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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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I honestly worry about both Bernie Sander's and Joe Biden's health and stamina from now until this November.

The primaries have already been exhausting it seems to me and especially for two men close to 80 years old and with Bernie actually having at least one or more heart issues.

Warren looks like she is in excellent health. The other candidates as well.

If Sanders is the front runner and even the final nominee and he suffers a significant health setback before the election, it could change everything and in a potentially negative way for the Democrats.

I hate to lose Warren as a senator, but if she and Sanders could work through their mutual animosity, I also would love to see a Sanders/Warren ticket.

They would win the national women vote easily.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Agree completely.

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

9/11 certainly seems like one of those once-in-a-generation "Deep State" plots, so discussions of similarities and connections to the JFK assassination does not seem all that "conspiratorial" on a "conspiracy" forum. 


Again, certain similarities between Bernard Kerik and John O'Neill, former FBI:

  • New York City-based
  • Counterterrorism "expert"
  • O'Neill angled for a job on Bush's NSC, but was forced to withdraw, telling backers such as Richard A. Clarke to stop promoting him for the job (if indeed they were seriously doing so), because he feared an investigation of his personal life and financial involvements would destroy his reputation, or worse.
  • Like O'Neill, Kerik sought work in the private sector due to inability to survive administrative change in a law enforcement career.
  • O'Neill and Kerik the only involved public figures who faced public exposure after 9/11.

I would appreciate any further knowledge of O'Neill or Kerik in the years 2000-2001.  It is possible that O'Neill sought foreign employment as Kerik did.  He had announced his hopes to find an "international"-level position after forced retirement from the FBI, hence his application to work for pal Tommy Mottola as head of security for SONY Records.  (That bid failed, possibly because O'Neill was not starting gate-ready in the area of cybersecurity.)

Kerik is said to have been "mobbed up."  The same thing is alluded about O'Neill.  Does anyone have anecdotes or associations?


Robert, if you look back to Iran-Contra, you will find several figures from that era at the periphery of 9/11, including Frank Carlucci, who negotiated between the Carlyle Group and the Bin Laden family.  If the trails of several figures lead back to GHWB, then 9/11 and Iran-Contra are on a continuum that leads back to the JFKA.  Look also at Wolfowitz, Poindexter, Armitage, more, from Iran-Contra to 9/11.

Since the gap between the Al Qaeda era and the years of CIA backing of the mujahideen against the USSR are spanned by muj alumni fighting in the Bosnian conflict, it may be possible to explain the remapping and ethnic assortment of the Balkans on this continuum, a kind of prelude to the realignment of Central Asia.

Edited by David Andrews
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      A lot of people on this forum, including Larry Hancock, seem to know far more than I do about the subject, but I want to mention some interesting books that I have read on the subject of the Bush family, the CIA, "Al Qaeda," and 9/11.  Herewith.

1) Christopher Bollyn's Solving 9/11 (2 volumes) and The War on Terror.


2)  John Schindler's Unholy Terror (about "Al Qaeda" and the Bosnian civil war.)

3)  Laurent Guyenot's JFK to 9/11-- 50 Years of Deep State

4)  Sibel Edmonds' Classified Woman

5)  Russ Baker's Family of Secrets (which includes some review of the Bush- Bin Laden connections, including the rather astonishing fact that Osama Bin Laden's brother was the main investor in George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil Company!)


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14 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


I honestly worry about both Bernie Sander's and Joe Biden's health and stamina from now until this November.

The primaries have already been exhausting it seems to me and especially for two men close to 80 years old and with Bernie actually having at least one or more heart issues.

Warren looks like she is in excellent health. The other candidates as well.

If Sanders is the front runner and even the final nominee and he suffers a significant health setback before the election, it could change everything and in a potentially negative way for the Democrats.

I hate to lose Warren as a senator, but if she and Sanders could work through their mutual animosity, I also would love to see a Sanders/Warren ticket.

They would win the national women vote easily.



The funny thing is Bernie's in much better shape now than he was the day before his procedure. A stent to clear blockage is so routine now it literally takes less time to perform than eating at a Chinese restaurant. Complain about medicine all you want but what would have killed our fathers years ago is probably going to be a DIY at Best Buy any day now haha.

Even bypass surgery is often good for 30 more years. Plus the wire they use to sew the sternum back together is good for at least two bars of cell reception. Little known fact hahaha.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      A lot of people on this forum, including Larry Hancock, seem to know far more than I do about the subject, but I want to mention some interesting books that I have read on the subject of the Bush family, the CIA, "Al Qaeda," and 9/11.  Herewith.

1) Christopher Bollyn's Solving 9/11 (2 volumes) and The War on Terror.


2)  John Schindler's Unholy Terror (about "Al Qaeda" and the Bosnian civil war.)

3)  Laurent Guyenot's JFK to 9/11-- 50 Years of Deep State

4)  Sibel Edmonds' Classified Woman

5)  Russ Baker's Family of Secrets (which includes some review of the Bush- Bin Laden connections, including the rather astonishing fact that Osama Bin Laden's brother was the main investor in George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil Company!)

Thank you.

Do you recall how deeply Kerik or O'Neill is discussed in sources 1 to 4?

Does anyone know sources on the pre-9/11 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which involved NYPD with FBI and CIA?

Edited by David Andrews
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Thanks, Robert.  One other area of Mob control to consider would be the construction industry and associated trades and their unions (concrete pouring, electrical, cartage and hauling, etc.) particularly in their involvement in Trump projects.

For example, when, in the 1980s, Resorts International, and then Trump, developed casino-hotel projects in Atlantic City, it touched off a Mob war among Italian factions in Philly and in New Jersey over control of the hotel employees union.  Concrete pouring and garbage hauling for the Boardwalk casinos would have been Mob controlled as well.

The US Attorney's office for the Southern District (SDNY) - home base to both Giuliani and future DHS director Michael Chertoff - has long been scrutinized over selective and influenced prosecutions, down to its delays in prosecuting Harvey Weinstein, who was a large Hillary campaign donor and, by rumor, did the same for Weinstein prosecutor Cyrus Vance, Jr. 

It's doubtful that John O'Neill's career suffered due to his involvements in NYC politics, but Kerik was punished by the press in a similar way, and both men are alleged to have been "Mobbed up."  In O'Neill's case it started young, with a father who owned a taxi service in Atlantic City, and who was, by the time O'Neill was transitioning from FBI clerk to Agent, under investigation for involvement in an interstate stolen car ring.  O'Neill like to brag that he was one of the last agents to join under Hoover, and some of what he said about his contact with Hoover is untrustworthy; however he did boast that Hoover told him he would be the first agent candidate whose father the Bureau was investigating.  (The investigation itself is documented in fitness reports on O'Neill available through FOIA requests.)  How did O'Neill pass muster at FBI, and afford college at American University?  He was under the patronage of Paddy McGahn, attorney and (with his brother, a New Jersey legislator) political broker in Atlantic City.  McGahn helped Resorts International legalize casino gaming in the state, and later facilitated the entrance of Donald Trump into the world of the Boardwalk.  His son, Don McGahn, was Trump's White House Counsel from 2016-2018.  

Edited by David Andrews
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Diane Sawyer interviewed New York City Gotti crime family Capo and hit man Sammy "The Bull" Gravano back in April of 1997.

Gravano had already ratted out his former boss by this time and spilled a few more beans ( very small servings ) to Sawyer as well.

Gravano was discussing his control over a few of the trade unions in NYC during he and Gotti's heyday and especially the cement pourers union.  He said he and Gotti were pulling in millions of dollars a year in extorted kick backs from this trade union alone.

In the middle of Gravano's bragging recollection of not just how good of a hit man he was and also how good he was as the controller of this particular NYC building industry graft corruption scheme he blurts out an unprompted ... " Donald Trump couldn't get a buildin' built wit-out goin' throughs me. "

Now, as we all know Trump did a lot of New York City construction right during the time Gotti and Gravano ran these unions.

So, Gravano is telling the world...that Trump had major construction dealings with them during that time period?   Imo it sure sounds that way.

New Jersey was the same thing.

New Jersey and New York were so controlled by the mob in that era. One can fairly assume or reasonably guess that Trump has been dealing with elements of organized crime throughout much of his business career.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Thank you.

Do you recall how deeply Kerik or O'Neill is discussed in sources 1 to 4?

Does anyone know sources on the pre-9/11 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which involved NYPD with FBI and CIA?


Bollyn and the other authors I referenced above don't say much about Kerik.

It's clear that Michael Cherthoff played a central role in suppressing the evidence and any investigations of the WTC demolitions, (including his release of the "Five Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents to Israel from FBI custody) and Giuliani and Kerik were, obviously, in the loop in the 9/11 cover up-- controlling access to Ground Zero, and overseeing the rapid destruction of the forensic evidence (sans arson investigation.)

Giuliani lied to the 9/11 Commission about his foreknowledge of the WTC1 and WTC2 demolitions, and he also lied about the serious toxicity of Ground Zero (and lower Manhattan) resulting from the WTC demolitions. 

David Ray Griffin has written in detail about the evidence implicating Giuliani as an accessory in the cover up of 9/11 op.

Here's one reference;

Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11



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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Here's one reference;

Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11



Thank you.

Here is a reference on our blessed president:


In late 2018, Johnny received another “vision” related to Trump, which he shared with a pastor in North Carolina, who posted it online:

President Trump was standing outside in the dark and a big spotlight was shining on him like he had broken out of prison. He was being fired at and was taking all the shots and being hit by bullets being fired from the dark from the prison. Pastors and Christian leaders were standing behind him kind of pushing him out in front of them. They were praising him for standing up for them. Then the Lord spoke and said, “He is not supposed to be standing up for you. You are supposed to be standing with him. When you stand with him, persecution will come like it has come on him. When you stand with him, I will back you up. I will defend you. I will stand with you. If you don’t stand with him, they will kill him.”

[...]“For me, it was like the president opened the window,” said Elgonda Brunkhorst, a retired nurse at the Wink Theatre. “And Jesus went, ‘There you are, America. I’ll give you a new start.’ ”

Edited by David Andrews
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11 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Thank you.

Here is a reference on our blessed president:


In late 2018, Johnny received another “vision” related to Trump, which he shared with a pastor in North Carolina, who posted it online:

President Trump was standing outside in the dark and a big spotlight was shining on him like he had broken out of prison. He was being fired at and was taking all the shots and being hit by bullets being fired from the dark from the prison. Pastors and Christian leaders were standing behind him kind of pushing him out in front of them. They were praising him for standing up for them. Then the Lord spoke and said, “He is not supposed to be standing up for you. You are supposed to be standing with him. When you stand with him, persecution will come like it has come on him. When you stand with him, I will back you up. I will defend you. I will stand with you. If you don’t stand with him, they will kill him.”

[...]“For me, it was like the president opened the window,” said Elgonda Brunkhorst, a retired nurse at the Wink Theatre. “And Jesus went, ‘There you are, America. I’ll give you a new start.’ ”

In my religion (Russian Orthodox) we would call this vision, "prelest"-- a spiritual delusion.

As the theologian Peter Wehner has outlined so clearly, (in the NYT and elsewhere) Donald Trump's beliefs and practices are completely antithetical to traditional Christianity.

It absolutely boggles my mind that any semi-educated "Christian" could believe that Don Mar-a-Lago is a "Christian."

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The Assange extradition hearing has adjourned until May. Reports of this week’s events can be found on the Consortium News website. All persons of conscience should have a look. Craig Murray’s daily reports are highly recommended.

The defence team has applied very strong arguments against the substance of the charges against Assange, but face a legal situation by which the prosecutors argue, and the judge maintains, that neither the letter of the law, the factual basis of the charges, or precedents will apply. It’s a combination of Alice in Wonderland, Kafka, and Orwell.

On Monday, the first day of the hearing, Assange was strip searched twice, handcuffed eleven times, and moved between five different holding cells. In the courtroom, he is confined to a glass-walled cage at the back of the courtroom and prevented from contact with his legal team during the proceedings. This is a publisher, with no history of violence.



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When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult

The Trump team confirms all of our worst fears.

Paul Krugman

By Paul Krugman

Opinion Columnist The New York Times

  • Feb. 27, 2020
President Trump on Wednesday addressed the evils associated with the coronavirus. Among them: the reporters asking questions.
President Trump on Wednesday addressed the evils associated with the coronavirus. Among them: the reporters asking questions.Credit...Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times

So, here’s the response of the Trump team and its allies to the coronavirus, at least so far: It’s actually good for America. Also, it’s a hoax perpetrated by the news media and the Democrats. Besides, it’s no big deal, and people should buy stocks. Anyway, we’ll get it all under control under the leadership of a man who doesn’t believe in science.

From the day Donald Trump was elected, some of us worried how his administration would deal with a crisis not of its own making. Remarkably, we’ve gone three years without finding out: Until now, every serious problem facing the Trump administration, from trade wars to confrontation with Iran, has been self-created. But the coronavirus is looking as if it might be the test we’ve been fearing.

And the results aren’t looking good.

The story of the Trump pandemic response actually began several years ago. Almost as soon as he took office, Trump began cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leading in turn to an 80 percent cut in the resources the agency devotes to global disease outbreaks. Trump also shut down the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council.

Experts warned that these moves were exposing America to severe risks. “We’ll leave the field open to microbes,” declared Tom Frieden, a much-admired former head of the C.D.C., more than two years ago. But the Trump administration has a preconceived notion about where national security threats come from — basically, scary brown people — and is hostile to science in general. So we entered the current crisis in an already weakened condition.


And the microbes came.

The first reaction of the Trumpers was to see the coronavirus as a Chinese problem — and to see whatever is bad for China as being good for us. Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, cheered it on as a development that would “accelerate the return of jobs to North America.”


The story changed once it became clear that the virus was spreading well beyond China. At that point it became a hoax perpetrated by the news media. Rush Limbaugh weighed in: “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. … The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”

Limbaugh was, you may not be surprised to hear, projecting. Back in 2014 right-wing politicians and media did indeed try to politically weaponize a disease outbreak, the Ebola virus, with Trump himself responsible for more than 100 tweets denouncing the Obama administration’s response (which was actually competent and effective).

And in case you’re wondering, no, the coronavirus isn’t like the common cold. In fact, early indications are that the virus may be as lethal as the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed as many as 50 million people.


Financial markets evidently don’t agree that the virus is a hoax; by Thursday afternoon the Dow was off more than 3,000 points since last week. Falling markets appear to worry the administration more than the prospect of, you know, people dying. So Larry Kudlow, the administration’s top economist, made a point of declaring that the virus was “contained” — contradicting the C.D.C. — and suggested that Americans buy stocks. The market continued to drop.


At that point the administration appears to have finally realized that it might need to do something beyond insisting that things were great. But according to The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman, it initially proposed paying for a virus response by cutting aid to the poor — specifically, low-income heating subsidies. Cruelty in all things.

On Wednesday Trump held a news conference on the virus, much of it devoted to incoherent jabs at Democrats and the media. He did, however, announce the leader of the government response to the threat. Instead of putting a health care professional in charge, however, he handed the job to Vice President Mike Pence, who has an interesting relationship with both health policy and science.

Early in his political career, Pence staked out a distinctive position on public health, declaring that smoking doesn’t kill people. He has also repeatedly insisted that evolution is just a theory. As governor of Indiana, he blocked a needle exchange program that could have prevented a significant H.I.V. outbreak, calling for prayer instead.

And now, according to The Times, government scientists will need to get Pence’s approval before making public statements about the coronavirus.

So the Trumpian response to crisis is completely self-centered, entirely focused on making Trump look good rather than protecting America. If the facts don’t make Trump look good, he and his allies attack the messengers, blaming the news media and the Democrats — while trying to prevent scientists from keeping us informed. And in choosing people to deal with a real crisis, Trump prizes loyalty rather than competence.

Maybe Trump — and America — will be lucky, and this won’t be as bad as it might be. But anyone feeling confident right now isn’t paying attention.

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