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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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BTW, I hope she doesn't settle.  I hope it goes to trial.

I would love to hear HRC's defense for calling her a Russian asset.

"Mrs. Clinton does anyone who  advocates for better relations with Russia, or was against the CIA operation to overthrow Assad, would that person--be it Oliver Stone-- be a Russian asset?"

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I should add, I think the Democratic effort in the senate is quite doomed.

But from what I have seen, they are going down valiantly.  If for nothing but showing what a cheap hack Mitch McConnell is.


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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I should add, I think the Democratic effort in the senate is quite doomed.

But from what I have seen, they are going down valiantly.  If for nothing but showing what a cheap hack Mitch McConnell is.


The only point now is to put a show on prime time. There was never going to be removal (short of a meteorite real or metaphorical) but they can cause some centrist political damage. I've always thought the Dems should paint every republican orange as much as they possibly can and wait until November when the detrious floats to the top of the comode. It could only help and I doubt it would cost them anything.

In fact they could have controlled the news cycle by continuing to investigate and fight in court rather than hit the impeachment button now. We'll see if the show exacts a political cost but I can't believe 50% of the public wants him removed and his supporters are running around celebrating. I think Nixon was at 35%/removal when he resigned.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I should add, I think the Democratic effort in the senate is quite doomed.

But from what I have seen, they are going down valiantly.  If for nothing but showing what a cheap hack Mitch McConnell is.


Not only McConnell, but the entire GOP Senate Goon Squad.  What a historically pathetic spectacle.

And the mainstream media is failing to tell the essential story here, as Dan Froomkin pointed out at Salon.com today.


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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I always liked Froomkin.  He is acute and he has guts.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Not only McConnell, but the entire GOP Senate Goon Squad.  What a historically pathetic spectacle.

And the mainstream media is failing to tell the essential story here, as Dan Froomkin pointed out at Salon.com today.


Froomkin nails it.

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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Froomkin nails it.

One of my former patients here in Denver was a close personal friend of the late, great American writer Steve Tesich, who first coined the term "post-truth" society.*

Steve Tesich is probably rolling over in his grave this week, as we witness the first "post-truth" impeachment trial in American history.


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11 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Hillary is not Tulsi's problem--Tulsi is. Rumor has it that she may be the VP candidate with Bernie. I promised to vote blue, no matter who, but that one is going to be a nose-holder.

Why exactly do you feel that way about Tulsi? I have supported her since she announced her trip to Syria and reported back truthfully. It reminded me of JFK in 1957 with Algeria, unpopular truth that everyone needs to hear. 

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Ex-long time GOP strategist Rick Wilson who believes Trump is the Devil Incarnate warns the Republican senators sitting in Trump's impeachment trial:



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3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I was extremely upset when I saw this,and I posted it awhile back. 

Im not sure why that bothered you. She basically just said that she disagrees with the closed door meetings and wanted the evidence to be public. Considering she could grab a lot of wavering Republicans who watch fox, id say she played it smart. Also, her analysis of Clinton being corrupt and having a legacy of ashes is spot on. 

I really hope she is the vp for Bernie. I dont see any other combination of available candidates doing anything other than an obama repeat. It will be more Russia propaganda and more coup attempts, we dont have time to go through more of that.

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21 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I don't think it's great. HRC didn't actually mention Tulsi by name (although I don't know how far that will go)  I think it's a frivolous lawsuit, much in the manner of something, say, Nunes would do.  Hillary is not Tulsi's problem--Tulsi is. Rumor has it that she may be the VP candidate with Bernie. I promised to vote blue, no matter who, but that one is going to be a nose-holder.

And I don't think anyone is expecting Trump to get impeached.   But it is serious stuff presented, and the world watches.

Yes Mam.  The world watches and wonders.  What a spectacle we have become.  I'll still vote blue even if it is the corporate democratic choice (?) of Biden.  Idealistically I personally wish it could be Warren but think the best chance of winning is a Biden and her ticket.  I think a former Oklahoma waitress understands he USA better than a privileged corporate backed politician.  But I know I'm naïve.  

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Dennis said: Considering she could grab a lot of wavering Republicans who watch fox, id say she played it smart.. 
  I agree with Kathy, that is politically a completely dumb move, that she only did because she knew her cause was lost anyway.

We all agree Hillary shouldn't have said it, but this lawsuit is nothing  but a bunch of baby whining. It is frivolous. I'll bet Tulsi's effort  goes nowhere because she''ll be unable to prove it made 1% of a difference. She wasn't going to win anyway and when she backed down from Trump, as I said earlier she's dead meat in the Democratic Party. 
All Tulsi's 3% popularity is based on is meeting the dictator Assad. I agree like many people here that our leaders should never be afraid to talk to our enemies. I guess it is the thought that counts, but it had no effect. Probably the 60 minutes interview with Assad had more effect, good or bad. And Assad probably told Gabbard the very same thing. "Were protecting our country against terrorists, just like you",  just jumping on the terrorist bandwagon, what else would he say?
But then to talk about a junior Senator from Hawaii meeting dictator Assad in the same breathe as JfK and Khrushev with the world in the balance as I heard once on this forum is the weeniest comparison I could imagine and shows absolutely no knowledge of historical precedence. 
The thought of Tulsi now being asked to be a vice presidential candidate would be truly laughable if it wasn't so frightening, because it would be as result of a fantastically successful Trump 2020 year, which considering the current prospects would probably be as result of Trump recklessly using his  military power abroad and getting away with it, (possibly a civil War in Iraq) that would be foolishly perceived by  a very significant portion of the undecided idiot voter as a victory and rally them to his side to the point  that the Democrats would be actually back peddling to include Gabbard who was MIA to her party impeachment of Trump, in a mad political dash to the center. Only the biggest Gabbard fools here would think that that ends would justify the means of putting her on the ticket, but from past experience here with putting up with Trump without a peep, I'd say there could be some.
A Bernie-Gabbard ticket makes no real political sense. How is Tulsi from Hawaii going to help Bernie make any inroads to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota? With either Bernie or Biden, it's a sell out to the idiot undecided voter I've already mentioned and those "present" people with the sleuthing instincts of Gomer Pyle who just can't seem to make up their mind if Trump is culpable of anything. A flag of surrender to the center ,which would absolutely destroy Bernie!  The best VP a coastal lefty like Bernie could pick for the swing states would be someone with union credentials such as Sherrod Brown from Ohio, or Buttigieg.
'Peach Dat!
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