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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Good article.  Thanks for linking it.

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10 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Told you Cliff.

The headline is so misleading it’s downright disingenuous.

Sanders was nauseated by the similarities between Kennedy’s and Nixon’s policy toward Cuba.  Regime change foreign policies — whether it’s Democratic or Republican — are nauseating, indeed.

No one bats a thousand. Everyone is wrong sometimes, right? Kennedy was wrong when he green-lit the Bay of Pigs, and wrong again when he okayed the overthrow of Diem. Those mistakes cost Kennedy his life.

But in other areas of foreign policy Kennedy was a friend of nations seeking nonalignment as they emerged from colonialism. 

I’m a Bernie supporter but I find the politics of Medicare for All nauseating. That doesn’t mean I find Bernie nauseating personally any more than Bernie found JFK nauseating.

Context, Cory, context.





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Thank you, Cliff.  I got the same interpretation of Bernie's words.  I also think he was commenting on the fact that at that time, both Republican and Democratic perceptions of the "Cuba" problem were variations of the same interpretations.   I had meant to post a similar sentiment yesterday, but got busy.  I think we sometimes get too caught up with the idea that if we don't agree with someone 100%, we can't support them at all.  Every single person should have their own views on most subjects and not expect complete approval of those ideas by others.  It's why in most situations, compromise is not a bad thing.  Everyone sees things from a different perspective and together can often make improvements on a single individuals perception of a solution to a problem.  This is much of what I have always admired about JFK.  He had very strong core beliefs, but grew in his understanding with every situation he went through because he was willing to accept input of ideas from others and suspend immediate push back until he considered them.  If they did not violate his deep core beliefs, he was open to "outside the box" solutions no matter whom they came from.  This, I think, became what others often called "softness" in his policies/administration due to the fact that he was not a "my way or the highway" hard liner.  Now our politicians push the "if you ever changed your mind" on any subject, you're a flip flopper.  I think JFK considered such changes to be the effect of new information or learning and not a bad thing overall as long as you maintained your core convictions and standards.

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

[Prof. Cole makes a strong case that Bernie could defeat Trump in November]

Top 3 Myths about Bernie Sanders and Electability





          I've become a regular reader at Professor Juan Cole's website.  Here's another one at Informed Comment today that is relevant to Bernie's candidacy.

          Our media moguls have been denigrating social democracy for so many decades that the great FDR, himself, would be labeled a radical, un-electable "socialist" in America today.

Social Democracy has made Nordic Countries Happy and Prosperous: Americans should Learn from Them


February 9, 2020

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22 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

"Gambling is illegal at Bushwood".  

Seriously, you can always send me money for myself but I cannot hold money for an interstate bet.  So Cliff has bet you Robert Wheeler.   Will you take that bet?

All US Prez elections are bought. I know Bernie is trying his best to overcome this, and I’d like to think he could win on a level playing field, I just doubt he’ll be *allowed* to win.

Hell, the Banksters, Bible-Thumpers, and MSM CEOs wouldn’t allow Hillary, of all people.

So, since the election is going to be bought by various star chambers why not have it bought  by one guy so rich he is no one’s puppet?

That was a big part of Trump’s initial appeal — the fiction he was this self-funding billionaire.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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On 2/7/2020 at 9:17 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

I seem to have more concern about his treatment in Iowa than 90% of the avowed leftists here.


one summarizing quote from the article:

"But of course it’s no accident, and anyone with clear eyes and good intentions sees this. If you see someone working hard to make you believe that it’s incompetence, you are dealing with someone who is invested in maintaining the status quo in some way. You are being manipulated."

I have to agree completely Robert. This is the problem with the Democratic party and why I personally can't subscribe to the "anyone but Trump, at all costs" mentality. Besides, if the goal is simply to beat Trump, I don't believe dirty tricks is necessary. The New Deal is still more powerful with the American people than the neoliberal economic schools. The problem is that the Democratic party does everything it can to avoid and actually dismantles New Deal style programs and politicians in its party. The result of that is the DNC conspiring against Sanders in 2016 and apparently once again in 2020, not to mention what they have done to Tulsi. But its about maintaining the status quo, not winning. I would love to hear Hillary Clinton or Tom Perez answer this question: If you could pick the next president right now between Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump, who would you pick?

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In 2012 Mitt Romney was declared the winner  of the Iowa caucus. Then it turned out Rick Santorum won the most votes. Once the dust settled Ron Paul won the most delegates.

That electoral cock-up ruffled few feathers in the MSM. Compare that to the media hysteria over the current Dem debacle in the same state.

In the supposed “liberal media” GOP molehills become mountains for Democrats.

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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If pre-rigging for Insurance reasons was Standard practice, one would think it would still be kept as quiet as possible.

The other "Reason" for pre-rigging a building mentioned that I have read is that there was a "National Security" reason during the Cold War. Basically, if the Soviets ever invaded Manhattan, the WTC would be blown up. (That still might have been a good "top Secret" reason to tell people why they needed to never speak of the explosives in the building.)


I know, but if we're talking natural disaster, one would think fire codes would be involved, and alphabet soup-agencies (OSHA, e. g.) overseeing workplace safety and urban management.  Not that these agencies can't be circumvented, as OSHA frequently is.  I have found from experience that government regulatory agencies are like the Better Business Bureau - they're there to effect a compromise, not put anybody out of business.

But, through civilians in the insurance industry, doomsday device planning would have leaked, especially after near misses such as the first WTC bombing. Don’t forget that under this scenario we’re talking about buildings all over the world, not just WTC.    It would seem the place to start on this would be to nail down what material is in insurance company contracts, architectural studies for buildings, code inspections, etc.  It's difficult to believe that secret wiring configurations would be accepted as a premium slasher without some written record and schedule of inspection and upkeep.  If a rat chews through a wire in the basement, does the system fail?  Does it all go Ka-boom without a cover story in place?

I have to look at what Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has to say about this.  NB that I did watch a Richard A. Grove interview with Buzzsaw linked to at the Gibson Island site.  I had read Grove before, but never seen him, and he comes off just a bit too good to be true.  I have to do more research in all these directions.  So, it's good that you bring this up.

The WTC insurance documents hacked by Dark Overlord contain a plethora of information, but I haven't been able to access any that have to do with construction and security of the twin towers.  Still, they may be within, especially with the sweetheart contract handed Silverstein.

A more detailed Godzilla Plan account.  Is it true?



Edited by David Andrews
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I just sent a message to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  We'll see the nature of the response.

I would be interested to hear the opinion of architects and engineers of the existence of a FEMA-backed "Godzilla Plan" that mandated the installation and maintenance of controlled demolition wiring and explosives in buildings subject to terror attack, or liable to damage other property in case of partial destruction by natural disaster.  Web pages such as the one linked to below describe these as top secret demolition plans which building owners must submit in order to receive favorable insurance rates.  I am asking because of the existence of this theory on the Web, which is not through my personal fabulating.  Is there evidence for the "Godzilla Plan"?  Is there documentation of this in architectural or insurance documents?  What is the knowledge and experience of your architects and engineers? Thank you:

Edited by David Andrews
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From the A&E site, on Larry Silverstein:

However, according to Fox News journalist Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a 9/11 eyewitness and ardent defender of the official 9/11 story, Larry Silverstein had controlled demolition on his mind on September 11, 2001, and it was no secret to the NYPD and others on the ground that day. In an article entitled ‘Shame On Jesse Ventura!’ Shapiro wrote:

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

Apparently unaware that it takes months of planning and setup to demolish a skyscraper, Shapiro added, “A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives.”


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4 hours ago, David Andrews said:

From the A&E site, on Larry Silverstein:

However, according to Fox News journalist Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a 9/11 eyewitness and ardent defender of the official 9/11 story, Larry Silverstein had controlled demolition on his mind on September 11, 2001, and it was no secret to the NYPD and others on the ground that day. In an article entitled ‘Shame On Jesse Ventura!’ Shapiro wrote:

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

Apparently unaware that it takes months of planning and setup to demolish a skyscraper, Shapiro added, “A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives.”


Silverstein is also on video explaining that he "told them to pull it" (WTC7) on 9/11, before they "watched it come down" in an obvious controlled demolition.

Whom was he referring to as "them?"

It wasn't the NYFD because, as one of their experts later explained, "We (the NYFD) don't do demolitions."

And, in any case, it would have taken a lot of time and man-hours to stage an expert demolition of a 47 floor skyscraper like WTC7.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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53 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Silverstein is also on video explaining that he "told them to pull it" (WTC7) on 9/11, before they "watched it come down" in an obvious controlled demolition.

Whom was he referring to as "them?"

It wasn't the NYFD because, as one of their experts later explained, "We (the NYFD) don't do demolitions."

And, in any case, it would have taken a lot of time and man-hours to stage an expert demolition of a 47 floor skyscraper like WTC7.

What struck me about Silverstein’s statement was “the smart thing to do was pull it.”

The smart thing. Not “the safest thing,” but the “smart thing”

I can’t prove it but I suspect the plan all along was to bring the Twin Money Losers down and rebuild.  Securacom took over security in 1995, so they had 6 years to wire them up.

The demolition of the Twin Towers — the greatest engineering feat in history no one could take credit for.

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

What struck me about Silverstein’s statement was “the smart thing to do was pull it.”

The smart thing. Not “the safest thing,” but the “smart thing”

I can’t prove it but I suspect the plan all along was to bring the Twin Money Losers down and rebuild.  Securacom took over security in 1995, so they had 6 years to wire them up.

The demolition of the Twin Towers — the greatest engineering feat in history no one could take credit for.

Sometimes I look at how much of the London skyline was refashioned after 2001, and consider that the New York skyline was "due" for an architectural revamping as per Silverstein's shanted monotower.  Smart moves come in cultural waves.

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On 1/4/2020 at 4:18 PM, Anthony Thorne said:

Edmonds seems a nice lady and her anti war articles have been helpful, but her work gives me a headache and I could see her doing really well on a joint book tour with Judyth Baker. That noted, I don’t blame you for staying out of 9/11 stuff Jim, and I often ponder the same notion myself.


Sibel Edmonds claims Osama Bin Laden is The Last Gladio:


With apologies to Anthony for piggybacking.

Edited by David Andrews
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