accept the SBT truth?

The HSCA is just a reiteration of the Warren Commission and really not worth wasting any time on.  The autopsy information fails when confronted with the information from Parkland Hospital.  That's why I don't want to get into SBT discussions.  The Warren Commission, the HSCA, and the autopsy report are for the most part fiction.

I understand that the judge at the Garrison / Shaw trial would not let it be introduced as evidence.

Is Ida Dox a man? 

You can't prove in court anyone fired a rifle from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest so why discuss shooting form the TSBD at all unless it is from some location other than the 4th through 6th floor areas on the east side of the building.

Edited August 6 by John Butler

James DiEugenio   

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One of the judges in the New Orleans circuit would not let the Commission be entered as evidence in court.  In fact, he giggled when Shaw's lawyers tried to do so.

No she is not a man, but that is not her real name.

The HSCA data and raw information is much better than the Warren Commission.  Which is why it was classified.  The interviews by the HSCA, and by the ARRB under Jeremy Gunn and Doug Horne, the sum total of that evidence contains a quantum leap in this case. I could not have written what I did in The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today without that declassification and investigatory process.  To me it was a continuation and extension in detail of what Finck said under oath at the Shaw trial.


You mean this is not a photo:



What I showed you are photos from the autopsy.

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27 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:


You mean this is not a photo:



What I showed you are photos from the autopsy.

Kevyan, the autopsy photos have no provenance.

If as you say the bullet exited JFK;s head at the top of the head, where do you think it entered?

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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19 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

.  You can see the gunmen in the Mary Moreman Photo and in the nix film.  He got shot from the right and the bullet exited the top of his head.

If I have time to shoot a photo of my assertion I will.  Can't promise.


And wow.  You can see the gunman?  This is HUGE news.  Alert the press.

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Thanks Keyvan and Ray,

I should have done my homework. I should have taken more time with that response.  I think what happened is what the psychologists call an idee fixe or fixed idea.  Once that wrong notion entered my thinking it stayed.  I stand corrected.  Good job.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Cross said:

Where are you looking?  What area?

Here's over to the right in the frame, behind the wall were the shadow figure was seen, happens about 2/3 the way thru


14 minutes ago, Michael Cross said:

And wow.  You can see the gunman?  This is HUGE news.  Alert the press.

This one, right Michael?  Obviously Chris is talking about someone else...  shooting from a different direction


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27 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Here's over to the right in the frame, behind the wall were the shadow figure was seen, happens about 2/3 the way thru


This one, right Michael?  Obviously Chris is talking about someone else...  shooting from a different direction


Thanks.  That's pretty dramatic.  Doesn't look like an artifact or emulsion drop out.  And kind of matches the splatter in Zapruder doesn't it?

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6 minutes ago, Michael Cross said:

Thanks.  That's pretty dramatic.  Doesn't look like an artifact or emulsion drop out.  And kind of matches the splatter in Zapruder doesn't it?


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