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“The lights all went out,” and the elevators stopped while JFK was murdered. Shelley and Lovelady were near the bottom of the back staircase, by the electrical panel... and Vickie Adams saw them ... until everyone's story changed...

Jim Hargrove

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7 hours ago, John Butler said:

Sandy Larsen is a sharp, intelligent and well seasoned researcher.  If I am reading him correctly he is expressing doubt that the Krome insert is from the Bell film. 

Thanks for the compliment, John. But no, I wasn't expressing doubts about the inset that presumably Tony Krome made. Rather, I was trying to help Jim (and perhaps others) understand what we were looking at. Tony's inset along with some other photos helped me understand it, and my intention was to 1) help others who were still having trouble with it, and 2) share my analysis of the photo. (For example, explain how a car on the Stemmons freeway could appear to be at the same elevation as the people standing on the railroad overpass. Not by nefarious means, but by natural, innocent means.)


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On 5/10/2019 at 5:48 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

I was trying to help Jim (and perhaps others) understand what we were looking at. Tony's inset along with some other photos helped me understand it, and my intention was to 1) help others who were still having trouble with it, and 2) share my analysis of the photo. (For example, explain how a car on the Stemmons freeway could appear to be at the same elevation as the people standing on the railroad overpass. Not by nefarious means, but by natural, innocent means.)

Thanks again, Sandy. You've helped me understand that the guy in the clip I posted was not "Oswald."  But...

Do you think Shelley and Lovelady conspired to frame "Oswald?" How about Frazier?

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11 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Thanks again, Sandy. You've helped me understand that the guy in the clip I posted was not "Oswald."  But...

Do you think Shelley and Lovelady conspired to frame "Oswald?" How about Frazier?


It's hard to say about Shelley and Lovelady at this point. If the hints in the Glaze letters (about Shelley claiming some kind of association/role with the CIA) could ever be authenticated, then yes, Shelley becomes a very real suspect. But for now, it would seem that Roy Truly, not Bill Shelley, was the most suspicious character to set the DPD after "Oswald" for no apparent reason. 

Lovelady freely admitted that he didn't care for "Oswald", and I don't doubt he could have been manipulated (thanks to his prior arrest record) by higher-ups at the TSBD to help incriminate "Oswald"after the fact, but we don't have any evidence from before the assassination that he framed "Oswald" for the crime. In other words, I know of no evidence that he was a witting conspirator (even on a low level) before the assassination. 

As for afterwards, well:

Jim, I must tell you: I am not sure just how much weight to give to the first day affidavits from Shelley and Lovelady to determine their exact whereabouts in the seconds after the shots. We know that Shelley said they went across the Elm Street extension to the "island" and there encountered Gloria Jean Calvery. Lovelady, of course, mentioned no such thing in his first day affidavit. 

I have cautioned before, though, that neither man appeared to be a particularly precise writer or thinker. Both men appeared to be rudimentary writers, at best. Therefore, any (implicit) claims that their affidavits were exhaustively complete accounts of their movement strikes me as very unlikely. It seems entirely plausible to me that they did not write down a thoroughly detailed summary of their exact movements on 11/22/63, simply because they had never before written such a summary of anything ever! 

A pretty good case can be made on photographic evidence that Shelley and Lovelady did indeed go toward the railroad tracks. The photo evidence is not definitive, but it is not bad. It does resemble Shelley and Lovelady. 

Their later statements that they did indeed head toward the tracks for a few minutes before re-entering the TSBD are pretty consistent. 

Vicky Adams has always denied seeing them near the foot of the stairs when she descended. 

They denied seeing her there at that time.

Vicky Adams WC transcript is suspect, allegedly. (Why in the world was it marked "Top Secret"?)

But she did (apparently) initial it in 1964 with the lines about her seeing Shelley and Lovelady, so in the end, we just don't know whether she saw them, or not. 

On the other hand, there may (or may not) have been "two (unidentified) white men" hanging around the back of the ground floor of the TSBD when Baker and Truly went by en route to the freight elevators (whenever that was, exactly), and those two men might or might not have been Shelley and Lovelady. 

Frazier strikes me as an innocent 19 year old kid who was damn near arrested for abetting "Oswald". He didn't frame "Oswald", but CE 3077 makes it pretty clear someone else was impersonating Frazier (and "Oswald") at the Sports Drome Rifle Range a couple of weeks before the assassination. 

Further evidence that the conspirators were willing to frame Frazier came in the form of the early news reports that the "rifle" found in the TSBD matched the type actually owned by Frazier himself. Unlike "Oswald", Frazier really did have possession of a rifle! (See Stovall Exhibit C, page 601 of Warren Commission Volume XXI)


I am convinced that intense pressure was placed on Frazier on Friday night to shore up the "case" against "Oswald". I am sure a deal was offered: if Frazier would implicate "Oswald' and say the "Oswald" brought a rifle to the TSBD, then the DPD would make the case against Frazier go away. Frazier's confiscated .303 rifle was used as leverage against him - he was just a few "discovered" shells away from being named a co-conspirator.

The DPD only let him go at 3:00 am on Saturday morning.


Because they had received word by then from the FBI that the FBI could "link" the rifle allegedly found in the TSBD with "Oswald", and therefore Frazier was no longer needed.


Incidentally, did people here know that Bill Shelley was the best man at Gloria Calvery's wedding in July of 1963?


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Thanks, Paul. I agree about Frazier, but there’s certainly no lack of conflicting evidence in this case, the very type of thing a legitimate investigation could have untangled.  But alas, it’s up to us, apparently.  It seems pretty obvious that if there was a serious American intel presence inside the TSBD directing “Oswald’s” activities, there would be no end of disinformation about it, continuing as long as necessary and even up to the present day and beyond.

With that bit of pessimism out of the way, let’s bring one more voice into the puzzle.  The soon-to-be-famous newsman Robert MacNeil told the FBI that he entered the front door of the TSBD “four minutes after the shooting. I went immediately into the clear space on the ground floor and asked where there was a phone. There were, as I recall, three men there, all I think in shirt sleeves. What, on recollection, strikes me as possibly significant is that all three seemed to be exceedingly calm and relaxed, compared to the pandemonium which existed right outside their front door.”

Who were these three “exceedingly calm and relaxed” men?  Could two of them have been the “white men” seen just a couple of minutes earlier by Baker before he and Truly charged up the stairs (with the unarmed Truly courageously leading the way seeking a potentially heavily armed assassin)?  Could two of these men have been Shelley and Lovelady, as Victoria Adams may have seen?  Could “Oswald” have joined them, perhaps getting instructions from Shelley to board a Marsalis bus and go to the Texas Theater to meet a “contact”?  

If the men weren’t Shelley, Lovelady, and Oswald, who else could they have been?  There surely weren’t many warehouse workers near the back of the building so soon after the procession rode by.   Office workers would have had no reason to be there, amidst the stacks of boxes and warehouse dust.  And why were these men “exceedingly calm” in the middle of all that mayhem?

Apparently, the Robert MacNeil story was greatly confused by what appears to be misinformation supplied by William Manchester, well-known author of Death of a President.  In 2005, attorney William Weston wrote a pretty good article in The Fourth Decade and presented on this forum entitled “ROBERT MACNEIL AND THE THREE CALM MEN.”

Mr. Weston had a long crossed-out version of the story at the end of the link below, which he indicated “contains a section on Shelley, Lovelady, and Frazier that Jerry Rose left out, I guess because he thought it was too slanderous. So here it is, complete.” In that section, he argues that the three calm men were Shelley, Lovelady, and Frazier.  This is complicated by Manchester’s apparent error, but  I believe the three men may have been Shelley, Lovelady, and Classic Oswald®.

Here’s the link to Mr. Weston’s article (be sure to read the crossed-out material as well if you’re not familiar with it):



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Thanks for the link to that fascinating thread, Jim.

I read the original article (including the crossed-out portion) and several of the responses, including Duke Lane, William Weston, Jack White etc. 

Shelley, Lovelady and "Oswald" are certainly possibilities for the three calm men MacNeil encountered, but I am not willing to say for certain. Personally, I can't convict Shelley or Lovelady of anything at this point based on the evidence we have available to us. Even if we could demonstrate that they were on the first floor a few minutes after the shooting, that wouldn't seem to invalidate their general narrative about going toward the parking lot and watching the DPD search for some short period of time before returning. 

As far as I know, Lovelady never said or did anything to incriminate "Oswald". Further, we have no evidence that Shelley ever incriminated "Oswald".

Whether or not the "calm men" seen by MacNeil were Shelley and/or Lovelady and/or "Oswald" is trivial - the number one conspirator in the TSBD was Roy Samson Truly! He was the one who sent the DPD after "Oswald" at a time when there was absolutely no reason to do so!

Truly never testified that Shelley or Lovelady pointed out "Oswald's" absence to Truly - instead he testified to the opposite: that it was he, Roy Truly, who somehow singled out "Oswald's" absence! As has been noted many times, when Roy Truly himself was asked the crucial question as to why he singled out "Oswald's" absence for action requiring DPD attention, he responded "Mr. TRULY. That is the only one that I could be certain right then was missing." 

How Roy? You never took a roll-call! You had just seen (supposedly) "Oswald" in the lunchroom but a few minutes earlier, and you yourself had cleared him! Why did you report him "missing" not ten minutes later???



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"Vicky Adams has always denied seeing them near the foot of the stairs when she descended. 

They denied seeing her there at that time.

Vicky Adams WC transcript is suspect, allegedly. (Why in the world was it marked "Top Secret"?)

But she did (apparently) initial it in 1964 with the lines about her seeing Shelley and Lovelady, so in the end, we just don't know whether she saw them, or not.

What Vickie Adams said was important enough to change.  Maybe changed even as late as the 1990's.  Here is another example of something "fishy" about what Vickie Adams said on March 23, 1964.  I picked this up on the Mary Ferrell site.  It definitely is not an original document.  Some one had retyped this document and was passing it off as the real thing not a copy.  An older version of MS Word processor randomly in printed text printed a line or a few words in a smaller text.  This was a big frustration in using MS Word in the 90s.  Can what is stated in this supposed Commission Exhibit No. 1381 be trusted.  Were things changed here?


Someone needs to find the original copy of this and see if anything has been changed.

Vickie Adams is said to have denied seeing two men on her way out of the building to the railroad yards much later in time.  Can that even be trusted? 

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I took my own advice and am glad to report that the Ferrell copy is a copy an not the original.  But, it is a true copy of the original CE 1381.  You can make the comparison here.


Unless someone finds something different like a typing script that wasn't around in the 1960's then these statements are accurate.


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On 5/14/2019 at 7:44 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

Do you think Shelley and Lovelady conspired to frame "Oswald?" How about Frazier?


First, I believe that the TSBD was likely a CIA cover and that Roy Truly was likely a CIA employee.

Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady most certainly cooperated in framing Oswald for the shooting. More specifically, they helped to cover up Oswald's alibi, which was his being outside ("with Bill Shelley") during the shooting. But at this time I'm more inclined to believe that they were talked into falsely testifying for "the sake of their country." Same thing with Victoria Adams.

Shelley and Lovelady both said in their first day affidavits that they went inside the TSBD shortly after the shooting. (Shelley said he first ran across the road and bumped into Gloria Calvery, and then went back inside.) Although it is possible that they left out some details, like walking toward the railroad yard, I think it is more likely that those stories were fabricated  for them... for the benefit of the coverup. Why do I say that? Because they changed their stories multiple times. First Shelley bumped into Gloria Calvery across the road at the concrete island. Another time they bumped into each other on the TSBD steps. Another time both Shelley and Lovelady ran over to that island and stayed there for a minute before walking to the railroad yard. Lovelady said he looked back and saw Truly and Baker enter the building, when the Darnell clip doesn't show this at all. Another story is that they went down to where the presidential limousine had been and spent five minutes there. And oh, remember how Shelley said he ran across the road after the shooting and bumped into Gloria Calvery there? In his WC testimony he said he waited on the steps THREE MINUTES, at which time Gloria Calvery arrived THERE (not at the concrete island)!  Magically Lovelady's WC testimony also changed in a way that corroborated Shelley's latest changed story, saying that he too waited on the steps for THREE MINUTES before Gloria Calvery arrived. Ha!

Why on earth are researchers believing any of this nonsense???? Especially now that we have identified Gloria Calvery in the Darnell clip arriving back at the steps and talking face to face with Billy Lovelady, within 30 seconds of the shooting? The Darnell clip is fully consistent with both Shelley's and Lovelady's first day affidavits. And the clip is inconsistent with some if not all of the other stories.

As for the two guys walking down the Elm Street extension who are supposedly Shelley and Lovelady, I see many reasons not to believe that. First, if the guy is Lovelady then how does one explain the Lovelady still standing on the TSBD steps in the very same frames of the very same film? Also, while the two guys seem to be together at first, they eventually part ways. Finally, why is Shelley shown to be so much taller than Lovelady when in fact the opposite was true?

As for Frazier, I think he was frightened. I think he's gone along with the curtain bag story all these decades out of fear for his family. But that he uses the exonerating 27" length in order to ease his conscience. (I believe that Frazier knows Oswald is  innocent because I believe he saw Oswald on the steps during the shooting.)


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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I believe that that I heard in a video or read that Buell Frazier described the Oswald paper bag as 22 to 24 inches in length.  This was a slightly different statement than 27 inches.  IMO, Buell Frazier chose 27 inches as a compromise between the standard paper grocery bag of 17 inches found in the 60s and one that would hold a rifle disassembled which would be several inches longer than 27 inches.  Or, maybe he was convinced that a 17 inch bag was not acceptable and could not be made to go higher than 27 inches for a bag that would fit under Oswald's arm.  People generally kept the larger paper bags to put garbage in before the days of plastic bags.  I'm not that certain when plastic bags were introduced but, paper bags were standard in those days.

Here, I will go off on one of my biases.  Simply, ignore this if you find it unbelievable.  IMO, based on the Martin film, Prayer Man had a camera in his hands.  He went back to Irving Thursday night to get one of his expensive cameras.  He took it to work in a standard paper bag.  I believe two films show him with a camera, the Martin film and the Couch / Darnell film. 

Many people see Buell Frazier as just a young, good old boy doing the best he could with what he had.  I don't.  Buell Frazier's statements do not ring true.  Shelley, Lovelady, and Frazier deny the reality of Doorway Man and Prayer Man.  They deny Oswald's alibi.  If you read the statements of the people working at the TSBD one would think that Oswald took the day off.  A lot of TSBD employees say they did not see Oswald that day or they did not know him.  And, all most all say at the critical time of 12:25 to 12:30 say they didn't see Oswald.  I think that goes farther than just the reluctance to be involved but, to fear.  That would be fear of the authorities in Dallas and what they might do and particularly with the FBI taking the same line as the Dallas Police.   

Edited by John Butler
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Sandy and John,

Your summations point out the difficulty of determining exactly where and when Shelley and Lovelady did whatever it was they did after the shots.

I don't have any final answers, and I am suspicious of anyone who argues vehemently one way or another. Either version might be true: they may have walked toward the rail tracks and stayed for a very few minutes, or they may not have. 

Even if they did lie later, I don't see that as proof that they went along with anything more than the post-shooting frame-up of "Oswald" - if "Oswald" was Prayerman (note I said "if"), then they had to know that he was on the steps beside/behind them at the time of the shots.  The same had to be true for Frazier who was, after all, just a 19 year old kid!

So, were Shelley, Lovelady and Frazier all coerced/threatened/"advised"/persuaded to refrain from giving "Oswald" an alibi? To keep their mouths shut?

Well, we know for certain Frazier was aggressively interrogated and damn near charged with complicity. Will Fritz was desperate to get Frazier to admit that he knew that "Oswald" had carried in the rifle to the TSBD that morning. But Frazier would not do it, and so when Fritz got word from the FBI either later Friday night or early Saturday morning that the FBI could "link" the rifle to "Oswald", then Frazier was no longer needed, and he was released.

We also know that Shelley later (apparently) claimed to have been nearly arrested himself on Friday afternoon/evening. And since Lovelady had a prior conviction record for receiving and concealing stolen firearms from an Army base/depot, then Lovelady would have been very vulnerable to extralegal "pressure".

If (IF) Shelley and Lovelady did return immediately to the TSBD, were they then seen by Marrion Baker and later, Robert MacNeil and/or Pierce Allman?

Maybe, but so what? At this point, I can't even say for certain that the power was cut to the TSBD, let alone that they had anything to do with it. The power may have been cut briefly, but the ambiguity of Geneva Hines' statement leaves open the possibility that no power went off at any time. Plus, the fact the two freight elevators were "hung up" means nothing since they both could be "hung up" when the power was on!

(This is NOT to say that John Armstrong's hypothesized "Passenger Elevator Escape Theory" is impossible - far from it. Until and unless someone clearly identifies the man who exited the passenger elevator as Inspector Sawyer got on, I say John's theory is plausible.)

But in the end, why are we chasing Shelley and Lovelady (who appear, at worst, to be guys who were "persuaded" to keep their mouths shut about "Oswald's" whereabouts), when Roy Samson Truly seems to be guilty as hell? Truly had to have foreknowledge of the plan to pin it on "Oswald" - he was the one who started the chase in the first place! Therefore, Roy Truly was in on the conspiracy to frame "Oswald" and on some level, he had to have been in on the conspiracy to murder JFK!

Sandy, what evidence do you have that Truly was CIA? I am not saying he wasn't, but I haven't seen any evidence for it. 

Also, Sandy, what do you make of the allegations that the TSBD was used as a clandestine drop point for rifles to be shipped to the anti-Castro forces in preparation for another raid on Cuba?

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No one I know of is trying to dismiss Truly’s apparent guilt here, but if John A's theory is correct, the positioning of Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor by the back door, the electrical panels, and their offices was hardly inconsequential.  Even if you are not convinced of the electrical cut-off, I'm sure you'll agree that someone had to give the designated patsy post-assassination instructions.

Someone had to tell “Oswald” to leave the building quickly so that it would appear he was running.  Some one had to tell him to get on the out-of-the-way Marsalis bus where he could be killed by cops who boarded it a few minutes later, and someone had to tell him to travel to the Texas Theater as part of Plan B for his elimination. John makes the case that it was probably Shelley who provided those instructions.  All that needed to be accomplished pre-assassination was to make sure “Oswald” was instructed to go to the back door of the building after whatever event he was told to expect.  Shelley could then give him his orders.  Truly, accompanied by Baker, was in no position to do so.  My guess is that Robert MacNeil encountered the three calm men at just about the time Oswald was being told what to do.

John B.,

I agree that  Buell Frazier's statements about the bag do not ring true, but he may have been just a scared kid getting pushed around rather severely by the cops.  Can you imagine the heat that must have been placed on him?

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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We seem to all agree that Roy Truly is as suspicious as hell.  I asked the question about Frazier just because William Weston in 2005 theorized that he was one of the “three calm men,” along with Shelley and Lovelady, that were seen by Robert MacNeil on the first floor warehouse section. Whatever additional suspicions John A. and I have about Shelley and Lovelady should not detract from the finger of guilt pointing directly at Truly.

With that out of the way, let’s talk about where we seem to disagree....

Sandy, the position that Adams’s alleged sighting of Shelley and Lovelady at the bottom of the stairs was inserted later into her testimony by the WC’s high-priced attorneys in order to impeach her estimate of reaching the first floor in just a minute or so after the shots seems reasonable enough.  But if the WC was going to invent whole paragraphs of testimony for Adams, why not just change her time estimate by a couple of minutes instead, to give “Oswald” sufficient time to get down from the sixth to second floor?  With that simple edit, the problem goes away entirely.

We talked about this a few months ago, but, again, if the encounter was invented later, why did WC attorneys ask both Shelley and Lovelady about it just a few hours after Adams testified?  Do you think each man’s testimony and questioning was altered also?  That would have involved, I think, at least two or three different attorneys. 

Also, Sandy, thanks for the info that Gloria Calvery and Lovelady can be identified together by the front steps in the Darnell clip just a half minute or so after the shooting.  Thanks, too, for the suggestion that Lovelady can be seen on the TSBD steps in the very same frames of the clip supposedly showing Shelley and him walking down the Elm extension.  If you could point me to either one or both of these visuals, I’d REALLY appreciate it.

Interestingly enough, within a day or two after I published John A’s revised write-up of Escape from the Sixth Floor, in which he took a hard look at Shelley and Lovelady, a number of people I had never heard of sent me links or embedded videos of that so-called visual “proof” that the two men were walking down Elm after the shooting.  I thought it was strange at the time, and I’ve never believed the clip was proof of anything.

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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"John B.,

I agree that  Buell Frazier's statements about the bag do not ring true, but he may have been just a scared kid getting pushed around rather severely by the cops.  Can you imagine the heat that must have been placed on him?"

I agree, in part.  The Dallas Police were a murderous crew best exemplified by the death of Oswald.  As far as the rest of it, I think progress is being made in this thread on understanding the actions and motivations of Truly, Baker, Shelley, Lovelady, and Frazier.  William Weston's spider web made an impression on me.  If Weston is correct the people in charge there would be capable of anything there masters wanted.

If I am correct about Oswald and his camera then it wouldn't have made any difference where he was at in the building or out on the steps or on the Elm Street curb.  There was a plan to make sure he was where he was supposed to be or not in films and photos and testimonies.  There was a well thought out and prepared cover up plan that could be adjusted as circumstance dictated.  The shift from seeing someone on the 3rd or 4th floor stairs to the 2nd floor breakroom is a good example of on the fly adjusting of the cover up.      

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If Shelley did give "Oswald" his instructions on what to do after the shots, then it strikes me that Shelley would be the first person named, once "Oswald" started naming names. And Shelley, of course, would have received his instructions from Truly, so he would have been next on the totem pole. And higher up yet would have been TSBD President, Jack C. Cason. Cason (former commander of American Foreign Legion Post 53) , as we may know, hosted a party in the spring of 1961 (post Bay of Pigs) during which Mrs. Cason was quoted as saying that "someone ought to shoot the president"

Here's a fascinating connection between the FBI and the American Legion:

During WWII, FDR's Attorney General Robert Jackson "sidetracked a proposal by American Legion officials to monitor suspicious activity in defense plants and their communities and to report their findings to military intelligence: instead Jackson authorized the American Legion Contact program, whereby FBI agents recruited and directed Legionnaires in their monitoring activities. By the end of the war, 40,000 Legionnaires had served as FBI informers. (The FBI continued many of these contacts after 1945. Intensified following the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, this program was terminated only in 1966.)


So Jack Cason, a self-described "patriotic citizen who upholds our democratic principles", was the head of an American Foreign Legion Post during the time when the FBI encouraged the AFL to report disloyal Americans. And Bill Shelley testified to having worked in a defense plant during WWII, and he (allegedly) later claimed to an interviewer that he had intelligence connections (CIA, supposedly.)

Bill Shelley and Jack Cason, two guys who for decades had specialized in detecting subversives. 

And yet, right under their noses, the reddest of the red - ol' "Oswald" himself - worked right there in the TSBD, yet they had no idea!

Golly gee, what irony . . .  😄

I wonder if the Glaze letters/Shelley story about almost being arrested on the afternoon of 11/22/63 might actually have a little truth to it? Could "Oswald" have actually let slip something about his contact at the TSBD (without coming right out and saying he was CIA), and could the DPD have reacted by bringing Shelley in for an interrogation? We don't know exactly what "Oswald" did say, but I think we all agree that the DPD's excuse for not producing a verbatim record of what he did say is B.S. And if the Glaze letters detail about Shelley's release coming after calls were placed to the DPD was true, then that possibly would explain the disappearance of the verbatim "Oswald" interrogations.

If Shelley was "Oswald's" contact at the TSBD (again, "if") then almost certainly it was Shelley in the background of those strange leaflet photos from New Orleans in August. 


"Oswald" to Shelley to Truly to  Cason to  ? ? ?

Could be.

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/C Disk/Cason Jack Charles/Item 01.pdf





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