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Trump the new JFK?

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Trump can never be the heir to Hitler till he gives the American people a nice little affordable car. He could call it the People's Car. (I think that translates to Volkswagen in German.) Better yet, forget affordable, give a free one to each American family. A lot less expensive to taxpayers than the Democrats giving everyone free college educations.


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14 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

To compare Trump to JFK in just about any respect is futile.  Different times, different personalities, different goals for the USA.  Pretty much an insult to much of what JFK stood for. 

JFK did much to help people of color in terms of civil rights.  Trump thinks there are good people on both sides of racially motivated violence.  JFK went to Mexico promoting peace with our neighbors.  Trump wants to build a wall and calls immigrants rapists and more.  JFK wanted to eliminate the Oil Depletion allowance for rich investors.  Trump gave the rich a huge tax break.

The Iran drone shoot down does not equate to the Cuban Missile Crisis.  JFK faced Russian Nuclear Weapons 90 miles off our coast brought there in secret.  How it was handled meant the difference in Nuclear War with Russia.  Cities destroyed and millions of deaths in both countries.  Iran shot down our Drone, they say over their airspace.  We say not.  We're obviously close to it, protecting our assets in the area.  Is it worth going to war over, likely with little to no world wide or NATO support?  Or should we just nuke em?  They can't respond. 



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8 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



It could be that not many people responded because they are appalled by what has happened in the last 48hours or so.

It sort of begs the question; who ordered the air strike in the first place? The answer is frightening no matter how you look at it.

Did Trump cancel an air strike he himself had ordered not 4 or 5 hours beforehand? I so, then military engagements are being decided on the spur of the moment, with no thought to the planning.

An article came out that Trump cancelled the air strike, while the planes were in the air,  when he learned that there would be civilian casualties. An estimate of casualties on both sides should be part of any initial planning for a military strike. Does that mean that there was no initial planning?

Is Trump deciding things on a whim?


If Trump didn't order the air strike, then who did?

Who is ordering military action around the world on our behalf?


Like I said. It's frightening no matter how you look at it.


Steve Thomas


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3 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Trump's only "strategy" is to dominate the news cycle heading into a weekend -- he's always had a gnawing, desperate need to see himself on TV -- and to further terrorize his staff, in this case giving Mike Pompeo and John Bolton the shaft.

In the Trump regime Sec. of State and Nat'l Security Adv. are ceremonial roles. 

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are the real national security team.


“He heard from his generals and his diplomats. Lawmakers weighed in and so did his advisers. But among the voices that rang powerfully for President Trump was that of one of his favorite Fox News hosts: Tucker Carlson.”

“While national security advisers were urging a military strike against Iran, Mr. Carlson in recent days had told Mr. Trump that responding to Tehran’s provocations with force was crazy. The hawks did not have the president’s best interests at heart, he said. And if Mr. Trump got into a war with Iran, he could kiss his chances of re-election goodbye.”  </q>


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18 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

I agree with you but am not surprised that we are greeted with crickets.

You don't realize that Trump artificially created a crisis by dropping out of the Iran nuke deal?

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5 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You don't realize that Trump artificially created a crisis by dropping out of the Iran nuke deal?

Yes,  not only did he pull out of the Iran's nuke deal but he appointed the foremost Iran hawk as his Defense Secretary. After he's stupid enough to appoint him, is he just going to toss him under his bus to look like a dove? How could so many of us  know who Bolton is and yet the President doesn't?

Is it just another opportunity for Trump to go on another self congratulatory tour?

Maybe the best way to get through to our Trump advocates might be Fox News. Two of their more sane commentators are also scratching their heads and asking the same questions. Still they flubbed it a bit with inaccuracies.

I'm sure allowing this to get advance to T- minus 10 minutes probably cost us as much as the drone itself. But Wallace incorrectly says the drone was worth 130 Billion, in reality , it was 130 million.

Another false equivalency is their drawing a somewhat strained parallel to  Obama's 2012 Syria red line. It's true, that  in neither case, do our President's look good.  But it never got down to T minus 10 minutes like Trump. And Obama punted by asking for Congress's authorization to strike, as pointed out in the later commentary.



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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12 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

A drone worth $130 million?

Paul, I was shocked by this cost of ONE DRONE also.  

I understand several types of missiles also cost 10's of millions each.

Dear God!

Mind boggling what our military cost.

That ONE DRONE cost amount could cover all 4 years of college expenses ( room, board, class fees and books ) for 1,300 academically and economically deserving young men and women in this country who otherwise couldn't afford this.

No wonder the military and it's accompanying secret government has taken half our budget since WWII.

That ONE drone cost 4 X what the Mueller investigation cost and that the Republicans kept complaining about.

The amount of money we have spent in these two areas of our government since WWII is just beyond comprehension.

We have been steadily more military rich and physical and social infrastructure poor since WWII.

No wonder we have fallen behind so many other industrialized countries in quality of life areas. Health care, housing, education, you name it. 

Trump's golf escapes also cost taxpayers over 3X Muellers investigation.

Trump has no clue.  I once heard a writer Trump hired or someone else close to Trump say Trump's main daily thought patterns center around two areas more than any other...money...and sex.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Trump is so far away from JFK it's embarrassing.

JFK was well read and educated, curious and emotionally secure.

There's a crudeness about Trump versus JFK.

JFK actually cared about 3rd world countries and their citizens and their struggles to be free of exploitation.

Trump simply calls them "xxxx Hole" countries which so clearly shows his complete disdain and dismissal of them and their residents.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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25 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:
1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

A drone worth $130 million?

Wow. An F-22 stealth fighter costs that much.


Though this particular drone  -- the Global Hawk -- is quite large. It must be carrying some very impressive spying capability.




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Program cost‎: ‎US$10 billion (USAF cost through ...
First flight‎: ‎28 February 1998
Unit cost‎: ‎US$131.4M (FY13); US$222.7M (with ...
Number built‎: ‎42 RQ-4Bs as of FY2013
And we've got 42 of them!
Of course Trump's foreign policy theme is that we are always the chump victims of every other country, which just plays into this.
Will America ever feel safe?
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
And we've got 42 of them!

Thanks. I was wondering why the shooting down of one of them doesn't really mean much. (Other than $130 million down the drain. To taxpayers, what else is new?)


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