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Oliver Stone and Judyth Baker

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1 hour ago, S.T. Patrick said:

The JVB does have a sister who remains supportive and was at the conference this year. I have never seen her speak on the subject, but I'm assuming her support at the conferences means something about her trust in the story.

Also, there is a woman named Victoria Sulzer, who places Oswald at the apartment of Sherman. Shes spoken at several conferences. She says openly that she never saw The JVB there or anywhere, but she is 100% sure it was LHO at Sherman's apartment. I believe Ms. Sulzer lived in the same building. I've spoken with her various times and find her to be incredibly nice and sincere. She's also kind of shy, absolutely not an attention seeker. But again she states openly that she's an Oswald-Sherman witness and not an eyewitness of The JVB.



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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Paul, I don't have a really good reason to compare the two, except perhaps the view by some that Mae Brussell ( who came out with many conspiracy claims that seemed quite "out there" at the time) was also looked upon ( again by some ) as an obsessive eccentric and questioned her research and motives in sharing her views publicly. 

Although everyone agreed Mae Brussell ( like JVB ) was indeed a very bright and intelligent woman.


I don’t see any common ground. 

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12 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t see any common ground. 

Paul you're right. I am going back and editing my post to delete the comparison.

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I have heard through the grapevine that CAPA is going to dissolve. If that is the case the J.V.B. has free reign on the JFK conference schedule this NOv. unless someone else steps up to the plate.

Simply wonderful.

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16 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

I have heard through the grapevine that CAPA is going to dissolve. If that is the case the J.V.B. has free reign on the JFK conference schedule this NOv. unless someone else steps up to the plate.

Simply wonderful.

See the post Lancer Dead, COPA Dead, Now CAPA?

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On 1/12/2020 at 9:59 PM, S.T. Patrick said:

The JVB does have a sister who remains supportive and was at the conference this year. I have never seen her speak on the subject, but I'm assuming her support at the conferences means something about her trust in the story.


She also appears near the beginning of Judyth's appearance on THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY.

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21 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

I have heard through the grapevine that CAPA is going to dissolve. If that is the case the J.V.B. has free reign on the JFK conference schedule this NOv. unless someone else steps up to the plate.

Simply wonderful.

But not hopeless?

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"I worked with Oswald in New Orleans!" OK, could be true. Could also be made up.

"I had a fling with Oswald in New Orleans!" Hmm, maybe it's true, maybe it's a complete invention. And who cares, anyway?

"Oswald and I were involved in a top-secret CIA cancer plot against Fidel Castro!" Oh dear. [Backs away slowly. Looks around for men in white coats with large butterfly nets.]

"Please send me lots of money!" Ah! Now I get it.

Interesting account of this strange person here:


(If that link doesn't work, go to https://gregrparker.com/essays/ and click on 'The Making of a Fantasist'.)

An unsolved mystery like the JFK assassination is always going to attract its fair share of fantasists, frauds, charlatans and outright nutcases. As Greg points out in his article, it's a serious mistake for genuine researchers to associate with and give credibility to those parasitical hangers-on. As the parasites' credibility increases, the researchers' credibility decreases.

Not only that, but it allows the media to persuade the general public that the only people who criticise the official line are the crazies and the frauds. What on earth was Oliver Stone thinking of?

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7 minutes ago, Kris Millegan said:

Here again we have folks trashing  Judyth Vary Baker. So full of lies and mistakes. Can even spell my name right.


Worthless commentary 


You mean the very first one by yourself? You are spot on.


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2 hours ago, Kris Millegan said:

Judyth Vary Baker. So full of lies and mistakes.

Couldn't have said it better...  :up

No matter where you go  KM, there you are...


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3 hours ago, Kris Millegan said:

Here again we have folks trashing  Judyth Vary Baker. So full of lies and mistakes. Can even spell my name right.


Worthless commentary 


Hello, Kris. The bottom line for me is that there are reasons to doubt Judyth's story, and that it is a mistake to tie the current and future credibility of assassination research to someone whose story is questionable, or worse. I mean, why Judyth? Why not build a conference around people with more credibility, e.g. John Newman, Cyril Wecht, Tink Thompson? Is it a financial thing? Is Judyth's name a big draw? 

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